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The death of a single jew is tragedy , the death of millions are static
-Joseph stalin , refering to hitler's death camps
The original quote is: "The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic ...However the origin of the quote is referring to French war rather than Jews...
  • The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic.
    • "Mustering Most Memorable Quips" by Julia Solovyova, in The Moscow Times (28 October 1997) states: Russian historians have no record of the lines, "Death of one man is a tragedy. Death of a million is a statistic," commonly attributed by English-language dictionaries to Josef Stalin. Discussing the book by Konstantin Dushenko (Константин Душенко) Dictionary of Modern Quotations (Словарь современных цитат: 4300 ходячих цитат и выражений ХХ века, их источники, авторы, датировка).
    • Variants: One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is just a statistic.
      A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic
      When one dies, it is a tragedy. When a million die, it is a statistic.
    • This quotation probably was originated from «Französischer Witz» by Kurt Tucholsky (1932): «Darauf sagt ein Diplomat vom Quai d’Orsay: «Der Krieg? Ich kann das nicht so schrecklich finden! Der Tod eines Menschen: das ist eine Katastrophe. Hunderttausend Tote: das ist eine Statistik!»» («At which a diplomat from France replies: «The war? I can't find it too terrible! The death of one man: that is a catastrophe. One hundred thousand deaths: that is a statistic!»»)
    • But Note: "When one man dies it is a tragedy, when thousands die it's statistics." This is the exact quote from the McCullough biography of Truman, books.google.de According to the citation in that book, McCullough got it from page 278 of the book "The Time of Stalin: Portrait of Tyranny", by Anton Antonov-Ovseyenko. McCullough quotes Stalin as having said this to Churchill at Teheran. "Churchill had been arguing that a premature opening of a second front in France would result in an unjustified loss of tens of thousands of Allied soldiers. Stalin responded that 'when one man dies it is a tragedy, when thousands die it's statistics'".
More can be found here: A Single Death is a Tragedy; a Million Deaths is a Statistic | Quote Investigator
Oh BTW, just remembered you cant say Not my Circus, Not my Monkey...coz you are part of the international federation of circuses (mod) and each monkey is your responsibility :rofl:

heheeh dont worry even I end up sending the monkey back to its zoo instead of the circus :unsure:

I'm one of those people who won't get angry at numerous provocations, and then after a certain number, I trip let them have it.

I'm one of those people who won't get angry at numerous provocations, and then after a certain number, I trip let them have it.
No worries think of yourself as the ringmaster only you are dealing with monkeys instead of lions :p:
"Cameron should count his fingers when he shakes hand with Zardari". (anonymous )

Pakistani robber: ‘Give me all your money!’
Zardari: ‘Don’t you know who I am? I’m the president.’
Robber: ‘OK. Give me all my money back.


"why dont they eat cake if they dont have bread to eat?"
baby Benazir Bhutto

"Pakistanis are being punished by God for not voting for me"

Benazir during the 2nd tenure of Nawaz Sherif


"Bhutto family is born to rule Pakistan"
(Bhutto khandan)

"you are prettier than your pictures"

(zardari to Sarah Palin)
"Cameron should count his fingers when he shakes hand with Zardari". (anonymous )

Pakistani robber: ‘Give me all your money!’
Zardari: ‘Don’t you know who I am? I’m the president.’
Robber: ‘OK. Give me all my money back.


"why dont they eat cake if they dont have bread to eat?"
baby Benazir Bhutto
"Pakistanis are being punished by God for not voting for me"
Benazir during the 2nd tenure of Nawaz Sherif


"Bhutto family is born to rule Pakistan"
(Bhutto khandan)

"you are prettier than your pictures"

(zardari to Sarah Palin)
:blink: the state of mind of some people is just:

The death of a single jew is tragedy , the death of millions are static
-Joseph stalin , refering to hitler's death camps
how chilling that comment is

I think for all those who are funding Al Qaeda, Taliban , FSA and ISIS.. all the tens of thousands of deaths are also statistical figures for them.
how chilling that comment is

I think for all those who are funding Al Qaeda, Taliban , FSA and ISIS.. all the tens of thousands of deaths are also statistical figures for them.
Stalin was interested in french writers too , but if you pay attention to world events that's true , if you kill a single jew then that's tragedy , but if you kill a million jew then everybody's gonna praise you !
Appreciated your honesty but I have a problem of asking questions...hope you didnt mind :)

I have no problem being asked or questioned I also assure you the person saying it infront of me had a smile when the next thing he mentioned about pre historic animals wandering tribals and now cities being treated same way as they do to unarmed civilians.

The death of a single jew is tragedy , the death of millions are static
-Joseph stalin , refering to hitler's death camps
The death of sin
"Cameron should count his fingers when he shakes hand with Zardari". (anonymous )

Pakistani robber: ‘Give me all your money!’
Zardari: ‘Don’t you know who I am? I’m the president.’
Robber: ‘OK. Give me all my money back.


"why dont they eat cake if they dont have bread to eat?"
baby Benazir Bhutto
"Pakistanis are being punished by God for not voting for me"
Benazir during the 2nd tenure of Nawaz Sherif


"Bhutto family is born to rule Pakistan"
(Bhutto khandan)

"you are prettier than your pictures"

(zardari to Sarah Palin)

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