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Racial attack: Indian killed in Australia

That's a pretty generic statement to make; past experience shows that it also isn't true. Check out the Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service between 1994 and 1997.

You are comparing the victorian police force to another states police force nearly 20 years ago rofl.
Still to get any response to opinions from Australian Media:
Time to come clean on racism reality

Indian assault response decried

They pretty much capture the essence of the Indian argument.

We will respect the investigation and have full faith in Australian system, but if you will brush of racism and hate attack angle completely, then there is hardly any room for calling for a media restrain. If the investigators and Australian administration had made similar noises, that if there is an act of racism, the culprits will be prosecuted accordingly, you would not have received this barrage of bad media.

If you want to bury the angle, pay attention I am referring to angle not the issue, then here we are - A billion plus, who will make enough noises to make you stand up and take notice.
Acting Australian Foreign Minister Simon Crean has said there is currently no evidence so far to suggest the killing of Indian Nitin Garg was a racist attack and says this is the view of his friends and family. Crean says it is better to wait for the details and the full facts to emerge rather than speculating and has urged the Indian newspapers to do the same.

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They know its been put on fire by using Molotov cocktails but they are still just 'suspicious' that its a race attack. It seems like a deliberate attempt to underplay the racial angle even though there are strong proofs to the contrary.

MELBOURNE: Amid concerns voiced by the Sikh community here over a fire incident at a gurdwara, Australian police have said they were treating the
blaze as "suspicious", but were yet to establish whether race or religion had motivated the arsonists.
The partially-built Nanksar Thath Gurdwara in Lynbrook area here was damaged due to the fire that broke out at 0030 hrs local time yesterday (1900 hrs IST Tuesday).

Detective Senior Constable Paul Stow, in charge of the investigation, said the fire was being treated as suspicious. However, detectives were yet to find out whether the incident had any race race or religion angle to it, 'The Australian' reported today.
"At this stage there is nothing to suggest it is (race-related) other than the fact that it happened to a temple," Detective Constable Stow was quoted as saying.

"... It is believed to have been set on fire with the use of molotov cocktails early yesterday," the report said.

In New Delhi, an External Affair Ministry spokesperson said India has taken up the incident with Australia.

"Our Consulate in Melbourne is in the process of ascertaining details from the Gurudwara Management Committee and also following up on the incident with Australian authorities," the spokesperson said.

Members of the Sikh community visited the gurdwara yesterday to survey the damage.


Because minions has no good result!

@Sino-Pak Friendship,

Yaar, kabhi kabhi kuchh batein aisi hoti hain jo kahi nehi jati... kitna bhi sach kiuyn na ho...

Sometimes, some words are such that should not be uttered, no matter how much true they are.

In diplomacy, the first rule is to select what to say and what not.

Now, please edit your post and delete those words.

@Sino-Pak Friendship,

Yaar, kabhi kabhi kuchh batein aisi hoti hain jo kahi nehi jati... kitna bhi sach kiuyn na ho...

Sometimes, some words are such that should not be uttered, no matter how much true they are.

In diplomacy, the first rule is to select what to say and what not.

Now, please edit your post and delete those words.


I agree. Even though they are getting a taste of their own medicine, but these string of beatings and murders are out of hand, and innocent (or semi-innocent) Indians shouldn't be faced with them.
I agree. Even though they are getting a taste of their own medicine, but these string of beatings and murders are out of hand, and innocent (or semi-innocent) Indians shouldn't be faced with them.

Those who call Asians chinky yellow slit eyed should know every action has equal and opposite reaction.

@Sino-Pak Friendship,

Yaar, kabhi kabhi kuchh batein aisi hoti hain jo kahi nehi jati... kitna bhi sach kiuyn na ho...

Sometimes, some words are such that should not be uttered, no matter how much true they are.

In diplomacy, the first rule is to select what to say and what not.

Now, please edit your post and delete those words.


Western Whites NEVER respect ASIA and Asian.

They still want to continue their colonial governing over Asia, but they can do it now and in the future.
Western Whites NEVER respect ASIA and Asian.

They still want to continue their colonial governing over Asia, but they can do it now and in the future.

Its an old story. Kindly read Edward Said's book Orientalism. You will know how the West perceives the East.

I would have loved india so much, had indians been able to realize this.

Its an old story. Kindly read Edward Said's book Orientalism. You will know how the West perceives the East.

I would have loved india so much, had indians been able to realize this.


We China has nothing to fear 2nd Western invasion.

We are well-prepared.

We are not Jap after 1945, we are not Black Indian who only know how to cater for USA.

I would have loved india so much, had indians been able to realize this.


Communist bro, I am sure many of us here have sampled your love for India through your posts. I think I can speak for quite a few when I say that we are better off without it.
Hahahah! communism lol.

Communism is so last century.
We are not Jap after 1945, we are not Black Indian who only know how to cater for USA.

Your comments above smack of racism, quite evidently. I wonder where do you get the gall to call Indians racist.

Its true that Indians do exhibit racist behavior particularly against Africans and the Mongoloid. But after reading your comments above I don't think we need a lesson from you.
Your comments above smack of racism, quite evidently. I wonder where do you get the gall to call Indians racist.

Its true that Indians do exhibit racist behavior particularly against Africans and the Mongoloid. But after reading your comments above I don't think we need a lesson from you.

We are proud of Chinese. At least we don't need to cater for USA.

Indian, are actually relatively Black in skin colour. (no negative meaning)

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