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Putin could invade Ukraine within a week, Nato chief warns

so what exactly is happening now, has Crimea officially became part of Russia? @Parul
The Ukrainan constitution says that any secession must be as a result of a vote within
the whole of Ukraine, making the Crimean vote illegal.

Maybe you have confused the Ukrainan constitution with the USSR constitution.:crazy:
so what exactly is happening now, has Crimea officially became part of Russia? @Parul

Crimea has officially become part of Russia and Crimeans are living happily. However, US and EU are beating war drums. They should accept this bitter truth and move on... ;) Agar detailed response chahiye toh bata deoo, I'll reply in Bimaru Corner, yaha ladne jadene wale kafi hai..:wave:
On the Resolution issues seceding from the USSR

USSR Supreme Soviet

April 3, 1990 N 1409-I

(VVSS 90-15)
"Article 1. Procedure for resolving issues related to the Secession of Union Republics of the Soviet Union in accordance with Article 72 of the Constitution of the USSR , is determined by this Law.

Article 2 . Decision on secede from the USSR adopted the free will of the peoples of the Union republic by referendum ( popular vote ) . The decision to hold a referendum was adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the Union Republic on its own initiative or at the request signed by one -tenth of the Soviet citizens residing in the territory of the republic and entitled to vote under the laws of the USSR.

Referendum held in the manner determined by the USSR Law , the Law Union , an autonomous republic of the referendum , if they do not contradict the provisions of this Act .

Referendum conducted by secret ballot no earlier than six and no later than nine months after the decision on raising the question of seceding from the USSR.

In a referendum involving Soviet citizens permanently residing in the territory of the republic at the time of the question of its withdrawal from the Soviet Union and entitled to vote under the laws of the USSR.

During voting or what agitation on the issue submitted to referendum is not allowed.

Article 3 . In a union republic composed of autonomous republics, autonomous regions and autonomous regions , the referendum is conducted separately for each autonomy. The people of the autonomous republics and autonomous right to independently decide whether to remain in the USSR or in the seceding republic , as well as to decide on their state legal status.

In the Federal Republic , the territory of which are compactly settled ethnic groups that make up the majority of the local population , in determining the outcome of the referendum voting results are to be considered separately.

Article 4. For organizing a referendum on secession from the USSR , the timing of the referendum and summing up the results , the Supreme Soviet of a Union Republic shall form a commission with representatives from all stakeholders , including those mentioned in the first and second parts of Article 3 of this Law .

Article 5 . To ensuring full freedom of expression peoples union republic in the preparation , implementation and determining the outcome of the referendum on secession from the USSR Supreme Soviet of the USSR decides in consultation with the Supreme Soviet of the Union Republic is the matter of the presence on its territory as observers authorized representatives of the USSR , the union and autonomous republics , autonomous entities . The Supreme Council of the USSR may, if it deems necessary, invite to the republic at the time of voting representatives of the United Nations .

Article 6. Decision on secede from the USSR shall be deemed adopted by referendum , if it receives at least two thirds of Soviet citizens residing in the territory of the republic at the time of the question of its withdrawal from the Soviet Union and entitled to vote under the laws of the USSR.

Examines the results of the referendum , the Supreme Council of the Union Republic.

In a union republic composed of autonomous republics, autonomous regions , autonomous regions or places of compact residence of national groups referred to in Section 3 of this Act , the referendum results reviewed by the Supreme Soviet of the Union Republic and the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic and the relevant councils of people's deputies .

Article 7. The Supreme Soviet of a Union Republic is the Supreme Soviet of the referendum . The Supreme Soviet of a Union Republic , which has in its autonomous republics , autonomous entities or places of compact residence of national groups referred to in Section 3 of this Act , submit to the Supreme Soviet of the referendum in each autonomous republic , for each autonomous education or place of compact residence national groups with conclusions and proposals relevant state authorities .

If it is determined that a referendum be held in accordance with the law , the Supreme Soviet of the USSR shall issue to the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR .

In case of violations of the law during the referendum, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in the three-month period a second referendum on the republic , either by part or by an autonomous entity , or the place of compact residence of national groups referred to in Section 3 of this Act .

Article 8. Results of the referendum on seceding from the USSR and received proposals from interested parties in the Supreme Soviet of the USSR month directs the supreme bodies of state power of the union and autonomous republics , as well as public authorities autonomous entities to study and evaluate the consequences arising for each union and autonomous republics , an autonomous entity of the possible release of the relevant facts of a Union Republic from the USSR.

Article 9 . Results of the referendum in the Federal Republic on the issue of withdrawal from the USSR , as well as opinions of the supreme bodies of state power of the autonomous regions and districts in this regard considers Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR . Upon submission of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR , agreed with the Supreme Council of the seceding republic , Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR establishes a transitional period not exceeding five years , during which need to be resolved issues arising in connection with the republic of the USSR. During the transition period on the territory of the seceding republic remain in effect USSR Constitution and the laws of the USSR.

Article 10 . If the referendum is not a decision to secede from the Soviet Union , a new referendum on the issue can be conducted not earlier than ten years since the last referendum.

Article 11 . In order to ensure the rights and interests of the USSR , and leaving the other union republics and autonomous republics, autonomous regions and ethnic groups , referred to in Section 3 of this Act , in addressing issues arising in connection with the republic of the USSR Supreme Soviet USSR, the Supreme Soviets of the Union republics and the supreme organ of state power of the seceding republic create transitional conciliation commission.

Article 12. During the transitional period, the Council of Ministers with the participation of the government of the seceding republic prepares proposals on matters relating to the State border of the USSR , as well as military installations and units of the Armed Forces of the USSR , in the territory of the seceding republic , and submits them to the President of the USSR and the Supreme Soviet of the USSR , which then transmitted to the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR.

Article 13. Seceding republic is obliged to comply with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and human rights and freedoms enshrined in international treaties to which the USSR is . Question of the participation of the seceding republic open to accession by multilateral treaties concluded by the USSR , is achieved according to the rules established by the relevant agreement . Multilateral and bilateral treaties concluded by the Soviet Union and in force at the time of seceding from the USSR , continue to apply to the Republic released , unless otherwise agreed .

USSR Council of Ministers after consideration and resolution of all issues related to the participation of the USSR in international agreements in connection with the release of a Union Republic shall submit its conclusion to the President of the USSR and the Supreme Soviet .

Article 14. During the transitional period, the Council of Ministers , government union and autonomous republics , autonomous entities together with the government of the seceding republic consider and resolve issues of ownership and material financial calculations .

In the relationship between the seceding republic , on the one hand , and the USSR , as well as other union republics , autonomous republics , autonomous entities and national groups referred to in Section 3 of this Act , on the other hand, during the transitional period should be resolved following questions:

1) determined the fate of the republic are objects Union property (enterprises and complexes of basic industries , space research, energy , communications, marine , rail and air transport , communication lines , pipelines, property of the Armed Forces of the USSR , defense and other objects) as well as public property -union organizations;

2) regulated financial credit calculations seceding republic with the USSR , relationships between banks ;

3) settled property and financial and credit relations of the republic with the other Soviet republics , as well as autonomous republics , autonomous entities ;

4) the procedure for implementation of the enterprises and organizations of the seceding republic previously undertaken contract obligations to enterprises and organizations located on the territory of other republics and autonomous republics and autonomous entities ;

5) defines the legal status and form of payment of joint ventures or subsidiaries of enterprises organized on the basis of Union property or property of other union republics and autonomous republics and autonomous entities ;

6) settlement procedure agreed with other states and international organizations on loans obtained for the construction of facilities on the territory of the seceding republic or to meet the needs of the republic and its people , as well as the corresponding credits and loans spent on procurement and implementation of all-union programs which enjoyed the seceding republic ;

7) The status of territories that did not belong leaving the country at the time of its entry into the USSR ;

8) The status of the territories in which ethnic groups live in compact referred to in Section 3 of this Act , based on the results of their will in a referendum ;

9) , assurances content of historical and cultural monuments and burial sites on the territory of the seceding republic ;

10) Allowed other matters requiring mutual settlement.

Article 15. Soviet citizens residing in the territory of the seceding republic , given the right choice of nationality , place of residence and work. Seceding republic compensates for all costs associated with the relocation of citizens from outside the republic .

Article 16. In accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and the international obligations of the Republic of the USSR opening provides civil, political, social, economic, cultural and other rights and freedoms of citizens of the USSR who are resident in the territory , without discrimination on grounds of race , color , sex, language , religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin , property, place and time of birth .

Article 17. Citizens of the seceding republic convicted by its courts and serving a sentence in the territory of the USSR , to be transferred to serve out their sentences in said republic.

Citizens of the seceding republic of the USSR sentenced by the courts or other union republic and serving a sentence in the territory of the USSR , to be transferred to serve out their sentences in said republic , if they have committed a crime for which convicted , on the territory of the republic .

Questions about the transfer of citizens of the seceding republic convicted by the courts of the USSR or other Soviet republics , if at least one of the crimes for which they were convicted was committed outside the territory of the seceding republic , considered by the Supreme Court of the USSR from the Attorney General or at the request of the USSR Supreme Court of the seceding republic .

Soviet citizens , foreign citizens and stateless persons who have been convicted by the courts of the USSR or any union republic, and serving a sentence in the territory of the seceding republic transferable Soviet Union.

Article 18. All administrative and criminal cases on the facts of the offenses on the territory of the seceding republic pending before the bodies of the USSR , are transmitted through the Procuracy of the USSR or the Supreme Court of the USSR in the production of the seceding republic . This rule does not apply in cases where at least one of the offenses were committed outside the territory of the seceding republic , as well as criminal cases , the jurisdiction of military tribunals . Questions about the transfer of cases solved by the Prosecutor General of the USSR on the proposal of the subordinate prosecutor or at the request of the prosecutor of the seceding republic , and if the business is in the manufacture of a judicial body - the Supreme Court of the USSR.

In the transition period, all civil cases are resolved in accordance with the civil and civil procedural legislation of the USSR , unless otherwise provided by agreement between the seceding republic and the USSR .

Article 19. In the final year of the transition period on the initiative of the supreme body of state power of the seceding republic once can be held a second referendum on the issue of verification solutions secede from the USSR. Holding a second referendum is required, if requested by one-tenth of Soviet citizens residing in the territory of the republic and entitled to vote under the laws of the USSR.

If for confirming the decision to secede from the USSR voted in at least two thirds of Soviet citizens residing in the territory of the republic at the time of the question of holding a second referendum and entitled to vote under the laws of the USSR , the decision to secede from the USSR are considered canceled and procedures prescribed in this Act shall be terminated .

Article 20. At the end of the transition period or early resolution of matters prescribed by this Act , the Supreme Soviet of the USSR shall convene Congress of People's Deputies for a decision confirming the completion of the process to harmonize the interests and meet the claims of the seceding republic , on the one hand, and the USSR and the Union republics, and autonomous republics , autonomous regions and ethnic groups , referred to in Section 3 of this Act , on the other hand .

Since the adoption of such a decision by the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR seceding from the USSR is considered valid , and deputies of the USSR from leaving republic lose their powers .

Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR makes the appropriate changes to the Constitution of the USSR."

The Constitution only says that there is such a right. But the law, which describes in detail how the output should be carried out of the country. That's law, and not simply a unilateral declaration of independence.
Following this law, the Supreme Council of the USSR could never release a republic, if they wish to did not release it.
Exit of republics was illegal. But more illegal was signing Belovezhskaya agreements in December 1991.
On the Resolution issues seceding from the USSR

USSR Supreme Soviet

April 3, 1990 N 1409-I

(VVSS 90-15)
"Article 1. Procedure for resolving issues related to the Secession of Union Republics of the Soviet Union in accordance with Article 72 of the Constitution of the USSR , is determined by this Law.

Article 2 . Decision on secede from the USSR adopted the free will of the peoples of the Union republic by referendum ( popular vote ) . The decision to hold a referendum was adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the Union Republic on its own initiative or at the request signed by one -tenth of the Soviet citizens residing in the territory of the republic and entitled to vote under the laws of the USSR.

Referendum held in the manner determined by the USSR Law , the Law Union , an autonomous republic of the referendum , if they do not contradict the provisions of this Act .

Referendum conducted by secret ballot no earlier than six and no later than nine months after the decision on raising the question of seceding from the USSR.

In a referendum involving Soviet citizens permanently residing in the territory of the republic at the time of the question of its withdrawal from the Soviet Union and entitled to vote under the laws of the USSR.

During voting or what agitation on the issue submitted to referendum is not allowed.

Article 3 . In a union republic composed of autonomous republics, autonomous regions and autonomous regions , the referendum is conducted separately for each autonomy. The people of the autonomous republics and autonomous right to independently decide whether to remain in the USSR or in the seceding republic , as well as to decide on their state legal status.

In the Federal Republic , the territory of which are compactly settled ethnic groups that make up the majority of the local population , in determining the outcome of the referendum voting results are to be considered separately.

Article 4. For organizing a referendum on secession from the USSR , the timing of the referendum and summing up the results , the Supreme Soviet of a Union Republic shall form a commission with representatives from all stakeholders , including those mentioned in the first and second parts of Article 3 of this Law .

Article 5 . To ensuring full freedom of expression peoples union republic in the preparation , implementation and determining the outcome of the referendum on secession from the USSR Supreme Soviet of the USSR decides in consultation with the Supreme Soviet of the Union Republic is the matter of the presence on its territory as observers authorized representatives of the USSR , the union and autonomous republics , autonomous entities . The Supreme Council of the USSR may, if it deems necessary, invite to the republic at the time of voting representatives of the United Nations .

Article 6. Decision on secede from the USSR shall be deemed adopted by referendum , if it receives at least two thirds of Soviet citizens residing in the territory of the republic at the time of the question of its withdrawal from the Soviet Union and entitled to vote under the laws of the USSR.

Examines the results of the referendum , the Supreme Council of the Union Republic.

In a union republic composed of autonomous republics, autonomous regions , autonomous regions or places of compact residence of national groups referred to in Section 3 of this Act , the referendum results reviewed by the Supreme Soviet of the Union Republic and the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic and the relevant councils of people's deputies .

Article 7. The Supreme Soviet of a Union Republic is the Supreme Soviet of the referendum . The Supreme Soviet of a Union Republic , which has in its autonomous republics , autonomous entities or places of compact residence of national groups referred to in Section 3 of this Act , submit to the Supreme Soviet of the referendum in each autonomous republic , for each autonomous education or place of compact residence national groups with conclusions and proposals relevant state authorities .

If it is determined that a referendum be held in accordance with the law , the Supreme Soviet of the USSR shall issue to the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR .

In case of violations of the law during the referendum, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in the three-month period a second referendum on the republic , either by part or by an autonomous entity , or the place of compact residence of national groups referred to in Section 3 of this Act .

Article 8. Results of the referendum on seceding from the USSR and received proposals from interested parties in the Supreme Soviet of the USSR month directs the supreme bodies of state power of the union and autonomous republics , as well as public authorities autonomous entities to study and evaluate the consequences arising for each union and autonomous republics , an autonomous entity of the possible release of the relevant facts of a Union Republic from the USSR.

Article 9 . Results of the referendum in the Federal Republic on the issue of withdrawal from the USSR , as well as opinions of the supreme bodies of state power of the autonomous regions and districts in this regard considers Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR . Upon submission of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR , agreed with the Supreme Council of the seceding republic , Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR establishes a transitional period not exceeding five years , during which need to be resolved issues arising in connection with the republic of the USSR. During the transition period on the territory of the seceding republic remain in effect USSR Constitution and the laws of the USSR.

Article 10 . If the referendum is not a decision to secede from the Soviet Union , a new referendum on the issue can be conducted not earlier than ten years since the last referendum.

Article 11 . In order to ensure the rights and interests of the USSR , and leaving the other union republics and autonomous republics, autonomous regions and ethnic groups , referred to in Section 3 of this Act , in addressing issues arising in connection with the republic of the USSR Supreme Soviet USSR, the Supreme Soviets of the Union republics and the supreme organ of state power of the seceding republic create transitional conciliation commission.

Article 12. During the transitional period, the Council of Ministers with the participation of the government of the seceding republic prepares proposals on matters relating to the State border of the USSR , as well as military installations and units of the Armed Forces of the USSR , in the territory of the seceding republic , and submits them to the President of the USSR and the Supreme Soviet of the USSR , which then transmitted to the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR.

Article 13. Seceding republic is obliged to comply with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and human rights and freedoms enshrined in international treaties to which the USSR is . Question of the participation of the seceding republic open to accession by multilateral treaties concluded by the USSR , is achieved according to the rules established by the relevant agreement . Multilateral and bilateral treaties concluded by the Soviet Union and in force at the time of seceding from the USSR , continue to apply to the Republic released , unless otherwise agreed .

USSR Council of Ministers after consideration and resolution of all issues related to the participation of the USSR in international agreements in connection with the release of a Union Republic shall submit its conclusion to the President of the USSR and the Supreme Soviet .

Article 14. During the transitional period, the Council of Ministers , government union and autonomous republics , autonomous entities together with the government of the seceding republic consider and resolve issues of ownership and material financial calculations .

In the relationship between the seceding republic , on the one hand , and the USSR , as well as other union republics , autonomous republics , autonomous entities and national groups referred to in Section 3 of this Act , on the other hand, during the transitional period should be resolved following questions:

1) determined the fate of the republic are objects Union property (enterprises and complexes of basic industries , space research, energy , communications, marine , rail and air transport , communication lines , pipelines, property of the Armed Forces of the USSR , defense and other objects) as well as public property -union organizations;

2) regulated financial credit calculations seceding republic with the USSR , relationships between banks ;

3) settled property and financial and credit relations of the republic with the other Soviet republics , as well as autonomous republics , autonomous entities ;

4) the procedure for implementation of the enterprises and organizations of the seceding republic previously undertaken contract obligations to enterprises and organizations located on the territory of other republics and autonomous republics and autonomous entities ;

5) defines the legal status and form of payment of joint ventures or subsidiaries of enterprises organized on the basis of Union property or property of other union republics and autonomous republics and autonomous entities ;

6) settlement procedure agreed with other states and international organizations on loans obtained for the construction of facilities on the territory of the seceding republic or to meet the needs of the republic and its people , as well as the corresponding credits and loans spent on procurement and implementation of all-union programs which enjoyed the seceding republic ;

7) The status of territories that did not belong leaving the country at the time of its entry into the USSR ;

8) The status of the territories in which ethnic groups live in compact referred to in Section 3 of this Act , based on the results of their will in a referendum ;

9) , assurances content of historical and cultural monuments and burial sites on the territory of the seceding republic ;

10) Allowed other matters requiring mutual settlement.

Article 15. Soviet citizens residing in the territory of the seceding republic , given the right choice of nationality , place of residence and work. Seceding republic compensates for all costs associated with the relocation of citizens from outside the republic .

Article 16. In accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and the international obligations of the Republic of the USSR opening provides civil, political, social, economic, cultural and other rights and freedoms of citizens of the USSR who are resident in the territory , without discrimination on grounds of race , color , sex, language , religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin , property, place and time of birth .

Article 17. Citizens of the seceding republic convicted by its courts and serving a sentence in the territory of the USSR , to be transferred to serve out their sentences in said republic.

Citizens of the seceding republic of the USSR sentenced by the courts or other union republic and serving a sentence in the territory of the USSR , to be transferred to serve out their sentences in said republic , if they have committed a crime for which convicted , on the territory of the republic .

Questions about the transfer of citizens of the seceding republic convicted by the courts of the USSR or other Soviet republics , if at least one of the crimes for which they were convicted was committed outside the territory of the seceding republic , considered by the Supreme Court of the USSR from the Attorney General or at the request of the USSR Supreme Court of the seceding republic .

Soviet citizens , foreign citizens and stateless persons who have been convicted by the courts of the USSR or any union republic, and serving a sentence in the territory of the seceding republic transferable Soviet Union.

Article 18. All administrative and criminal cases on the facts of the offenses on the territory of the seceding republic pending before the bodies of the USSR , are transmitted through the Procuracy of the USSR or the Supreme Court of the USSR in the production of the seceding republic . This rule does not apply in cases where at least one of the offenses were committed outside the territory of the seceding republic , as well as criminal cases , the jurisdiction of military tribunals . Questions about the transfer of cases solved by the Prosecutor General of the USSR on the proposal of the subordinate prosecutor or at the request of the prosecutor of the seceding republic , and if the business is in the manufacture of a judicial body - the Supreme Court of the USSR.

In the transition period, all civil cases are resolved in accordance with the civil and civil procedural legislation of the USSR , unless otherwise provided by agreement between the seceding republic and the USSR .

Article 19. In the final year of the transition period on the initiative of the supreme body of state power of the seceding republic once can be held a second referendum on the issue of verification solutions secede from the USSR. Holding a second referendum is required, if requested by one-tenth of Soviet citizens residing in the territory of the republic and entitled to vote under the laws of the USSR.

If for confirming the decision to secede from the USSR voted in at least two thirds of Soviet citizens residing in the territory of the republic at the time of the question of holding a second referendum and entitled to vote under the laws of the USSR , the decision to secede from the USSR are considered canceled and procedures prescribed in this Act shall be terminated .

Article 20. At the end of the transition period or early resolution of matters prescribed by this Act , the Supreme Soviet of the USSR shall convene Congress of People's Deputies for a decision confirming the completion of the process to harmonize the interests and meet the claims of the seceding republic , on the one hand, and the USSR and the Union republics, and autonomous republics , autonomous regions and ethnic groups , referred to in Section 3 of this Act , on the other hand .

Since the adoption of such a decision by the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR seceding from the USSR is considered valid , and deputies of the USSR from leaving republic lose their powers .

Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR makes the appropriate changes to the Constitution of the USSR."

The Constitution only says that there is such a right. But the law, which describes in detail how the output should be carried out of the country. That's law, and not simply a unilateral declaration of independence.
Following this law, the Supreme Council of the USSR could never release a republic, if they wish to did not release it.
Exit of republics was illegal. But more illegal was signing Belovezhskaya agreements in December 1991.

There are several issues here. First of all the legality of the law. Is this a part of the constitution or not.
I not, the validity is in question. Was this law accepted by others than Russians?

If the law, as you claim,makes it impossible to secede, then it is violating the constitution, and is thus invalid and can be ignored.

Second thing is that the key part is that a member of the Union can secede if there is a referendum with
2/3 majority, which there was (after the declaration of independence).
Maybe the status of Ukraine was unclear in the beginning, but 5 years after the referendum certainly it was,
even according to this law.

You still have not explained the violation.
There are several issues here. First of all the legality of the law. Is this a part of the constitution or not.
I not, the validity is in question. Was this law accepted by others than Russians?

If the law, as you claim,makes it impossible to secede, then it is violating the constitution, and is thus invalid and can be ignored.

Second thing is that the key part is that a member of the Union can secede if there is a referendum with
2/3 majority, which there was (after the declaration of independence).
Maybe the status of Ukraine was unclear in the beginning, but 5 years after the referendum certainly it was,
even according to this law.

You still have not explained the violation.
It was the law of the USSR. Mandatory throughout the USSR. Separation of republics was committed contrary to this law. And Bialowieza agreement was also illegal. It's very simple. West has been so haste to acknowledge the collapse of the USSR, which no one paid any attention to legality of legitimacy of the process. But it does not matter, territorial integrity is restoring - and this is most important.
I specially for you translated the law . Now you can sure separation of republics was absolutely illegal. Have not been established transitional committees , there was no national votes of minoreeties in the republics . Supreme Soviet of the USSR did not claim separation in accordance with the law. So - these referendums have no legal force . They can be recognized legitimate only by person interested in the recognition , but not interested in respecting the laws of the USSR.
Ukraine has never held a referendum on secession from the USSR . They held a referendum on preserving the Soviet Union , which said that the Soviet republics become sovereign . And then in Ukraine held a second referendum , and there was no word secession from the USSR . Not one word .
Last edited:
It was the law of the USSR. Mandatory throughout the USSR. Separation of republics was committed contrary to this law. And Bialowieza agreement was also illegal. It's very simple. West has been so haste to acknowledge the collapse of the USSR, which no one paid any attention to legality of legitimacy of the process. But it does not matter, territorial integrity is restoring - and this is most important.
I specially for you translated the law . Now you can sure separation of republics was absolutely illegal. Have not been established transitional committees , there was no national votes of minoreeties in the republics . Supreme Soviet of the USSR did not claim separation in accordance with the law. So - these referendums have no legal force . They can be recognized legitimate only by person interested in the recognition , but not interested in respecting the laws of the USSR.
Ukraine has never held a referendum on secession from the USSR . They held a referendum on preserving the Soviet Union , which said that the Soviet republics become sovereign . And then in Ukraine held a second referendum , and there was no word secession from the USSR . Not one word .

This has only to with reporting. The vote was made and 90% voted for secession.
This is more than 2/3 of votes needed.
There is no such rule for the autonomous regions (law says republic)
and in the Crimea vote there was a majority for secession.

The statistics for Ukraine should be available.
The result of any area with a coherent ethnic group should be available.
The law does not say anything about "nations" having separate elections
as in Russians and Ukrainans having separate elections for the same area.

I can only see you have a case if you show a region with 50%+ majority for remaining in the USSR.
With a 90 % majority of this could be hard since most of those 10% need to be in Crimea
which still has a majority for seceeding.
(I assume that Crimea and Ukraine voted at the same time)
This has only to with reporting. The vote was made and 90% voted for secession.
This is more than 2/3 of votes needed.
There is no such rule for the autonomous regions (law says republic)
and in the Crimea vote there was a majority for secession.

The statistics for Ukraine should be available.
The result of any area with a coherent ethnic group should be available.
The law does not say anything about "nations" having separate elections
as in Russians and Ukrainans having separate elections for the same area.

I can only see you have a case if you show a region with 50%+ majority for remaining in the USSR.
With a 90 % majority of this could be hard since most of those 10% need to be in Crimea
which still has a majority for seceeding.
(I assume that Crimea and Ukraine voted at the same time)
After the vote in the republic about separation from the USSR, the data must be brought to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Only the Supreme Council have right to approve the results or announce holding a second referendum.
If the Supreme Council of the USSR recognizes the referendum was held propely, it appoints a committee, which is not more than five years shall decide all questions about the division of property, and other administrative boundaries.
So - they are illegitimate.
in March 1991, a referendum was held on whether citizens want their republic were democratic and sovereign and remained in the USSR. In December, in Ukraine another referendum confirmed that citizens want to sovereignty and independence. But there was no word about separation from the USSR. This is the point. Sovereignty does not mean that respublic out of the Union Treaty. In EU all states also are independent.
After the vote in the republic about separation from the USSR, the data must be brought to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Only the Supreme Council have right to approve the results or announce holding a second referendum.
If the Supreme Council of the USSR recognizes the referendum was held propely, it appoints a committee, which is not more than five years shall decide all questions about the division of property, and other administrative boundaries.
So - they are illegitimate.
in March 1991, a referendum was held on whether citizens want their republic were democratic and sovereign and remained in the USSR. In December, in Ukraine another referendum confirmed that citizens want to sovereignty and independence. But there was no word about separation from the USSR. This is the point. Sovereignty does not mean that respublic out of the Union Treaty. In EU all states also are independent.

The declaration of independence has a clause saying that the only laws and constitutions valid
are those of Ukraine. This indirectly means a secession from the USSR.
Ukraine was immediately recognised by Russia.
Since the USSR ceased to exist, legal or not, there is really noone to report to or ask permission.
USSR never answered on the Ukrainan statement, but Ukraine really can't be bamed for that.

If there were issues with the election, USSR should call for new elections, and it obviously didn't.
After 5 years, residents of Ukraine could ask for a new referendum, which didn't happen.
You still don't have a case.

Russia is not a member of the USSR, since it seceded as well, and it thus cannot legally
represent the USSR, nor force earlier USSR members to enter a EurAsia Union.
Possible it can convince other countries, but that is a different thing.
The declaration of independence has a clause saying that the only laws and constitutions valid
are those of Ukraine. This indirectly means a secession from the USSR.
Ukraine was immediately recognised by Russia.
Since the USSR ceased to exist, legal or not, there is really noone to report to or ask permission.
USSR never answered on the Ukrainan statement, but Ukraine really can't be bamed for that.

If there were issues with the election, USSR should call for new elections, and it obviously didn't.
After 5 years, residents of Ukraine could ask for a new referendum, which didn't happen.
You still don't have a case.

Russia is not a member of the USSR, since it seceded as well, and it thus cannot legally
represent the USSR, nor force earlier USSR members to enter a EurAsia Union.
Possible it can convince other countries, but that is a different thing.
In a referendum in Ukraine was no question about the separation from the USSR. Soon to be held signing of new Union treaty under which the republics became independent, but with a common currency and a common army. However, illegal Belovezhskie agreements have led to the formation of the illegal Commonwealth of Independent States , instead of the legal Uniom of Independent States.
However, the revival of the Union in the face of the Eurasian Union will return the former Soviet republics to 100% legal field.
In a referendum in Ukraine was no question about the separation from the USSR. Soon to be held signing of new Union treaty under which the republics became independent, but with a common currency and a common army. However, illegal Belovezhskie agreements have led to the formation of the illegal Commonwealth of Independent States , instead of the legal Uniom of Independent States.
However, the revival of the Union in the face of the Eurasian Union will return the former Soviet republics to 100% legal field.
If the vote was on approval / disapproval of the Declaration of Independance, then this implies secession.
You cannot approve of the declaration without approving of secession.
If the vote was on approval / disapproval of the Declaration of Independance, then this implies secession.
You cannot approve of the declaration without approving of secession.
Exiting from the union treaty means exiting from the union treaty. Proclamation of sovereignty means just changing the status within the union treaty.
Or do not you know that independence does not mean exit from the Union treaty? Or do you not know that independence does not mean exit from the Union? The EU consists of independent states. And the fact of their independence does not make impossibility of Union agreement with the other independence Union states.
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Exiting from the union treaty means exiting from the union treaty. Proclamation of sovereignty means just changing the status within the union treaty.
Or do not you know that independence does not mean exit from the Union treaty? Or do you not know that independence does not mean exit from the Union? The EU consists of independent states. And the fact of their independence does not make impossibility of Union agreement with the other independence Union states.

The declaration says that only the Ukrainan constitution and laws are valid.
This means that the USSR constitution and laws are not valid.
In the referendum people therefore are asked if they agree that USSR constitution and laws should not be valid.
A synonym of this is secession. End of Story!
The declaration says that only the Ukrainan constitution and laws are valid.
This means that the USSR constitution and laws are not valid.
In the referendum people therefore are asked if they agree that USSR constitution and laws should not be valid.
A synonym of this is secession. End of Story!
So what? Ukrainian SSR Constitution was written in full compliance with the Constitution of the USSR. Besides, it is in any case does not indicate a gap of union relations with other republics. The EU has not have common constitution so constitutions of independent states still acting. This does not prevent them from being members of the Union.
I repeat once more. There was no referendum in Ukraine to exit from Union treaty.
In the Soviet Union exit from the union treaty was called "exit from the union treaty." And the referendum, in which there is the phrase "exit from the union treaty" means that the exit from the union treaty can not occur as a result of any other referendum. Changing the status of a republic does not involve an exit from the union treaty.
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