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Questions that pop up in your mind!

What would have happened if the tree had fallen on Isaac Newton instead of the apple!?

To answer that you would want to know the Mass of the tree and the Velocity of the fall. Multiply Mass with Velocity and you will get the Force of the fall. If it was a considerable force Newton would be off to hell/heaven. Or he would get hurt only.
My question is .. Why are South Asians (Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshi people etc) such emotional people?
Why ia baluchistan half in S.A and half in baluchistan? while the baluch living in Iran are termed as middle eastern and im south asian?lol
Nah FF is good (1000 times better than IE though i dont use windows at all) but chrome is better owing to its google sync and some really very cool addons which it has which u just need to install on any one chrome and gets synced to all the machines anywhere in world. Its ultra lightweight as well as clean design no much hoopla around. In windows env i prefer Firefox based Indian "epic" browser which is like Firefox++

Speaking of browsers, all Indians should boycott google because it's part of the ISI, Let, JuD conspiracy.

To answer that you would want to know the Mass of the tree and the Velocity of the fall. Multiply Mass with Velocity and you will get the Force of the fall. If it was a considerable force Newton would be off to hell/heaven. Or he would get hurt only.

Wrong...Force=Mass*Acceleration,not velocity ;)
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