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Racial attack: Indian killed in Australia

Get over your hyper-sensitivity. Explain how the cartoon was racist. In fact forget that, explain why exactly is the Victorian premier commenting on a cartoon in a daily in Delhi newspaper no one reads? Much ado about nothing.

It's not just the Victorian premier, it's the prime minster, the deputy prime minuster, the victorian police commissioner and the majority of normal people.

It's a racist cartoon. It depicts Australian police as klu klux klan members. It's racist. Fullstop.
Methinks you doth protest too much.

I've been reading some of the articles in the Australian media regarding this cartoon. Absolutely hilarious. You would think that the world is coming to an end or something with all the hysteria. Don't act like the fools who got offended over a danish cartoon. Its just a cartoon, get over it.

It's a racist cartoon. It depicts Australian police as klu klux klan members. It's racist. Fullstop.

Perhaps. However, the paper in question is a tabloid. A tabloid in partnership with the daily mail of the united kingdom. You can't expect anything better from it. and it in no way reflects the opinion of the Indian media.

However, if that is racist. Then the comments on this article by Australians is also racist. As is the headline of the article itself which infers that all Indians are lampooning the Aussie police as racists.

Indians lampoon Aussie police as the KKK | The Daily Telegraph

Anyway. This is all irrelevant to the topic in hand.

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Pretty low actually.

There were 388,867 "crimes" commited in victoria over that period.

As Ratus pointed out a crime covers every thing from murder to verbal abuse, the vast majority of those crimes are theft from cars and burglary. When you steal some thing from a car some one forgot to lock you dont even know what race they are.

1447 out of 388867 is 0.3% so 99.7% of crime in victoria is heppening to people who arent India sort of puts thing in perspective doesnt it

Your statistics are misleading. Read below -

However, an analysis by The Age shows Indians living in Victoria are 2½ times more likely to be assaulted than non-Indians.

According to police statistics for the 2006-07 financial year, the assault rate for Indians in Victoria was about 1700 people in every 100,000. In comparison, the rate of assault of non-Indians in Victoria was about 700 people in every 100,000.

Rory Medcalf, the Lowy Institute's program director for international security and a former diplomat in India, said the Government could have reduced the diplomatic damage by more willingly acknowledging - as Mr Varghese had done - that racism existed in Australia.

Source - The Age.
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I think you underestimate India's importance.

Australian govt and businesses salivate at the chance to capture a share of the burgeoning Indian economy. It is the same motive that propels Australia to ditch its traditional European roots and position itself as an Asia-Pacific, or Oceanic, nation.

That's only one issue because it hits many sensitive buttons in the public at large, from environment to proliferation to weaponization, etc.

I am not disputing the contribution of Indian migrants. More desi migrants is good for all of us. Indian students in reputable universities are studying legitimate subjects which will help them find jobs anywhere.

But there is a whole segment of tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of international "students" from many countries who are enrolled in sham courses like hairdressing and cooking. Some of these cooking "schools" do not even have any working equipment and the student visa is just a step towards migration. Do you honestly think some guy from India is going to spend $30,000 on an Australian education in hairdressing so he can go back to India and become a barber?

It is an undeniable fact that there has been a huge increase in the number of Indian students visible around Australia since this particular migration loophole opened up, and literally 90% of the conversations I overhear on the trains have one subject: migration.

Most of us will have to agree with you, as you are living in Australia and have more access to desi students and what they do. I have also heard that Students take up Cooking and other Vocational courses in OZ. And i am sure if they are living in Lousy locality they are susceptible to attacks. New Indian students would defenitly look different and Rowdies are smart to guess that.

Even indian FM said that Indian students should live in better localities and refrain from going at odd hrs in unknown localities, and also to parents to be more judicious while choosing courses.
i still dont understand the Lebanese against indian phenomenon in other cities

is it gang violence? Or do Lebanese just hate indians? I don't get it.

even in Dubai during brief visit i used to see Lebanese and Palestinian white-collar workers (of all people) treating indian workers in poor way.

May be some pakistanis can share their experiences in dubai about how they get treated by lebanese / syrian / palestinian waiters. I've been to the famout beirut in deira (i think) with a group of all pakistanis except me a couple of times. I've seen it. Not saying the violence in oz has anything to do with this, just sharing my own experience regardin your own experience in dubai.
India is a currently who is the most racist of all, so coming from them about racism makes me laugh..............

Depoicting Australia Police as KKK is an absolute insult to Australians.....you think this death was bad enough, wait til the nationalist in Oz get holdof this, they will have a field day targetting Indians and go out of their way to make their life more difficult. After India's attitude towards its Police I think India needs to look at the competence of its own Police forces, one of the most corrupt in the world.

Australian Officers are working dilligently, and preserving what evidence they have and are obtaining with contintuity of all its exhibits, unlike their Indian counterparts, who don;t even know how to secure and preserve evidence, and the recent Mumbai attacks clearly showed that, when I saw on television, one Indian Officer handing another plastic bags and walked off, know handover authenticity, no continuity, full of cross contamination, and absolutely no authentication left. Such is the state of the Indian Police......pathetic whingers
indians should worry about not discriminating amongst eachother first......

I mean -- look no farther than the halaat in West Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar or Orissa.
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indians should first worry about not discriminating amongst eachother first......

I mean -- look no farther than the halaat in West Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar or Orissa.

You should first look at target killings in karachi before going any further. 250 killed in 6 months. Horrendus.
it is....nobody said we are perfect either, we have our share of problems that need to be solved politically.

which is why you should worry about your own house first. You have your fair share of problems, as you are hopefully aware. Tend to them.
it is....nobody said we are perfect either, we have our share of problems that need to be solved politically.

which is why you should worry about your own house first. You have your fair share of problems, as you are hopefully aware. Tend to them.

So you mean to say we allow our kids to die overseas??
Whatever may be the situation regarding crime and the competence of the police in India is besides the point. It in no way excuses the crimes taking place in Victoria exclusively targetting Indians.
Whatever may be the situation regarding crime and the competence of the police in India is besides the point. It in no way excuses the crimes taking place in Victoria exclusively targetting Indians.

Please tell me the criing figures of Victoria altogether in the financial period of 2009 and what percentage of these is Indian. Then lets talk shall we whenwe compare that to 95000 Indian students.
Please tell me the criing figures of Victoria altogether in the financial period of 2009 and what percentage of these is Indian. Then lets talk shall we whenwe compare that to 95000 Indian students.

Are you blind? I've already stated the figures in an earlier post.

Here -

However, an analysis by The Age shows Indians living in Victoria are 2½ times more likely to be assaulted than non-Indians.

According to police statistics for the 2006-07 financial year, the assault rate for Indians in Victoria was about 1700 people in every 100,000. In comparison, the rate of assault of non-Indians in Victoria was about 700 people in every 100,000.

Rory Medcalf, the Lowy Institute's program director for international security and a former diplomat in India, said the Government could have reduced the diplomatic damage by more willingly acknowledging - as Mr Varghese had done - that racism existed in Australia.

The source in not some "Racist" Indian paper mind you, its an Auatralian newspaper.
So you mean to say we allow our kids to die overseas??

well it appears you still are.....

indians been getting bashed in australia for over a year now.....just stop sending them there. Easy as that. ;)
Are you blind? I've already stated the figures in an earlier post.

Here -

The source in not some "Racist" Indian paper mind you, its an Auatralian newspaper.

Oh please, that doesn't answer my questions, are you just plain stupid or what?

I asked, how many Indians are victims of crime from the overall figures of Victoria and what percentage of those compared to the 95000 students.

Is that too hard to grasp.

I guess so!!!!!
Friday, 08 January 2010
Muharram-ul-Haram 22, 1431

indian 'Racist Police' Cartoon Angers Australia​
Australia has condemned as "deeply offensive" an Indian newspaper cartoon depicting the police as members of the racist Ku Klux Klan.

India's Mail Today ran the cartoon showing a figure with an Australian police badge and a pointed white hood.

It follows the murder of Indian Nitin Garg, 21, in Melbourne and a string of other attacks on South Asians.

Australian officials say the attacks have not been racist, but random acts by opportunistic criminals.

'Slow News Day'

The cartoon in the newspaper portrayed a person in a white Ku Klux Klan hood with a Victoria state police badge and the words: "We are yet to ascertain the nature of the crime."

The Victoria state minister of police, Bob Cameron, condemned the cartoon.

"Victoria Police is a very tolerant organisation and Victoria is a very tolerant state and to suggest that Victoria Police is racist is just plain wrong," Mr Cameron said.

Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard said she had not seen the cartoon but she said: "Any suggestion of the kind is deeply offensive and I would condemn the making of such comment."

She said police in state capital Melbourne, where Mr Garg was murdered, had increased patrols in areas where violent attacks had taken place.

The state's police union said the drawing was based on nothing but "a slow news day in Delhi".

"Cartoons in Australia are normally done by people who are either clever or witty and this one's neither," the secretary of Victoria's Police Association, Greg Davies, told reporters.

He said it was too early to say whether Mr Garg's murder was racially motivated and that it was "incredibly offensive and wrong" to suggest police were not investigating the crime.

Mail Today editor Bharat Bhushan said the cartoon had been intended to provoke "introspection" among Australians about the nature of their society.

"People in India perceive these attacks as racist, because their children are being attacked and killed. So it's good if Australia is getting agitated. The more agitated they get, the harder they will work to improve the situation," he told the BBC.

Relations Soured

The past year of attacks on Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney has made headlines in India and caused diplomatic relations to sour between Canberra and Delhi.

The Indian government issued travel advice to students going to Australia after the murder of Mr Garg.

The issue now poses a threat to Australia's lucrative international education industry.

Australia has published figures indicating the number of Indians wanting to study in the country has plummeted by 46%.

BBC News - Indian 'racist police' cartoon angers Australia
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