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PTM terrorists opened fire on security personnel in North Waziristan

That's the case when TLP rioted as well. What happened next was praised by us. Reaction against PTM leadership should be and will be harsher insha'Allah.

As bullets have been fired, I want IK to send their cases to ATC.
In case of TLP, government managed the crisis very well, both on media and legally. Mostly, police was used to contain and arrest the perpetrators. Also, TLP didn't have much support.

In case of PTM, I want to hear strong statements coming from government officials. They need to build a narrative.. This is how information wars are won. If government comes forward and calls PTM terrorists, and strongly condemn terrorist sympathizers, common public on social media will start a campaign against the supporters of terrorists.

Right now, people are in limbo.. The leader is quite, while other leaders have got the time to build anti-army narrative, which may haunt us all in the near future.
prm is old wine in new bottle
now this is soo complicated
in zardari time terror was on peak.
we had civilian government support them from background to divert powers attention away from there loot. media was a active tool.
soo much soo that media persona knew about blast before they even happen.
then there was mqm urban mass terror cells created hevoc in karachi effectively rendered our economy useless.
another aspect was global since zardari was shia and he was a snake this effectively cuts us off from our best allies in gulf they were worried but couldn’t do anything cos head was rotten.
slowly slowly we conquered back our land
reclaim karachi
raheel sharif was one of real heroes
now coming back
nawaz had a different policy which had its heart in punjab
now punjabis cos they can never tolerate anti army narrative nawaz had to take a different approach but still he was sold out too.
dawn leaks and stuff.
but the thing is we r in final hours now
army has done its bit
its now duty of IK to kill soft terror
kill the narrative they have the muscle to do tht.
but nawaz zardari inclinations are meaningful
its either we go all in
arrest 5000 people together which will will open up alote of cans with worms but would clear up alote of things
another way is go surgery mode slowly slowly keep killing the enemy
all we need is give these people bloody noses in logic and narrative
its duty of every patriot to defend our mother land
we all r soldiers now
arrest 5000 people together
This is what required..

Modi has built a narrative in India.. Anyone who says anything against Army is labelled a terrorist sympathizer. Anyone, whether in media or in political circles, who tries to portray Muslims or Pakistan in a better way, is labelled a terrorist sympathizer.

That's an extremist society, but ours is a lame society.. We can't call terrorists and their sympathizers terrorists because here terrorist sympathizers openly start cursing us, media bashing starts and people start wondering that maybe the other side (terrorists) is correct. There is no narrative building. Today, people are talking about electricity transmission, recovery and line losses, while the nation needs strong worded statement from the leader who has been given a simple majority by the people of Pakistan.. Everyone is looking towards government..

I need Imran Khan to come forward, address the nation, expose PTM with proofs, declare PTM anti Pakistan and ask PTM supporters and sympathizers to stop their support for the terrorists, and requests the nation to keep an eye on the terrorists and their supports in all walks of life.. we will see people (whether in Media or politicians) will think 10 times before extending support to PTM.

People tell lies 100 times to make it true.. Here we are hesitating in telling the truth for once..
I think, that I have grossly failed to convey my thinking. Who am I, to ask our "auspicious" institutions to do, what they are required to do. I told you very clearly that all the higher institutions of Pakistan are thoroughly "Impotent and Incompetent".

Army did it's job. Ali wazir in jail along 8 best friend. Mohsin dawar on the run with cell phone off. So good job army. Now ask other institution to do their duty and bring them to Justice.
Remind me what's the punishment for treason?

prm is old wine in new bottle
now this is soo complicated
in zardari time terror was on peak.
we had civilian government support them from background to divert powers attention away from there loot. media was a active tool.
soo much soo that media persona knew about blast before they even happen.
then there was mqm urban mass terror cells created hevoc in karachi effectively rendered our economy useless.
another aspect was global since zardari was shia and he was a snake this effectively cuts us off from our best allies in gulf they were worried but couldn’t do anything cos head was rotten.
slowly slowly we conquered back our land
reclaim karachi
raheel sharif was one of real heroes
now coming back
nawaz had a different policy which had its heart in punjab
now punjabis cos they can never tolerate anti army narrative nawaz had to take a different approach but still he was sold out too.
dawn leaks and stuff.
but the thing is we r in final hours now
army has done its bit
its now duty of IK to kill soft terror
kill the narrative they have the muscle to do tht.
but nawaz zardari inclinations are meaningful
its either we go all in
arrest 5000 people together which will will open up alote of cans with worms but would clear up alote of things
another way is go surgery mode slowly slowly keep killing the enemy
all we need is give these people bloody noses in logic and narrative
its duty of every patriot to defend our mother land
we all r soldiers now
Shut down the country and start a purge, something's need to be messy.

That's the case when TLP rioted as well. What happened next was praised by us. Reaction against PTM leadership should be and will be harsher insha'Allah.

As bullets have been fired, I want IK to send their cases to ATC.
It's taking way too long
Why would a MNA attack army openely when he can do it by sitting at home?

Remind me what's the punishment for treason?

Shut down the country and start a purge, something's need to be messy.

It's taking way too long
policy makers r not ready for that
guess they r too afraid want to always keep testing water
i think we should announce economic emergency
which should include terror financing and money laundering
this would also shut up fatf and west as terror is there favorite scapegoat
we just beat them in there own game
Our entire political setup is compromised.--- We need a ruthless action of plan if we want to see our State intact and only a brute dictator can do this. --- seriously it's time now to free couple of 100 useless heads from their shoulders.
I partially agree with you

but remember we already had multiple dictatorship everything works fine our country prosper but when their era end everything starts to fall their era only works in short term we need a long term plan

idiot like these is some what a blessing they have done what army fails to do till now they completely exposed themselves maryam and bilawal in their support likely to degrade their remaining reputation completely exposing them what they really are, we criticize govt for being incompetent (its a separate debate) but atleast they are not anti pakistan

decision are made by the nation not by the army or govt

if we still fails to recognize our enemy we will fail as a nation
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