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Qatari pilgrims harassed in Mecca Grand Mosque

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So what was he? If not a descendant?

As for intermarriages, sire... the house of saud even in the 18th century allied with the followers and cleric of wahab to lay the foundation of the modern Saudi state... and it was the same reason, even your monarchy is scared of the power and influence they had given them.

The specific term is that he was an Ottoman Pasha, appointed to govern Egypt and later Najd and other provinces and to extent the ottoman rule.

He lead an ottoman army against the al Saudis and Al Saud was captured and beheaded for damaging the Shrine of Hazrat Imam Hussain,The Prophets mosque and other holy places and for the massacres in Karbala and Syria.

That's quite some mistake.

I consider both wahab and Khomeini as a bunch of clowns.. do you agree ? Since you are a Sunni.

Not a direct descendent.

Take a look yourself.


Check the paternal lineage and ancestry of King Faisal who was the son of Ibn Saud like all the other 6 Saudi Arabian Kings.

Trust me, I am well-versed in Arab and Semitic history and the history of our 100's of dynasties, tribes. Whether pre-Islamic or Islamic ones. Not only that I am interested in genealogy.

Did I not wrote that the House of Saudi and Al ash-Sheikh family have intermarried before the reign of Abdullah bin Saud between 1814-1818? Obviously this has continued. An example of this was King Faisal. A highly respected figure in the Muslim world and Pakistan.


There was no massacre in Syria. His army was composed of Egyptians, Hijazis (Arabs in general) and led by an Albanian general. I wrote that both versions are correct but mine is more specific. In fact most sources talk about an Egyptian army.

Hanbalis are Sunni Muslims as well. I am a Shafi'i. If you want me to say that Hanbalis are not Muslims I will never say that. Nor will any sane and informed Sunni Muslim or just Muslim for that matter. As for some of his teachings, I disagree with parts of it (to various degrees) and others where I agree. Same with Khomeini. I don't view things in black and white or at least I try not to.
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The amount of power and influence you exert and enjoy, your apologetic behaviour will be the reason for your decline.
Your insistence on Arab vs Ajam policy will leave you in a blind pit and that is destined.

In the end it comes down to business for you as well. Had their existed a will it would not have come to this.

So again leave the sectarianism in the thread and discuss as things are. A regional political play of power.

As a Pakistani he is your friend too. We share only this similarity all three of us.
So friends all three?
Arab or Ajab.. I call a spade a spade.

I don't want to be in nobody's good books.... I want my own country to reach a level where others envy us... I'm the son of the soil and my loyalty lies to my country.
I don't believe in any ummah.
I don't believe in pan anything.

As for batman, general secterian posters, who would declare others as "kafir","rafida" or whatever at the drop of a hat, if you point out anything bad about their masters ... are no friends of mine.. such people have no shame nor any sense.. they are like animals.

I'm not secterian nor a pseudo liberal.. for me all Pakistanis irrespective of their beliefs,religions are my brothers... but not hate mongering ...
I pray for Qatar

Not a direct descendent.

Take a look yourself.


Chech the paternal lineage of King Faisal who was the son of King Saud like all the other 6 Saudi Arabian Kings.

Trust me, I am well-versed in Arab and Semitic history and the history of our 100's of dynasties, tribes. Whether pre-Islamic or Islamic ones. Not only that I am interested in genealogy.

Did I not wrote that the House of Saudi and Al ash-Sheikh family have intermarried before the reign of Abdullah bin Saud between 1814-1818? Obviously this has continued. An example of this was King Faisal. A highly respected figure in the Muslim world and Pakistan.


There was no massacre in Syria. His army was composed of Egyptians, Hijazis (Arabs) and led by an Albanian general. I wrote that both versions are correct but mine is more specific. In fact most sources talk about an Egyptian army.

Hanbalis are Sunni Muslims as well. I am a Shafi'i. If you want me to say that Hanbalis are not Muslims I will never say that. Nor will any sane and informed Sunni Muslim or just Muslim for that matter. As for some of his teachings, I disagree with parts of it (to various degrees) and others where I agree. Same with Khomeini. I don't view things in black and white or at least I try not to.
I don't want to get into fiqahs.. shafi,hanbali,maliki,jafri or whatever.

However I don't tolerate lies.

You can stick with whatever story you like.
Here is my opinion on wahab and Khomeini: azz-holes.
Base on @Sharif al-Hijaz
All of this are shit propaganda and all of Arabs are in one fronts and people freely travelling among brother countries.

Another bad news
But now Even Sudanese mercenaries are leaving Saudis.
Poor Saudis.

Saudi Arabians and Qataris and most Arabs are that. That's obvious for any Arab but since you are not an Arab you cannot know. This current, so far completely bloodless dispute (the most serious one in the 36 years of GCC history - which should tell you everything about how stable the GCC has been in a otherwise insanely unstable region) between regimes and dynasties in power (unelected) and it has nothing to do with the people. Saudi Arabians and Qataris understand this and if you understood Arabic or followed Arabic forums and the news and exchanges between Saudi Arabians and Qataris you would have understood that.

But no, you are an foreigner (Iranian) with an agenda that meddles in maters that do not concern you. People are not dumb here. At least not all of them.

Secondly, Sudan is not leaving anything.

I don't want to get into fiqahs.. shafi,hanbali,maliki,jafri or whatever.

However I don't tolerate lies.

You can stick with whatever story you like.
Here is my opinion on wahab and Khomeini: azz-holes.

What exactly did I write which was a "lie". In fact using that logic I could easily say that you have "lied" throughout the entire discussion by posting inaccurate information.

That's your right and own business. We all have our own opinions and views.
Arab or Ajab.. I call a spade a spade.

I don't want to be in nobody's good books.... I want my own country to reach a level where others envy us... I'm the son of the soil and my loyalty lies to my country.
I don't believe in any ummah.
I don't believe in pan anything.

As for batman, general secterian posters, who would declare others as "kafir","rafida" or whatever at the drop of a hat, if you point out anything bad about their masters ... are no friends of mine.. such people have no shame nor any sense.. they are like animals.

I'm not secterian nor a pseudo liberal.. for me all Pakistanis irrespective of their beliefs,religions are my brothers... but not hate mongering ...

Congratulations you became an ordinary law abiding common Pakistani.
Welcome to the club.
At least accept that Qataris are ban from holly cities and don't act like Muslims in front of me.
Absolutely Sudanese hate you much more.
Now Qataris would pay them.
Take it easy
At least accept that Qataris are ban from holly cities and don't act like Muslims infant of me.
Absolutely Sudanese hate you much more.
Now Qataris would pay them.
Take it easy

Take it from a Sudanese to tell you whats going on in Mecca. Lol

The paranoia is strong today.

I got news for you, that onion news is a satire and a fake news website.
At least accept that Qataris are ban from holly cities and don't act like Muslims in front of me.
Absolutely Sudanese hate you much more.
Now Qataris would pay them.
Take it easy

Stop spreading propaganda Farsi.



Qatari pilgrims in KSA while we speak:

More lies exposed:

Yes, Saudi Arabians and Sudanese are going to hate each other for the first time in history. As I said, stick to matters that you might have a minimal clue about.

Still butthurt about the dozens upon dozens of videos that I showed of Iranian Shia Arabs in Al-Ahwaz openly speaking in favor of KSA. Clips where 100's upon 100's and 1000's (on football stadiums) can be seen?

Yes, I am going to accept your lies kawli. In your dreams.

@Full Moon deal with this clown as I have been "occupied" enough today as you know and have seen.

BTW is it not funny that Al-Masjid Al-Haram, one of the most photographed and visited places on earth, have no visual or even audio proof of this supposed harassment in this day an age (2017) where nothing big ever happens without this making headlines on social media? Every minute people are posting on Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook etc. from Makkah (sometimes even live-streaming) yet not a single evidence of this imaginary "harassment". It is amazing that people believe such propaganda. Either they are incredibly ignorant or they have an agenda. Both are bad when sensitive topics such as those are discussed.
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How do you identify a Qatari in such a mess?

Do they smell like LNG? Or they got al Jazeera radio transmitters attached to their ears.

Let Mecca and Medina be like the Vatican and let the A-rabs and I-ran-ians fight over oil and gas.

All they have to do is ask for papers at the entrances, do you really think it is that difficult? This is why hajjis are always advised to carry their passports while on pilgrimage.

nope it's the saudi religion- made and spread by them. only natural that they call the shots

The Qur'an clearly refutes your crap.
Both countries & cited countries on behalf of Saudia suspension in diplomatic relation [emoji13] need to settle down their internal issues through table talk. Turkey is good country to work in arbitral support. [emoji8]

Muslim countries need to reconciliation in disputes because rivals need a gap & utilizing Muslim resource. [emoji419]
It is just simply disgusting propaganda against Saudi Arabia. The people living in Saudi Arabia knows that what is mentioned in the above news is complete lie.
The Saudi Authorities usually close the grand mosque many times especially during the season of Hajj and Ramadan. Because the Haram gets crowded and full. So their is a chance of stampage and people crashing each other . So in order to avoid this they close the grand mosque. Several times I have been stopped at the gates of Haram for same reason. And also the genius who had written this article failed to mention that everyday during peak Umrah season in Ramadan 1.3 million people pray and perform tawaf everyday . So how in the world will they identify only the Qatari in this huge crowd of people?
The above news is simply propaganda and I can't believe people fell for it .
this is a self-contradictory argument.

I don't see it that way. The places are in peace under Saudis and i don't see any involving politics by Saudis?

-Since they control it anyways.
@Zarvan see the flag bearers of Islam at work!!

@Azlan Haider do not mean any disrespect, have been following your posts since our last argument and i think it was just some confusion and bit of a disagreement, otherwise we both seem to be wanting the same. However, tagging you to share what WE have become. This is Saudia for crying out loud, yeh haal ha HUM sunnon ka tu how can we BLAME anyone else?
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