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Query about all-India Muslim League

Thats the best that can be said for HT drones like you.
Ignorance about the whole idea of Khilafat drips away from takfiri terrorist sites like these
Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan
People like you who label every Muslim "HT" or "terrorists" for supporting Khalifa justifies Westerners for labeling EVERY PAKISTANI Terrorists because they were hiding OBL right next to PMA and harbor terrorists nation wide. So watch what you say because you will end up shooting yourself in your own foot.
People like you who label every Muslim "HT" or "terrorists" for supporting Khalifa justifies Westerners for labeling EVERY PAKISTANI Terrorists because they were hiding OBL right next to PMA and harbor terrorists nation wide. So watch what you say because you will end up shooting yourself in your own foot.

First learn what that is about before waving its flag all over.
All your rant is on how this country is unfit.. instead of actually offering any solution in your grand wild goose chase for a Khalifa...god forbid if people like you achieve success, we will have the likes of Maulana Diesel and hafiz Saeed as khalifa..
That makes you no different from HT or other caliphatic wannabes.
First learn what that is about before waving its flag all over.
All your rant is on how this country is unfit.. instead of actually offering any solution in your grand wild goose chase for a Khalifa...god forbid if people like you achieve success, we will have the likes of Maulana Diesel and hafiz Saeed as khalifa..
That makes you no different from HT or other caliphatic wannabes.

Dont worry. This nation was made by the Britishers and all your leaders will be approved by Western masters. And Pakistan is not even worthy to have such a system of allah, so enjoy your democracy, liberalism, secularism shoved into you by your imperialists masters.
Dont worry. This nation was made by the Britishers and all your leaders will be approved by Western masters. And Pakistan is not even worthy to have such a system of allah, so enjoy your democracy, liberalism, secularism shoved into you by your imperialists masters.

And this folks.. is the example of drone which I was saying.

Ok.. lets play your game.
How do you intend to find "muttaqis" in whatever nation you swear loyalty to(even though you sit in Pakistan..but lets see)?
only muslims from the poor nations are rooting for a caliphate. i never see any arab country, iran, india, Malaysia turkey wanting to have a caliphate where muslims from all over the world can use their resources. Wonder why that is.
I was reading about All -India Muslim league and was wondering about their contribution towards freedom from the british Rule. Was there any significant movement that they participated in against the british imperialism in the Indian sub-continent.

Which are the significant AIML leaders which actively participated non- violence movements like satyagraha, quit india movement, civil dis-obedience etc.

Were there any instances of british crack-down on AIML as they did on other pro-liberation parties in India.

unnecessary post.
People like you who label every Muslim "HT" or "terrorists" for supporting Khalifa justifies Westerners for labeling EVERY PAKISTANI Terrorists because they were hiding OBL right next to PMA and harbor terrorists nation wide. So watch what you say because you will end up shooting yourself in your own foot.

Every one is free to present his views.
So if my Bro Oscar believes in Secular Religion, so let him be.
You believe, I believe, every Muslim believes in it so if one does not want to be part of it, let him go.
Khilafat was and is the only way for Muslim Rise.
Dont worry. This nation was made by the Britishers and all your leaders will be approved by Western masters. And Pakistan is not even worthy to have such a system of allah, so enjoy your democracy, liberalism, secularism shoved into you by your imperialists masters.

Pakistan was not created for system of allah, it was created for political rights of a mirnority section in pre 47 India. May be this will switch on a light bulb

" I do not know what the ultimate shape of this constitution is going to be, but I am sure that it will be of a democratic type, embodying the essential principle of Islam. Today, they are as applicable in actual life as they were 1,300 years ago. Islam and its idealism have taught us democracy. It has taught equality of man, justice and fairplay to everybody. We are the inheritors of these glorious traditions and are fully alive to our responsibilities and obligations as framers of the future constitution of Pakistan. In any case Pakistan is not going to be a theocratic State to be ruled by priests with a divine mission. We have many non-Muslims — Hindus, Christians, and Parsis — but they are all Pakistanis. They will enjoy the same rights and privileges as any other citizens and will play their rightful part in the affairs of Pakistan."
The Khilafat movement (1919–1924) was a pan-Islamic, political campaign launched by Muslims in British India to influence the British government and to protect the Ottoman Empire during the aftermath of World War I. (I fail to see a drop of nationalistic sentiment in that from the beginning)

Now khalafat leaders although were muslims, they were not really from musl league, jinnah opposed the khilafat movement and so did the AIML

Khilafat was agreement btwn kongress and muslims. We will scratch your back you mine. Gandhi wanted muslims inclusion to nationalism, for that he told i will support your khilafat you support freedom fight. I say again major muslim powers were not a part of freedom fight.
Dont worry. This nation was made by the Britishers and all your leaders will be approved by Western masters. And Pakistan is not even worthy to have such a system of allah, so enjoy your democracy, liberalism, secularism shoved into you by your imperialists masters.

lol, says the guy who live in West.

This nation was made by all Muslims & no one grant us anything, hell even Pakistan lost major parts like Hyderabad Deccan, Junagadh/Manavadar & Kashmir is still a conflict zone. If British would be so friendly with Pakistan they would have give decision on these three major areas. And in the end Pakistan is country of every Pakistanis, hopefully it will become true Jinnah's Pakistan where everyone will have rights of follow whatever he/she wants. All exteremists will be flushed out.
And this folks.. is the example of drone which I was saying.

Ok.. lets play your game.
How do you intend to find "muttaqis" in whatever nation you swear loyalty to(even though you sit in Pakistan..but lets see)?

Like I said before which your brain cant comprehend "Pakistan is incapable of running Khalifa" simply because the nation was created by the Brits and its people are like you "fools".
Every one is free to present his views.
So if my Bro Oscar believes in Secular Religion, so let him be.
You believe, I believe, every Muslim believes in it so if one does not want to be part of it, let him go.

Khilafat was and is the only way for Muslim Rise.

That is second bi-product of following without understanding..
Unfortunately this is where most Khilafat followers shoot themselves in the foot...which MB was trying to put on.. by identifying all those that question Khilafat as secular... good to know that I was able to extract such a response.

Its not about the belief in Khilafat.. its about the conditions for it.

The Islamic Khilafat was introduced during medina..where Muslims were ruled justly by acclaimed leadership.
That is not the case here.. point one.
The Khilafat existed as a focal point for uniformity in Islam.. which by the time of the end of the Ottoman Empire(and the lame duck Khalifa or if he even deserved that title) had disappeared.

The Khalifa must be sworn alligence to by all.. but in today's fractured society.. where there are deep fissures within Islam itself. How does one expect people to swear an oath to an individual who may not agree with their teachings on Islam?

The khalifa is supposed to be elected by a council of Muttaqi's.. how do you find a Muttaqi in todays hypocritical times...when testimonies can be bought and pretenders roam the streets?

Unfortunately.. the last Paigham-e-Khilafat bearer..Muhd bin Qasim I think.. could not convince me with a detailed answer to this..

Now here is the bomb.. I too wish for Khilafat.. a leadership that bases its decisions on the teachings in the Quran and the example of the Prophet and his companions.
What I do not agree to ..is this rushed..desperate method of bringing it in.
It will lead to disaster.
Currently Islam is torn apart from the inside.. and trying to appoint a common political leadership is folly when you cannot even appoint a common religious one.
It is imperative that first and foremost, a concentrated attempt is made to research all we can about our religion, its history.. and lessons from it. Then work at a war pace to patch up , amend and preach against differences and fight against all forces bent on takrifism or those on a crusade of branding every other thing Shirk and Bidah.
You dont need forces conversions, you need to highlight common ground.. and convince people to understand their religion.. and then decide.. They will automatically start to unite.

Then you may introduce a new political system to govern a unified religious one.
I am sorry to say but muslim in large disassociated them from indian freedom struggle. I remember only one muslim revolutionary name asfaqulla khan from UP. Bengal and punjab was muslim dominated are still there is not a single revolutionary from those area. Muslim and muslim leauge never aknowledge gandhi as their leader.

In 1946 general electionMuslims voted to jinna. kongress lost badly in muslim eloctorate area.

It is hard for me to believe that, both my paternal grand father and his younger brother were revolutionary freedom fighters in now west bengal. Both of them carried out "jatra's" for public awareness and were part of action teams against the goras. I cannot go into details but they did have large number of muslim associates who were more than willing to laydown thier lives for the nation.

My maternal grandfather was closely associated with the Indian national army and later the Indian navy, In his INA days he has served with muslims alike. So this entire concept of mulsims not having contributed towards freedom from the british is false, maybe they did not have popular leaders, but then freedom was not achieved by a few leaders, it was a grass roots movement.

AIML on the other hand was a subservient, spineless entity, which had a very strong leader mohd Ali Jinnah. Contributions of AIML or the lack of it is not reflective of the general muslims of Indian Subcontinent.
Like I said before which your brain cant comprehend "Pakistan is incapable of running Khalifa" simply because the nation was created by the Brits and its people are like you "fools".

You are part of it.. otherwise why dont you leave instead of sitting in Lahore.
leave.. get the hell out.
walk to the border.. buy a ticket.. whatever the hell you want to do...but leave..if it bothers you so.

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