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Racism alive in India: Story of Kim Barrington Narisetti

Yes Indians are racist. Hell, Indians are racist to each other? But so what? Every country has racist people. As for the 'skin complexion' just imagine the frustration Indians like me feel in UK when we get called 'P4ki!' How can these ignorant Europeans not distinguish between their fellow whites and dark Indians :P

Bengis and P4kis should be the last ones to talk about racist. Racism is just as prevalent in these countries as India if not more.
lolz so he needs human shapes and colors :mamba:
not human but everything and anythings ..trees , animals , water , fire , elements...past present future..he is not one ..you cannout count him because he an uncountable material noun....he is abstract ...you keep on praying to your gaseous god...let us pray to our beautiful image .
not human but everything and anythings ..trees , animals , water , fire , elements...past present future..he is not one ..you cannout count him because he an uncountable material noun....he is abstract ...you keep on praying to your gaseous god...let us pray to our beautiful image .

thats total bullshyt
India skin as dark as the black walk into 7/11 store.

This is just racism in display. One dark person being racist against another dark person. The skin tone range for Indians here in America is about the same as African Americans. And darker skin Indians in the 60s South would not be able to drink from the white only fountain, they would need to drink from the colored drinking fountain. And be forced to sit in the back of the bus like the African Americans.

Indians shouldnt be racists. I mean on one hand, we see ourselves being victims of racism abroad and then we have this......

Unfortunately, many Indians don't think like you. The source of racism today is low self esteem as there is not any institutionalized racism any where in the world.

Yes Indians are racist. Hell, Indians are racist to each other? But so what? Every country has racist people. As for the 'skin complexion' just imagine the frustration Indians like me feel in UK when we get called 'P4ki!' How can these ignorant Europeans not distinguish between their fellow whites and dark Indians :P

Bengis and P4kis should be the last ones to talk about racist. Racism is just as prevalent in these countries as India if not more.

Indians are racist not only against blacks, but against East Asian as well, Any East Asians in India would be treated as a schedule tribe N'easterner.

White Europeans, on the other hand, would be worshipped like a god. Some Indians think that white farts smell like fragrance.
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Many Indians are racists and most even dont know what is racism.
I would imagine she would have been better off living in south ( not because south indians are darker but because they are not in your face racist).
This is what I would face if I travel to eastern europe (was told by a polish guy not sure how true).

We're just as conscious about skin colour down South too. But I wouldn't say it's racism in the classical sense. We're simply obsessed with fair, pale, white skin.

And that Polish guy is somewhat right. I've been to some parts of Eastern Europe, and many people turn wide-eyed on seeing a group of Brown people. Might have something to do with low immigration into these countries compared to the ones in Western Europe. Also, I had met a group of Serbians in a train recently. Most Racist Lot ever!
We're just as conscious about skin colour down South too. But I wouldn't say it's racism in the classical sense. We're simply obsessed with fair, pale, white skin.

And that Polish guy is somewhat right. I've been to some parts of Eastern Europe, and many people turn wide-eyed on seeing a group of Brown people. Might have something to do with low immigration into these countries compared to the ones in Western Europe. Also, I had met a group of Serbians in a train recently. Most Racist Lot ever!

racists are all over the world man
I know Punjabis can be quite racist not proud of it.I can remember my grandma coming home once after visiting a newborn girl born in our village.My mum asked her how the baby look her reply was the baby got good features but sadly god gave her a dark complexion.Its sad hopefully things will change with time.
I wonder how pakistani's are different from Africans in term of Skin complexion...

most of them are fair like Caucasians mate, under 50% are what you would say of Indian genotype (not that its a bad thing or anything, just giving a statistic)
It is well-known that India is among the most racist countries in the world, especially towards Blacks.

In fact, Indians are some of the few people in the world that actually take pride in their bigotry and hatred. It makes them feel more dominant and special.

most of them are fair like Caucasians mate, under 50% are what you would say of Indian genotype (not that its a bad thing or anything, just giving a statistic)

What I've noticed is that Pakistanis tend to have dark skin, but not much darker than most Arabs.

Indians are overwhelmingly of very dark complexion, ranging from African-American-like complexion in the North, to sub-Saharan African Congolese in the South.
most of them are fair like Caucasians mate, under 50% are what you would say of Indian genotype (not that its a bad thing or anything, just giving a statistic)
Let's see that statistic mate? Also what parts where the research carried in?
"Racism alive in India" r u serious?? India is the most racist country in the world period. We are by far the most racist, sexist and socially unfair society.
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