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Punjab gets lion’s share in CPEC projects

Seriously what is wrong with these journalists? Government should investigate these hate instigators whether they are being funded by some foreign hand. KPK balochistan and GB Kashmir are getting less projects but more in value.
People it's ET remember that too but still the more Balochistan should get more projects.
i agree more projects should be allocated to balochistan , there should be more industrial zones coz land is barren and plentifull, for people power kuchi abadis in khi or other cities the people could get land alloted in a properly designed smart city so solves kuchi abadi dilema of karachi as well as people to run factories in balochistan plus the added incentive of INTEGRATION
Also the military aquired land for new ghq in islamabad and I think it should be away from the govt purely for security reasons like in america its the pentagon away from washington, God forbid if they take out islamabad we lose govt and army heads in one attack , just saying. Now if they build it in balochistan , loads of land at dirt cheap prices not like islamabad plus the benefit to stability in balochistan plus beneficial for local trade etc
medical universities Private are cropping up like mushrooms in sind and punjab and even them people are sending children to china, cuba etc to study medicine . these private medical colleges should only be allowed in balochistan as the students pay 7 to 8 lakh these private colleges should pay their dues to pakistan , they will have to have a tertiary care hospital for once let it be their resposibility or they wont get pmdc approval
One need to check the authenticity of this article/information. I have noted deliberate articles in Express Tribune and Dawn to malign CPEC project over the past one year or so. Anything anti CPEC is always highlighted in their news section.
because negativity is sold faster and easier. this does not mean they are traitor but simply mean are playing in the hands of enemies for their buisness.
Yes and the Gawadar port is also built in Punjab...the Kunjerab Pass is in Punjab..heck even the Chinese border is shared with Punjab..Gulf of Oman and Arabian sea also borders Punjab...
i agree more projects should be allocated to balochistan , there should be more industrial zones coz land is barren and plentifull, for people power kuchi abadis in khi or other cities the people could get land alloted in a properly designed smart city so solves kuchi abadi dilema of karachi as well as people to run factories in balochistan plus the added incentive of INTEGRATION
i think you are talking about what should be done rather what is possible to be done through economical and buisness perspective. you are enumerating these benefits of barren land etc then it needs to be judged ato the criteria of buisness and investment like infrastructurre, availability of markets, minimzing of cost, safety etc. so buisness is like water which makes its own way without considering the wishlists of masses if could be then it would have been done so far. it was buisness interests which prohibited balochistan to develop untill now and will continue to do so until and unless Balochistan offer something unique to invest in. and this CPEC investment can be utilized by Balochistan to develop its infrastructure etc to attract investment in future.
and 2nd point is that here is the investor is China and we cannot manipulate investors to invest wherewe want. it is him which can where and when he want.
Express has been churning out a lot of propaganda off late. From the news about Army demanding control of CPEC to this, seems like Ayaz Khan (editor of express) and his team is hell bent on painting CPEC in the colors of provincialism.

Most of the projects in Punjab are those of power generation. Punjab has always been an energy deficient province. I don't know what Mr.Ayaz and his team want to prove but looks like Express will continue to create controversies in future as well. The news never mentioned any type or kind of projects.
This kind of unfair distribution will be devastating for the country and it is a conspiracy to break it down. As per fact, the CPEC should benefit the Baluchistan the most. Gawader is in Baluchistan and this province has been kept under developed both the federal govt and its own chiefs and politicians and thus there is a sentiment of resentment. It is worth noting that RAW or any external can never succeed until and unless there is enough dissatisfaction among the masses. IoK is the classic example. The perpetrations by Indian forces have forced the people of Kashmir to not only demand freedom but they are ready to pay for it with their lives. Similarly, our injustice in the East Pakistan alienated Bengali people so much so that Indian propaganda succeeded. The same policy is being repeated by Punjab and even within Punjab, the south of Punjab has been kept underdeveloped and the whole budget of the province has been wasted upon a single city.
Completely fair.

The bulk of our population and existing industry is there

Some idiot may want CPEC to run near to his open field but it needs to run through the heart of our population and country and then expand to the rest of the country
This kind of unfair distribution will be devastating for the country and it is a conspiracy to break it down. As per fact, the CPEC should benefit the Baluchistan the most. Gawader is in Baluchistan and this province has been kept under developed both the federal govt and its own chiefs and politicians and thus there is a sentiment of resentment. It is worth noting that RAW or any external can never succeed until and unless there is enough dissatisfaction among the masses. IoK is the classic example. The perpetrations by Indian forces have forced the people of Kashmir to not only demand freedom but they are ready to pay for it with their lives. Similarly, our injustice in the East Pakistan alienated Bengali people so much so that Indian propaganda succeeded. The same policy is being repeated by Punjab and even within Punjab, the south of Punjab has been kept underdeveloped and the whole budget of the province has been wasted upon a single city.
ghadar indian agent paid :lol: if you write truth this is what you got in pakistan
Half of Pakistanis live in punjab or probably more then half. Punjab is 60% of Pakistan GDP. So why should it get 25% of share in everything? Balochistan provincial budget on per person basis is two times that of punjab. Balochistan with 5% of population is getting more from CPEC then any other province. And nothing wrong with it.
6,346 security personnel were deployed in Punjab for the security of 3,754 Chinese nationals
Tragic. When I read stats like these it actually exposes how failed the Pakistan security and law enforcement is. The fact that Pak's favourite friends need this sort of protection - It is damning statement of lawlessness in Pakistan.

By comparison UK recieved 250,000 Chinese last year and the country has not even employed one extra security guard for them. UK would have to employ half a million men if they followed Pakistan's format. I suspect the cost would be so great the British would be begging the Chinese to stay away.

Law and order must be Pakistan's number one priority.
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ghadar indian agent paid :lol: if you write truth this is what you got in pakistan
This is really unfortunate and speaks aloud about the narrow mindedness of uneducated society. They cannot distinguish between their honest well-wishers and dishonest flatterers. And when an individual or a nation develops this cancer, then either the count down starts or, if lucky, it starts to recover and listen to its honest critics.
But the vested interest, foreign hand and the stupidity of the masses combined cripple the ability of the nation to think independently.
Again, being outsider, nothing wrong in being invested in Punhab. At the end of the day investor will evaluate the option where it will get max return. Punjab is i think the most developed state in Pakistan( Execuse me if i am wrong). That may be critical reason why they are investing in Punjab. But if Pakistan Gov would like to expand its benifit, they can enhance and invest in other areas where China is not investing heavility. Bascially Pak gov can complement with additional supporting structure built around these projects support the need of other states.
Most of the projects in Punjab are those of power generation. Punjab has always been an energy deficient province.

Let me add that power generated from all the power projects of CPEC will directly flow into National Grid first and then distributed ahead. So even if they are Punjab based, it does not mean that they ll cater only for Punjab but whole Pakistan. Only those power projects as initiated by provincial govts will cater for respective province or they can sell that power to Federal Govt if they want.

Law and order must be Pakistan's number one priority.

Totally agreed. But we are still under high threat and we would not want even a single foreigner esp Chinese worker to be harmed. Security situation ALHUMDULILLAH has improved alot but so have increased the ill wishers of CPEC. This heightened security is a must and we have to live with that till projects actually kicks off as self sustained.
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