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Racism against Azerbaijani Turks in Iran

Mark my words, One of us will come off the worse in this. This wahabi troll will receive no ban or warning.

You should have been banned permanently for declaring that we Muslims (nearly 2 billion people) believe in a "false Christian God". Besides you were the one who started using the made up word "Wahhabi" knowing that I am not one. Besides that word is not allowed to be used here either.

So I guess you need to sort your own backyard out before you decide to throw stones while you are living in a glass house.

Anyway not going to waste more time with a cultist. You can see how many users (PAKISTANIS) that thanked my posts in the other thread while NOBODY agreed with you.

Here in this debate you have a atheist and anti-Muslim Kurdish troll/lunatic that supports you because I put him in his place earlier today in several debates so he started inventing fairytales and trolling to get some attention. So yes, you are indeed backed by all Muslims.

Pakistan supports your cult that much that they do not declare your Muslim and do not allow you to perform hajj.


So you should rather criticize them than me for agreeing with THEIR point and that of nearly all Muslims and greatest Muslim scholars.

May I refer you to those pages:


The Official Website of The Amman Message - The Amman Message

I don't see your cult anywhere but I do see all the other recognized Muslim groups. Why is that? Is it all a conspiracy?
Are you going to put Nazi Germany's history in par with Khaybar my dear? Welcome to the present :enjoy:

I could point to similar (or even more) amount of incidents between Arabs and Jews throughout history than between Jews and Europeans.
You should have been banned permanently for declaring that we Muslims (nearly 2 billion people) believe in a "false Christian God". Besides you were the one who started using the made up word "Wahhabi" knowing that I am not one. Besides that word is not allowed to be used here either.

So I guess you need to sort your own backyard out before you decide to throw stones while you are living in a glass house.

Anyway not going to waste more time with a cultist. You can see how many users (PAKISTANIS) that thanked my posts in the other thread while NOBODY agreed with you.

Here in this debate you have a atheist and anti-Muslim Kurdish troll/lunatic that supports you because I put him in his place earlier today in several debates so he started inventing fairytales and trolling to get some attention. So yes, you are indeed backed by all Muslims.

Pakistan supports your cult that much that they do not declare your Muslim and do not allow you to perform hajj.


So you should rather criticize them than me for agreeing with THEIR point and that of nearly all Muslims and greatest Muslim scholars.

My I refer you to those pages:


The Official Website of The Amman Message - The Amman Message

I don't see your cult anywhere but I do see all the other recognized Muslim groups. Why is that? Is it all a conspiracy?

EDIT: I've removed any words that might cause offence. Sorry.
It's okay, I understand how your brain works. My grandfather was a "wahabi" too, but then he read and got educated and decided to leave your cult. I'm glad he did, Because otherwise I would have been a brain dead zombie ranting at a random person on a forum.

Yeah, I thought so. You are unable to counter ANY of my points. Anyway your problem. As I said you can belief in the Spaghetti monster for all I care but when you make absurd claims of us Muslims believing in a "false Christian God" then know that this will have consequences and create a reply on a mainly Muslim forum.

Lastly we Muslims are against false cults being associated with Islam.

Your last sentence is laughable considering that you started writing to me/about me in this thread while I did not even give you a thought. Clown.

Probably still crying about our past debate where I put you in your place and where several Pakistani and non-Pakistani members agreed with me and wrote similar posts while NOBODY agreed with you let alone took your side.

In fact they corrected me by saying that I should not call you guys a sect but a cult.

You can go back and look if you can do that without flooding your keyboard with your tears.

Goodbye, cultist.
Yeah, I thought so. You are unable to counter ANY of my points. Anyway your problem. As I said you can belief in the Spaghetti monster for all I care but when you make absurd claims of us Muslims believing in a "false Christian God" then know that this will have consequences and create a reply on a mainly Muslim forum.

Lastly we Muslims are against false cults being associated with Islam.

Your last sentence is laughable considering that you started writing to me/about me in this thread while I did not even give you a thought. Clown.

Probably still crying about our past debate where I put you in your place and where several Pakistani and non-Pakistani members agreed with me and wrote similar thins while NOBODY agreed with you let alone took your side.

You can go back and look if you can do that without flooding your keyboard with your tears.

Goodbye, cultist.

LoL. Are you sure you're mentally stable? You think I care whether someone agrees with me or not? And what Debate? there was no debate, since I would get banned if I posted any religious topic. I don't care if you think I'm not muslim. I don't care. I'm not actually crying, but laughing, It's so easy to provoke wahabi trolls.
CIA The World Factbook

Ethnic Groups in Iran:

Persian 61%, Azeri 16%, Kurd 10%, Lur 6%, Baloch 2%, Arab 2%, Turkmen and Turkic tribes 2%, other 1%

Source: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ir.html

This is the message of Iranian Azeris to wahabi Saudi arabs and everyone who might for one second doubt Azeris blood bound aliegence to Imam Hussein and Shia main land of Iran Zamin, forward to 3:45 and understand why ...

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LoL. Are you sure you're mentally stable? You think I care whether someone agrees with me or not? And what Debate? there was no debate, since I would get banned if I posted any religious topic. I don't care if you think I'm not muslim. I don't care. I'm not actually crying, but laughing, It's so easy to provoke wahabi trolls.

You should ask that question to yourself not me. I am calm and able to write long and detailed posts while you are struggling with writing more than a few lines that make no sense as usual.

Much as your comments about Muslims believing in a "false Christian God".

No, I don't care the slightest about your cult believes as I already told you in the former debate.

What I care about is your cultists making false comments about us Muslims or associating your cult with Islam. You know Islam is not some kind of club that everyone can join no matter what they believe in.

You as the false prophet you worship cannot declare yourself the last messenger of Islam and demand that the Muslim community will accept you. Does your pistachio brain understand that or is that too difficult for you? I know from that former and this debate that you have a hard time facing realities or countering sources.

So yes that is the only "problem" I have. But once again you were the one that started speaking to me/about me in this thread while I did not even give you a thought. So next time avoid that if you don't want to cry.
Actually they are going to join you in hell fire :omghaha: thats the punishment to hypocrate .

And of mankind, there are some who say: "We believe in Allah and the Last Day'' while in fact they do not believe). (9. They try to deceive Allah and those who believe, while they only deceive themselves, and perceive (it) not!)

Dude, you're talking it too far with your anti-Jewish hatred. If I were a Jew, I gladly will admit it :lol: after all you happen to be another Internet-hero :D ..

Where is @anonymus :omghaha: Can we refer this guy to the pschy? :lol:
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This is the message of Iranian Azeris to wahabi Saudi arabs and everyone who might for one second doubt Azeris blood bound aliegence to Imam Hussein and Shia main land of Iran Zamin, forward to 3:45 and understand why ...

Message received; here is the response
:omghaha: :rofl: :D :lol: :laugh:

Actually they are going to join you in hell fire :omghaha: thats the punishment to hypocrate .

And of mankind, there are some who say: "We believe in Allah and the Last Day'' while in fact they do not believe). (9. They try to deceive Allah and those who believe, while they only deceive themselves, and perceive (it) not!)
Fine, you will be saved and @anonymus and I will burn in hell, how cool is that? Now, take your Prozac pills and GTFO.
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How was Shah Ismail a Kurd? He couldn't even speak Kurdish. Sorry but there was nothing Kurdish about the Safavid empire. Shah Ismails mother tongue was Azerbaijani Turkish but he could also of course speak Persian. The military of the Safavid empire who had a great impact on the empire were Turkmen tribes named Qizilbashs. Shah ismails grandfather was Uzun Hassan who was a Turkmen Sultan of the Aq Qoyunlu dynasty which ruled Iran. Shah Ismail is considered an important figure in the literary history of the Azerbaijani language and he also left 1400 verses in his language compared to only 50 verses in the Persian language

here seems now to be a consensus among scholars that the Safavid family hailed from Persian Kurdistan,and later moved to Azerbaijan, finally settling in the 11th century CE at Ardabil. Traditional pre-1501 Safavid manuscripts trace the lineage of the Safavids to Kurdish dignitary, Firuz Shah Zarin-Kulah.

Vladimir Minorsky and Roger Savory:
From the evidence available at the present time, it is certain that the Safavid family was of indigineous Iranian stock, and not of Turkish ancestry as it is sometimes claimed. It is probable that the family originated in Persian Kurdistan, and later moved to Azerbaijan, where they adopted the Azari form of Turkish spoken there, and eventually settled in the small town of Ardabil sometimes during the eleventh century.

I think you have problems with reading and understandig. I said his ancestors were kurdish and later the family moved into Azerbayjan. This is not what I'm saying, historians and scholars are saying this. And his mother was half greek half uzbek (uzun hassans wife was greek)
Later the mixed with Greek, georgian, azeri, persian, and also uzbek.

Also almost all turkic dynasties were "persianate" in name, culture and everything.

he Baysunghur Mirza Shahnama (1430), and the Shah Tahmasp Shahnama (1520–40) (see below)—sponsored, respectively, by the Ilkhanid (1256–1353), Timurid (1389–1501), and Safavid dynasties (1501–1736)—survive as evidence of this practice, and as testaments to the cultural and artistic importance of this literary masterpiece through the centuries.

The Shahnama of Shah Tahmasp
The Shahnama of Shah Tahmasp (r. 1524–76), also known as the Shahnama-yi Shahi, is arguably the most luxuriously illustrated copy of Firdausi's epic ever produced in the history of Persian painting
Looks like Persians, Indian Shia, Pakistani Shia and other assorted Shia and zoroastrians are ganging up to bash our Saudi brothers. @al-Hasani bro, it is better not to pay too much attention to trolls. They have too much time on their hand and they would love to waste your time.
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I don't know where this comes from, however the Ottomans used this term "etraki bi idrak" (ignorant/stupid/unintelligent Turks). The ottomans till their last day saw "Turks" as peasants and nomands.

What a lie.... :D

If so, why there was many Ottoman Military songs which praised Turkish race.

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