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Question regarding Smoking

Me too enjoyed smoking, I still crave for cigarette smoke smell, Is it normal? I kept one empty pack with finished cigarette's. Its awesome.

You guy should try dipping smokeless tobacco for few days, cravings for smoke will reduce after some days. Then quit smokeless Tobacco.
Me too enjoyed smoking, I still crave for cigarette smoke smell, Is it normal? I kept one empty pack with finished cigarette's. Its awesome.
OMG! You got a fetish. Fetishes are abnormal ;)
You guy should try dipping smokeless tobacco for few days, cravings for smoke will reduce after some days. Then quit smokeless Tobacco.
Its not that one is addicted to smoking. You get addicted to Nicotine! Tobacco contains Nicotine and whether it be smoking variety or non-smoking, one gets equally addicted. Both are equally bad!
Well smoking causes breast cancer, so yeah, you should not do it.

Don't want that to happen.
It's very easy to quit smoking anyday, anytime. Just find something alternative to do beside walking out of building to stand near the main gate with the excuse of trying to get some fresh air. Chew some gum, talk to people who hate smoking, avoid talking to people smoke alot during their free time. Think about pretty girls, call your friends or family members or dear once whenever you'r free. keep yourself busy and stop being sissy lil girl and beat the stupid habbit.
I dont know about the "religious stress" part of it, but one should do it more often than not. Apart from the only drawback of "going blind", it flushes your system and helps 'detoxify' it. Men who fire their guns more often are less prone to prostrate cancer over those who dont.

Since in Islam and Christan it is prohibited and great sin so I do not think it has anything good for human body in long term. Yeh, you may get some relax and good flow of blood for a while just after doing it but in long term it have bad effects, I think. And I got very good result empirically for stress-relieve by jogging and gym instead of doing any jerking.
Well smoking causes breast cancer, so yeah, you should not do it.

Don't want that to happen.

As far I know smoking may cause heart disease, throat cancer and lung cancer but never knew that it may causes breast cancer. you sure?
Masturbation and **** helps too :rofl:

No not insulting you.Just stating a fact.Masturbation is a great stress reliever.

hell, you said it very naked.

I feel more stress of sin in it not stress-relieve. I dislike it.

I dont know about the "religious stress" part of it, but one should do it more often than not. Apart from the only drawback of "going blind", it flushes your system and helps 'detoxify' it. Men who fire their guns more often are less prone to prostrate cancer over those who dont.

Also its an ingrained evolutionary thing in males. Got nothing to do? Fire a gun! Leave a male alone for 15-30 mins and he will fire his gun (or at least harbor thoughts thereof).

I am a smoker. I have been trying desperately to quit and it is very difficult. Get out while you still can. Stop it.

Since in Islam and Christan it is prohibited and great sin so I do not think it has anything good for human body in long term. Yeh, you may get some relax and good flow of blood for a while just after doing it but in long term it have bad effects, I think. And I got very good result empirically for stress-relieve by jogging and gym instead of doing any jerking.
You :angry: how the hell masturbation came in this thread :flame:

Masturbation increases incompetence too.... so same formula of Cigarette applies here.... if you can afford to be incompetent.... continue

or get married before you become incompetent :rofl:

Thanks Ahmed for posting this pic earlier

You :angry: how the hell masturbation came in this thread :flame:

Masturbation increases incompetence too.... so same formula of Cigarette applies here.... if you can afford to be incompetent.... continue


Too much---it makes you blind----

Or it makes you cross eyed----

You may end up having stupid children---

You may grow stupid yourself if you start young---

On judgement day---all those cells that you wasted down the toilet---will come alive as your children and ask 'daddy why did you do what you did'----. :cheers::cheers::cheers:
Too much---it makes you blind----

Or it makes you cross eyed----

You may end up having stupid children---

You may grow stupid yourself if you start young---

On judgement day---all those cells that you wasted down the toilet---will come alive as your children and ask 'daddy why did you do what you did'----.

That was a Joke of the decade :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Can't remember if I ever laughed so much in past 10 years or so :rofl:

Thanks a lot for making my day :) - i am sure i am going to remember this for the upcoming decades :rofl:

Daddy daddy why did you do ... what you do :rofl:

Too much---it makes you blind----

Or it makes you cross eyed----

You may end up having stupid children---

You may grow stupid yourself if you start young---

On judgement day---all those cells that you wasted down the toilet---will come alive as your children and ask 'daddy why did you do what you did'----. :cheers::cheers::cheers:

You forgot to mention that masturbation causes hair to grow on your palms.

As for all those children, tell them to take up the matter with Hugh Hefner.
lol 15 mins jog is not that much of exercise, you can smoke as well as jog. quit smoking if ur athlete or something.
Exactly man, 15 mins is nothing.

After 20 mins of cardio (80% of your max heart rate) will a normal person start burning fat, before that you're just building muscle (slightly) and using your initial stored energy usually in the form of carbohydrates.
I have to agree with Ahmad.

I am addicted to nicotine and have been for 25 years. Fortunately it is the smokeless variety which, while still dangerous, is not nearly as bad as cigarettes. Nicotine is one of the hardest drugs to quit because after a while, it PERMANENTLY alters your brain chemistry. The production of "feel-good" chemicals like dopamine is halted, and the nicotine replaces your natural brain chemicals. And if you use it too long, the ability of your brain to heal becomes far more difficult.

The reason I say this - I once quit for an entire year, and was stressed, depressed, and unmotivated the entire time. It was horrible. I started up again.

My father smoked 35 years, and quit about 6 years before he passed away. I asked him "Do you miss smoking?" He said "I'd start up tomorrow if I knew it wasn't bad for me." He still craved them after 6 years.

Quit now, it's not too late after only a few months. Do it.
Choggy, I think you should try again.

You have to, and I mean HAVE to supplement smoking with vitamin I - that is Intensity. Intense amount of exercise is mandatory for people quitting smoking, it won't be easy, but always push your smoked up body to whatever limits you can till your limits decrease (or increase whichever way you look at it).

First thing, first, dopamine is not directly the feel good chemical of your body, its the one that controls the sleep cycle, it is primarily influenced by the feel good chemical known as Serotonin.

Serotonin can come from sugary foods, or from intense exercise. It is one of the reasons why people end up gaining weight after quitting smoking. They are chasing the high. Both Serotonin and Dopamine can thus be highly influenced by exercising, especially running or any cardio like eliptical, cycling.

Try again and do it better this time,
Exactly man, 15 mins is nothing.

After 20 mins of cardio (80% of your max heart rate) will a normal person start burning fat, before that you're just building muscle (slightly) and using your initial stored energy usually in the form of carbohydrates.

You have to continue light intensity exercise for more than 45 mins before your body actually starts burning body fat (aerobic system). This too is linked with your diet and other habits such as sleeping pattern, stress levels and the environment you are in.

With inadequate diet and undertaking short bursts of intense or light exercise regularly, your body breakdown muscle as a source of energy.
You have to continue light intensity exercise for more than 45 mins before your body actually starts burning body fat (aerobic system). This too is linked with your diet and other habits such as sleeping pattern, stress levels and the environment you are in.

With inadequate diet and undertaking short bursts of intense or light exercise regularly, your body breakdown muscle as a source of energy.
Well if you're on a weight loss program, a 1500 calorie diet should promote weight loss and not cause any malnutrition.

As far as aerobic exercise is concerned, you definitely need to do it for longer periods, but you need to lift weights as well counter balance any muscle loss due to any reason
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