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Qaher F313 l News & Discussion

So he has no clue about any development and just rephrased something everyone knows, that it did taxi trials.

I reaaallly wanna see Qaher fly, out of curiosity. Although I'm a critic of the program.
So he has no clue about any development and just rephrased something everyone knows, that it did taxi trials.

I reaaallly wanna see Qaher fly, out of curiosity. Although I'm a critic of the program.

In the full-text Persian interview, he stated that this is the order of the trials for the aircraft:

- Production
- Aircraft Movement
- Slow Taxi
- High-Speed Taxi
- Flight Testing

It is now in the penultimate stage of trials, whereas it was doing slow taxis when footage was released in April. He said that additional funds have been allocated to aviation projects (things getting serious?) and that he believes that its ready for flight testing.
In the full-text Persian interview, he stated that this is the order of the trials for the aircraft:

- Production
- Aircraft Movement
- Slow Taxi
- High-Speed Taxi
- Flight Testing

It is now in the penultimate stage of trials, whereas it was doing slow taxis when footage was released in April. He said that additional funds have been allocated to aviation projects (things getting serious?) and that he believes that its ready for flight testing.
If he's right about high speed taxi trials, ideally we should see first flight this year.
Interesting similarities between Qaher-313 and Rockwell HiMAT (Highly Maneuverable Aircraft Technology)






i really wish iran would just kill this project quietly.. I really REALLY hate this Qaher project. its an embarrassing piece of crap that they are going to waste a decade and god knows how much money on. just because it looks aesthetically pleasing.

and it gives them an excuse not to pursue a proper airforce for another decade. I don't see how anyone who has followed Iranian domestic military projects can think this is a viable project worth producing.

When Ahmadinejad revealed this. I seriously thought at the time someone was trolling him. In iran, top politicians from the monarchy era up to now LOVE unveiling projects infront of cameras. it doesn't matter who funded it, who envisioned it or whatever. as long as its you cutting the tape on camera, its you who will get the political credit for it .

I always suspected there was some sort of pressure from the ahmadi administration on iranian military industry to give him his PR photo with a fighter project. And this was their joke.

But it seems they are throwing more money and time at this piece of crap. just please kill it already and pursue either a serious air force program. or put the time and money into a viable system. Don't insult our intelligence with this piece of shit.

we shall now patiently wait another decade (and possibly hundreds of millions -billions of wasted dollars) before the qaher maybe gets to taxi a little faster.... and a decade after that it may quietly go the way of the zolfighar. with them admitting defeat, and going back to the drawing board.
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