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Racial attack: Indian killed in Australia

Let's get a few things straight. Australia is not a racist nation nor is Australian society xenophobic. Such an assessment is unacceptable and racist in itself. However, to brush aside the attacks against Indians as normal happenings in major cities is also equally unacceptable. Indian students go there to study, if they get attacked, it is the duty of the Australian government to protect these students. - by education these students or better policing.

To use a analogy i've used here before, If Australian tourists are attacked frequently in India, would it be the fault of the tourists who stray into unsafe areas? or would it be the fault of the government of India for not educating these tourists about no go areas or inadequate policing of these districts?
GB Australia would one of the most peaceful places in the world to live .

Street crimes /Vandalism is there but serious crime do happen but on a low scale .

India has a sever "Racism problem" but they do not look into their own mouth.:agree:

Here is an example.

Racism in North India
by Aparna Pallavi

September 10, 2006

Now you justify GB what is true?

Bhaijann Kala Khoon, What about Genocide of Bengali fellow Muslims in 1971, East pakistan (Now Bengladesh)

And what about this

Racism rules in Pakistan
By Tazeen Javed • Apr 17th, 2008 • Category: Politics, Worth A Second Look • 12 Comments

I quoted Cowasjee in one of my previous posts where he said that unless a leader who has iman and insaniyat springs up from somewhere, we will remain a failing state.

I came across another gem since then, Peshawar High Court Bar Association’s President Latif Afridi was caught on Geo saying that “If it is demanded that Afghanis are sent back to Afghanistan, then muhajirs should also be sent back to Hindustan.” Not only did he say that in a high court bar association gathering, the august lawyer’s community clapped and cheered the esteemed Afridi sahib heartily on his sage comments. The esteemed lawyer was not only rude enough to demand that Pakistanis who were born and brought up in the country should go back to India because their ancestors were stupid enough to come to Pakistan, he also called all of them looters and usurpers. He said that all Muhaijirs (I personally loath that term) are looters who have taken over the land of Sindhis.

The funny thing is, Afridi sahib is a former member of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan but he knows nothing about the basic right of a group of people to form political affiliations which can be different than his own. Afridi sahib is also famous for demanding and advocating for open and unpatrolled borders between Pakistan and Afghanistan. I only wonder why is he so vehemently ask for a situation which only helps smugglers who smuggle wheat to Afghanistan and bring back drugs and weapons to Pakistan. A patriotic Pakistani would not object to closing down the borders; open borders only help smugglers and Taliban operatives. If Hitler had been alive, he would have been very happy to have found such an ardent student of racism.

The learned wakeel sahib needs to take some classes in International Law 101 where he should be taught the difference between born citizens, naturalized citizens, invaders and refugees so that he will not make the mistake again and would learn to differentiate between citizens of Pakistan and Afghan refugees and their respective rights.

Oops, I forgot, citizens of Pakistan have no rights to speak of. After all, racist societies do not much care for rights of its citizen. We have seen it in Nazi Germany and Rwanda in the past and we are seeing it now in Darfur and Pakistan

Racism rules in Pakistan | The Pakistani Spectator

Let's get a few things straight. Australia is not a racist nation nor is Australian society xenophobic. Such an assessment is unacceptable and racist in itself. However, to brush aside the attacks against Indians as normal happenings in major cities is also equally unacceptable. Indian students go there to study, if they get attacked, it is the duty of the Australian government to protect these students. - by education these students or better policing.

To use a analogy i've used here before, If Australian tourists are attacked frequently in India, would it be the fault of the tourists who stray into unsafe areas? or would it be the fault of the government of India for not educating these tourists about no go areas or inadequate policing of these districts?

It's impossible for the police to be everywhere at one. melbourne is a massive place, you can't have police on every street corner. Also The police are not body guards, they can't just protect indians.
racism is almost every where i do not find any society free from racism before pointing out others you should first consider yourself and your narrow thinking.
Australian police have said 1,447 people of Indian descent were victims of a crime in Victoria in the 12 months to July 2008.

Unusually high, wouldn't you say?
Do you believe the BBC xdrive? It's not the Indian media after all. Considering both Britain and Australia have the same head of state, you can't accuse the BBC of being biased!

BBC News - Australia downplays India student warning

The Australian government has played down a travel advisory issued by India warning of the risk of violence against Indian students in Melbourne.

The warning followed the killing last week of an Indian graduate, Nitin Garg, who was stabbed to death in the city.

The Indian travel advisory warned of an increase in robberies and assaults.

But acting Australian foreign minister Simon Crean urged Indian leaders to avoid fuelling hysteria and said Melbourne was safe for visitors.

India's travel advisory said acts of violence against Indians had often been accompanied by verbal abuse and fuelled by drugs and alcohol.

Basic safety

"The government advises Indian students studying in Australia, as well as those planning to study there, that they should take certain basic precautions in being alert to their own security while moving around," the notice said.The foreign ministry's eight-point advisory also asked Indian citizens to report "complaints" to Indian diplomatic missions in Australia.

"The number of such incidents of assault as well as of robbery has been on the rise in recent months, which has affected not only Indian students but also members of the larger Indian community in Australia," it added.

Mr Garg's murder has received wide media coverage in India, with one newspaper describing his death as proof "that the issue of racist attacks on the Indian community needs to be addressed by the Australian authorities".

'Not racist'

Australian police have said 1,447 people of Indian descent were victims of a crime in Victoria in the 12 months to July 2008.

But Australian authorities insist there is no racism behind the attacks, only opportunistic criminals.

"What we have to do is to let the investigations take their course, but certainly on the basis of what we're being told so far, by the Victorian authorities, there's no basis for a racial motivation behind this," Mr Crean told Australian radio.

Indian Foreign Minister SM Krishna urged the Australian authorities to "speedily book" the people responsible for the killing of Nitin Garg.

Mr Garg was stabbed to death on his way to a fast food restaurant in Melbourne on Saturday night.

Mr Krishna said the attack was "highly condemnable".

He said the Australian government should realise such attacks were making public opinion in India "polarised".

Australia's Tourism Forecasting Committee (TFC) said Indian students were choosing to stay away because of a series of attacks in mid-2009.

The number of Indian students studying in Australia is projected to fall by about 20% in 2010, the TFC said.

As i said before, unusually high, wouldn't you say?
As i said before, unusually high, wouldn't you say?

How do you decide that this is high. What is the statical basis for that assumption?

Note also a victim of a crime is not just a victim of an assault or killing. It covers lots of issues from name calling right through the spectrum.
Unusually high, wouldn't you say?

Pretty low actually.

There were 388,867 "crimes" commited in victoria over that period.

As Ratus pointed out a crime covers every thing from murder to verbal abuse, the vast majority of those crimes are theft from cars and burglary. When you steal some thing from a car some one forgot to lock you dont even know what race they are.

1447 out of 388867 is 0.3% so 99.7% of crime in victoria is heppening to people who arent India sort of puts thing in perspective doesnt it.
Australian Deputy PM neglects Indian travel warning - People's Daily Online

Australian Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard said on Wednesday that Australia will continue to welcome Indian students despite a new travel warning from the Indian government.

A statement from India warned that robberies and assaults in Australia's Melbourne to the Indian travelers increased. So it urged Indian students to take extra security measures such as not traveling alone at night.

It was issued by New Delhi's Ministry of External Affairs in response to the killing of 21-year-old Indian graduate Nitin Garg, who was stabbed to death in Melbourne on Saturday night.

Gillard said the travel advisory is a matter for the Indian government but she stressed Australia is a safe country for all international students.

"In big cities around the world we do see acts of violence from time to time; that happens in Melbourne, it happens in Mumbai, it happens in New York, it happens in London," she said, adding "any individual act of violence is obviously to be deeply regretted and our sympathies go to anyone who is harmed by an act of violence."

The advisory singles out Melbourne as a street-crime hotspot and reveals acts of violence against Indians have often been accompanied by verbal abuse and fueled by alcohol and drugs.

It notes while most Indian students have had a positive experience in Australia, assaults and robberies have been on the rise, despite more efforts made by Victorian police.

Source: Xinhua :smitten::pakistan::china:
Do you believe the BBC xdrive? It's not the Indian media after all. Considering both Britain and Australia have the same head of state, you can't accuse the BBC of being biased!

BBC News - Australia downplays India student warning

As i said before, unusually high, wouldn't you say?

No, i do not trust the BBC. I do not trust CCN, Fox news, or any media that is known to be biased and corrupt.
Bhaijann Kala Khoon, What about Genocide of Bengali fellow Muslims in 1971, East pakistan (Now Bengladesh)

And what about this

Racism rules in Pakistan
By Tazeen Javed • Apr 17th, 2008 • Category: Politics, Worth A Second Look • 12 Comments

I quoted Cowasjee in one of my previous posts where he said that unless a leader who has iman and insaniyat springs up from somewhere, we will remain a failing state.

I came across another gem since then, Peshawar High Court Bar Association’s President Latif Afridi was caught on Geo saying that “If it is demanded that Afghanis are sent back to Afghanistan, then muhajirs should also be sent back to Hindustan.” Not only did he say that in a high court bar association gathering, the august lawyer’s community clapped and cheered the esteemed Afridi sahib heartily on his sage comments. The esteemed lawyer was not only rude enough to demand that Pakistanis who were born and brought up in the country should go back to India because their ancestors were stupid enough to come to Pakistan, he also called all of them looters and usurpers. He said that all Muhaijirs (I personally loath that term) are looters who have taken over the land of Sindhis.

The funny thing is, Afridi sahib is a former member of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan but he knows nothing about the basic right of a group of people to form political affiliations which can be different than his own. Afridi sahib is also famous for demanding and advocating for open and unpatrolled borders between Pakistan and Afghanistan. I only wonder why is he so vehemently ask for a situation which only helps smugglers who smuggle wheat to Afghanistan and bring back drugs and weapons to Pakistan. A patriotic Pakistani would not object to closing down the borders; open borders only help smugglers and Taliban operatives. If Hitler had been alive, he would have been very happy to have found such an ardent student of racism.

The learned wakeel sahib needs to take some classes in International Law 101 where he should be taught the difference between born citizens, naturalized citizens, invaders and refugees so that he will not make the mistake again and would learn to differentiate between citizens of Pakistan and Afghan refugees and their respective rights.

Oops, I forgot, citizens of Pakistan have no rights to speak of. After all, racist societies do not much care for rights of its citizen. We have seen it in Nazi Germany and Rwanda in the past and we are seeing it now in Darfur and Pakistan

Racism rules in Pakistan | The Pakistani Spectator


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