Excuse me, but what? What do you mean isolate and i identify these incidents? The victorian police are investigating these attacks very very well, infact they invesitgate any crime very very well.
xdrive, I dont doubt the Officers integrity in anyway shape or form, hell I have friends gone from the UK Police now working in the Melbourne Police and know first hand how professional these guys are.
My point is, it takes time to identify and isolate a pattern in criminal activity, and setup up a team to firstly, identify the crime, secondly to detect the crime and thirdly to prevent the crime from happenning again.
Have the Indian students complained to their embassy and had they been bought to the attention of Police?.
Had the Australian Police known about the incident then preventative measures could have been taken to isolate the matter, WHICH I BELIEVE STRONGLY WOULD AND IS BEING DONE RIGHT NOW, but whatever the measures, the current Indian attitude has made the matter worse and bought forward an issue which may have been non existant or very low key, race. Having read alot of Australian forum recently, most of them are all talking about sending the Indians back and in place of the sponsors and Visas given to the Indians, to give them to other nationals, whose visas are rejected. So Australia doesn't really loose much anyway by Indian students going back, but this is not the issue. Issue is, most Indian forum members do not understand that in Australia, unless you have proof and evidence of a crime being racially or religiously motivated then it cannot be classed as racism, unless it is perceived to be BY THE VICTIM, and even then he/she need to clarify why they believe so.