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Quran and 2012 .... Very Interesting !!!

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Jan 30, 2010
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Came across these recently posted videos on youtube which are being discussed at the following Forum The Wake Up Project | View topic - New Discovery in Quran - 2012 Warning found in Quran

I personally found them very interesting but my knowledge is very limited in Quran and Prime numbers. Details on the maker(Ali Adam) of these videos can be found in the first post of that thread. Besides that thread, he has a personal website www.heliwave.com which for some reason is not opening in my PC.

I will hold my verdict until i am able to view his website. Please check the videos, read through that thread, do your own research and share you thoughts.

Thank you.
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Pathetic....Why I pressed the Play button. :hitwall:
Pathetic....Why I pressed the Play button. :hitwall:

Salam all, brother shree835 I see your city lies along the first latitude to be hit (latitude 13) if Allah permits.

Please validate the evidence as the website is now working (heliwave dot com) and start warning others please asap as you will have only 1 hour to move people/animals out of harms way if the event starts at the Bengal Gulf as predicted from chapter The Merciful and Allah knows best and controls all in real time.


Be a guiding light!

Ali Adams
God > infinity
Came across these recently posted videos on youtube which are being discussed at The Wake Up Project | View topic - New Discovery in Quran - 2012 Warning found in Quran.

I will hold my verdict until i am able to view his website. Please check the videos, read through that thread, do your own research and share you thoughts.

Thank you.

Dear brother Zizou,

Thank you brother for bringing this to the attention of this small community but I hope someone in Bangalore and all cities along latitude 13 take this message seriously and ACT NOW not when it is too late, and Allah knows best and controls all in real-time.

The site is now online so please start validating the evidence and ask as many questions as you like.

Salam all and may Allah use us as tools in His Great Plan to defeat the satan and his armies.

Ali Adams
God > infinity
*face palm* . Another day, another YouTube conspiracy expose'.
When it was asked when the last day would come even Prophet Mohammed PBUH did not know and said only Allah knows! So no one can predict the last day.

No one is talking about the END OF THE WORLD. Please read carefully.

Only Allah knows The Hour and it can come at the blink of an eye or even nearer as per Quran 16:77.

This is about 31 events each lasting 4 days along 31 latitudes. The first latitude is 13, then 16, then 18 and so on until 77.

Please watch out for comet ELENIN as it could (once again could) be the source of the 31 meteorite showers and God knows best and controls all in real-time.


Ali Adams
God > infinity
No one is talking about the END OF THE WORLD. Please read carefully.

Only Allah knows The Hour and it can come at the blink of an eye or even nearer as per Quran 16:77.

This is about 31 events each lasting 4 days along 31 latitudes. The first latitude is 13, then 16, then 18 and so on until 77.

Please watch out for comet ELENIN as it could (once again could) be the source of the 31 meteorite showers and God knows best and controls all in real-time.


Ali Adams
God > infinity

Welcome to PDF!!! :pakistan:

You are probably the first Iraqi here!!!
just checked your website...if all the credentoaks arectrue then you seem to be a very learned man.....PHD?

What you say about Islamic numerology is strange and in my opinion.all made up...True that Quraan is a multi layer book..but its not self contradictory . I havent heard a scholar saying that Quraan has predicted any dates or years for any cayastrophy....
The numbers you mention can have any meaning...take your pick....doesnt necessary say 2012.....
You say prime numbrs are used in various ways in Quran..thats true..and main reason is to assert the oneness of Allah...a prime number cannot be divided onto two.its an.infivisible number/..Thatsca hint towards "Wahdatt"
just checked your website...if all the credentoaks arectrue then you seem to be a very learned man.....PHD?

What you say about Islamic numerology is strange and in my opinion.all made up...True that Quraan is a multi layer book..but its not self contradictory . I havent heard a scholar saying that Quraan has predicted any dates or years for any cayastrophy....
The numbers you mention can have any meaning...take your pick....doesnt necessary say 2012.....
You say prime numbrs are used in various ways in Quran..thats true..and main reason is to assert the oneness of Allah...a prime number cannot be divided onto two.its an.infivisible number/..Thatsca hint towards "Wahdatt"

Salam brother what you sem to have missed is the following:

1) Why is the Quran named [The Readable] when any book is written to be read? It is because it is encrypted but yet still readable which no man/jinn can do at chapter level, hence Allah's challenge to make up a sura like it.

2) Why is the first surat called Al-Fatiha or The Opener and is purposely built on prime numbers with prime digit sums?
7 verses (digit sum 7)
29 words (digit sum 2+9=11)
139 letters (digit sum 1+3+9=13)
and even joing left to right
729139 (digit sum 7+2+9+1+3+9 = 31)
or joining right to left
139297 (digit sum 1+3+9+2+9+7 = 31)
When you know that prime numbers are the cornerstone of cryptology (hidden writings) then you will see that this chapter is the Key to unlocking some hidden knowledge and Allah knows best.

3) Allah swt swears by the prime number (Al-Watr or standalone numbers) is surat Al-Fajr aya 3.

4) Allah swt divides the Quran into two parts Key + Encrypted Message (fi kitaaben maknno) in surat Al-Hijr aya 87:
ولقد ءاتينك سبعا من المثاني والقرءان العظيم
which makes the 114 chapters = 1 (The Key) + 113 (prime with prime digit sum of 1+1+3=5)
and similarly the 6236 verses = 7 (The Key) + 6229 (prime with prime digit sum of 6+2+2+9=19)

5) The 31 numbers of the repeated verse:
13, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77
sit exactly within the range of latitude (0 - 90) confirming the event must be from outer space.

6) the sum of the above 31 numbers is 1433 is a prime number with prime digit sum (1+4+3+3=11)

7) THIS IS THE CORE ISSUE why would Allah swt (Who counts everything in numbers as per Quran Al-Jinn 28) make the number of words in the chapter that gave us 1433 to be EQUAL EXACTLY the number of days in a Hijri year and not any Hijri year but a leap Hijri year (355 days) and when you check 1433 AH you find it is a leap year ???

8) How come Primalogy (assinging prime values to the Arabic alphabets) produced additve prime numbers for surat Al-Fatiha (8317|19), Al-Ikhlaas (with bismAllah 4201|7 and without bismAllah 3167|17), for the word "Allah" in Arabic of course (269|17) and for ayat Al-Kursi (11261|11, please see how the Hamza is written in the word "yaoodoohoo" as superscripted so not to be counted just like Al-Rahmaan/Al-Aalemeen/Maalik/Siraat in surat Al-Fatiha), and finally in the repated verse itself (فباي ءالاء ربكما تكذبان) to have a primalogy value of (683|17) where get this:
683 is the 124th prime
and 124 = 31 x 4 ---> 31 repetitions of 4 words each OR 31 events of 4 days each !!!!!


And if you want to see 1619AH from the same sura please read the book under section Quran and 2192 (180 years after 2012) and Allah knows best and controls all in real time. [heliwave.com/Quran.and.2012.pdf]

Ali Adams
God > infinity
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Allah THE Creator , And is THE Survivor
I am amazed on those Muslims Like me ,if they themselves Have faith on this , why are they wasting time here , Better they take the remaining time and offer prayers , ask Allah for mercy , Do maximum Ibadat they can:angel:
And just in case there is any doubt about what prime numbers are, please know that 2 is a prime number and 9 is not.

Prime numbers are mothers of their multiples.

Prime numbers are responsible for generation their multiples, so 2 is the mother of half the numbers, 3 is the mother of thrid of the numbers and so on.

You can think of 1 as the grand mother of all mothers (primes).

Or to put it in a chemistry way, 1 is the proton which determines the type of element so 1 proton is Hydrogen, 2 is helium and so one upto 113 element. See my book why 113 element please, prime numbers like atoms, and composite numbers like molecules made of atoms (e.g. 12 = 2 x 2 x 3).

The first few primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, ...

Notice the gaps between them are irreguar and anyone who can find a formula for the Nth prime (i.e. the gaps between them) will get a 1 million dollar prize money but he/she should not accept this little money and instead start listening to secret communications between countries using the Public Key Cryptology.

And Allah knows best and control everything in real-time.


God > infinity
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