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Rafale to give India edge over China, Pakistan: IAF chief Bhadauria

Rafale = very good aircraft. Yes.

When coupled with the cutting-edge Meteor BVRAAM, a squadron of Rafale jets might have no peer in the region in purely technical terms for a while.

However, quality of men, is an important consideration as well. India does not produce good pilots and tacticians on average.

It remains to be seen if Rafale squadrons will compensate for Indian incompetence in aerial engagements.
Su-30MKI's were supposedly gonna mop the floor with everything PAF was to throw at them. Mini AWAS and what not.

So RaPPhayel is the new god and mantra over there? Wonder what happens when they get disappointed again?
Well Rafale is a serious threat no need to ridicule it however how IAF manages it remains to be seen but having said so after the humiliation of 27th February, IAF will try to settle the score and the only thing they are now waiting is for rafales to come and integrate them with the existing fleet. With the right pilots IAF will be a force to reckon with which i hope PAF is not only monitoring but also doing something about it including the induction of the block 3 JF-17 which will significantly boost the current capabilities of PAF along with another jet either the new blocks of F-16s or perhaps the J-10C.
Can the JF-17 blk 2 survive in WVR scenario against a Rafale ?
quantity wise IAF was and will always remain ahead of PAF, no question about it. But as far as quality is concerned, PAF was always better than IAF till 90s when our premier jet was F16 and Mig29 was indian number 1.

But unfortunately after 90s, PAF loosing this quality edge as well when india inducted SU30 Mki in large numbers and now Refale where as PAF going in reverse gear . We are busy in upgrading 2nd generation Mirages 3 & 5 and try to develop JF-17 which have very weak engine with chines help.
Rafale = very good aircraft. Yes.

When coupled with the cutting-edge Meteor BVRAAM, a squadron of Rafale jets might have no peer in the region in purely technical terms for a while.

However, quality of men, is an important consideration as well. India does not produce good pilots and tacticians on average.

It remains to be seen if Rafale squadrons will compensate for Indian incompetence in aerial engagements.
sir the dual pulse rocket motor of pl15 and the ECCM capabilities of both its seeker and that of klj7A may and i repeat may surprise many moreover how can we throw j20 from this equation unceremoniously?
Thanks GOD they stopped talking about the mightness of SU-30mki after getting shahdat in the hands of a Block 30 Pakistani F-16
j20 will easily destroy indian rafale without being visible to them on radars,india is living in foolsparadise
Is Rafale alian technology? like indians said in past SU30 Mki is 2nd best fighter in the world. :D Chinese airforce is far ahead than india.

NEW DELHI: Rafale jets will greatly enhance the capabilities of the Indian Air Force (IAF) and will give it an edge over Pakistan and China, new IAF chief Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria said on Monday.

"Rafale is a very capable aircraft, once we induct it, it will be a gamechanger in terms of our operational capability and when we use it in combination with SU-30 and other fleets which we have, we would have a serious jump in our capability. It will give us an edge over Pakistan and China," Bhadauria told ANI soon after taking over as the 26th chief of the force.

Incidentally, Bhadauria was the chairman of the Indian negotiation team for the Rs 60,000 crore 36 Rafale combat aircraft deal and played a significant role in getting deal cleared. The Rafale deal signed in 2016 is the biggest ever defence deal signed by India.

The first Rafale aircraft to be inducted by defence minister Rajnath Singh in France will also have the tail number RB-01 written on it in recognition of the role played by the officer in it.

Earlier, Bhadauria visited the National War Memorial to pay his tributes soon after taking charge as the IAF chief today.

"It is a matter of great honour for me to take over the charge of the IAF, which is one of the finest air forces in the world," he said.

Speaking about the Balakot air strikes carried out earlier this year by the IAF, Bhadauria said that the force was prepared for action and, "We were prepared then (before the Balakot air strikes) and many of the acquisitions were part of the plan but we were able to expedite it and we will be ready for any challenges in the future too."


What about mini AWACS SU-30 :lol: after getting shot down ...now they are upto humiliate Rafale as well :rofl:

@Windjammer @Bratva see another proof...nobody in Indian no more talking about mighty Su-30.
The only edge it might give, is, to the financer, who might invest money in this project.
Indian poors will be poorer. Better built it, and sell it others.. Better invest in Rafale project and earn money for the poor of India. Pakistan and China are not interested in attacking your country.

NEW DELHI: Rafale jets will greatly enhance the capabilities of the Indian Air Force (IAF) and will give it an edge over Pakistan and China, new IAF chief Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria said on Monday.

"Rafale is a very capable aircraft, once we induct it, it will be a gamechanger in terms of our operational capability and when we use it in combination with SU-30 and other fleets which we have, we would have a serious jump in our capability. It will give us an edge over Pakistan and China," Bhadauria told ANI soon after taking over as the 26th chief of the force.

Incidentally, Bhadauria was the chairman of the Indian negotiation team for the Rs 60,000 crore 36 Rafale combat aircraft deal and played a significant role in getting deal cleared. The Rafale deal signed in 2016 is the biggest ever defence deal signed by India.

The first Rafale aircraft to be inducted by defence minister Rajnath Singh in France will also have the tail number RB-01 written on it in recognition of the role played by the officer in it.

Earlier, Bhadauria visited the National War Memorial to pay his tributes soon after taking charge as the IAF chief today.

"It is a matter of great honour for me to take over the charge of the IAF, which is one of the finest air forces in the world," he said.

Speaking about the Balakot air strikes carried out earlier this year by the IAF, Bhadauria said that the force was prepared for action and, "We were prepared then (before the Balakot air strikes) and many of the acquisitions were part of the plan but we were able to expedite it and we will be ready for any challenges in the future too."


What about mini AWACS SU-30 :lol: after getting shot down ...now they are upto humiliate Rafale as well :rofl:

@Windjammer @Bratva see another proof...nobody in Indian no more talking about mighty Su-30.
So BS has handed over the reigns to SB. The previous one regularly whined a lot of BS, the new one, being SB, has started Shitting a lot of Bull already :rofl:.
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