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“I love Mickey Mouse more than any woman I’ve ever known.” — Walt Disney

“We read often with as much talent as we write.” — Emerson

In other words we are only as good at reading as we are at writing.:enjoy:
"Always remember others may hate you but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself."

Richard M. Nixon, in his White House farewell
37th president of US (1913 - 1994)
"How many ideas hover dispersed in my head of which many a pair, if they should come together, could bring about the greatest of discoveries! But they lie as far apart as Goslar sulphur from East India saltpeter, and both from the dust in the charcoal piles on the Eichsfeld — which three together would make gunpowder. How long the ingredients of gunpowder existed before gunpowder did! There is no natural aqua regia. If, when thinking, we yield too freely to the natural combinations of the forms of understanding and of reason, then our concepts often stick so much to others that they can’t unite with those to which they really belong. If only there were something in that realm like a solution in chemistry, where the individual parts float about, lightly suspended, and thus can follow any current. But since this isn’t possible, we must deliberately bring things into contact with each other. We must experiment with ideas."

G.C. Lichtenberg, Aphorisms
With apologies for the profanity, but the point made is important:

"To most Pakistanis, Jews have become Martians who they will never meet in real life but will judge to be evil miscreants from a young age."

- "Ahmar"
"Middle Eastern people and rulers despise each other as much as, and sometimes even more than, they despise Israel. That has been true since the day Israel was born, and it hasn’t stopped being true for even five minutes."

- Michael J. Totten

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