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Radial Hindus Oppose Valentines Day

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Jun 14, 2010
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Hindu activists attack unmarried couples​

13 february 2013

Hindu Radicals Protest Against Valentines Day By Thrashing Couples - YouTube

Radical Hindu activists have protested against the celebration of Valentine's Day by thrashing unmarried couples in India. The Shiv Sena group had forewarned of its opposition to any form of Valentine's Day celebrations, which they say is an indecent form of Western intrusion into Indian culture. The activists became aware of a local restaurant holding Valentine celebrations and set out to make an example of several couples.

School student Akanksha:

"We students want to prevent all these adopting of foreign traditions and generate harmful effects on the spiritual nature because this is not good. And we are students to ban all this on February 14, and we want to celebrate it as a marriage solidarity day."

Students held a silent march, carrying placards encouraging youths to celebrate Valentine's Day as a family and marriage solidarity day while older activists promised further retribution against any unmarried couples publically displaying affection in Hindu areas.

All talk and no show..they shout every valentines day and do nothing ....
I am sure @Zarvan would agree with sree ram sena in this.:p:
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India should oppose majority of rules which made in western world.... However valentines day is good. Holding hands in open is ok.... But more than that in open is not good.... Rape was not big issue in ancient india but now the more western rules spreading the more rape cases rising up.... India has lowest divorce rate. india family country. Who would want to marry in western country? Latest survey shown that australian, british, american womens had relation with over 12 males in her life.... Do you want your wife should be one of them? Uk teens selling their bodies to have education. Do u support that? Valentines day is good but in western world valentines day means usage of cond0m.... Valentines day should be about roses.... Nibirian have said that if humans break rule than that human gets punished. Sex before marriage is sin.... Cheating is sin.... Flirting with married human is a sin.... Read about sade sati effect (search it)....
western world tried to make muslim people terrorist. Now they want to target hindus. Congress will rot very soon.... God will punish this idiots. Btw even china oppose western culture. They even banned many d!rty songs like by ketty perry and lady gaga etc etc. Do not follow western culture or you would end up with many partners who had many 'ex' before.... Save beautiful culture. Support brother sister festival instead of cond0m day.... Valentines should be only for couples who will celebrate with rose instead of cond0m....
Hindu extremists 'will attack Valentine's Day couples'​

Hindu Radicals Protest Against Valentines Day By Thrashing Couples - YouTube

Militants belonging to a group called Sri Ram Sena, who claim to be custodians of Indian culture, said Valentine's Day is un-Indian.

The threat comes days after the group's activists stormed a bar in the south western city of Mangalore, dragging out and beating women they accused of acting obscenely and "going astray".

The attack led to fears an extremist "Hindu Taliban" was on the rise in India.

Gangadhar Kulkarni, an activist in the group, which is a radical wing of the Hindu nationalist movement, said: "If people celebrate the day despite our warning, then we will definitely attack them."

"Valentine's Day is definitely not Indian culture. We will not allow celebration of that day in any form," added Pramod Mutalik, the group's founder.

Several Hindu radical groups aggressively attack what they perceive as the corrosive influence of Western culture on India.

As well as objecting to kissing in Bollywood films and open displays of affection they have targeted conversion away from Hinduism and marriages between people of different faiths.

The attack on the Amnesia lounge in Mangalore also reopened debate on what was acceptable behaviour for young Indian women.

While India is a traditionally conservative society which places pressure on women to behave modestly, members of the younger generation are more likely to visit bars and restaurants with their friends.

Hindu extremists 'will attack Valentine's Day couples' - Telegraph

Idiot,posting news from 2009 and cant even spell the title correctly.You need to put better effort in to your trolling.:lol:
what is radial??? :cheesy: , some sort of radial acceleration in horizontal circular motion?? ..teaching kinematics shabash
Hindu extremists 'will attack Valentine's Day couples'​

Hindu Radicals Protest Against Valentines Day By Thrashing Couples - YouTube

Militants belonging to a group called Sri Ram Sena, who claim to be custodians of Indian culture, said Valentine's Day is un-Indian.

The threat comes days after the group's activists stormed a bar in the south western city of Mangalore, dragging out and beating women they accused of acting obscenely and "going astray".

The attack led to fears an extremist "Hindu Taliban" was on the rise in India.

Gangadhar Kulkarni, an activist in the group, which is a radical wing of the Hindu nationalist movement, said: "If people celebrate the day despite our warning, then we will definitely attack them."

"Valentine's Day is definitely not Indian culture. We will not allow celebration of that day in any form," added Pramod Mutalik, the group's founder.

Several Hindu radical groups aggressively attack what they perceive as the corrosive influence of Western culture on India.

As well as objecting to kissing in Bollywood films and open displays of affection they have targeted conversion away from Hinduism and marriages between people of different faiths.

The attack on the Amnesia lounge in Mangalore also reopened debate on what was acceptable behaviour for young Indian women.

While India is a traditionally conservative society which places pressure on women to behave modestly, members of the younger generation are more likely to visit bars and restaurants with their friends.

Hindu extremists 'will attack Valentine's Day couples' - Telegraph


Pakistani Islamists protest against Valentine's Day​


Supporters of Pakistan's main religious party staged a noisy protest against Valentine's Day on Tuesday, denouncing it as un-Islamic and calling for a "day of modesty" instead.

The student wing of Jamaat-e-Islami rallied outside the press club in the northwestern city of Peshawar, chanting slogans against Valentine's Day, saying it had "spread immodesty in the world".

Valentine's Day is increasingly popular among younger Pakistanis, many of whom have taken up the custom of giving cards, chocolates and gifts to their sweethearts to celebrate the occasion.

But Pakistan remains a deeply traditional Muslim society where many disapprove of Valentine's Day as a Western import.

The demonstrators, who carried a banner urging February 14 to be a "day of modesty", said the tradition encouraged unmarried men and women to live together in sin.

"We will not allow holding of any Valentine's Day function," Shahzad Ahmed, the local head of the student organisation, said.

"The law enforcing agencies must prevent such gatherings, otherwise we will stop in our own way."

Peshawar is a conservative city on the edge of Pakistan's restive tribal belt, where most women go out in public wearing veils and few girls go out alone.

Many of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda-linked bombings which have killed thousands of people in Pakistan in the past several years have focused around Peshawar and the northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
India should oppose majority of rules which made in western world.... However valentines day is good. Holding hands in open is ok.... But more than that in open is not good.... Rape was not big issue in ancient india but now the more western rules spreading the more rape cases rising up.... India has lowest divorce rate. india family country. Who would want to marry in western country? Latest survey shown that australian, british, american womens had relation with over 12 males in her life.... Do you want your wife should be one of them? Uk teens selling their bodies to have education. Do u support that? Valentines day is good but in western world valentines day means usage of cond0m.... Valentines day should be about roses.... Nibirian have said that if humans break rule than that human gets punished. Sex before marriage is sin.... Cheating is sin.... Flirting with married human is a sin.... Read about sade sati effect (search it)....
western world tried to make muslim people terrorist. Now they want to target hindus. Congress will rot very soon.... God will punish this idiots. Btw even china oppose western culture. They even banned many d!rty songs like by ketty perry and lady gaga etc etc. Do not follow western culture or you would end up with many partners who had many 'ex' before.... Save beautiful culture. Support brother sister festival instead of cond0m day.... Valentines should be only for couples who will celebrate with rose instead of cond0m....

well, then Navratri Utsav/Garbha should not be celebrated either it has become the festival of condom days!

Many other points you have touched are contradictory to our culture..
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