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Qatari pilgrims harassed in Mecca Grand Mosque

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The news is lacking all kinds of proper reporting so at least I will wait for some official clarification .

Read again and again it is just reporting so and so organization said it had received complaints.

nobody is stopped there from visiting the Mosque unless there is some security issue.

You joined too late i fear. We are nearing takfir if you read some posts above.

I am just trolling the propaganda.
i fear to be called a takfiri by wahabis but what you said , i am aware of it, it is an act of kufr to forbid a Muslim from Tawaf and worshiping in a house that Allah has called it Beit , Allah's house, Beit ullah el haram, only a kafer can do that.

Are you a Muslim? Sorry for asking this but i need to know

So what tawaf the qatris were intending to do in the Grand Mosque ?

by the way when was the last time anyone was stopped by Saudis from performing tawaf as part of the Hujj? I did not see anything like that till now
Oh dear.

Irony thy name is Islam

Keep it

So Allah let them be in charge of his house. Kinda ironic haha

Leave the sectarianism out. My last request to you. @waz @jugnibaaz are religious posts allowed?
You have an obvious problem with Islam. ;)
The news is lacking all kinds of proper reporting so at least I will wait for some official clarification .

Read again and again it is just reporting so and so organization said it had received complaints.

nobody is stopped there from visiting the Mosque unless there is some security issue.

So what tawaf the qatris were intending to do in the Grand Mosque ?

by the way when was the last time anyone was stopped by Saudis from performing tawaf as part of the Hujj? I did not see anything like that till now
Sir, i didn't say that someone has done it. Just described for the subscriber that talked about forbidding haj and tawaf. It is an act of kufr. Buti didn't accuse someone of doing that
Apparently Sidd.
Who is the guy in your avatar?

A national hero. Someone your nation desperately needs at this moment in time.

And you can help your fellow Muslims here by exposing my apparent hate of Islam.
Islam does not teach us this... I am worried what going to happen in future.
Unfortunately we cannot appreciate the valuable humans when they are alive, i don't know if it is culture or a deep stupidity. Only recognize them as heroes when they are dead. Anyways RIP to the hero of Siachen, Abd ulRahman.

In Iran no one would ask you for your beliefs or religion, this is just a forum and i have a curious head :D

That is a lame example to sow discord among Pakistanis just because you have a curious itch up your ears.

And if you can act civil in Iran then you can remain civil here in the forum as well.
I am going to quote one BrahmanZada here,

"Tum Syed bhi ho Mirza bhi ho Afghan bhi ho
Tum sabhi kuchh ho batao ki musalman bhi ho"

"You are Syed; you are Mirza; you are Afghan. You are everything. Tell me, are you Muslim too?"

Comon Muslim is yearning to see these Fasadi go away but they were place at the end of WW 1 by a post war treaty in versailles commanding them to do whatever is asked of them, before WW 1 this area was called Hijaz by ottoman empire, read the history and learn something, so it is not all Muslim you blame but some fasadis. who are in control due to after that war loss by ottoman empire.

And that is the fact of History, dude, read it not spin it.
@The Eagle

Kindly read the past few pages of this thread. How much more evidence is needed for the moderation team to close a propaganda thread that contains false news?

Is it because that KSA happens to be the "victim" here that this is tolerated? Why do I think that had this been about any other country, this would have been dealt with ages ago?

We Arabs are honest and direct people and I don't like such double games. I have noticed it many times before and I have always been left without a reply. Is this some kind of deliberate tactic to chase the few remaining Arab users away from PDF? You might say that I am overreacting here but I don't think so.

Back in the "good" old days such threads were locked.

I also wonder why another extremely absurd propaganda thread (if I say slaves, Saudi Arabian MoD etc.) remains active?
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I am observing a NAKED narrative-building effort against the state of Saudi Arabia over the course of years (inspired by Wikileaks and media outlets like Al-Jazeera). Saudi royalty is openly accused for supporting Israeli atrocities against Palestinians, colluding with Zionist forces to establish so-called Greater Israel, sponsoring forces of terrorism in every Islamic state in the world and harassing pilgrims of states that are deemed hostile to Saudi Arabia. This is really sad and worrisome development.

True enemies of Islam fear a prosperous and powerful Saudi Arabia and they are doing their best to cultivate the image that Saudi royalty has sold its soul to the demons and the cities of Mecca and Medina should be rescued.

Below is an example of the effort to rescue Mecca ([Sarcasm]from the Saudi traitors[/Sarcasm]) by a bunch of fanatics in 1979 who claimed that Imam Mahdi has come and identified Mohammed Abdullah al-Qahtani as him:

Ayatollah Khomeini - as usual - blamed Americans and Jews for instigating this tragedy and this narrative-building led to further loss of lives in other Islamic countries since mass protests erupted in scores of Islamic states and turned violent in some cases. This narrative-building also motivated Osama Bin Laden to establish a movement (later known as Al-Qaeda Network) that became notorious for its terrorist activities around the world and its remnants have quietly morphed into ISIS after assassination of Osama.

Do fellow Muslims understand how a narrative-building effort can lead to disastrous consequences for the world?

I shall warn all fellow Muslims that [if] Saudi Arabia descends into chaos (God forbid), nobody will be able to control this crises and the Islamic bloc will never recover from it. This is exactly what the TRUE enemies of Islam want: instability in the heart of Islamic bloc and defamation of Islam. They are taking full advantage of sectarian divisions in Muslims towards this end. Conversely, kaffir are doing their best to spread immorality across the world and Islam is the only obstacle in their path; should this obstacle be overcome, immortality will PREVAIL.

Haven't you people learned from the examples of Iraq and Libya that DEMOCRACY should not be EXPORTED to any state by force? Let Saudi adopt a system that works best for them and ensures stability in the region. More importantly, fellow Muslims need to become enlightened and adopt the habit of fact-checking in this era of FALSEHOOD and FITNA. Do not fall for narrative-building blindly or our future will be very dark, and please get over your sects already and become true Muslims.

May Allah Almighty guide all Muslims to the right path, Ameen.


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@The Eagle

Kindly read the past few pages of this thread. How much more evidence is needed for the moderation team to close a propaganda thread that contains false news?

Back in the "good" old days such threads were locked.

I also wonder why another extremely absurd propaganda thread (if I say slaves, Saudi Arabian MoD etc.) remains active?

ahh do not worry daily I receive such knee-jerk anger and emotional outbursts from our own more loyal than the Iranian themselves kind of Pakistanis who prefer sectarian link more than their Pakistani nationality.

For example in case of Raheen sharif's post most of these Pakistani fellows bombard entire Pakistani sunni population with phrases like traitors, barbarians and above all their favourit catch phrase "wahabi" .

When we Sunnis debate such topics majority of us our main intention is never sectarian but our big concern is the hate and derogatory remarks our Iranian and their supporter Pakistani shia brothers of ours hurled at entire Arab race of which Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a part. Such remarks by these debaters even reach to a level where a times they even Insult the family of Holy personalities of Islam including the family of the Prophet (PBUH).

This pained and sadden us a lot. If Iranians or more openly if Pakistani shias want to insult KSA then should target the Saud rulers not the entire Arab bloodline.

Imam Hussain (RA), Hazrat Ali (RA) also were Arabs so it is very painful when these debaters resort to name calling viz a viz Arabs.
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