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On May 21, 2022 just before Imran Khan's Long March, Sharif-Zardari regime has changed Islamabad's SSP & IG police.

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professional hootiyas
Customs now starting confiscating chocolates by the order of Ministry of Interior, at the Airports brought in by the overseas Pakistani's. BTW, no Pakistani foreign exchange was used in purchasing these chocolates.

Customs now starting confiscating chocolates by the order of Ministry of Interior, at the Airports brought in by the overseas Pakistani's. BTW, no Pakistani foreign exchange was used in purchasing these chocolates.

Can you elaborate a little more z i mean why are they doing it .

professional hootiyas
Interesting, $115 Million / hr, so 24 * 115 = $2.760 Billion / day, Pak can save and have surplus with this type of thinking because in 365 days that should equate to over $1 Trillion per year.

Imported govt drops Petrol bomb on poor nation by Rs 30

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