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Rafale to give India edge over China, Pakistan: IAF chief Bhadauria

Technically in proper hands, both the SU-30 and upgraded MK2s should prove formidable opponents if not have the edge, however, To dream, one needs to be fast asleep and to fulfill those dreams, you have to be wide awake.
27th February proved that IAF was fulfilling both objectives while snoring and the habitual statements from Indian war lords seem that they are sleep walking.
Cmon guys show some fear Rafale is gonna arrive and u guys keep on being sarcastic nd our jf cant do anything about it....But these gangudeshi baboons pilots would never get an edge over PAF pilots before rafale su-30 was reason for their chest thumping now this but result wont be any different Inshallah ...
Two missiles fired two Indian jets downed, I don't care either they are both SD10s or both AAMRAMs.
Ofcourse it doesnt matter as long as the job is done. Its just for maybe research and evaluation purposes. By the way a total of more than 12 A2A missiles were fired by PAF.
Ofcourse it doesnt matter as long as the job is done. Its just for maybe research and evaluation purposes. By the way a total of more than 12 A2A missiles were fired by PAF.
Not the case as per my best sources we have fired only two missiles and perfect kill record but Some idiots / fan boys and some Indian propaganda told / spread that we have fired 12 missiles ...in that case Indian could have locate more than one missiles but they only show remains of one that we have fired at Su-30.
I really don't understand why Pakistani get triggered so easily...What else GAF chief is supposed to say? So guys please control yourself.
Yes. That folk needs to earn his pay check and hefty commissions too.....

Rafaels and Ambanis (the principal financiers behind Modi/Amit/RSS/BJP etc.) are the two sides of the same coin!!! My gut feelings is they won't put Rafaels on the Harm's Way!!! It's always the poor old "Dalit" Mig-21s....
The F-7PG can survive that scenario but it all depends upon the setup and pilot skill.
Ofcourse the circumstances matter and which guy got happened to get into a advantageous position.
Ofcourse the circumstances matter and which guy got happened to get into a advantageous position.
In a neutral setup and in the merge with equally skilled pilots - the Rafale will get first shot, first kill on most aircraft in the subcontinent until Pakistan acquires a off boresight weapons system for the Thunder. Then its an equal game.
In a neutral setup and in the merge with equally skilled pilots - the Rafale will get first shot, first kill on most aircraft in the subcontinent until Pakistan acquires a off boresight weapons system for the Thunder. Then its an equal game.
What is off boresight weapon system???
In a neutral setup and in the merge with equally skilled pilots - the Rafale will get first shot, first kill on most aircraft in the subcontinent until Pakistan acquires a off boresight weapons system for the Thunder. Then its an equal game.
Sir Sajjad Haider said that bring what you want (rafale) but PAF maintains first strike capability and I believe he was told to deliver that message by PAF.
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