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Racial attack: Indian killed in Australia

From my personal experience, tips to prevent yourself being target

of similiar victim of this thread

(1) I been living in a few places which including developed countries

like " US, Canada, England, developing one like Mexico". They all

share something in common, always some dark side of the city

which you need to learn not to mess around.

(2)One need to do some detail homework before you got there will

always help you to get a smoothy life, especially helping you how to

stay out of trouble. Wearing a "Rolex watch" or showing off whats in

your wallet hanging around some area famous for night life=asking

for trouble.

(3)It always wise to go out late at night with your friends instead of

going by yourself, all criminals in the world preferred easy targets.

(4)Do not lost your basic human instinct, one need to prepare for the

worst scenario, I myself run a couple of miles everyday to stay in

shape, at least you can run when danger arrived.

(5) Spare sometime, take some self-defence courses like i been

doing since 10 years old, it could save your life in the long run.

Finally, to be honest other than taking side on a defence forum.

Since i been living outside my country most of my life. I can feel the

pain whenever i heard any Asian being attacked, abused murder etc.

Such criminal acts should be condemn and punish.:china:
I don't see why you are worried. Australia is one of the safest countries in the world and has one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

It has been proven that these attacks are not raced based but are instead random muggings that turn violent or opptunistic attacks because people can sport new immigrants.

If your brother has been educated where and where not to go, and what to do, he will be ok. It's the same with every country.

Also how is his hatred filled post helping out indians? All his doing is saying "AUSSIES ARE RACIST, AUSSIES ARE RACIST" when the majority of aussies are not. These attacks are not racist attacks and have been proven. I can not put my head around the fact that people act like Australia is a dangerous place when countries like indian are EXTREMELY dangerous places. You have 500x more chance of dieing in india then in Australia.

These comments really really piss me off, and people keep making them. "aussies are racist" "aussies are getting more and more racist" You are generalizing a whole population, when infact it's only a hand full of people who are commiting the crime.

Most of you all forget that Australia is one of the most multicultural countries in the world, there is tons of different races, yet you alll think it's just white people attacking people.

From what i understand the Lebanese people do not like indians, they could be commiting there crimes, we don't exactly know.

Also please don't talk about our history or culture if you have no idea about it. It's obvious you have no idea about it. Convicts came here between 1830 and 1850. So our grandfathers did not come here as prisoners, they were born here, unless there like 150 years old. Secondly hardly any of the population is decendants of the criminals. Australias population boomed in 1850 with the gold rush and then again in the 1950's and 1960's with all the immigrants from europe.

Saying Australia has no culture is utterly disgusting, because we do, we have a long history and alto of culture. But i wouldn't trust rude arrogant immigrants like you to know that. I am glad you have left Australia, maybe a nice immigrant family who appreciates being in one of the best countries in the world has taken your place.

xdrive , I am sure no one really means all australians are negative or contributed to the hate crime , but I am sure , there are alot of positive australians - some ppl went overboard but I don't thing , all Australians are like that -

But between you and me something is happening in Australia as the attacks seem to increase by the day , its a bit alarming
An Indian mans body has been found on the side of the road in rural nsw, burnt.

I can't wait for the India media so ay "RACIST ATTACK RACIST!"

Police identify burnt body by rural road

You can tell by the current information that this murder was done by someone that knew the man, it wouldn't be a random attack because 1. It's in rural nsw. 2. The mans body was burnt. If it was random they wouldnt kill the man and then try to dispose of his body like that.
An Indian mans body has been found on the side of the road in rural nsw, burnt.

I can't wait for the India media so ay "RACIST ATTACK RACIST!"

Police identify burnt body by rural road

You can tell by the current information that this murder was done by someone that knew the man, it wouldn't be a random attack because 1. It's in rural nsw. 2. The mans body was burnt. If it was random they wouldnt kill the man and then try to dispose of his body like that.

xdrive, since you are from Australia, according to your daily life

experience, does murder, abuse of Indians happened often there ?

From your news and those news within a year, its seems to be

happening quite often though ?
xdrive, since you are from Australia, according to your daily life

experience, does murder, abuse of Indians happened often there ?

From your news and those news within a year, its seems to be

happening quite often though ?

I have never seen any Indians bashed or murderd and infact, i have never ever seen anyone of any race or nationality ever murderd or bashed.

I haven't even see someone get arrested. That shows how safe Australia is.

But crime still does happen, crime will happen anywhere you go. And till the police investigate these 2 murders and say "yes, these were race based attacks" these murders should be classed as racist attacks.

With this latest murder, a friend could of murdered him because of a personal issue such as he stole his gf or something like that. These things happen.
xdrive, since you are from Australia, according to your daily life

experience, does murder, abuse of Indians happened often there ?

From your news and those news within a year, its seems to be

happening quite often though ?

GB Australia would one of the most peaceful places in the world to live .

Street crimes /Vandalism is there but serious crime do happen but on a low scale .

I must say Australia had Racism problem back in 60's but now Australia has transformed itself into a true Multicultural tolerant society.

Australia has Chinese migrants in sheer numbers along with others like Indians , Lebanese and many more.

Tell me GB how can you put a label on someone as being a "racist nation " only because of few incidents ??

India has a sever "Racism problem" but they do not look into their own mouth.:agree:

Here is an example.

Racism in North India
by Aparna Pallavi

As an undergraduate student at Delhi University in the early 1990s, Dr Renu (Gupta) Naidu took little notice when her friends routinely referred to students from the Northeast as 'Chinkies' or hurled obscenities or racial insults at them.
"Any Northeastern student entering a college campus earns the epithet 'Chinky' on day one, and has to live with being looked at as, at the very least, an oddity, for the rest of her or his stay," says Naidu. "Students told me about being asked questions like whether they eat rats." This racial hostility comes unbidden from the non-Northeastern student community.

Naidu had herself faced discrimination as a "non-Marathi" student during her post-graduation at Nagpur, and it dawned on her that Northeastern students, with their distinctive 'non-plainspeople' epicanthic features, behavior and dress habits, were in all likelihood confronting far more discrimination than she had. In June 2006, Naidu was awarded a PhD for her work on the lives of Northeastern tribal girl students in Delhi, with her research based on interviews with 200 students from 10 colleges in Delhi University's North Campus.

The first disturbing fact - statistics compiled from official records of various colleges in the city - that Naidu's study has uncovered is that the dropout rates of Northeastern students touches 50 per cent, with more girls dropping out than boys. The reasons for this trend, according to Naidu, lie in the intense socio-cultural conflict, and the resultant stress, that impact all aspects of the lives of students from the Northeast.

"For a student from the Northeast, irrespective of whether she or he is from an urban or tribal background, Delhi is like an alien land," says Naidu. "The language is unfamiliar, the cultural and social terrain is unknown. Even getting a letter of introduction to open a bank account is a mammoth task. What is more, their distinctive physical features immediately mark them out as outsiders among the local populace."

Being cheated as a matter of course is one direct fallout of this situation. Angom*, a Manipuri student at Miranda House told Naidu, "Even rickshaw-pullers, auto-drivers, vegetable vendors and bus conductors cheat us because they know that we are not aware of the price of things here, and are not in a position to drive hard bargains."

For girl students, the situation is worse still: in the conservative Delhi milieu, their Westernized style of dressing and easy camaraderie with the opposite sex - owing in large part to their liberal tribal culture - they are seen as 'fast' or 'of easy virtue'. This imperception exposes girls from the Northeast to the worst sorts of sexual harassment, both within campuses and without. Diana, a Mizo student at Indraprastha college, said, "Delhi men believe that north-eastern girls are easily available. They look at us with only one thing in mind: sex. If we protest, they warn us to clam up, because we are alone and there is no one we can turn to for protection."

The attitude of college authorities and the local police to incidences of sexual harassment and teasing is usually nonchalant. "Incidents of this nature are treated as routine, and often the girls are blamed for them." Furthermore, she says, "Police stations refuse to provide data on the sexual harassment of Northeastern girls." One police official, in fact, told Naidu: "Yeh to in ladkiyon ka roz ka naatak hai, kahan tak complaint darj karien? Aur waise bhi bina chingari ke aag nahi lagti (This is a daily drama these girls play out; how many complaints do we register? Anyway, there's no smoke without a fire)."

The vulnerability of the girls is underscored by the fact that most Northeastern girl students live in rented accommodation. Nine colleges of the 13 (three are women's only colleges) in the North Campus have hostels; only four of these have girls' hostels.

"Rented accommodation exposes girls to different kinds of harassment," says Naidu, "They are subjected to sudden and arbitrary hikes in rent, and threatened with immediate eviction if they don't comply."

Here, too, sexual harassment is omnipresent. During their conversations with Naidu, many Northeastern girls confided to being harassed for sexual favors by landlords and their families. "The son of one landlord's family even offered a rent waiver in return for sexual favors!" exclaims Naidu.

Apart from sexual harassment, Northeastern girl students have to face discrimination at other levels too, and this impacts their education adversely "The general impression is that these students are not good at studies and are [here] just for a good time. The stamp of 'reservation' sticks to them, and the resentment that comes with it has to be faced," says Naidu.

According to her data, of the 200 students interviewed, only 10 per cent said that their classroom participation is high, while around three-quarters registered below average classroom participation. A sizeable proportion felt that teachers' attitude to their classroom participation was either neutral or discouraging. Of the 200 students, 111 said their participation in co-curricular activities was 'minimal'; 107 felt discrimination during co-curricular activities; 58 felt 'isolated'; 167 students registered feelings like helplessness, discouragement, irritation and stress in academic activities.

This overall pressure drives many students to drop out, Naidu feels. Those who stay on find it difficult to meet academic goals burdened with so much stress.
Consequently, most Northeastern tribal girl students are not particularly keen on getting jobs in Delhi after completing their education. "Coming to study in Delhi, for most Northeastern students, is a matter of prestige," says Naidu. "The unstable political situation in the Northeast has caused educational standards to drop, which makes it very easy for Delhi-educated students to get the best jobs once they return. This, coupled with the fact that the atmosphere does not offer much by way of encouragement to reach out and mingle, causes most students to see their student days here as just a stopover."

Students told Naidu that social work interventions, such as the presence of social workers in colleges in enabling and facilitating roles, and steps to fight discrimination and enhance socio-cultural exchange between communities of students, could help alleviate the problems. But the single-most important step that Naidu feels needs to be taken with a sense of urgency is arranging sufficient hostel facilities for Northeastern girl students. "This one step will go a long way in providing stability and security to their lives and help them concentrate on their academic goals," she says.

This is why Naidu is currently working on a policy paper to call attention to the issue of this manner of student discrimination, which she wants to send to the ministries of tribal welfare and social justice. "The problem of Northeastern girl students needs recognition in the right places," she says. "At present, the different kinds of stress that these students have to put up with is impacting their studies seriously, and every effort should be made to ease the situation."

(* Names of all students changed.)

September 10, 2006

Now you justify GB what is true?
Racism towards Behari's in India

Bihari refers to the people of the Indian state of Bihar, which is a region in the north-eastern Gangetic plains (as well as people of the Bihari ethnic group that originated there). Bihar has had slower economic growth than the rest of India in the 1990s, and as a consequnce many Bihari's have migrated to other parts of India in search of work. Bihari migrant workers have been subject to a growing degree of xenophobia,[1] racial discrimination,[2] prejudice[3][4][5] and violence.[6] Biharis are often looked down upon[7] and their accent ridiculed.[8] In 2000 and 2003, anti-Bihari violence led to the deaths of up to 200 people[6] and created 10,000 internal refugees. Again in 2008, anti-Bihari violence in Maharashtra, notably in Nashik, Mumbai, and Pune, created 40,000 to 60,000 internal refugees.[citation needed]


Since the late 1980s and through to 2005, poor governance and Annual Flooding of Bihar by Kosi River (Sorrow of Bihar) contributed to a crisis in the Bihar economy[9] The criminalistion of politics, and kidnappings of professional workers between 1990-2005 contributed to an economic collapse and led to the flight of capital, middle class professionals, and business leaders to other parts of India.[10][11] This flight of business and capital increased unemployment and this led to the mass migration of Bihari farmers and unemployed youth to more developed states of India. The state has a per capita income of $148 a year against India's average of $997 and 30.6% of the state's population lives below the poverty line against India's average of 22.15%. The level of urbanisation (10.5%) is below the national average (27.78%); and behind states like Maharastra (42.4%). Urban poverty in Bihar (32.91%) is above the national average of 23.62%.[12] Also using per capita water supply as a surrogate variable, Bihar (61 litres per day) is below the national average (142 litres per day) and that of Maharastra(175 litres per day) in civic amenities.

Social and cultural

There is a perception in Indian states with smaller populations that Bihari culture could dominate local languages and customs as migration of poor workers continue from those states. This feeling that local customs would be overwhelmed by migrants was a key feature of the MNS campaign in Maharashtra and feelings of resentment in Punjab.[13][14] The migrant population in Punjab, according to state researchers, is nearing three million out of a total population of over nearly 30 million. One third of the migrants, nearly one million, live in and around Ludhiana.[15] After the attacks on Uttar Pradeshi's and Biharis in October 2008, a Punjabi group called the Dal Khalsa, carried banners and placards that read “Punjab for Punjabis” and “Return migrants, Save Punjab”.[15] This fear is further personified by the rise of Bhojpuri cinema in non-Bhojpuri speaking states. Punjabi comedian Jaspal Bhatti said that instead of assimilating with the culture of the state, the migrant population was seeking to decimate Punjabi culture and cinema.[16] In Mumbai, Raj Thackeray had also complained to theatre owners for their reluctance to exhibit Marathi movies and producers of Marathi movies complained that it is becoming difficult to hire theatres in Mumbai to release their productions and exhibitors preferred to show Bhojpuri language movies.[17]

Furthermore, many see Biharis as criminals and attribute any rise in criminality to Bihari youth, or the so called "Bihari Mafia".[18] Due to the high levels of crime in Bihar there is a perception by some that Biharis are inherently criminal by nature. This has led to Biharis being blamed for crimes ranging from automobile theft to increases in rape, murder and kidnapping.

Bihar has a per capita income of $148 a year against India's average of $997. Given this income dispartity, migrant workers moved to better paid locations and offered to work at lower rates.[19] For example, in Tamil Nadu inter-state migrant construction workers are paid about Rs.60 to Rs.70 a day against the minimum of Rs.130 per day.[20] After thousands of migrant workers left Nashik, industries were worried that their costs would increase through more expensive local workers.[21] In an interview with the Times of India, Raj Thackeray, leader of the MNS said; "The city (Mumbai) cannot take the burden anymore. Look at our roads, our trains and parks. On the pipes that bring water to Mumbai are 40,000 huts. It is a security hazard. The footpaths too have been taken over by migrants. The message has to go to UP and Bihar that there is no space left in Mumbai for you. After destroying the city, the migrants will go back to their villages. But where will we go then?".[22] The strain to Mumbai's infrastructure through migration has also been commented by mainstream secular politicians.[23] The Chief Minister, Vilasrao Deshmukh felt that unchecked migration had placed a strain on the basic infrastructure of the state. However, he has maintained and urged migrant Bihari workers to remain in Maharashtra, even during the height of the anti North Indian agitation.[24] Sheila Dikshit, the Chief Minister of Delhi, said that because of people migrating from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, Delhi's infrastructure was overburdened. She said, that "these people come to Delhi from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh but don't ever go back causing burden on Delhi's infrastructure."[25]
Main article: 19 October 2008 All-India Railway Recruitment Board examination attack

North Indian students, including students from Bihar, preparing for the railway entrance exam were attacked by Raj Thackeray's MNS supporters in Mumbai on 20 October 2008. One student from Bihar was killed during the attacks.[26] Four persons were killed and another seriously injured in the violence that broke out in a village near Kalyan following the arrest of MNS chief Raj Thackeray.[27] Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar demanded action against the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena activists and full security to students. Nitish Kumar requested Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh intervention. Kumar directed the additional director general of police to contact senior police officials in Maharashtra and compile a report on Sunday's incident and asked the home commissioner to hold talks with the Maharashtra home secretary to seek protection for people from Bihar.[28] In 2003, the Shiv Sena alleged that of the 500 Maharashtrian candidates, only ten of them successful in the Railways exams.[29] 90 per cent of the successful candidates were alleged to be from Bihar. Activists from the Shiv Sena ransacked a railway recruitment office in protest against non-Marathi's being among the 650,000 candidates set to compete for 2,200 railway jobs in the state.[30] Eventually, after attacks on Biharis heading towards Mumbai for exams, the central government delayed the exams.
North East states

Biharis have sought work in many states that form part of North East India. There were significant communities in Assam, Nagaland, and Manipur. As with all migrations in history, this has created tensions with the local population, which has resulted in large scale violence. In 2000 and 2003, anti-Bihari violence led to the deaths of up to 200 people,[6] and created 10,000 internal refugees.[31][32][33] Similar violent incidents have also taken place recently in Manipur and Assam.[6][34][35] According to K P S Gill waves of xenophobic violence have swept across Assam repeatedly since 1979, targeting Bangladeshis, Bengalis, Biharis and Marwaris.[36]

In early 2008, bombs exploded in Ludhiana which killed six people and injured a further 30 in a blast in one of the three cinema halls in a multiplex. The halls were frequented by migrant workers from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh and one credible theory being considered was that the blasts were an attempt to scare away migrant workers.[37]
Jammu & Kashmir

370 recruits of the Bihar Military Police had joined two training centres at Udhampur and Jagnoo on June one for a 40-week-long training course. The BMP trainees had alleged that one of the recruits was called by an instructor to his room on June 20 and an attempt to sexually harass him was made. When the recruit raised an alarm, his colleagues rushed there and rescued him. The BSF strongly denied the allegation and maintained that the recruits, part of a 370-strong group, had left the course as they were unable to sustain the tough training course at Udhampur.[38]

In July 2009, activists of the Kannada Protection Force (KPF) in Karnataka stormed into exam centres and disrupted railway recruitment examinations in protest against the appearance of north Indian candidates, especially from Bihar, in large numbers. [39][40]
Tamil Nadu

In September 2009, 22 labourers from Bihar's Rohtas district were held captive in a textile mill at Coimbatore for three days."The 22 labourers were freed from captivity last night after we complained to the Tamil Nadu government officials and Coimbatore's District Magistrate," Principal Secretary (Home) Amir Subhani said. The freed labourers were reported to be safe and have boarded a train to Bihar. he said adding eight muscle man of Shri Ram Gokul Textiles Private Limited have been arrested. The Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar had ordered the principal secretary to look into the matter.[41][42]
Controversial Statements
Derisive use of BIMARU term

Dr Ashish Bose, a Bengali retired govt servant coined the epithet BIMARU.[43] Even official planning commission records use this term. BIMARU resembles the Hindi word for illness, Bimar.[43] The BI in BIMARU stands for Bihar. Ther other Hindi-speaking states that are included in BIMARU are Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. Bihar, and other North Indian states, have also been held accountable for holding India's GDP ranking below the double digit number.[44]
Editorial by Bal Thackeray

Shiv Sena leader, Bal Thackeray, commented in the Shiv Sena newspaper, Samnna on why Biharis are disliked outside Hindi-speaking North India. He quoted part of a text message as the title of his article. The message suggests that Biharis bring diseses, violence, job insecurity, and domination, wherever they go. The text message says, "Ek Bihari, Sau Bimari. Do Bihari Ladai ki taiyari, Teen Bihari train hamari and paanch Bihari to sarkar hamaari" (One Bihari equals hundred diseases, Two Biharis is preparing for war, Three Biharis it is a train hijack, and five Biharis will try to form the ruling Government).[45][46] Nitish kumar, the Chief Minister of Bihar, and the Union Railway Minister, Lalu Prasad Yadav, protested against the remark, demanding official condemnation of Bal Thackeray. Kumar, during a press report at Patna Airport, said, "If Manmohan Singh fails to intervene in what is happening in Maharashtra, it would mean only one thing – he is not interested in resolving the issue and that would not be good for the leader of the nation". Angered by Thackeray's insulting remark against the Bihari community, Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) activists burnt the effigy of the Shiv Sena chief at Kargil Chowk in Patna and said that the senior Thackeray had completely lost his marbles and needed to be immediately committed in a mental asylum.[47]
Protests & demonstrations

Angry students in various parts of Bihar damaged railway property and disrupted train traffic, as protests continued against assaults on north Indians by MNS activists in Mumbai. The police said the protesters targeted Patna, Jehanabad, Barh, Khusrupur, Sasaram and Purnia railway stations in the morning. The protesting students reportedly set afire two AC bogies of an express train at Barh railway station. They ransacked Jehanabad, Barh, Purnia and Sasaram railway stations. According to the railway police, at least 10 students were detained in the morning and extra security was deployed to control the situation.[48] Noted Physician Dr Diwakar Tejaswi observed a day-long fast in Patna to protest against repeated violence by the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) leader Raj Thackeray and his goons against the north Indians.[49] Various student organisations gave a call for Bihar shutdown on October 25, 2008 to protest attacks on north Indian candidates by Maharashtra Navnirnam Sena activists during a Railway recruitment examination in Mumbai.[50]

Various cases were filed in Bihar and Jharkhand against Raj Thackeray for assaulting the students.[51][52] A murder case was also filed by Jagdish Prasad, father of Pawan Kumar, who was allegedly killed by MNS activists in Mumbai.[53] Mumbai police, however, claimed it to be a case of accident.[54] Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar announced a compensation of Rs 1,50,000 to Pawan's family. Bihar state Congress chief, Anil Kumar Sharma, has demanded enactment of an Act by Parliament for closing opportunities to any political party or organisation that indulge in obscurantism and raise such narrow, chauvinistic issues based on caste, religion and regionalism to capture power.[55] A murder case was also lodged against Raj Thackeray and 15 others in a court in Jharkhand on 1 November 2008 following the death of a train passenger last month in Maharashtra. According to the Dhanbad police, their Mumbai counterparts termed Sakaldeo's death as an accident.[56] According to social scientist Dr. Shaibal Gupta, the beating of students from Bihar has consolidated Bihari sub-nationalism.[57]
Rahul Raj
See also: Rahul Raj encounter

Rahul Raj, from Patna, was shot dead aboard a bus in Mumbai by the police on the 28 October. Rahul was 23 years old and was brandishing a pistol and shooting at public from the bus. The Mumbai police alleged that he wanted to assassinate Raj Thackeray.[58][59] Nitish Kumar questioned the police action, but R R Patil justified it, and restored Raj Thackeray`s security.[59] It was alleged that Rahul was protesting against the attacks on Bihari and Uttar Pradeshi candidates appearing for railway examinations. Mumbai crime branch is looking in to the incident.[58] During Rahul's funeral slogans of "Raj Thackeray murdabad" and "Rahul Raj amar rahe" were heard. Despite Mumbai police's allegations, there was high level government representation at the funeral. Bihar Deputy CM Sushil Kumar Modi and PHED minister Ashwini Kumar Chaubey represented the state government at the cremation which was also attended by Patna MP Ram Kripal Yadav. The bier was carried by Rahul's friends even as the district administration had arranged a flower-bedecked truck for the purpose.[60]
Attacks against Marathis

After the October 2008 anti-Bihari attacks in Maharashtra, members of the Bharatiya Bhojpuri Sangh (BBS) vandalised the official residence of Tata Motors Jamshedpur plant head S.B. Borwankar, a Maharashtrian. Armed with lathis and hockey sticks, more than 100 BBS members trooped to Borwankar’s Nildih Road bungalow around 3.30 pm. Shouting anti-MNS slogans, they smashed windowpanes and broke flowerpots. BBS president Anand Bihari Dubey called the attack on Borwankar’s residence unfortunate, and said that he knew BBS members were angry after the attack in Maharashtra on Biharis, but did not expect a reaction. Fear of further violence gripped the 4,000-odd Maharashtrians settlers living in and around the city.[61][62] Two air-conditioned bogies of the train Vikramshila Express – reportedly with Maharashtrian passengers on board – were set on fire in Barh area of Bihar. Hundreds of slogan-shouting students surrounded Barh railway station in rural Patna demanding that MNS leader Raj Thackeray be tried for sedition. No one was reported injured and passengers fled soon as the attackers started setting the bogies on fire.[63]

A group of 63 tourists, of which many were Marathis, were on a tour of sacred Buddhist sites. The tourists found themselves stranded on the outskirts of Patna as riots broke out. The Marathis in the group were forced to hide their identity for fear of attacks. The group avoided speaking in Marathi, and women wore saris in the north Indian rather than the Marathi style. For security, the group had to be escorted by 25 policeman to the station. The tourists reached Nagpur safely.[64] In another incident, a senior woman government official in Bihar, with the surname Thackeray, was the target of an angry mob that surrounded her office and shouted slogans against her in Purnia district. Ashwini Dattarey Thackeray was the target of a mob of over 200 people. The mob, led by a local leader of the Lok Janashakti Party, surrounded Thackeray’s office in Purnia, about 350 km from here, and shouted slogans like, “Go back Maharashtrians” and “Officer go back, we do not need your services”.[65]

A gang of 25 people pelted stones on the Maharashtra Bhawan in Khalasi Line, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Constructed in 1928, the building is owned by the lone trust run by Marathis in Kanpur. It has served as an important venue for prominent festivals, including Ganesh Utsav and Krishna Janmastami. On 29 October, in Ghaziabad, Marathi students at Mahanand Mission Harijan PG College were attacked, allegedly by an Uttar Pradesh student leader and his friends. Police sources in Ghaziabad confirmed the victims stated in their FIR that the attackers “mentioned Rahul Raj and Dharam Dev” while kicking them in heir hostel rooms.[66] A group of 20 youths, from Bihar, attacked Maharashtra Sadan in the capital on 3 November. The Rashtrawadi Sena has claimed responsibility for the attack. They ransacked the reception of the building and raised slogans against Raj Thackeray.[67]
Cultural, economic threats

Bihari leaders have urged a boycott of music CDs of Bollywood singers, movies, clothes and drugs manufactured in Maharashtra. “Why don't Sachin Tendulkar, Sunil Gavaskar, Lata Mangeshkar or Anna Hazare come out and speak against such attacks on Bihari people? They enjoy greater influence on the society and their words would indeed matter[68] ,” asked renowned Bollywood actor Mr Shatrughan Sinha. Nitish Kumar also threatened to block cash flow to Mumbai, country's financial capital. "If Maharashtra is rich today, it's just because the capital investments from across the country have made there. Does Raj Thackeray know where will Mumbai go if we block fund flow to Mumbai and Maharashtra"'” ... "I will pump out air of Mumbai by blocking cash flow if the violence against Biharis does not stop".[68] The Bharatiya Bhojpuri Sangh also demanded a ban on the import of onions from Maharashtra. The organisation said if the ban is not implemented by the Jharkhand government it will stop the entry of trucks carrying onions from Maharshtra. Jharkhand imports onions from Nashik in Maharashtra. "We will intensify our agitation if north Indians are beat in Maharashtra," said Anad Bihari Dubey. In Jamshedpur, trucks arriving from Maharashtra were stopped and searched by nationalist groups. The government has declared that firm action will be taken to prevent a breakdown in law and order. "We have come to know that some people want to stop trucks coming from Maharashtra. "We will not allow people to prevent movement of trucks. Police have been alerted," R.K. Agrawal, Deputy Commissioner of East Singhbhum district said to the media.[68] A mob also attacked a cinema hall in Purnia screening films of Marathi directors.[68] After the attack the angry mob announced the start of their “non-cooperation” movement against innocent Marathis.[68]
Bhojpuri Film industry relocation

The Rs 200-crore Bhojpuri film industry is considering moving out of Mumbai owing to threats from MNS workers, and growing insecurity. With an average output of 75 movies per annum and an over 250 million target audience, the Bhojpuri film industry employs hundreds of unskilled and semi-skilled people from the state in various stage of production and distribution. The industry, which has around 50 registered production houses in Mumbai, has initiated talks with Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. "We have given a proposal to the Uttar Pradesh government through its Culture Minister Subhash Pandey for setting up the industry in Lucknow. Besides, we are also counting on some other options like Delhi, Noida and Patna," Bhojpuri superstar and producer Manoj Tiwari said.[69] The films have a large market because the Bhojpuri diaspora is spread over countries like Mauritius, Nepal, Dubai, Guyana, West Indies, Fiji, Indonesia, Surinam and the Netherlands. There is a significant wealthy Bihari doctor community in the United Kingdom.[citation needed] 70 per cent of the total production cost of a Bhojpuri film — budgets of which range from Rs 80 lakh to Rs 1.25 crore — is usually spent in Maharashtra, providing direct employment to junior artists, make-up men, spot boys and local studios among others.[69]
Improving Bihar

However, the state government, post 2005, has made an effort to improve the economic condition of the state, and reduce the need for migration. In 2008, the state government approved over Rs 70,000 crore worth of investment, has had record tax collection, broken the political-criminal nexus, made improvements in power supply to villages, towns and cities.[70] They have laid greater emphasis on education and learning by appointing more teachers,[71] opened a software park, and a new IIT in Patna. State Ministers who have failed to live up to election commitments have been dismissed.[72] Bihar's GSDP grew by 18% over the period 2006-2007, which was higher then in the past 10 years and one of the highest recorded by the Government of India for that period.[73]
Other consequences

Since November 2005, there has been a significant fall in the number of migrant workers in many parts of India. After the early 2008 migrant crisis and bombing of the Bhojpuri cinema hall in Punjab, Biharis have decided to firmly stay away from states of the North East and Punjab. However, other Biharis migrants have found that returning to Maharashtra is still an option for them despite the violent nature of the agitation.[74][75][76][77] Culturally, Biharis appear to have rejected a film based heavily on Punjabi culture. In August 2008, a film called Singh is Kinng starring Akshay Kumar which was a superhit in India, flopped in Bihar. Bihar has been where Akshay Kumar's films, from Jaanwar to Hey Babyy, have acquired a blockbuster status. In this case, the heavy usage of Punjabi language, culture was said to be the main cause of the movie being rejected by Bihari audiences.[78]
BB, thanks for sharing. those racist animals should be nuke !!

Shame on those damn racist :angry::angry:

This thread should be close for good.:angry::pakistan::china:
Coming from the US, I was amazed how safe Australia is.

I often go to work without locking my front door. Sometimes I leave the back garden door wide open to air out the house for the day.
Coming from the US, I was amazed how safe Australia is.

I often go to work without locking my front door. Sometimes I leave the back garden door wide open to air out the house for the day.

You don't lock your door?

Your house most likely won't be robbed but you never know! You never know what fate has in store for you.

I am a very conscious person, i lock my house up, lock my car, make everything secure just incase.
You don't lock your door?

Your house most likely won't be robbed but you never know! You never know what fate has in store for you.

I am a very conscious person, i lock my house up, lock my car, make everything secure just incase.

You're right, of course; it's just that I have gotten complacent.

I figure any halfway competent criminal is going to have no trouble opening your average house lock anyway...
It is highly disturbing that it seems only Indian seem to suffer from racial attacks. Unfortunately this constant cry of racism has stemmed from both the Indian student population, Indian government and the Indian media.

In this latest attack and murder both Indian Govt and the student population screamed race as the ONLY issue.

Funny how something ahs quietly back peddled..
“THE Indian government and student groups have backed away from claims that the murder of Nitin Garg was racially motivated, as police continued to comb a park in Melbourne's west for evidence that may lead them to the killer
Indians retreat from racism claim | The Australian

The other pathetic issue is that it is so easy to cry racism in these types of attacks, be it ending in a death or major injury. Is it a cry of the attention seeker or some other base misguided problem?

Something few have bothered to note is that if a person from Germany, China, Somalia, UK etc, are bashed or worse there is no cry of racism, it is just a bashing or murder.
But using the current attitudes as expressed these are all racist attacks.

When a westerner is killed, mugged etc in India does the Indian media call that a racist crime? I doubt it.

Refer to Wikipedia link as it covers this broad approach nicely.
Racism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As a closing comment I have read material for a specific Indian forum where most comments with respect to Australia, and on any topic, come so close to derogatory racist remarks at its worst I wonder about level of certain people.

Perhaps it would be smarter and more intelligent to stop crying wolf at the first chance. A good case of engage brain cell before tongue.

Don’t cry one country is racist unless yours is clean of racism itself. (Which I doubt any nation is.)
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