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Question about Indian Administered Kashmir


Apr 3, 2010
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I have read past discussions amongst Pakistanis and Indians regarding their views on Indian-administered Kashmir. The majority of discussions (largely composed of puns) rotate around which nation Kashmir as a whole should be a part of and about the human plight within Indian administered Kashmir. I have visited Pakistani Kashmir but the stay was too short to speak to locals (was also disadvantaged being a foreigner). I have always had one question though which seems to be neglected in all such discussions.

What are the honest opinions of members here regarding what Indian Kashmiris themselves (and themselves alone) think of their position-- Is there a strong Pakistan sentiment amongst Indian Kashmiris or do they rather wish for independence from both or is the majority satisfied with New Delhi as their capital?

I already know what views the respective governments hold, I want reference to the peoples own will only. I would really wish that Indian and especially Kashmiri members contribute. I know this is a rather sensitive question but I hope the answers remain healthy and informative.
First of all, I should make clear I'm not an expert by any means.

Indian Kashmir is made up of three parts--Hindu majority Jammu, Buddhist majority Ladakh, and the Muslim majority Valley. I have visited two of these areas--Jammu and Ladakh. I can tell you right away that people from Jammu want to stay in India. Ladakhis also want to stay in India, but they want to split away from Kashmir and form their own union territory or state. Although I haven't been to the Valley myself, I know a friend who has. He said that the opinions vary greatly. His driver loved India while others he met were a bit the opposite. He said that he could sense a common sort of spirit, or sense of community among people in the Valley. But other than that, I can't tell you precisely how they feel politics-wise.
Indian Kashmir is made up of three parts--Hindu majority Jammu, Buddhist majority Ladakh, and the Muslim majority Valley. I have visited two of these areas--Jammu and Ladakh.

Lets put the whole facts on the table

9 million Kashmiris live in India occupied Kashmir.

Popluation of Jammu is 370,000

Hindu Population in Jammu:

~65% - 240,000.

Sikh Population in Jammu:

~4% - 14,000

Muslim Population in Jammu:

~30% - 111,000

Error Rate of Above Figures:

~ +/- 1% (3,700)

I have read past discussions amongst Pakistanis and Indians regarding their views on Indian-administered Kashmir. The majority of discussions (largely composed of puns) rotate around which nation Kashmir as a whole should be a part of and about the human plight within Indian administered Kashmir. I have visited Pakistani Kashmir but the stay was too short to speak to locals (was also disadvantaged being a foreigner). I have always had one question though which seems to be neglected in all such discussions.

What are the honest opinions of members here regarding what Indian Kashmiris themselves (and themselves alone) think of their position-- Is there a strong Pakistan sentiment amongst Indian Kashmiris or do they rather wish for independence from both or is the majority satisfied with New Delhi as their capital?

I already know what views the respective governments hold, I want reference to the peoples own will only. I would really wish that Indian and especially Kashmiri members contribute. I know this is a rather sensitive question but I hope the answers remain healthy and informative.

Don't know about others, but since I have been visiting Jammu and Kashmir throughout my life, I hope you find my opinion useful here.

Most of the Kashmiris I have talked to appear clueless when asked what they want Kashmir to be. However, the educated (and I would say middle-class) Kashmiris and the uneducated Kashmiris (mostly unemployed or financially unsound) are at the opposite poles.

The educated ones strictly want to stick with India, and want Kashmir to be an undisputed part of India. Whereas, the uneducated ones, who have never been outside Kashmir, though clueless* which way to go, vehemently oppose the presence of Indian military (which they love to brand as Kufr Hindu) in the valley. And it does not stop at that, almost all of them go on to say they will conquer Dar-ul-Harb (India) soon and turn it back into Dar-ul-Islam... some times they claim to achieve that with the help of Pakistan, some times they say after they gain 'independence'.

I have a few close friends from Kashmir, and only one of them has lived in Kashmir all his life, so my view may be skewed a little. But I can tell you one thing with full confidence - Almost all of the educated Kashmiris either go and live in mainland India, or outside the country (Gulf mostly) depending on what they can afford (preferably Gulf - Any Muslim majority country) - one of the main reasons why the population of Kashmir is not increasing at the same rate as that of the rest of India.

*Clueless: When the Kashmiris said they wanted Independence, I sought their reasoning and future plans post independence, and they went blank. Same thing happened when they said they wanted to join Pakistan, and I asked them what would they get by joining Pakistan that they are not getting here in India, and they went blank again.

However, the first reply of the majority (I can say about 70% - 80% with) of this clueless class was Independent Nation of Kashmir. Rest of them wanted it to be part of Pakistan.

Data to evaluate this information:-

All these years I may have talked to barely 80-100 people. Most of the Kashmiris I got to talk to throughout these years, were of the age group between 20 to 35. And almost all the older people I got to talk to were of the opinion that Kashmir be completely integrated with India to bring in peace, education, and prosperity for the younger generation.
There is an Indian Kashmiri dude at my school who identifies himself as Pakistani. Believe it or not, but his dad works for the NSA. There is a truck load of Indians who go to my school and he got in a fight with one of the Sikh seniors cuz of something related to it.
There is an Indian Kashmiri dude at my school who identifies himself as Pakistani. Believe it or not, but his dad works for the NSA. There is a truck load of Indians who go to my school and he got in a fight with one of the Sikh seniors cuz of something related to it.

I very much believe that FreekiN. I too think the pool that I have had exposure to was small, and most of them already knew where I came from, which could affect their replies.

Online, I have met many people who claim to be Kashmiris and want it to be part of Pakistan, and even if most of them claimed falsely, at least some of them may have been Kashmiris and they had the same view as your schoolmate. But since I cannot check anyone out online, when time comes to put it in black and white, I only rely on what I have seen and heard with my own eyes and ears. Just as you did with your friend.
Pasban I strongly suggest you do independent research on this. Listening to Indians and you will only fill yourself with false notions. One Indian above has said most of them want to stay with India...Think for yourself Pasban why do think there are massive protests and unrest in Kashmir? Because they love India? :disagree:

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Well I asked this question so many times, let me repeat myself.
If Kashmiri's want's to be with Pakistan then why did they not supported Pakistan at the time of Kargil? If they did similar protest or maybe greater since they had bigger reason. I am sure India would have been in deep trouble.

Also I went to Kashmir 5 times before 1990 and not even once I heard anywhere they wanted a freedom. It was peaceful and not even a minor protest.

Even the chief of Hizbul Muzahidden fought election in J&K and lost (blamed on rigging which could be true). The point is if they wanted freedom why they fought the election.
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I have read past discussions amongst Pakistanis and Indians regarding their views on Indian-administered Kashmir. The majority of discussions (largely composed of puns) rotate around which nation Kashmir as a whole should be a part of and about the human plight within Indian administered Kashmir. I have visited Pakistani Kashmir but the stay was too short to speak to locals (was also disadvantaged being a foreigner). I have always had one question though which seems to be neglected in all such discussions.

What are the honest opinions of members here regarding what Indian Kashmiris themselves (and themselves alone) think of their position-- Is there a strong Pakistan sentiment amongst Indian Kashmiris or do they rather wish for independence from both or is the majority satisfied with New Delhi as their capital?

I already know what views the respective governments hold, I want reference to the peoples own will only. I would really wish that Indian and especially Kashmiri members contribute. I know this is a rather sensitive question but I hope the answers remain healthy and informative.

If you look at the problem honestly than my thinking is that till perhaps 70's a pro Pakistan sentiment was strong in IOK and independence perhaps not in their thinking but since 80's Pro independence sentiment has risen. However pro Pakistan sentiment is also there but perhaps at distant second place.

In any case if the matter is to be resolved peacefully and through some sort of voting than India does not stand a chance to win that is why they are not interested in solving the issue.

I have read past discussions amongst Pakistanis and Indians regarding their views on Indian-administered Kashmir. The majority of discussions (largely composed of puns) rotate around which nation Kashmir as a whole should be a part of and about the human plight within Indian administered Kashmir. I have visited Pakistani Kashmir but the stay was too short to speak to locals (was also disadvantaged being a foreigner). I have always had one question though which seems to be neglected in all such discussions.

What are the honest opinions of members here regarding what Indian Kashmiris themselves (and themselves alone) think of their position-- Is there a strong Pakistan sentiment amongst Indian Kashmiris or do they rather wish for independence from both or is the majority satisfied with New Delhi as their capital?

I already know what views the respective governments hold, I want reference to the peoples own will only. I would really wish that Indian and especially Kashmiri members contribute. I know this is a rather sensitive question but I hope the answers remain healthy and informative.

Dear Brother, I strongly suggest you that you research by yourselves. It is true that Kashmir is divided religiously into three main lands, Jammu, Laddakh and the valley....But do you also know it that Kashmire in under the boats of more than 7 lac Indian soldiers? Do you also know that since 1947 separation, more than 2 million muslims were slaughtered by indian army in pre-planed manner to reduce the population of Muslims in that region. Do you also know that more than 7 million muslim children were made orphan in the name of terrorism and were adopted by non-muslims. Muslim population id slaughtered in the name of Maha Bharat to reduce muslim population in Jammu and Kashmir.... these are facts, but if you don't believe in me, then do you think that besides indian media, international media is vomiting lie, amnesty reports are baseless, human right NGOs are all groups of liers..... then you should come to Pakistan, visit Kashmir and research neutrally. You have to visit indian Kashmir as well, see the situation of indian army, ask people neutrally that to whom you want to live with assurance that your house will not be burnt, your children will not be accused terrorist, your girls and wife will not be rapped after answering your question.
It is evident my brother that if you are living in Army contentment, then you could not utter a word of truth. Still then, kashmiries are brave enogh that they protest against all of this... what i say any thing else....you have to search by yourself...

Peace! :tup:
Do you also know that since 1947 separation, more than 2 million muslims were slaughtered by indian army in pre-planed manner to reduce the population of Muslims in that region. Do you also know that more than 7 million muslim children were made orphan in the name of terrorism and were adopted by non-muslims. Muslim population id slaughtered in the name of Maha Bharat to reduce muslim population in Jammu and Kashmir.... .

:what:Can you show us some NEUTRAL links to show us that 2 million Kashmiri people have been killed???

2 million? Wow. Can I have some of what you're smoking bro? Please?

What are the honest opinions of members here regarding what Indian Kashmiris themselves (and themselves alone) think of their position-- Is there a strong Pakistan sentiment amongst Indian Kashmiris or do they rather wish for independence from both or is the majority satisfied with New Delhi as their capital?

There was a strong Pakistan sentiment among the kashmiris in the 90s,but today very few Kashmiris want to join Pakistan .Majority of the Kashmiris want a separate country .But majority of the educated Kashmiris are pro India.I have 3 Kashmiri friends who are completely pro India.I met a Kashmiri engineer on a flight from Delhi to hyderabad and he told me that he and most of his friends are all pro India.
Indian occupation of Kashmir is illegal and illogical and against all norms and customs.

It is worst form of slavery, where one Indian Army men is pointing his rifle on 5 Kashmirs. This ratio had no where been seen in last 5000 years.

Recent economical progress have given them new confidence and now indians have become more vocal for not listening to rationale or Kashmiri's voice for freedom.

Pakistan has also pulled out from helping militant Kashmiri groups due world opinion.

Once all doors are closed, than, there is one way - the way Muslims know since long.

Do and die - India is forcing Kashmiris to adopt this way.

Who will be looser at the End - I foresee it will be dis-integrated India.

India is trying push where beginning of its end will start rolling.
Dear Brother, I strongly suggest you that you research by yourselves. It is true that Kashmir is divided religiously into three main lands, Jammu, Laddakh and the valley....But do you also know it that Kashmire in under the boats of more than 7 lac Indian soldiers? Do you also know that since 1947 separation, more than 2 million muslims were slaughtered by indian army in pre-planed manner to reduce the population of Muslims in that region. Do you also know that more than 7 million muslim children were made orphan in the name of terrorism and were adopted by non-muslims. Muslim population id slaughtered in the name of Maha Bharat to reduce muslim population in Jammu and Kashmir.... these are facts, but if you don't believe in me, then do you think that besides indian media, international media is vomiting lie, amnesty reports are baseless, human right NGOs are all groups of liers..... then you should come to Pakistan, visit Kashmir and research neutrally. You have to visit indian Kashmir as well, see the situation of indian army, ask people neutrally that to whom you want to live with assurance that your house will not be burnt, your children will not be accused terrorist, your girls and wife will not be rapped after answering your question.
It is evident my brother that if you are living in Army contentment, then you could not utter a word of truth. Still then, kashmiries are brave enogh that they protest against all of this... what i say any thing else....you have to search by yourself...

Peace! :tup:

Don't show sympathy towards kashmiris the trouble itself was started by pakistan by supporting terror and false agitations to make it an international problem.
regarding the claims u have made we need proofs. Do not show rupee news articles buddy, it should be genuine.
Have thought about kashmiri pandits who were massacred,kicked out of the valley by terror induced by pakistan.

Islamic Terrorism and Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits

go thru the link u will get to know the pakistans real face.
Do not show sympathy regarding kashmiri people they will be fine as soon as terror operatives and separstists are kicked out of the valley.
Indian occupation of Kashmir is illegal and illogical and against all norms and customs.

It is worst form of slavery, where one Indian Army men is pointing his rifle on 5 Kashmirs. This ratio had no where been seen in last 5000 years.

Recent economical progress have given them new confidence and now indians have become more vocal for not listening to rationale or Kashmiri's voice for freedom.

Pakistan has also pulled out from helping militant Kashmiri groups due world opinion.

Once all doors are closed, than, there is one way - the way Muslims know since long.

Do and die - India is forcing Kashmiris to adopt this way.

Who will be looser at the End - I foresee it will be dis-integrated India.

India is trying push where beginning of its end will start rolling.

put this option of Once all doors are closed, than, there is one way - the way Muslims know since long. to baluch ppl,u will understand how much door pak can open.and if india is disintegrated,then pak will be divided thats 4 sure.

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