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Racial attack: Indian killed in Australia

Ridiculous. I'm not saying that this was race related. But how on earth do you know its not? You're assuming that it probably isn't.

Setting people on fire. Geez. That is f-ed up.

As far as all the attacks being random, according to the Age newspaper, an Indian in Australia is two and a half times likely to be a victim of assault than a non-Indian in Victoria. Obviously something is amiss.

PS - dont ask me to post the source, i already have earlier in the thread.

Edit - Curiously, this is not the first time that a racism controversy has erupted in Australia recently. Just a month ago, an Australian KFC commercial was taken of air for apparent racism. Before that, there was some controversy regarding people on some Australian channel painting their faces black to impersonate the Jackson five.

I am not assuming it's not raced based, i am looking at the facts and looking at what the police have said.

There is no way this could of been a race attack.

The police have said and numerous other indians have said that it would be way to dark to see what the victim looked like.

Also the attackers would have to of been carrying around a lighter and lighter fluid in a can, so it was either random or the victim knew the attackers. If it was random a white guy or an asian guy or a black guy could of easily been the victim. Maybe this indian guy was the first person they came across?

Maybe this attack was a personal attack. Maybe the victim had a falling out with a friend and things turned ugly?

Like i said people arn't usually out on the street at 2am, it's not like a bunch of people would say "hey i feel like attacking indians" and when they walked outside they automatically found some indian guy to attack.

I think it's just a coniecedence this man is indian.
No, if you had read my news story about it, it clearly says that this kind of attack is HIGHLY unusual. Police say it was either a random attack or the victim knew his attacker. The attack was not racially motivated.

Xdrive can you tell us what the police is doing in order to stop this kind of attacks?
The police have said and numerous other indians have said that it would be way to dark to see what the victim looked like.

Also the attackers would have to of been carrying around a lighter and lighter fluid in a can, so it was either random or the victim knew the attackers. If it was random a white guy or an asian guy or a black guy could of easily been the victim. Maybe this indian guy was the first person they came across?

Or maybe they followed this guy from some place earlier and attacked at the opportune moment. Point is, we don't know, and until facts come out, it would not be appropriate to comment.
Edit - Curiously, this is not the first time that a racism controversy has erupted in Australia recently. Just a month ago, an Australian KFC commercial was taken of air for apparent racism. Before that, there was some controversy regarding people on some Australian channel painting their faces black to impersonate the Jackson five.

That KFC was in no way racist in anyway and was not meant to be racist in anyway, but americans had a cry because they found it racist because they misinterpreted the message it was trying to give out.

The ad was taken off air because KFC want's to keep it's reputation in America.

The ad was advertising a new product at KFC called "the crowd pleaser" In the ad an aussie went to the cricket and got seated with loads of west indies supporters. This was very awkward for him as he was the only aussie supporter. The west indies supporters were yelling and screaming and playing there drums. And then the aussie pulled out "the crow pleaser" box which then all the west indies supporters took a peace of chicken. The message was that this "crowd pleaser" gets rid of awkward situations and is please people.

Now the americans saw it and took it the wrong way. They thought the ad was acting out the racist stereotype that african americans eat fried chicken and love it. But this was not the case, this was not the message of the ad. Infact most Aussies wouldn't even know about this american stereotype if the americans didn't kick up such as fuss as there isn't a large population of black people in Australia.

I think the Americans are too politically correct and are too sensitive with things to do with race. Here in Australia, no one really cares what race you are, as long as you are a nice person. Infact people of different races have jokes with each other about there race, but this would be considered racist in america.

I have an asian friend and i make jokes about him being asian and he makes jokes about me being white. This couldn't happen in america because they are too sensitive and to politically correct.
Xdrive can you tell us what the police is doing in order to stop this kind of attacks?

The police can not stop every single crime before it happens. Crime is going to happen no matter what.

Indians have to understand that they are not getting targetted even though it may look that way. Also they have to understand that the police are not private body guards, they can't follow indians around 24 7. This would be unfair to the rest of the population.

Australia has one of the lowest crime rates IN the world. What more could you want? Look i could go out tomorrow and be stabbed and robed. It's just random, could happen to anyone.

Or maybe they followed this guy from some place earlier and attacked at the opportune moment. Point is, we don't know, and until facts come out, it would not be appropriate to comment.

Exactly! there you go. He was at a dinner party, maybe he had a disagreement with some friends at the dinner party and it turned ugly?
Sigh, i already posted that. Did you not read my post above yours? geeze.

Yeah I read that and noticed that it laid more emphasis on rejecting the claim even before reporting the incident. The Headline read : "No racism link in Vic attack on Indian" What you make of it. Anyways a neutral perspective was also relevant.

Use your head, how would people that wanted to attack indians know exactly when and where an indian man would be alone to set him on fire? It's obviously a random attack. or a personal attack from someone he knows.

There could be many explanations for this attack.

Like maybe the attackers thought he was someone else that they have a grudge against? It's happened before. Like someone owes someone drug money so the people go out and kill the person but it wasn't actually the person they meant to kill

Maybe it wasnt a random attack? Maybe the Indian man had an enemy?

This attack is highly unusual. It's not everyday that someone gets lit on fire randomly, so it has to be for a reason and it's not because of his race.
I would have given some credibility to the statement if you added - maybe it was a racial attack, but since it is already beyond contention, your comment looks like a truckloads of excuses.

No verification of attack being racial, agreed, but outright denial without investigation, Stupid.

An updated report say
Attack on Indian 'not racially motivated' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Jaspreet Singh, 29, was attacked in Essendon in Melbourne's north-west shortly before 2.00am (AEDT).

He had just come home from a dinner party with his wife and went to park his car when four men poured fluid over him and set him alight.
So they knew exactly that where he would be found and he would be alone. Again not denying that it can be otherwise, but still outright rejection appears as a brush off.

Also notice how this man was out in the street at 2am, you have to be alert while out on the street at 2am
What alert approach do you suggest at 2AM... Calling the police before you disembark from your car in parking close to your home??
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I have seen the KFC ad, no reason to describe it. The guy says "when you're facing an awkward situation", yeah, a white guy sitting in the midst of west Indian cricket fans is an awkward situation. :rolleyes:

Exactly! there you go. He was at a dinner party, maybe he had a disagreement with some friends at the dinner party and it turned ugly?

You missed my point. Maybe it was what you say, or maybe some racist thugs saw an Indian and followed him, and struck at an opportune moment. We don't know, we shouldn't comment.

Again not denying that it can be otherwise, but still outright rejection appears as a brush off.

Exactly. Every time something happens, the police says it is not a racist crime at the outset. At least complete the investigations before coming to conclusions.
Yeah I read that and noticed that it laid more emphasis on rejecting the claim even before reporting the incident. The Headline read : "No racism link in Vic attack on Indian" What you make of it. Anyways a neutral perspective was also relevant.

I would have given some credibility to the statement if you added - maybe it was a racial attack, but since it is already beyond contention, your comment looks like a truckloads of excuses.

No verification of attack being racial, agreed, but outright denial without investigation, Stupid.

An updated report say
So they knew exactly that where he would be found and he would be alone. Again not denying that it can be otherwise, but still outright rejection appears as a brush off.

What alert approach do you suggest at 2AM... Calling the police before you disembark from your car in parking close to your home??

At 2AM i suggest parking infront of your house, not around the corner from your house. I also suggest you look around the street, see if anyone is in the street. While attending to your car make sure you are aware of what is happening behind you, if you feel threatened, walk away.
I have seen the KFC ad, no reason to describe it. The guy says "when you're facing an awkward situation", yeah, a white guy sitting in the midst of west Indian cricket fans is an awkward situation. :rolleyes:

You missed my point. Maybe it was what you say, or maybe some racist thugs saw an Indian and followed him, and struck at an opportune moment. We don't know, we shouldn't comment.

Exactly. Every time something happens, the police says it is not a racist crime at the outset. At least complete the investigations before coming to conclusions.

It's got nothing to do with race. It's an aussie sitting with west indies supporters. If i was in that situation i would feel very very awkward. I am the only supporter of me team and i am sitting with the opposition supporters. Very awkard if you ask me.
Had India used its diplomatic channels and pressured the government into getting Victoria Police to identify and isolate these incidents then there could have been something done with regards to practical Policing strategies, of location, victim, or offender triangle.

This is now lost and as I said in my previous posts, this Indian media reaction and going over the top type of journalism has now had a backlash whereby nationalists and Australian will be getting very cheesed off now, especially after seeing the KKK figure of a Policeman.

Way to go India........you clearly have a lot to learn about how things get done in the world.

I bet the local minority communities will be cursing India now, and wont be too long when they too begin the debate of whether Indian students are welcome or should they be targetted to save themselves. This is becoming more and more of a repeat in the West and foreigners, (India) need to mature out to deal with such sensitive matters.
At 2AM i suggest parking infront of your house, not around the corner from your house. I also suggest you look around the street, see if anyone is in the street. While attending to your car make sure you are aware of what is happening behind you, if you feel threatened, walk away.

Wow man, I live in New Delhi and it never occurred tome to take those precautions (Crime Capital right).

Had India used its diplomatic channels and pressured the government into getting Victoria Police to identify and isolate these incidents then there could have been something done with regards to practical Policing strategies, of location, victim, or offender triangle.
You can surely give some tips to our FM. BTW what makes you think diplomatic channels were not stirred?

This is now lost and as I said in my previous posts, this Indian media reaction and going over the top type of journalism has now had a backlash whereby nationalists and Australian will be getting very cheesed off now, especially after seeing the KKK figure of a Policeman.
Yeah, same Australian who thought Denmark cartoons were freedom of expression are agitated by another cartoon.

Way to go India........you clearly have a lot to learn about how things get done in the world.

I bet the local minority communities will be cursing India now, and wont be too long when they too begin the debate of whether Indian students are welcome or should they be targetted to save themselves. This is becoming more and more of a repeat in the West and foreigners, (India) need to mature out to deal with such sensitive matters.
We need to learn foreign relations from a nation getting marginalized... Way to go...

It is not the Indian student that are welcomed, its the 15 billion dollar market that they do. And to retain any business you need to provide the right environment for it to prosper. A simple unanimous statement from establishment about investigation from "racist Angle" would have salvaged situations.

West and India - wow thats almost half of humanity you have suddenly discovered as immature (Howz that for generalization). Maybe Australian diplomats need improve their handling of sensitive issues else business will suffer:

Indian Man Set on Fire in Melbourne in New Attack, Police Say - Bloomberg.com
The government in New Delhi condemned the murder of Garg and told its citizens in Australia to take security precautions.

Teaching international students is Australia’s third- biggest source of foreign income, with India the second- largest source of scholars, representing 19 percent of the 630,000 full-time enrolments at Australian universities, according to the Department of Education.

Visa applications by Indians to study in Australia fell by 46 percent between July and October from a year earlier, compared with a 23 percent decline from all countries, according to data from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
given that you appear to live there, can you give some ground reality analysis?

Sir i already have said that Melbourne is a not good enough for indians anymore , what are the reasons ? i would like to say Behavior of few Indians and there could be an aspect of racism against them too.

have you yourself ever been targetted by these Australian/Lebanese gangs?
Well you do get attacked if you are exposed i mean if you are partying and Sh!t . I never had to do it so so far i had no trouble .
Lebanese gangs would give you a hug if they know you are musalman and Pakistani;)

why are they mostly targetting indian?

I am surprised too because they do not have any historical conflict or anything like that which can motivate one for violence.

Some believe that apart from the relatively recent influx of indians, the anti-indian violence has something to do with the deaths of Australian Baptist missionary Graham Stuart Staines and his two sons --who were all killed and set alight by angry hindu mobs in Orissa (same State where Christians were being massacred there en masse in 2008/09)

I can agree with that because 66% Australians are Christian.

(background info --> Graham Staines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

any validity in this?[/QUOTE]
Had India used its diplomatic channels and pressured the government into getting Victoria Police to identify and isolate these incidents then there could have been something done with regards to practical Policing strategies, of location, victim, or offender triangle.

This is now lost and as I said in my previous posts, this Indian media reaction and going over the top type of journalism has now had a backlash whereby nationalists and Australian will be getting very cheesed off now, especially after seeing the KKK figure of a Policeman.

Way to go India........you clearly have a lot to learn about how things get done in the world.

I bet the local minority communities will be cursing India now, and wont be too long when they too begin the debate of whether Indian students are welcome or should they be targetted to save themselves. This is becoming more and more of a repeat in the West and foreigners, (India) need to mature out to deal with such sensitive matters.

I agree with what you are saying. Do the indians think they will be even more liked now since they are kicking up such a big fuss over this? Calling us racists when we are clearly not, making stupid racist cartoons etc.

At the end of the day, it's the Indians loss. If they want to act like this (make racist cartoons, spread racist lies, make everyone believe Australia is a very dangerous place) then most likely all indians will not be welcome in Australia.

People will say "oh those indians, causing trouble for us"
Wow man, I live in New Delhi and it never occurred tome to take those precautions (Crime Capital right).

You can surely give some tips to our FM. BTW what makes you think diplomatic channels were not stirred?

Yeah, same Australian who thought Denmark cartoons were freedom of expression are agitated by another cartoon.

We need to learn foreign relations from a nation getting marginalized... Way to go...

It is not the Indian student that are welcomed, its the 15 billion dollar market that they do. And to retain any business you need to provide the right environment for it to prosper. A simple unanimous statement from establishment about investigation from "racist Angle" would have salvaged situations.

West and India - wow thats almost half of humanity you have suddenly discovered as immature (Howz that for generalization). Maybe Australian diplomats need improve their handling of sensitive issues else business will suffer:

Wow man, I live in New Delhi and it never occurred tome to take those precautions (Crime Capital right).

Hahaha! why lie? Infact i wouldn't even go to India, it's a very dangerous place.

Yeah, same Australian who thought Denmark cartoons were freedom of expression are agitated by another cartoon.

Lies. Most Australians condemned it. We have a large muslim community. Please don't mistake us for Americans.
Sir i already have said that Melbourne is a not good enough for indians anymore , what are the reasons ? i would like to say Behavior of few Indians and there could be an aspect of racism against them too.

Well you do get attacked if you are exposed i mean if you are partying and Sh!t . I never had to do it so so far i had no trouble .
Lebanese gangs would give you a hug if they know you are musalman and Pakistani;)

I am surprised too because they do not have any historical conflict or anything like that which can motivate one for violence.

I can agree with that because 66% Australians are Christian.

(background info --> Graham Staines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

any validity in this?

I have mentioned over and over again about the lebanese not liking indians, yet i was bashed and insulted for saying such a thing. No one believed me, when it if infact true.
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