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PTM terrorists opened fire on security personnel in North Waziristan

Thankyou, my dear Pak!

Of all the posters and their emotional reactions regarding the actions of Our Army... you have hit the nail on its head.

Of course, emotional reactions are totally correct and understandable... since, we all are reacting to an attack on Our State and Our Army.

To win this Hybridwar we need to go beyong knee-jerk reactions and act in cold-calculated manner.

The entire creation of PTM was an international plan... facilitated and sponsored by those who are providing them political support.

Since, the exploitation of feelings and post-traumatic psychology is daftly adopted by these so-called PTM leaders...

Our Army has wisely isolated them from the ordinary Paks from the former tribal areas... by not going full sledge hammer and showing understanding and engaing in dialouge... Pak Army is on the winning side...

Look where we need to take aciton without reserve... we are... BLA is being hit hard in AF...and within our borders.

The most dangerous in this game are the so-called political parties who are trying to cash in on PTM frontmen... thinking to blackmail the Pak State.

Luckily or unluckily Pak State is now has a reached a stage where any NRO or allowed to be blackmailed will be death sentence to Our Land...

And IA we are here to stay! Pakistan is here to stay long after all of us will be dead.

Consider a positive rating from me!

@RIWWIR brother... I love your wisdom.. I understand disappointment and frustration at seeing that our looters and plunderers are roaming free...and no justice in sight... and we need to believe in the Idea of Pakistan... we need to believe in Pakistan...

I am as angry as you are... for snale paced actions... but please, take a detached view of things... calculate the total volume and scope of our challenges... only then can we appreciate what we are dealing with.
However, I am with you... let us keep the pressure on our instituitions to ahieve total clean-up of Our Land from thesse scums!

@zulu @PakSword @ps3linux @Reddington @Khafee @Dubious @war&peace @Areesh @American Pakistani @ali_raza @PaklovesTurkiye @newb3e @Major Sam @Khafee @Windjammer @Pakhtoon yum
may Allah protect our homelland in ur beloved Pakistan!!

and may Allah help our leadership make brave decisions!!

our survival is at stake and if we allowed looters and plunders and traitors to go free we will sign our death order!
Thankyou, my dear Pak!

Of all the posters and their emotional reactions regarding the actions of Our Army... you have hit the nail on its head.

Of course, emotional reactions are totally correct and understandable... since, we all are reacting to an attack on Our State and Our Army.

To win this Hybridwar we need to go beyong knee-jerk reactions and act in cold-calculated manner.

The entire creation of PTM was an international plan... facilitated and sponsored by those who are providing them political support.

Since, the exploitation of feelings and post-traumatic psychology is daftly adopted by these so-called PTM leaders...

Our Army has wisely isolated them from the ordinary Paks from the former tribal areas... by not going full sledge hammer and showing understanding and engaing in dialouge... Pak Army is on the winning side...

Look where we need to take aciton without reserve... we are... BLA is being hit hard in AF...and within our borders.

The most dangerous in this game are the so-called political parties who are trying to cash in on PTM frontmen... thinking to blackmail the Pak State.

Luckily or unluckily Pak State is now has a reached a stage where any NRO or allowed to be blackmailed will be death sentence to Our Land...

And IA we are here to stay! Pakistan is here to stay long after all of us will be dead.

Consider a positive rating from me!

@RIWWIR brother... I love your wisdom.. I understand disappointment and frustration at seeing that our looters and plunderers are roaming free...and no justice in sight... and we need to believe in the Idea of Pakistan... we need to believe in Pakistan...

I am as angry as you are... for snale paced actions... but please, take a detached view of things... calculate the total volume and scope of our challenges... only then can we appreciate what we are dealing with.
However, I am with you... let us keep the pressure on our instituitions to ahieve total clean-up of Our Land from thesse scums!

@zulu @PakSword @ps3linux @Reddington @Khafee @Dubious @war&peace @Areesh @American Pakistani @ali_raza @PaklovesTurkiye @newb3e @Major Sam @Khafee @Windjammer @Pakhtoon yum
Excellent. Though I would say isolate the malicious devils and dispatch them to hell and spare the good ones.
may Allah protect our homelland in ur beloved Pakistan!!

and may Allah help our leadership make brave decisions!!

our survival is at stake and if we allowed looters and plunders and traitors to go free we will sign our death order!

May Allah bless you, my brother!

I understand that sometimes... things going against us...and we feeling pain and loss for so long now...

The Truth is that we are betrayed by our own... and there are many...

However, we need to remain #PakPositive and stand behind Our Pak Armed Forces and Security Agencies... let us not fall into the trap of our enemies to start entertaining bad opinions against our own... this is what the enemies want.

Tragedy is that these parasite, #MarasiPoliticians, these looers and plunders are spreading the poison against the State and Our Armed Forces...

A simple question to all my Paks: What will happen to us if Our Armed Forces become weakened?

I want this government to break its paralysis and come forward to defend Our Armed Forces.... enough is enough!
Thankyou, my dear Pak!

Of all the posters and their emotional reactions regarding the actions of Our Army... you have hit the nail on its head.

Of course, emotional reactions are totally correct and understandable... since, we all are reacting to an attack on Our State and Our Army.

To win this Hybridwar we need to go beyong knee-jerk reactions and act in cold-calculated manner.

The entire creation of PTM was an international plan... facilitated and sponsored by those who are providing them political support.

Since, the exploitation of feelings and post-traumatic psychology is daftly adopted by these so-called PTM leaders...

Our Army has wisely isolated them from the ordinary Paks from the former tribal areas... by not going full sledge hammer and showing understanding and engaing in dialouge... Pak Army is on the winning side...

Look where we need to take aciton without reserve... we are... BLA is being hit hard in AF...and within our borders.

The most dangerous in this game are the so-called political parties who are trying to cash in on PTM frontmen... thinking to blackmail the Pak State.

Luckily or unluckily Pak State is now has a reached a stage where any NRO or allowed to be blackmailed will be death sentence to Our Land...

And IA we are here to stay! Pakistan is here to stay long after all of us will be dead.

Consider a positive rating from me!

@RIWWIR brother... I love your wisdom.. I understand disappointment and frustration at seeing that our looters and plunderers are roaming free...and no justice in sight... and we need to believe in the Idea of Pakistan... we need to believe in Pakistan...

I am as angry as you are... for snale paced actions... but please, take a detached view of things... calculate the total volume and scope of our challenges... only then can we appreciate what we are dealing with.
However, I am with you... let us keep the pressure on our instituitions to ahieve total clean-up of Our Land from thesse scums!

@zulu @PakSword @ps3linux @Reddington @Khafee @Dubious @war&peace @Areesh @American Pakistani @ali_raza @PaklovesTurkiye @newb3e @Major Sam @Khafee @Windjammer @Pakhtoon yum

Thanks for mentioning, and correcting. You are right. Very difficult times for our country. Stay united and steadfast. There is no other choice.
be diplomatic ... as well as be hard on law violators........differentiate the ordinary public from true culprits and engage them blind use of force can trigger one more conflict ...
Reactions here are shocking.

Are we seriously expecting Army to start attacking unarmed supporters of PTM or tweeting warnings to them?

This is 5GW!!!! Crush the head of the snake and the rest will disperse, and that the lines have been crossed this should happen.

Now the ball is in IK's court and he needs to order the same crackdown as on TLP. Arrest all of those PTM leaders who at any point spoke rebelling against the state/institutions. Warn media houses that any support of PTM leaders will not be tolerated and ban all news relating to PTM.
If the same happened in the US, even if a protestor came near the gun of a national guard personal, they wouldve opened fire.
Pak Army has never fired at unarmed protestors۔ Bhutto was denied as well۔
These are not protestors, they are openly attacking the army, confronting them directly. The protestors in Bhutto era were not attacking army.
AFSOS, goli khai or shaheed bhi foji huwa or galyan bhi foj sun rahi, ...ye foji mare to bhi badnam, maaaray to bhi badnam.
all of you i ask you to look apon yourself if u cant utter few words in support of Army when they suffer casualities how will you behave when they inflict casualities, the same lot will scream foul and human rights violation etc etc
ps: i am strong advocate of brutal action against PTM.
Thankyou, my dear Pak!

Of all the posters and their emotional reactions regarding the actions of Our Army... you have hit the nail on its head.

Of course, emotional reactions are totally correct and understandable... since, we all are reacting to an attack on Our State and Our Army.

To win this Hybridwar we need to go beyong knee-jerk reactions and act in cold-calculated manner.

The entire creation of PTM was an international plan... facilitated and sponsored by those who are providing them political support.

Since, the exploitation of feelings and post-traumatic psychology is daftly adopted by these so-called PTM leaders...

Our Army has wisely isolated them from the ordinary Paks from the former tribal areas... by not going full sledge hammer and showing understanding and engaing in dialouge... Pak Army is on the winning side...

Look where we need to take aciton without reserve... we are... BLA is being hit hard in AF...and within our borders.

The most dangerous in this game are the so-called political parties who are trying to cash in on PTM frontmen... thinking to blackmail the Pak State.

Luckily or unluckily Pak State is now has a reached a stage where any NRO or allowed to be blackmailed will be death sentence to Our Land...

And IA we are here to stay! Pakistan is here to stay long after all of us will be dead.

Consider a positive rating from me!

@RIWWIR brother... I love your wisdom.. I understand disappointment and frustration at seeing that our looters and plunderers are roaming free...and no justice in sight... and we need to believe in the Idea of Pakistan... we need to believe in Pakistan...

I am as angry as you are... for snale paced actions... but please, take a detached view of things... calculate the total volume and scope of our challenges... only then can we appreciate what we are dealing with.
However, I am with you... let us keep the pressure on our instituitions to ahieve total clean-up of Our Land from thesse scums!

@zulu @PakSword @ps3linux @Reddington @Khafee @Dubious @war&peace @Areesh @American Pakistani @ali_raza @PaklovesTurkiye @newb3e @Major Sam @Khafee @Windjammer @Pakhtoon yum

The support for PTM is very strong within Pakistan. This fight against PTM will be more difficult for Pakistani Army than TTP.

While Pakistan Army is visible in responding to PTM threat, our government is no where being seen at this crucial moment. While I am with PTI government on their tough decisions taken to bring economy on track, I am getting increasingly restless on this government's lackluster attitude towards addressing the threats we are facing in the guise of political leadership. PM IK should have come forward strongly in favor of Pakistani Army in the same manner as terrorists' supporters have come forward:

My brother,

You know this fact... that I desire Our Pak State came hard like a wall of stones on these scums who have looted Our Land and the future of our people.... I react to it as well...

I am nobody to correct you... we are here to encourage and learn from each other... our collective wisdom is deeper, richer than alone... after all Pak is an Ancient Land and we are Ancient People! From Ladakh to Gawadar, brother... 10000 years!

We are Paks and it is Our Land... Our Army soldiers die for us... we owe it our Fallen ... to stand up and do our part...

So, no worries... chin up you, my brother... and feel the vibe of #PakPositive .... we shall have Our Pakistan... and all these looters are going down..baby!!!

P.S. What is Noora doing? any inside info on the fatso?

Once again thanks. Yes, let's not loose our hopes for Pakistan.

"Woh dur aag naheen, roshni hae manzil ki"

Strangely, nothing is coming out about Noora; but Tweetni is constantly quacking.
Once again thanks. Yes, let's not loose our hopes for Pakistan.

"Woh dur aag naheen, roshni hae manzil ki"

Strangely, nothing is coming out about Noora; but Tweetni is constantly quacking.

Again a grave mistake of the state of Pakistan to let this snake loose. This vermin should have been in jail but our corrupt judiciary has freed her on a never ending bail.
These are not protestors, they are openly attacking the army, confronting them directly. The protestors in Bhutto era were not attacking army.

Let's see who takes the reigns whilst one is under arrest and the second on the run. Organising open PTM rallies will be difficult now.

I don't know why you are raising such points when those who raised arms have been dealt with.

If what you are saying should be done then Maryam, Bilawal etc should be shot as well.

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