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Racial attack: Indian killed in Australia


Displaying wealth is pretty stupid. I actually have little sympathy for the Indians who display their wealth while their country is dirt poor. It is pure classlessness and stupidity.

Also calling Australians racist while their own country has a caste system filled with "untouchables" is retarted. Australians are among the friendliest people I have come across in my life, and I can't say that to most Indians I have known so far. There are good people and a-holes in every country, and no generalization should be made.

India has the most crime in the whole WORLD.
Murder stats here: Murders (most recent) by country
Annual murder in India goes 37,000, where as Australia registers just 300.

what would your reaction be after you read something like the following...

"Italy: Racism row erupts at Milan school"

Milan, 2 Dec. (AKI) - A racism row has erupted at a high school located in the outskirts of the northern Italian city of Milan. According to the Italian daily La Repubblica, several 13 year-old students refused to sit next to Chinese students because they said they "stink".

Faculty members at the Trilussa school, in the area of Quarto Oggiaro, have made a decision and ordered students to change their seats every 15 days to overcome the racist attitude.

"To see the classroom divided into 'neighbourhoods' was painful. Now the students will have a chance to get to know each other," said Italian teacher Adele Moroni, who teaches a class that includes nine foreign students, out of a total of 22.

According to the newspaper report, the Italian students reportedly complained that the Chinese "do not pay their taxes", "they steal our jobs" and are "different than us".

The school has informed the parents of 13 children about episodes of "intolerance against non-Italians".

According to Moroni, the school is implementing a new strategy of integration and although they are only "at the beginning" they have already heard "moving" testimony from other students.

Moroni said that integration had been difficult for five Chinese students who arrived at the school this year.

"It is absurd that children are racist in 2009. We will go forward with the seat changes until we have overcome the challenge," said Moroni.

Italy: Racism row erupts at Milan school - Adnkronos Culture And Media
now it's easy being an opportunist spectator trying to take potshots and cunning digs without getting thy hands dirty...it's vastly more different when you are in the arena...
It's impossible for the police to be everywhere at one. melbourne is a massive place, you can't have police on every street corner. Also The police are not body guards, they can't just protect indians.

you don't get it do you?
what you see as unfounded paranoia is the fear of a country full of parents whose kids are in Australia...when some of the lot get beaten up and a few die...these are kids we are talking about...
there are degrees to hate-crimes...mortal threat is the last degree.
For you an Australian it's just another crime ridding on media hype...for us it's a million bright kids living in terror.

"Is Australia unusually racist?"

Nick Bryant | 06:18 UK time, Monday, 12 October 2009

The Channel Nine show Hey Hey It's Saturday was a staple of 1970s Australia. Last week's blackface skit, which has generated so many unfavourable international headlines, also had a distinctly retro and unreconstructed feel. Racist, too, according to the shows many detractors.

For those who missed it, the variety show aired a talent segment in which five men appeared in frizzy black wigs and with their faces daubed in black make-up purporting to be the Jackson Jive. Half-way through the song they were joined by another person impersonating Michael Jackson, whose face was painted white.

The American singer Harry Connick Jr, a guest judge on the show, signalled his immediate offence by scoring the performance "0". Later, he was invited back onto the live broadcast, where the host, Daryl Somers, apologised for causing offence. Connick Jr, who hails from America's Deep South, explained that the skit would have been unacceptable in his homeland. "Black minstrels" have long been a taboo, since they remind people of the Jim Crow era, when the races were separated in the American south from the cradle to the grave.

This controversy has not so much revived the debate about whether Australia is unusually racist as prolonged it. Australia is already in the public stocks over the attacks on Indian students.

The White Australia policy. The condition of indigenous Australians. Pauline Hanson. The Cronulla riots. The opposition to Islamic schools in mainly-white areas. As I've written before, Australia certainly is easy to stereotype as an unusually racist country. There will also be many who think that John Howard's political success partly stemmed from stoking the prejudices of Middle Australia, whether over asylum seekers or his prolonged reticence on the rise of Pauline Hanson.

From the sometimes paranoiac reaction to the arrival of relatively small numbers of boat people on its shores to employment surveys which show that job applicants with Anglo names fare better than Australians with Chinese or Middle Eastern bloodlines, a persuasive case can quickly be assembled.

There's also a counter-argument: that the bigger, more optimistic story about race in post-war Australia is how successfully immigrants from all over the world have successfully been assimilated without any great backlash. Proponents of this point of view would argue that Hansonism was a short-lived phenomenon and that there has been no repeat of Cronulla. Oddly, the doctors who performed the skit on Hey Hey It's Saturday are testament to the changing face of modern Australia. It included a Sri Lankan-Australian, an Indian-Australian, a Greek-Australian, an Irish-Italian-Australian and a Lebanese-Australian.

Earlier in the year, at the height of the Indian student controversy, the Melbourne-based academic Waleed Aly, wrote this piece in The Monthly, which offers a very balanced and carefully modulated assessment. And though he misrepresents BBC World's coverage of the 2007 federal election, we will forgive him that transgression. He is emerging as one of the country's most eloquent public intellectuals.

Elsewhere, Waleed Aly has said that Australia has "a fairly high level of low-level racism," which seems to me, at least, a very neat summation.

For what it's worth, Australian politicians often appear to have a more pessimistic assessment of the level of racism in their own society, and do little to counter it. Kevin Rudd is normally quick to comment on the water cooler issue of the day, and often adopts a populist stance. His condemnation of the photographer, Bill Henson, for using semi-naked adolescent models, was an obvious case in point. But he has not weighed in on the "blackface" row.

Julia Gillard had this to say during a visit to America. "Obviously, I think whatever happened was meant to be humorous and would be taken in that spirit by most Australians," comments which seemed to misunderstand American racial sensibilities on the subject and to have been intended more for domestic Australian consumption.

Perhaps Kevin Rudd does not want to get on the wrong side of public opinion on the issue. Or perhaps he agrees with those who stereotype Australia: that a racist undercurrent still flows fairly


this is a never-ending argument.We definitely don't believe that Australia is a racist nation...we believe that some of the crimes against the Indian students had a racial motive.
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So? I love Italy anyway. I had a Italian girlfriend before and she wasn't racist at all. When I travelled in Italy people were great over there. Just because a few children don't like Chinese doesn't mean we have to act like a bunch of idiot.

P.S When I travelled in India, it was the worst experience. I saw children starving on the street and nobody gave a da*n. The cities smelled like dung (maybe it is because all the cow dung). 50% Indians I met tried to scam me. The other 50% tried to convince me to give up the terroritories China "occupied" from India. The Indians on the projects we worked on are the laziest mofos I have ever seen. They were never on time and never serious about work. Nothing got done there. A police actually asked me to bribe him, btw, for no reason at all. So compare to that, Italy is 1000000x better.

what would your reaction be after you read something like the following...

"Italy: Racism row erupts at Milan school"

Milan, 2 Dec. (AKI) - A racism row has erupted at a high school located in the outskirts of the northern Italian city of Milan. According to the Italian daily La Repubblica, several 13 year-old students refused to sit next to Chinese students because they said they "stink".

Faculty members at the Trilussa school, in the area of Quarto Oggiaro, have made a decision and ordered students to change their seats every 15 days to overcome the racist attitude.

"To see the classroom divided into 'neighbourhoods' was painful. Now the students will have a chance to get to know each other," said Italian teacher Adele Moroni, who teaches a class that includes nine foreign students, out of a total of 22.

According to the newspaper report, the Italian students reportedly complained that the Chinese "do not pay their taxes", "they steal our jobs" and are "different than us".

The school has informed the parents of 13 children about episodes of "intolerance against non-Italians".

According to Moroni, the school is implementing a new strategy of integration and although they are only "at the beginning" they have already heard "moving" testimony from other students.

Moroni said that integration had been difficult for five Chinese students who arrived at the school this year.

"It is absurd that children are racist in 2009. We will go forward with the seat changes until we have overcome the challenge," said Moroni.

Italy: Racism row erupts at Milan school - Adnkronos Culture And Media
now it's easy being an opportunist spectator trying to take potshots and cunning digs without getting thy hands dirty...it's vastly more different when you are in the arena...
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what i still fail to see is, why indians only?

and why is it Australians of Lebanese descent who are especially being involved in bashing some indians
Australian Deputy PM neglects Indian travel warning - People's Daily Online

Australian Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard said on Wednesday that Australia will continue to welcome Indian students despite a new travel warning from the Indian government.

A statement from India warned that robberies and assaults in Australia's Melbourne to the Indian travelers increased. So it urged Indian students to take extra security measures such as not traveling alone at night.

It was issued by New Delhi's Ministry of External Affairs in response to the killing of 21-year-old Indian graduate Nitin Garg, who was stabbed to death in Melbourne on Saturday night.

Gillard said the travel advisory is a matter for the Indian government but she stressed Australia is a safe country for all international students.

"In big cities around the world we do see acts of violence from time to time; that happens in Melbourne, it happens in Mumbai, it happens in New York, it happens in London," she said, adding "any individual act of violence is obviously to be deeply regretted and our sympathies go to anyone who is harmed by an act of violence."

The advisory singles out Melbourne as a street-crime hotspot and reveals acts of violence against Indians have often been accompanied by verbal abuse and fueled by alcohol and drugs.

It notes while most Indian students have had a positive experience in Australia, assaults and robberies have been on the rise, despite more efforts made by Victorian police.

Source: Xinhua :smitten::pakistan::china:

VICTORIAN police have backed assertions made in an Indian government travel warning to students about the dangers of increasing violent crime in Melbourne, putting them at odds with state and federal governments intent on promoting Australia as a safe place to travel and study.

Police back Indian travel warning | The Australian
So? I love Italy anyway. I had a Italian girlfriend before and she wasn't racist at all. When I travelled in Italy people were great over there. Just because a few children don't like Chinese doesn't mean we have to act like a bunch of idiot.

P.S When I travelled in India, it was the worst experience. I saw children starving on the street and nobody gave a da*n. The cities smelled like dung (maybe it is because all the cow dung). 50% Indians I met tried to scam me. The other 50% tried to convince me to give up the terroritories China "occupied" from India. The Indians on the projects we worked on are the laziest mofos I have ever seen. They were never on time and never serious about work. Nothing got done there. A police actually asked me to bribe him, btw, for no reason at all. So compare to that, Italy is 1000000x better.

Here, follow this link

Why do you people only look at the -ve's? I don't get it. Homicides are committed everywhere on this planet, but when it comes to 1 Indian involved in an incident, a panic attack spreads...
P.S When I travelled in India, it was the worst experience. I saw children starving on the street and nobody gave a da*n. The cities smelled like dung (maybe it is because all the cow dung). 50% Indians I met tried to scam me. The other 50% tried to convince me to give up the terroritories China "occupied" from India. The Indians on the projects we worked on are the laziest mofos I have ever seen. They were never on time and never serious about work. Nothing got done there. A police actually asked me to bribe him, btw, for no reason at all. So compare to that, Italy is 1000000x better.

I dont know which type weed you are using, but definitely good quality, I must admit...:smokin:
So? I love Italy anyway. I had a Italian girlfriend before and she wasn't racist at all. When I travelled in Italy people were great over there. Just because a few children don't like Chinese doesn't mean we have to act like a bunch of idiot.

P.S When I travelled in India, it was the worst experience. I saw children starving on the street and nobody gave a da*n. The cities smelled like dung (maybe it is because all the cow dung). 50% Indians I met tried to scam me. The other 50% tried to convince me to give up the terroritories China "occupied" from India. The Indians on the projects we worked on are the laziest mofos I have ever seen. They were never on time and never serious about work. Nothing got done there. A police actually asked me to bribe him, btw, for no reason at all. So compare to that, Italy is 1000000x better.

We love Italy as well. We elected an Italian woman to be our PM but she choose to remain leader of her party and rule from the sidelines :azn:

Strange that you talk about Indians the way you do considering the way the Italians think about you and the Chinese. By the way, did you adopt any of those starving kids, eat any of the dung and give in to any of the scammers? The territory issue is sorted out. We still have AP. Keep the rest of your country we don't need it. Hope you didn't give in to the scammers and sign over any of your territory to India though or else you definately will be eating PLC dung when you get back to China.

Yup you are right. We Indians are a lazy bunch. Unlike you hardworking people there. We really do admire the way you slave and toil for your country. Heck you even let your military test their tanks on you. Now that is patriotism we could learn well from. Oops I forgot we have a thing called democracy here and we are competing with you on the global front for exports and commodoties. By the way which project did you work on ? Dropping of outdated canned food on Sino-Indus border? No wonder the Indians refused to "turn up" :blink:
So? I love Italy anyway. I had a Italian girlfriend before and she wasn't racist at all. When I travelled in Italy people were great over there. Just because a few children don't like Chinese doesn't mean we have to act like a bunch of idiot.

P.S When I travelled in India, it was the worst experience. I saw children starving on the street and nobody gave a da*n. The cities smelled like dung (maybe it is because all the cow dung). 50% Indians I met tried to scam me. The other 50% tried to convince me to give up the terroritories China "occupied" from India. The Indians on the projects we worked on are the laziest mofos I have ever seen. They were never on time and never serious about work. Nothing got done there. A police actually asked me to bribe him, btw, for no reason at all. So compare to that, Italy is 1000000x better.

your post cracked me up........

which cities were u in, in india? I also heard that cows roam about freely.

strange realities.
what i still fail to see is, why indians only?

and why is it Australians of Lebanese descent who are especially being involved in bashing some indians

Thing is its not indians only, as i posted a few pages back 99.7% of crime in victoria happens to people who arent Indian.

Think of it with the racists attacks and yes there are some, does a skin head moron know the difference between a Pakisanti, Indian or Balgledeshi, no anyone vaugely SE-asian appearance is a ( pardon the phrase) curry muncher.

As for the Lebanese certainly the conflicts in sydney arround harris park were indian/lebanese but there is less evidence that Lebanese are involved in the melbourne problems. As Develeparo pointed out the gangs in the areas Indians live in in Melbourne are mainly Vietnamese the Lebanese in Melbourne live in the norther suburbs not the inner west.
your post cracked me up........

which cities were u in, in india? I also heard that cows roam about freely.

strange realities.

Its true that sometime you do see cows in some of our cities mostly middle size. You will not see cow in Delhi, Mumbai Bangalore 99% of times.

About India being smelly, I guess these people go to specific area it seems. A good portion of city does not smell.
I think we are all going a little off topic, the issue was about this poor kid killed in Australia. Matter remains to be seen as to who and why he was killed.

Clearly, when there is a change in a community, like a big influx of Indian students coming over into Australia, it will cause alarm, yet I believe these guys are more safer in Australia then in India, hell minorities in India are massacred on mass. Australia is doing what it possibly can and well done to them for all they have done thus far
i still dont understand the Lebanese against indian phenomenon in other cities

is it gang violence? Or do Lebanese just hate indians? I don't get it.

even in Dubai during brief visit i used to see Lebanese and Palestinian white-collar workers (of all people) treating indian workers in poor way.
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