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Well ground realites are always different than what we see on social media. One need to realize it. Armed forces aren’t giving their lives to protect people like Pashteen.
This was just a statment from ISPR, I personally believe. They want the world to understand the fact, Pakistan and it’s armed forces want to have peace talk with pashteen and it would be on records if tomorrow, forces take some severe actions against this rat.

@django what you say Bhai?
I really don't know what kind of thinking behind the scenes and have the so called thinkers drawn any redlines? because it appears there are no redlines for PTM.
TLP's one guy only once threatened the individuals and PTM threatens the state and its institutions on routine basis and nothing happens... so should we conclude that individuals are important and higher than the state?

Well ground realites are always different than what we see on social media. One need to realize it. Armed forces aren’t giving their lives to protect people like Pashteen.
This was just a statment from ISPR, I personally believe. They want the world to understand the fact, Pakistan and it’s armed forces want to have peace talk with pashteen and it would be on records if tomorrow, forces take some severe actions against this rat.

@django what you say Bhai?
If you are a sovereign state, you don't look for an approval/pleasure and disapproval/disaproval of the powers that act against your national interests.
I really don't know what kind of thinking behind the scenes and have the so called thinkers drawn any redlines? because it appears there are no redlines for PTM.
TLP's one guy only once threatened the individuals and PTM threatens the state and its institutions on routine basis and nothing happens... so should we conclude that individuals are important and higher than the state?

If you are a sovereign state, you don't look for an approval/pleasure and disapproval/disaproval of the powers that act against your national interests.

War&Peace, it depends on what kind of time period we are living in. Pakistan’s
image needs to be repainted with our brush now and for that we have to take some decisions that we honestly don’t want to but that’s the requirements of the situations and time we are going through.
War&Peace, it depends on what kind of time period we are living in. Pakistan’s
image needs to be repainted with our brush now and for that we have to take some decisions that we honestly don’t want to but that’s the requirements of the situations and time we are going through.
Actually this is exactly the time when we need actions in the interest of the nation and not shy away because of some perception. No one has the right to abuse the state and talk against the institution. Look at China, Turkey.. regardless of what the world says, both are taking actions in their national interests without giving a hoot to what international community says.
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Well ground realites are always different than what we see on social media. One need to realize it. Armed forces aren’t giving their lives to protect people like Pashteen.
This was just a statment from ISPR, I personally believe. They want the world to understand the fact, Pakistan and it’s armed forces want to have peace talk with pashteen and it would be on records if tomorrow, forces take some severe actions against this rat.

@django what you say Bhai?
I totally concur, they (Pak army) did not want this clown to become the "Burhan Wani" of "ethno-fascism" which is what Manzoor and his ilk represent, initially the thought was that this movement will just fizzle out yet their crowds started to get larger and larger however PTMs own foolishness led to a dilution of its following when they started to spew hatred against Pak army (Wazir called for death to Pakistani soldiers) and not too mention their treatment of the Pak flag, when the military offered to negotiate with them over several of their demands they declined to turn up and kept on moving the goalpost further and further as they had no interest in any resolution yet Pak army has increased efforts to eradicate the anti-personnel mines problem and has cut down on security checkpoints which are now handled by Pashto speaking frontier corps personnel, these action by the military have further eroded PTMs popularity, I firmly believe it is just a toothless tiger despite having two members in Parliament who are not engaged in any effort of governance but only spewing venom against the state, their lack of performance has exposed them to their electorate and next time round their hopes of being elected have severely diminished...that is if they are around for next time.Kudos Moonlight
BTW for their to be effective action against this PTM mob, both the civilian and military branches of govt have to be on the SAME page. Gen Bajwa will not order a raid on Dawar and Wazir unless PM Khan addresses the nation as he did in regards to the TLP mischief makers, just like the TLP , PTM too is calling for insurrection against the state and military so the onus is on PM Khan to address these matters urgently as he has been very quiet on this issue, in fact he has stated in the past that they have legitimate grievances, I have always disagreed with him o this issue, it is essential PM Khan plays his part.

If you are a sovereign state, you don't look for an approval/pleasure and disapproval/disaproval of the powers that act against your national interests.
I agree with @Moonlight it is not just a zero sum game, we to take all potential scenarios into account before we act, if our fiscal and external issues were fine then by all means grab these miscreants by the scruff of their neck however they are far from ideal and we need to handle the matter delicately and methodically just as in the case of TLP when foreign agencies were wishing PM Imran Khan implements the strategy of Bashar Al Assad against those TLP goons, this would have led to a colossal bloodbath, instead the situation was allowed to calm and Rizvi and his cronies were swiftly apprehended and are today no where to be seen.Kudos Sir
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I totally concur, they (Pak army) did not want this clown to become the "Burhan Wani" of "ethno-fascism" which is what Manzoor and his ilk represent, initially the thought was that this movement will just fizzle out yet their crowds started to get larger and larger however PTMs own foolishness led to a dilution of its following when they started to spew hatred against Pak army (Wazir called for death to Pakistani soldiers) and not too mention their treatment of the Pak flag, when the military offered to negotiate with them over several of their demands they declined to turn up and kept on moving the goalpost further and further as they had no interest in any resolution yet Pak army has increased efforts to eradicate the anti-personnel mines problem and has cut down on security checkpoints which are now handled by Pashto speaking frontier corps personnel, these action by the military have further eroded PTMs popularity, I firmly believe it is just a toothless tiger despite having two members in Parliament who are not engaged in any effort of governance but only spewing venom against the state, their lack of performance has exposed them to their electorate and next time round their hopes of being elected have severely diminished...that is if they are around for next time.Kudos Moonlight

I agree with @Moonlight it is not just a zero sum game, we to take all potential scenarios into account before we act, if our fiscal and external issues were fine then by all means grab these miscreants by the scruff of their neck however they are far from ideal and we need to handle the matter delicately and methodically just as in the case of TLP when foreign agencies were wishing PM Imran Khan implements the strategy of Bashar Al Assad against those TLP goons, this would have led to a colossal bloodbath, instead the situation was allowed to calm and Rizvi and his cronies were swiftly apprehended and are today no where to be seen.Kudos Sir
Let's agree to totally disagree since I've refuted this double standard multiple times.. there is no sense in repeating the same words again and again..
I really don't know what kind of thinking behind the scenes and have the so called thinkers drawn any redlines? because it appears there are no redlines for PTM.
TLP's one guy only once threatened the individuals and PTM threatens the state and its institutions on routine basis and nothing happens... so should we conclude that individuals are important and higher than the state?

If you are a sovereign state, you don't look for an approval/pleasure and disapproval/disaproval of the powers that act against your national interests.

It is not the job of armed forces to arrest pashteen but the job of civil govt to take action against them. If army goes in they will be blamed for war against democracy. PTI needs to give a silence call to few human rights loving elements with in it and take down ptm like they did with TLP.
It is not the job of armed forces to arrest pashteen but the job of civil govt to take action against them. If army goes in they will be blamed for war against democracy. PTI needs to give a silence call to few human rights loving elements with in it and take down ptm like they did with TLP.
As long as, military establishment is backing Manzoor Pashteen, govt won't take any action against them because the govt thinks that the army understands the situation in that region better.
As long as, military establishment is backing Manzoor Pashteen, govt won't take any action against them because the govt thinks that the army understands the situation in that region better.

Military and establishment is not backing it but ppp pmln and few so called human rights voices in PTI back them.
In recent DG ISPR sent a clear message to them to not to cross their limits.
Military and establishment is not backing it but ppp pmln and few so called human rights voices in PTI back them.
In recent DG ISPR sent a clear message to them to not to cross their limits.
lolzzz..and they crossed the limit :lol::lol: again and again because they know nothing will happen
lolzzz..and they crossed the limit :lol::lol: again and again because they know nothing will happen

Yep sadly govt is not taking any action against them and giving them a free hand.

It is not army's job to crack down on political elements.
Yep sadly govt is not taking any action against them and giving them a free hand.

It is not army's job to crack down on political elements.
if so then why DG ISPR gave a statement..they are not political elements so stop BS.. they are terrorists supported by NDS, RAW and CIA. Our establishment is trying to make them a political force and that's gave them two seats in FATA.
Let's agree to totally disagree since I've refuted this double standard multiple times.. there is no sense in repeating the same words again and again..
For their to be a raid on Wazir and Dawar, PM Khan needs to go on PTV and address the nation ( the way he did with TLP) and categorically state that these men are traitors who are calling for insurrection against the state unless this happens the military will most likely not take these men in too custody as this will look bad for both the PTI and the military and show a lot of incohesion og govt.....Unless their are unknown facts to us (do bear in mind both TLP and PTM will have been heavily infiltrated by ISI) then this should be the next step forward.Kudos bhai
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