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Racial Origin of the Muslim Population and their Social Stratification under Bengal Sultanate

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by 'we all' you mean?
most of east india eat rice and fish.

Punjabis. Idk if East India eats fish or not, we don't.

Bangladesh is deep deep South Asia.

They have absolutely nothing in common in blood and genetics with anyone to the west of them.

Pakistanis are blended as they are at the cusp of the continent and had more contact with outside world.

Bangla has been tucked away behind Indian jungles for a millennium.

This is basic geography.

Don't you know that bngldshis are 100% Aryan?
You need to get hold of genetic studies on Bengali's. That is the only way anybody will take your claim's seriously. Arab infusion in South Asia is the least of all external influences.

If I posted my photo I suspect I will look unlike 90% of Bengali and that is probably because we in Pakistan have higher West Asian genes but even than that does not make us West Asian. It just makes us Pashtun, Balochi, Punjabi, Sindho or Kashmiri.

Just accept your Bangali and be proud what your forefathers blessed you with.

My friend all people are getting taller. This is a phenomenon across the world. Again get hold of genetic studies that confirm your argument.

Well different looks in pakistan have nothing to do with west Asian infusion/blend, scientifically the epicenter is very much in Pakistan in Hindukush , the closer you get to it lighter on average it is groups like Pashtun/Kalash/Hunza are closest Punjab/Sindh follows its simple geography.
In this context West Asia was referance to the extreme west side of the South Asian region. Hindu Kush sits betwixt South/Central Asia.

And we can agree as a general rule that further east or farther south you go from Zero point things gradually change and by the time your in South/East India the differance is dramatic.

Human Sapiens being mobile creatures over the centuries there has been movement so you can find all sort of admixture that goes against the distance rule but those are exceptions rather than the rule.
In this context West Asia was referance to the extreme west side of the South Asian region. Hindu Kush sits betwixt South/Central Asia.
thats what I meant In pakistan's genetic case Central Asia is more relevant, the Caucasoid component itself peaks in Hindukush/Indus valley(in similar way it does in N Caucasus) and its genetic makeup is different from middle east.
lol: Really liked your sense of humour, Sir! :D

Don't know yaar!!!

You didn't get what I meant by mass. But none of them look any different from others. What special in that pic, they looks very common like 85% of Bangladeshis.

NP: Mass means huge number of common people. Like I posted.

Like this...

These people are very gracile types. I would have guessed himachel based on stereo types on anthro forums. These people as a group will not pass among **** punjabi rural areas zamindar tribes like jats, gujjars, awans etc to trained eye at least.

Edit: holyshit they are indeed from Himachel lol before you think I am trolling and sayin we live on different planet. I am just talking about subtle differences. Nothing to do with skin colour

Some gujjars association from sargodha, normally its hard get picture of particular biraderi from pak punjab.


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And we can agree as a general rule that further east or farther south you go from Zero point things gradually change and by the time your in South/East India the differance is dramatic.

basically this is the case here genetic cline exactly follow geography from Hindukush to South India there is a cline, on first we have groups like Pashtun/Kalash than Punjab/Sindh after that rest of Indian states but there is not much difference b/w bihar/bengal and South India unlike more visible b/w Punjab/Sindh and say bihar. Brahmins in India are upward shifted than the local population genetically meaning a tamil brahmin is closer to "zero point" tahn other tamils while dalits put exceptions to cline.
^Agreed. Gentlemen and [ladies] I am disengaging from this thread. I leave it in the able hands of the Bengali people to discuss. Bengali genetics is not particular area of my interest.
Actually its mix in the eastern side of India.. Bengal... Jharkhand... Assam... Odisha.. for thousand of years they have mixed. But some West bengal people are different thoug
then u havenn*t seen bd people.here by native i mean mongoloed races which does not belong to indic people.

m not sure of their Arab or Turk ancestry but most of them for sure belonged to the lower castes and had converted to Islam.
in that time who did not follow hinduism they were called low classes.in bd mostly buddhist were known as the low class .they were the one who mostly turned muslim.and they were higher class before the invasion of hindus.so if u calle us low class then we can call u guys lowest class because we muslim banged u low class hindu scumbag for 900 hundred year and still doing the same:flame:

Having lived in both Kolkata and Mumbai Pune region what I was observed that while an average middle class bengali woman(urban ones at least) is fairer than her Marathi compatriot and probably a bit fairer than eastern UP women but is darker than women of Haryana & Punjab.


From your pics it looks like Gujjars have a medium complexion but not a fair complexion but not that it matters.
1st we dont want to be vedic oppressor. But we have enough vedic people
2nd vaisya and pala had more glorious past in this region before Islam arrived.
If you want to see central asian genes you can find enough in the city areas. Dhaka Chittagong Khulna Sylhet.
4th BD authorities should look into the Adivashi genesetics of BD. As burmrse and others are becoming a bone in throat to claim the adivashi title.
Bengalis in general have more similarity with the Indian northern belt.
Besides bengali I dont find any other Indian race more atttactive.
then u havenn*t seen bd people.here by native i mean mongoloed races which does not belong to indic people

Really? :lol: Other than few in hills rests are as usual small dark people.

1st we dont want to be vedic oppressor. But we have enough vedic people
2nd vaisya and pala had more glorious past in this region before Islam arrived.
If you want to see central asian genes you can find enough in the city areas. Dhaka Chittagong Khulna Sylhet.
4th BD authorities should look into the Adivashi genesetics of BD. As burmrse and others are becoming a bone in throat to claim the adivashi title.
Bengalis in general have more similarity with the Indian northern belt.
Besides bengali I dont find any other Indian race more atttactive.

:rofl: How many times you have brag the same... posts some pics of attractive masses... :rofl:

Having lived in both Kolkata and Mumbai Pune region what I was observed that while an average middle class bengali woman(urban ones at least) is fairer than her Marathi compatriot and probably a bit fairer than eastern UP women but is darker than women of Haryana & Punjab.


From your pics it looks like Gujjars have a medium complexion but not a fair complexion but not that it matters.

Its nothing to do with fairness or anything else. This is about different people from different regions, except Bangladeshis who are composition of Arabs, turks and other central asians. lol
^^^ Haryana Gujjars...




I can see few differences on average but still much closer then those Himachel people.

KPK/Hazara region gujjars, they probably speak hindko.


Afghanistan gujjars. They speak gojri, they seem to be similar to nomadic gujjars of northen Pakistan area who also speak gojri language.


Most funny thing about these type of thread is that,different south asian ethnicity comparing their skin tone and pointing very eagerly and feeling proud if that turn out to be slightly whiter than the other ethnicity.By that metric I assume white european should fly in the sky and never return in the soil.:lol::lol:
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