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Putin brushes off Pakistan

Sorry I dont agree with bold part. Remember soviet union. SU was not able to defend itself and conquered area so how in the blue world is it going to help others survive especially Pakistan. But ya time has the healing power.
I don't know about pakistan and 21st century, but soviet was successful in 71 and did helped India. As far as afghanistan was concerned they had problem from internal forces not from outside. As far Russia is concerned they support their allies every where, e.g. syria, iran.. You too can be on the list, provided your internal extremist force doesn't play any monkey business with them in chechaniya..
The only hurdle is china and they will support when India will troll china by saying "look support us or loose our market :azn:", and china is way more intelligent than we think. They will not leave 100 billion $ market for 50 million $ defense market of pakistan..

You see the Irony is you think you Can Troll China ( who is actually trolling the Whole world ) , and that you think , That Chain is only Friends with Pakistan just because of its Market.
You see the Irony is you think you Can Troll China ( who is actually trolling the Whole world ) , and that you think , That Chain is only Friends with Pakistan just because of its Market.
Not many people explore the importance of strategic location of Pakistan.

Not his fault. :D
Not many people explore the importance of strategic location of Pakistan.

Not his fault. :D

Nice try with your talk. The express Tribune didn't say everything.

Check this out, India is not the reason Putin is not visiting Pakistan.


Putin visit put off due to lack of progress on economic issues


Russian President Vladimir Putin. — Photo by AFP

ISLAMABAD, Sept 28: In first explanation from Moscow on President Putin’s decision not to visit Islamabad, Russian presidential pointman for Afghanistan and Pakistan Zamir Kabulov linked it to a lot of rhetoric on the Pakistani side but little progress towards meaningful cooperation.

“Russian-Pakistani relations have been on the rise in recent years but progress has been mostly at political and emotional levels, while economic ties have lagged behind,” he told The Hindu newspaper.

The two countries finalised three memorandums of understanding at a meeting of the Pakistan-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission earlier this month for their signing during President Putin’s planned trip. The MoUs relate to expansion of Pakistan Steel Mills and cooperation in energy and education sectors.

Russian position was that the MoUs were non-binding and largely a reiteration of agreements signed last year during President Asif Ali Zardari’s visit to Moscow.

“Declarations are galore but they have little impact on the ground,” the Russian diplomat said.

Moscow’s main concern was Pakistan’s slow progress towards major projects in the energy sector, including Central Asia-South Asia electricity transmission from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to Afghanistan and Pakistan (CASA-1000), and construction of rail tracks and motor roads from Tajikistan to Pakistan to create new trade routes in the region.

Russia has been interested in the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project.

The Hindu noted that Moscow had thrown its weight behind these ambitious energy and infrastructure projects, with Mr Putin pledging to invest $500 million in CASA-1000 and offering to help finance and build other projects. Yet, they have made hardly any headway.

Mr Kabulov indirectly expressed doubts that the United States could be preventing progress in Pakistan-Russia ties. “The Asia Development Bank, dominated by Japan, and the US-controlled World Bank appear reluctant to support ventures where Russia plays a lead role.” He said Russia was still open to continue to improve ties which were on a positive trajectory.

In his letter to Mr Zardari, President Putin left the door open for making mends. “I am confident that in future we shall be able to find opportunities for arranging our personal meeting,” he said.

Mr Putin also extended invitation to Mr Zardari — albeit an indirect one.

“We shall always be happy to receive you in Russia.”

Afghanistan is the factor that seems to be keeping Russia keen on relationship with Pakistan despite the current disappointment.

“Our own experience in the past and the track record of others in recent years has taught us that the problem of Afghanistan cannot be resolved without the constructive involvement of Pakistan and Iran,” Mr Kabulov said.

Putin visit put off due to lack of progress on economic issues | DAWN.COM
Nice try with your talk. The express Tribune didn't say everything.

Check this out, Putin is not visiting Pakistan due to political reasons.

economics is politics too.
I think he decide to meet Imran Khan when he comes in power.

now meeting with current gov is a waste of time:hitwall:
Why do Indians think its because of them? How stupid they are. We have enough spoilers in Pakistan who would not want to alienate US. This is not good fro Pakistan. Read on.

Putin visit put off due to lack of progress on economic issues | DAWN.COM

ISLAMABAD, Sept 28: In first explanation from Moscow on President Putin’s decision not to visit Islamabad, Russian presidential pointman for Afghanistan and Pakistan Zamir Kabulov linked it to a lot of rhetoric on the Pakistani side but little progress towards meaningful cooperation.

“Russian-Pakistani relations have been on the rise in recent years but progress has been mostly at political and emotional levels, while economic ties have lagged behind,” he told The Hindu newspaper.

The two countries finalised three memorandums of understanding at a meeting of the Pakistan-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission earlier this month for their signing during President Putin’s planned trip. The MoUs relate to expansion of Pakistan Steel Mills and cooperation in energy and education sectors.

Russian position was that the MoUs were non-binding and largely a reiteration of agreements signed last year during President Asif Ali Zardari’s visit to Moscow.

“Declarations are galore but they have little impact on the ground,” the Russian diplomat said.

Moscow’s main concern was Pakistan’s slow progress towards major projects in the energy sector, including Central Asia-South Asia electricity transmission from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to Afghanistan and Pakistan (CASA-1000), and construction of rail tracks and motor roads from Tajikistan to Pakistan to create new trade routes in the region.

Russia has been interested in the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project.

The Hindu noted that Moscow had thrown its weight behind these ambitious energy and infrastructure projects, with Mr Putin pledging to invest $500 million in CASA-1000 and offering to help finance and build other projects. Yet, they have made hardly any headway.

Mr Kabulov indirectly expressed doubts that the United States could be preventing progress in Pakistan-Russia ties. “The Asia Development Bank, dominated by Japan, and the US-controlled World Bank appear reluctant to support ventures where Russia plays a lead role.” He said Russia was still open to continue to improve ties which were on a positive trajectory.

In his letter to Mr Zardari, President Putin left the door open for making mends. “I am confident that in future we shall be able to find opportunities for arranging our personal meeting,” he said.

Mr Putin also extended invitation to Mr Zardari — albeit an indirect one.

“We shall always be happy to receive you in Russia.”

Afghanistan is the factor that seems to be keeping Russia keen on relationship with Pakistan despite the current disappointment.

“Our own experience in the past and the track record of others in recent years has taught us that the problem of Afghanistan cannot be resolved without the constructive involvement of Pakistan and Iran,” Mr Kabulov said.
The only hurdle is china and they will support when India will troll china by saying "look support us or loose our market :azn:", and china is way more intelligent than we think. They will not leave 100 billion $ market for 50 million $ defense market of pakistan..

well well well, India has finally reached ahead of US now it can threaten China with Economical sanctions. Lalu bahi abhi bohot time hay us main, may be your grand kid's time and that too only if sun rises from east...oops it does rise from east, so now just wait for your grand kids to grow up then think about this again.
Relationships Dont get better Overnight , We have caused a lot of Damage to the Russians , they are not just going to forget that it ever happened , & even though India is moving towards USA Russia still has more Financial interest in India then in Pakistan .

However we are moving into the Right Direction , If not today them tomorrow we will take the next step. Russia Needs Pakistan due to its Strategic Location & so does Pakistan.

I think Russians made the decision to have closer relationship with Pakistan many many years ago. Their first goal is to stabilize their western theater bordering Europe. South Ossetia spat with Georgia was an example.

Their economic interests are with Europeans and not Indians. However, of-late they have started opening up to the Chinese. They are providing more number of oil and gas pipelines specifically for China which they earlier resisted.

Their next effort is going to be sustaining their interests in Central Asia, which will also provide them a link to the warm waters through Pakistan. Center of gravity of the geopolitical and geo-strategic environment is apparently going to shift to central asia in due course.

Interesting times ahead.

economics is politics too.

There was a time (long time ago) when some geopolitical analysts thought that the geopolitics has become subservient to geo-economics. It proved otherwise.

And it has been established beyond any doubt that geo-economy would always remain subservient to geopolitics.
Indian false flag living under his own delusions

The disappointment over President Putin’s cancelled visit will also be due to the cancellation of the summit, which was expected to yield positive results in its effort to encourage a broad based settlement in Afghanistan, after the withdrawal of Nato troops.

Few days ago there was another false flagger posting a story about how Russia has cancelled the order for JF17 engines.
Putin's visit was occasioned for the summit meet of Russia, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan which was scheduled to take place in Islamabad. The forum itself was Russian initiative and the visit would have been historic since its the first by a Russian premier.

The postponement or deferring can be seen in the light that the quadrilateral forum has lost its objective. Russian-Tajik ties are drifting; Afghan-Pakistani ties are tense; Tajik-Pakistani ties are indifferent. So,there was no scope for Moscow to galvanize regional cooperation.

Russia in order to get a foothold in Afghanistan will have to look into the Afghanistan's interest too.

Afghanistan has been busy @UN having the issue of shelling @borders by Pakistan, hence Russia might have thought this also as a bad time.

Maybe Putin will return when the ground reality is changed and is condusive to go ahead with the policy parameters set up for the region in general.
Their economic interests are with Europeans and not Indians. However, of-late they have started opening up to the Chinese. They are providing more number of oil and gas pipelines specifically for China which they earlier resisted.

Sure russia have economic interests in europe,but to expect that they have no interest in $2trillian indian economy and india have no leverage over them is simply distorting reality to fit some wet dreams.
For example Indian nuclear deals with russia alone amounts more than $60 billion,which btw is about one third of entire pak gdp..
India, Russia to sign $30-bn fighter deal - Indian Express

Indian nuclear accord to unlock $60bn - The National
It's funny Indians thinks world revolve around them sad , Coas will be in russia in oct that will keep steady our progress for better relationship and understanding, imo it will be better if Russian president comes after elections.

Keep waiting......He already told big NO:whistle:
Sure russia have economic interests in europe,but to expect that they have no interest in $2trillian indian economy and india have no leverage over them is simply distorting reality to fit some wet dreams.
For example Indian nuclear deals with russia alone amounts more than $60 billion,which btw is about one third of entire pak gdp..
India, Russia to sign $30-bn fighter deal - Indian Express

Indian nuclear accord to unlock $60bn - The National

Compare your trade with your friend Russia with your enemy China.

Defence deals are differently dealt with.
Well I have to say he trolled us big time and lose the great opportunity of making good relationship with Pakistan.

Yes I agree...He lost a big opportunity of giving fat aid or loan to Pakistan :rofl:

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