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Qatari pilgrims harassed in Mecca Grand Mosque

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There is a norm that I have observed that whatever news is released mentioning Saudi Arab or Qatar crisis or any other middle eastern crisis, bunch of posters especially Pakistanis that have no basic knowledge began to throw negative remarks on Arabs and I have made similar observations in Iran section.In addition to that some Irani meddling in Saudi business and vice versa to defame each other.
I consider only those news sources credible that are either from Qatar or Arab.This is their conflict and I am looking forward to see some decent remarks and suggestions to circumvent such issue other than "Isolation of Qatar" from other Arab countries.In addition to that, I am much more interested to know that why in past decades Arab countries were not able to maintain unity like other nations of world.
The current situation is very depressing related to Muslim world.We have extreme diversity and talent yet least scientists we have generated as compare to Israel and other western countries.We have got excellent universities and best morals taught by Islam to us yet still I am seeing the kind of behavior muslims are showing off while performing pilgrimage.If we can't respect each other then how on earth do you expect any other nation to give you respect?
We can't be decent infront of God or while having journey towards Kaaba- the place where Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) as per guidance of Allah(SWT) laid the foundations of high morals.I see all traits opposite to the message preached.That is why today world is insulting towards our deen and our religion b/c Allah(SWT) is showing us the mirror of our actions through world's behavior.
Anyways, I am looking forward that tensions b/w Qatar and Saud to be resolved very soon.I am looking forward then Iran-Arab relationship to be improved and regimes of Muslim countries realize the desperate measures that should be taken to implement immediate resolution.If we will stand today and unite, focusing on science and technology and other important aspects rather then pointing each other as threat- then we will be able to do something or else these oil reserves, these tall buildings and all other gems provided by God are meaningless without intelligent dream and strong leadership.

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No disrespect intended but isnt it attack on the religion of Qataris ??
Reported by a media establishment that is center of all this dispute. He convenient
All they have to do is ask for papers at the entrances, do you really think it is that difficult? This is why hajjis are always advised to carry their passports while on pilgrimage.

The Qur'an clearly refutes your crap.

Yes proper checks are needed and they are done. Security is of concern when there are such huge masses of people involved. The pilgrimage or the holy sites have been used for political agenda or are prone to.
I consider both wahab and Khomeini as a bunch of clowns.. do you agree ? Since you are a Sunni.

I am a Sunni Muslim and I wholeheartedly agree with your statement. Both of them have plagued the Muslim world for too long.

@Sharif al-Hijaz

I have a genuine question and I want you to please answer honestly. Don't you think it's about time the Al Saud family should be replaced by a democratic system?
It is just simply disgusting propaganda against Saudi Arabia. The people living in Saudi Arabia knows that what is mentioned in the above news is complete lie.
The Saudi Authorities usually close the grand mosque many times especially during the season of Hajj and Ramadan. Because the Haram gets crowded and full. So their is a chance of stampage and people crashing each other . So in order to avoid this they close the grand mosque. Several times I have been stopped at the gates of Haram for same reason. And also the genius who had written this article failed to mention that everyday during peak Umrah season in Ramadan 1.3 million people pray and perform tawaf everyday . So how in the world will they identify only the Qatari in this huge crowd of people?
The above news is simply propaganda and I can't believe people fell for it .

Brother, you are perfectly correct. I have already posted videos of Qatari pilgrims in KSA. Yet people are either not reading our exchanges in this thread but solely reading the thread title posted. No critical thinking. None of the individuals who buy this fabricated nonsense story (anyone familiar with the topic will understand that this is what it is) asks any critical questions to themselves. Al-Jazeera is the source. Qatar currently has a dispute with KSA. Of course they will spread false news about KSA. That's unfortunately how it often is during crisis.

1633 Qatari citizens have visited the holy sites and performed rites over the last week.



I lost a lot of respect for Al-Jazeera. One thing is to be critical of the regime in power (House of Saud) and their policies but another is to falsely report such a sensitive issue!

I am a Sunni Muslim and I wholeheartedly agree with your statement. Both of them have plagued the Muslim world for too long.

@Sharif al-Hijaz

I have a genuine question and I want you to please answer honestly. Don't you think it's about time the Al Saud family should be replaced by a democratic system?

I am going to play the devil's advocate here. Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab Al-Tamimi's views and policies, the many negatives attributed to him and events, are neither originating from his Hanbali teachings or occurred not under his watch (long after his dead). I would not compare him with Khomeini here at all who helped start a deadly war were 1 million + people died.

Kindly read this and notice the connection with Pakistan (Muhammad Hayyat al-Sindhi)

Full text of "Muḥammad Ḥayyā al-Sindī and Muḥammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab: An Analysis of an Intellectual Group in Eightinth-Century Madīna, John Voll. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol. 38, No. 1 (1975), pp. 32–39. Cambridge University Press on behalf of School of Oriental and African Studies. ":

My personal view, based on actual facts and the scholarly works of the person in question, is that the invented name "Wahhabi" has become a bogey word that people use whenever there is trouble and it is somehow related to Islam. It's dishonest and ridiculous quite frankly and no sane person or scholar of Islam will accept it. Remember that 75% of KSA's population are not Hanbalis and neither am I.

As for your last part of your post, I have talked about this in detail and even published my political theories but I am afraid that this is not the thread for such discussion and although interesting I feel that this is not the forum to discuss such issues, unless the moderators would strictly combat trolling. I feel this is mostly an internal Saudi Arabian matter that must be discussed among locals and envisioned by us. However I have discussed this issue in public here but not many people read my posts. Besides there are not a lot of active Saudi Arabian users here or Arab ones for that matter. We tend to use our many own forums or social media nowadays.
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Saudi authorities have prevented Qatari nationals from entering the Grand Mosque in Mecca, marking a sharp escalation in the Gulf diplomatic crisis, Doha-based Al Sharq newspaper has reported.

Qatar's National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) received complaints from Qatari citizens that pilgrims from Qatar were barred from entering the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, the paper said on Saturday.

Ali bin Smaikh al-Marri, the NHRC head, called the incident a flagrant violation of the right to practice religious rites as permitted by human rights conventions, the paper said.

The NHRC denounced the incident, considering the step a violation of the right to perform religious rituals guaranteed by human rights conventions, Al Sharq added.

READ MORE: Qatar-Gulf crisis - All the latest updates

It should be noted that Saudi authorities do not normally question people entering the Grand Mosque on their ethnicity or sectarian affiliation.

Inside Story - Blockade on Qatar is 'toying' with people's lives
The claims come a few days after the UAE and Bahrain criminalised"sympathy" for Qatar on social media.

The UAE said offenders would be punished with a jail term of up to 15 years, and a $136,000 fine. Bahrain declared it punishable by imprisonment of up to five years.

Since the diplomatic row erupted, slogans against and in support of Qatar have been among the top topics discussed on Twitter in Arabic, which is a hugely popular medium of expression in the Arab world, particularly in Saudi Arabia.

The dispute between Qatar and the Arab countries escalated after a cyberattack on Qatar's state-run news agency.

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the UAE and Egypt severed diplomatic ties and transport links with Qatar on Monday, accusing it of supporting "extremism".

Qatar has vehemently denied the charges.

READ MORE: Israel, Saudi, UAE team up in anti-Qatar lobbying move

In its statement, the Qatari government said it has been leading the region in attacking what it called the roots of "terrorism", including giving young people hope through jobs, educating hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees and funding community programmes to challenge agendas of armed groups.

"Our position on countering terrorism is stronger than many of the signatories of the joint statement - a fact that has been conveniently ignored by the authors," the government said.

Source: Al Jazeera News

Saoud family should be assassinated on this act!!! Shame from house of Saud.
Fake News. Sorry but typical Iranian propaganda machine at it once again. Saudia have always hated Iran a lot more than Qatar. Never a Irani pilgrim has been stopped. Saudi Leadership have many flaws and serious flaws but this is one thing they deserve applause the way the maintain Hajj and other things they have done a lot and no matter How much issue they have with a country this crap is not done. So MODS needs to shut down this thread @Horus

@Zarvan see the flag bearers of Islam at work!!

@Azlan Haider do not mean any disrespect, have been following your posts since our last argument and i think it was just some confusion and bit of a disagreement, otherwise we both seem to be wanting the same. However, tagging you to share what WE have become. This is Saudia for crying out loud, yeh haal ha HUM sunnon ka tu how can we BLAME anyone else?
I am amazed you are once again falling for typical Iranian crap of lies
As far as i know Mecca belongs to 2 billion people not a barbaric tribal family who thinks that owns whole GCC and middle east.
Correct and who are they to decide who can worship who cannot. Is this behavior something that any god can accept?
How? By violating the honor of our haajis?

They have always abused the power of Mecca and Madina in Muslim masses' heart.
And as you said, only Allah and his prophet can say that who can visit holy Mecca and who cannot.
Do you realize how ridiculous it is to stop people from worshipping?
How? By violating the honor of our haajis?

They have always abused the power of Mecca and Madina in Muslim masses' heart.
And as you said, only Allah and his prophet can say that who can visit holy Mecca and who cannot.

Oh dear.

Irony thy name is Islam

Keep it

i fear to be called a takfiri by wahabis but what you said , i am aware of it, it is an act of kufr to forbid a Muslim from Tawaf and worshiping in a house that Allah has called it Beit , Allah's house, Beit ullah el haram, only a kafer can do that.

Are you a Muslim? Sorry for asking this but i need to know

So Allah let them be in charge of his house. Kinda ironic haha

Leave the sectarianism out. My last request to you. @waz @jugnibaaz are religious posts allowed?
How do you identify a Qatari in such a mess?

Do they smell like LNG? Or they got al Jazeera radio transmitters attached to their ears.

Let Mecca and Medina be like the Vatican and let the A-rabs and I-ran-ians fight over oil and gas.

The news is lacking all kinds of proper reporting so at least I will wait for some official clarification .

Read again and again it is just reporting so and so organization said it had received complaints.

nobody is stopped there from visiting the Mosque unless there is some security issue.
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