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Featured Quetta: The death toll in the attack on FC post has risen to ten


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Quetta: The death toll in the attack on FC post has risen to ten
Tuesday, June 1, 2021 22:06
Zainuddin Ahmed, Urdu News, Quetta

No group or individual has claimed responsibility for the latest attack. (File photo: AFP)

The death toll in Monday night's attack on the Frontier Corps on the outskirts of Quetta, the capital of Balochistan, has risen to ten.
Balochistan Home Minister Ziaullah Langove while talking to Urdu News on telephone confirmed that the bodies of ten FC personnel were taken to the Combined Military Hospital in Quetta.
He said that seven FC personnel were also injured in the attack and were admitted to CMH. The condition of one of the injured is said to be critical.
The attack was carried out by unidentified terrorists on Monday evening at the Owais check post of the Frontier Corps Balochistan Gaza Band Scouts 129 Wing at Pir Ismail Ziarat near Marwar, about 70 km east of Quetta.
Extensive coal reserves are found in this mountainous region between Quetta and Bolan. The FC has set up check posts here to protect thousands of miners working in the coal mines.
A senior security official stationed in Quetta said on condition of anonymity that more than 20 assailants armed with sophisticated weapons surrounded the check post from different directions. They fired indiscriminately with Kalashnikovs, sniper rifles and other small arms.

Attacks on security forces in Balochistan have increased in recent days (File Photo: AFP)
According to the security officer, there were nearly 25 officers at the check post at that time who fought for several hours. Ten personnel, including Post Commander Naib Subedar Ijaz Ali, were martyred and seven others were injured in the firing, while six survived.
Provincial Home Minister Zia Langove said that the FC soldiers fought hard. Several terrorists were also killed in the retaliatory and subsequent operation.
On Monday night, the Pakistan Army's public relations department, ISPR, initially confirmed the deaths of four personnel, saying "four to five terrorists were killed and seven to eight were injured in the FC retaliation."
The ISPR had said that an FC vehicle was hit by an IED in Quetta as well as in Turbat, injuring two FC personnel.
The banned separatist organization Baloch Liberation Army claimed responsibility for the Turbat attack, but no group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack on the FC checkpoint at Pir Ismail Ziarat near Quetta.
There have been similar attacks on FC Chowk posts in Pir Ismail Ziarat and adjoining Marwar, Margat, Shahrag and nearby areas before. On May 9, three FC personnel were killed in an attack on an FC outpost in Marwar, and on May 5, a militant attack on border guards in the Zhob district bordering Afghanistan killed seven FC personnel. ۔
It may be recalled that in recent days, there has been an increase in attacks on security forces in Balochistan. In the last one month alone, at least 25 personnel have lost their lives in more than half a dozen attacks on the FC in Balochistan.

Need more MRAPs and need to build solid check points/qilas as we did in FATA

Balochistan is to large for conventional op but a drone led Op and targetting foreign leaders need to be done
Need more MRAPs and need to build solid check points/qilas as we did in FATA

Balochistan is to large for conventional op but a drone led Op and targetting foreign leaders need to be done
Armored vehicles are already delivered / process of delivering continued with training. RIP

We are at war hence can't say nobody from our side will hit. Sad but reality.
who fought for several hours.
Yet no reports of backup, troops fighting for hours yet no backup, no aerial assistance no alerts sent, what on earth are they doing then?
What's the point of having a checkpost? Are they there just to get soldiers killed? Why doesn't FC just buy a handful of A-29s for rapid response? Samungli is literally a stones throw away.
Secondly how on Earth did 12-15 attackers with guns amass themselves and launch an attack, without them being detected? what happened to ISR?
These mistakes keep happening in the same place following the same pattern, there's no follow-up, explanation or accountability. Are lives of soldiers really worth so little? Americans lose one troop and go on a rampage, and here we've lost an entire battalion in 2 months, yet no response.
Can some Military members here shed light on this subject?
The sad reality is that senior military leadership is letting our boys down.

The government is failing to hold them to account.

We have no opposition at all to even question the government on this matter.

Undoubtedly during a conflict we will take losses, but I don't think we are doing everything possible to minimise losses or to maximise the pain on the enemy.
Armored vehicles are already delivered / process of delivering continued with training. RIP

We are at war hence can't say nobody from our side will hit. Sad but reality.
The real sad reality is we are only hitting foot soldiers. We need to hit their real ABBA at its own turf. Burn their abba on regular bases or you will keep loosing soldiers.
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Yet no reports of backup, troops fighting for hours yet no backup, no aerial assistance no alerts sent, what on earth are they doing then?
What's the point of having a checkpost? Are they there just to get soldiers killed? Why doesn't FC just buy a handful of A-29s for rapid response? Samungli is literally a stones throw away.
Secondly how on Earth did 12-15 attackers with guns amass themselves and launch an attack, without them being detected? what happened to ISR?
These mistakes keep happening in the same place following the same pattern, there's no follow-up, explanation or accountability. Are lives of soldiers really worth so little? Americans lose one troop and go on a rampage, and here we've lost an entire battalion in 2 months, yet no response.
Can some Military members here shed light on this subject?

This is the most sus thing. No backup? And keeps happening over and over again in multiple checkpoints.
I feel like crying.But BLA always has a 4 to 1 advantage while attacking I remember a few months ago they attacked a checkpost manned by 10 men with about 40 terrorists but FC put up quite a resistance about 7 to 8 hours.
I feel like crying.But BLA always has a 4 to 1 advantage while attacking I remember a few months ago they attacked a checkpost manned by 10 men with about 40 terrorists but FC put up quite a resistance about 7 to 8 hours.
7-8 hours and no backup. How on Earth is this possible? Is FC so poorly equipped and trained? No one bothered raising an alarm or anything?
"PDF MRAP Brigade" wants MRAPs without understanding what happened and what was required in this case.
It's not about MRAPs, though they are needed to, but the fact that 25 soldiers were pinned down in their outpost and were unable to send distress signals for hours. No aerial support, ISR, nor any backup. Whilst a few kilometres away we have one of the largest airbases in the country.
We are a nuclear power, in the 21st century and over here are troops are being massacred as if we're some remote African nation overrun by rebels.
"PDF MRAP Brigade" wants MRAPs without understanding what happened and what was required in this case.

They'd help the guys being hit with IED's. The remote outposts could probably do with some drones too, and we defintely ought to have armoured drones in areas avaiable to provide air support. The news report says these guys fought for several hours - what help was available to them in those several hours?
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