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SITUATIONER: US-Taliban talks to decide TTP’s fate, PTM’s future
THE recent talks between the Afghan Taliban and the US interlocutors in Doha have raised hopes of achieving peace in Afghanistan. The success of the talks will also decide the fate of Pakistani militants, allegedly hiding in Afghanistan.

At the same time, trade relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as issues linked to border security will also come under immediate consideration in bilateral diplomatic discourse.

Many in the Pakistani establishment believe that a negotiated settlement with the Afghan Taliban will reduce the impact of the hybrid warfare against Pakistan and will help in defusing anti-establishment sentiments in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP).

The Pakhtun can be exploited by two things, it is said: religion and emotions. “Pakistan and its military have successfully defeated forces using religious ethos to undermine the state and are now working on offsetting the forces playing with innocent people’s sentiments,” a military official told reporters, with an implied reference to the Pakhtun Tahaffuz Movement (PTM), in Miramshah, during a guided tour arranged for local and foreign media persons by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) last weekend.

The army wants an acknowledgement of its unprecedented successes in the ‘war against terrorism’ and the role it is playing for the socio-economic uplift of the tribal region.

Throughout the tour, the PTM remained a dominant discourse in the media-military interaction. The first stopover was the Corps Headquarters, Peshawar, where 11 Corps Commander Lt Gen Shaheen gave a briefing about his corps’ achievements, both in countering terrorism and the socio-economic development of the tribal region.

In the discussion, the PTM emerged as a critical factor hampering the trust-building process between the military and local community; it was also seen as negatively impacting the morale of the security forces deployed in the region. The corps commander elaborated as far as the the military is concerned, the PTM factor was opening up space for the actors such as the Tehreek-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

The total strength of the militants associated with the TTP has been estimated between 3,350 and 4,200, that are mainly based in Afghanistan but also have a presence in Pakistan, as reflected from their continuing attacks in the tribal region. TTP militants launched 11 attacks in North Waziristan last year in which they had killed 14 people and left 50 others injured. The Pakistan Army is not underestimating the operational capabilities of the TTP and is waiting for the results of the talks between the Afghan Taliban and the US to design a future course of action.

It is being anticipated that if talks with the Afghan Taliban succeed, Kabul will take action against the Pakistani militants based on its soil. There is also the hope that the Afghan Taliban will completely disassociate themselves from Pakistani Taliban sheltered in Afghanistan and will help in their return to Pakistan. It was told to media persons that the state is working on some mechanisms to sort out the TTP and its affiliated militant movements.

“Those who want to return and live peacefully, they would be welcome,” said ISPR Director General Major General Asif Ghafoor. However, the framework for the post-Afghan Taliban reconciliation scenario has to be finalised yet. It is feared that if there is not an engagement plan for the abandoned militants, they can join the Daesh.

The success of the Afghan Taliban talks is not merely linked with the TTP but will also have implications for the issue of missing persons and the Pakhtun movement.

The missing persons are broadly divided into three categories. The first category is of enforced disappearances, and the Peshawar corps commander is in favour of sorting out this issue on a priority basis. The second category of the missing persons entails those who might have been killed in the conflict. Those included in the third category are the ones whose data is not available with any law enforcement agency and may have joined the militants or criminals.

The last two categories can be sorted out only when the TTP and its affiliated groups are neutralised or reconciled.

The PTM puts all the missing persons in one category of enforced disappearances and exploits the sentiments of the masses, according to the military version.

The corps commander holds the view that most of the demands of the PTM can be sorted out through dialogue but the missing persons’ issue is critical in the context described earlier: successful management of the TTP will take the issue of enforced disappearances away from the PTM’s exploitation, some in military circles believe.

Media persons were also allowed short interactions with the local population during their visit to the infrastructure projects completed by the Pakistan army. The rehabilitation of the economy, compensation for destroyed commercial and domestic properties is still an issue after the strict security regulation on entry checkpoints. The big markets have been built but most of the shops are empty because of high rents and possession money.

The local business community thinks that economic activities can be triggered if the Ghulam Khan border opens for more than a few hours in a day.

However, the army asserts it has taken most of the initiative to control the conflict economy on which the militants and criminals thrive. “We know policing is not our job and civilians have to come forward and take up the responsibility.”

Corps Commander Lt Gen Saheen told reporters. He explained that the process of developing judicial and policing infrastructure has started but people conceive it from a different perspective. The Fata merger was believed to bring a huge socio-economic change in the region but the locals have their concerns.

Apparently, it is conceived that the Fata merger had been undertaken in haste, without creating an enabling environment. The military leadership thinks they have to currently work on many fronts. including the transfer of infrastructure to civilians after its completion.

For the military, the rebuilding and socio-economic uplift in the tribal region is an uphill task, and it wants to do it with the trust and confidence of the local people and support of the government. Citizens want respect and the freedom to do their businesses.

The military strategy of counterinsurgency in tribal region consisted of three pillars: clear, hold and transfer. But this is missing an important component between hold and transfer, and this is trust building with local communities. It could have been done in several ways, including the full civilian ownership.

PTM’s dubious activities

DESPITE the fact that the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM)’s original three demands; a reduction in check posts, clearance of mines and missing persons, are being met by the government, the PTM’s leaders are now expanding their demands and agenda. After the merger of FATA into the KP, and as the Army is working speedily to fulfil their three demands, although the PTM has lost its relevance and appeal, to figure out among the FATA youth, they and their supporters have started their activities using social media, instead of organizing processions and protests. On the social media, they are posting anti-Army and anti-ISI slogans. In fact, the PTM has intensified its social media campaign to tarnish the image of the Army and the ISI, especially, after the Director General Inter-Services Public Relations, Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor’s news conference, which was held on 4 June 2018, and in which he had talked about the progress on PTM’s three demands and suggested to its leaders to show patience and also cautioned them not to cross the red lines, where the state has to take strict action.
During the news conference, the DG ISPR had talked about the progress made in PTM’s above stated three demands. Talking about their first demand of removing the check posts, he said, as the security situation had improved, the Pakistan Army had decreased its check posts along with their operating procedures, “In 2016 there were 469 check posts in KP and FATA, as we speak today there are 331. He said, the threat of terrorism in the FATA has been eliminated, but the Army cannot leave the area unless the threat from across the borders subsides. Speaking on the second demand of the PTM, the removal of the mines, the DGISPR said there were 43 teams of engineers in KP and FATA who were working in various districts to clear mines. He stated, “These teams till now have cleared nearly 44 per cent of the area”. He added that the area will be free of mines quite soon.”
On the third demand related to the missing persons, DG ISPR said from 2010-11 there were 7,000 cases received, of which over 4,000 cases had been resolved. At this time 3,000 plus cases were under process. Of these 3,000 cases, 2,000 were with the Commission.” He said some missing persons might be part of the TTP, fighting somewhere else or had been killed. To move forward after a war, it is necessary to bear the losses. We want this process to move forward and the remaining missing persons to be traced.” At the end of his news conference, the DGISPR had suggested to the media persons that being opinion makers, and media almost being the fourth pillar of the state, they should create awareness in the Pakistani youth about the fifth generation or hybrid war that enemy has started against Pakistan, of exploiting Pakistan’s internal fault lines, such as the religious sectarianism and the ethnicity. He added that media should project good things also about Pakistan, as Pakistan should now move forward rather than getting immersed into past and impede its progress, as our enemies want.
Despite the above stated briefing by the DG ISPR about the progress made on PTM’s basic three demands, and the merger of FATA into the KP, instead of being satisfied and thankful to the Army, the PTM and its supporters have started a sophisticated propaganda campaign against the state and its institutions, especially the Army and the ISI. This poisonous propaganda of the PTM on the social media seems to be in response to DG ISPR’s news conference. Such an expanding agenda of the PTM has no meaning, except that they are being misled by the hostile agencies from across the Afghan border. It appears that these activities of the PTM, linked with the ethnicity, are just like the Tehrik Labaik Pakistan (TLP), leadership, which was exploiting the religious sensitivities of the Pakistani people to create a wedge between the people and the state institutions, like the Army and the Judiciary. In the above context, the PTM needs to be well aware of the latest situation in Afghanistan. The US is already engaged in peace talks with the Taliban and the Afghan regime will also sit in the dialogue and the Taliban are likely to have a major share in Afghanistan’s future. Therefore, quite soon, the likely incoming support of the Afghan and Indian agencies to the PTM is likely to dry up, thus leaving them in a dilemma. In view of Pakistan Army’s good response to its demands, and since now their Pashtun brothers in KP Government would be doing a lot many good things in FATA, the PTM should give up its anti-State/Army stance.

Our generals are a herd of sheep...

Finish this non sense.... WTF
What the hell are these bastards protesting in loralai..... After their fathers did a suicide attack....

This is a plain and simple insult to shaheeds and hiding your head under the sand is not going to solve this issue...

Do a harshest crackdown in history of humanity against PTM and let them know whats the price they have to pay...

Phir agar in maun jaan ho gayee to aazad ho jayein gay.... Aur agar hum main ho gayee to nahin hongay...

Stop behaving like faggots

Blatantly shoot and kill in jaali police muqablas and lets see kon larta hay
What the hell are these bastards protesting in loralai..... After their fathers did a suicide attack....

This is a plain and simple insult to shaheeds and hiding your head under the sand is not going to solve this issue...

Do a harshest crackdown in history of humanity against PTM and let them know whats the price they have to pay...

Phir agar in maun jaan ho gayee to aazad ho jayein gay.... Aur agar hum main ho gayee to nahin hongay...

Stop behaving like faggots

Blatantly shoot and kill in jaali police muqablas and lets see kon larta hay

It is being rogered from within, no need to do something drastic. Like the rats that they are.
It is being rogered from within, no need to do something drastic. Like the rats that they are.

best approach is to let people see their true colours which is now visible they are nothing more than a phony foreign backed movement. ban on NGO's has depth them a huge blow and slowly they are being exposed.
A version, Base on truth

There is no doubt that PTM is another MQM, funded by foreign powers. There is also no doubt that Pashtuns (not PTM) have genuine grievances.

Now understand pashtuns.
1. Afghan Pashtuns.
2. Pakistani pashtuns.

Right Now PTM is being led under Pakistani Pashtun leadership but the followers of PTM mostly majority of them are afghan refugees.

PTM version.

It does not matter for PTM either a PTM supporter is afghan refugee or a pakistani pashtun living in pakistan.
For PTM, Pashtun is Pashtun in pakistan & whatever is happening in Afghanistan with pashtuns it is non of PTM concern.

I don't see any solution except federal Govt of Pakistan has to take control of the situation and try to find out the political solution of this mess, Otherwise I see massive clash between Army & PTM.
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A version, Base on truth

There is no doubt that PTM is another MQM, funded by foreign powers. There is also no doubt that Pashtuns (not PTM) have genuine grievances.

Now understand pashtuns.
1. Afghan Pashtuns.
2. Pakistani pashtuns.

Right Now PTM is being led under Pakistani Pashtun leadership but the followers of PTM mostly majority of them are afghan refugees.

PTM version.

It does not matter for PTM either a PTM supporter is afghan refugee or a pakistani pashtun living in pakistan.
For PTM, Pashtun is Pashtun in pakistan & whatever is happening in Afghanistan with pashtuns it is non of PTM concern.

I don't see any solution except federal Govt of Pakistan has to take control of the situation and try to find out the political solution of this mess, Otherwise I see massive clash between Army & PTM

There's also no doubt that you have no clue as to what the hell is happening or how to tackle it. Don't take it personally but this line of thinking perfectly explains the unfathomable response (or lack thereof) by the vaunted establishment. They just sit back and like to point out hybrid war this hybrid war that and proceed to do nothing about it.

best approach is to let people see their true colours which is now visible they are nothing more than a phony foreign backed movement. ban on NGO's has depth them a huge blow and slowly they are being exposed.

while Pakistanis wait for them to be slowly exposed, these communists will move onto the next stunt. Pak, its goverment-elect, and its establishment is slow and frankly don't have the resources or brains to address this issue head-on. Instead they prefer to talk about 'patience' 'hybrid war', 'foreign-funded' 'slowly exposed' blah blah. Question is, what have they actually done? Nothing! besides calling them over for chai and giving these nobodies a seat at the table.

you know now I cant even say that we should agree to disagree .... because after reading this post of yours I am still trying to figure out you posted all this in disagreement or because of misunderstanding of my post .....???

Now response to current post
What I said in post:1

your response

What I said in post:2

your response

while in the very first post of mine I wrote:

This part I don't know why you just ignored .... ???

So what different point are you making other than showing misunderstanding the words "Appeasement" which was used by you first(see here), and in response I describe my understanding of this approach of appeasement in different context and historic background

It appears to me you are posting under certain perception about me or my post rather comprehending my stance, therefore consider it my last response to you on this unnecessary debate.

BTW Police is NOT a STATE Institution its a GOVERNMENT Institution, state institution are those which are formed by Constitution of Pakistan like Judiciary, Parliament, Defence forces

The disagreement comes from your line of thinking (also, apparently the establishment's) which is myopic at best and is the reason we are where we are today.

Policing is inherently a STATE subject, not to be meddled with whichever political party holds fort in Islamabad.
There's also no doubt that you have no clue as to what the hell is happening or how to tackle it. Don't take it personally but this line of thinking perfectly explains the unfathomable response (or lack thereof) by the vaunted establishment. They just sit back and like to point out hybrid war this hybrid war that and proceed to do nothing about it.
What the hell is happening, could you kindly elaborate?
I have already tried to tell what was happening

Read all the comments from the threads posted below.
Manzoor Pashteen tweet, saying Stick & carrot
And this
منضور پشتین بے نفاب اغیار کا ایجنڈ نا منطور -

I was among them those spread awareness & exposed PTM. Infect I can say I was the first among them on social media.

I can confidently say that pak army and agencies did very good job which i can explain but I will not because anyone can use that information against Pakistan.

But no matter what federal Govt has to take part to resolve the tensions.

Pashtoons are our brothers. We have to differentiate between paid & patriotic pashtuns. If I ask one simple question from you that how would you differentiate pashtun? Can you answer me? If yes then you can really understand what is PTM.

PTM was looking for support even from foreign powers but fortunately our pashtun brothers dismantled this movement. In my opinion we have to listen their genuine demands which we already did and ignore their unwarranted demands is the best strategy.

@HRK @Path-Finder
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