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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

Abb yeh halat ho gai ha kah GEO ki videos lagna shuro ho gai hain.

Loving this panic that both Imran and Qadari have created among patwaris.:lol:
Abb yeh halat ho gai ha kah GEO ki videos lagna shuro ho gai hain.

Loving this panic that both Imran and Qadari have created among patwaris.:lol:

Something more to enjoy is, IG Punjab police denied shabaz sharif, s orders to stop marches from Lahore, it wasn't that noora , s allowed that on Thier own?:omghaha:

Noora league is just getting down in bits, after the court orders for regestring the FIR against the Noora, s more & more govt servants are denying the writ of noora league?:omghaha:
So for them , it's just GEO tv, the most traitorous , media house aginst pakistan ?

You call it panic, we call it entertainment :D
It's not entertainment, just wait when you find your noora, s hangings on the same tv channels?:omghaha:
I am going to leave you, run!:omghaha:
From last 100 years just 10,000 - 15,000 protestors turn into mob, attack presidency, military headquarter, diplomatic enclaves and rollback everything. This Govt is SHIT nothing else more. Governments are flexible and handle such crisis in a much better way, collaborate with open mind-set WTF this badshahiyat this is not ****** Saudia damn it.

First came into power with illegal fake mandate. In 1.5 years, 10+B USD $ of loan and break all the world record. Got such huge loan in just 13 months, 19 Trips "Kya lya kya diya? Big ZERO", U-Turns from all their slogans like "6 months may bijli ajayege" etc long long list no need to mentioned their U-Turns. Fooling voters giving them lollypops like laptop and few thousands taxyaan with taxpayer money.

First not listen their opponent requests about to re-open (which is under Constitution). When the boiling point crossed red-line and the opponent show man power on ground. Now requested him lets sit and talk, we're agreed to listen everything you want, also go for judicial commissions and offer of re-counting of 10 constituencies WTF.

Their Finance minister well know lair first announced fabricated fake stats again like 99 about the economy. Btw World Bank rejected Pakistan's finance minister provided stats. He was immediately changed his statements in which he is already did Phd and labelled stats announcement "Editorial mistake" WTF. **** samaj rakha hey dunya ko.

The priorities are completely different. Spending 50B only on 27 kilometer Metro project in Rawalpindi, spend southern Punjab money over Lahore and Rawalpindi. Never initiate single AUDIT since last 1.5 years. First month of the illegal tenure, handing over 500B to their people (Talking about Miaan Maansha) and never allowed any agency for audit. Completely mishandled all the issues since day one. From Musharaf to Media to current crisis, this government champion in delay and involved military into all NON-POLITICAL matters.

When you ask these questions with statistics to their voters, they start bashing and comparison their government LOOT MAAR with previous government "usnay bhi tu ki the" WTF.

Again this mentality and mindset, from last 60 years, this nation ****** badly with the hands of these 200 maximum families and here the voters are still calling "Aaj bhi bhutto zinda tha kal bhi bhutto zinda tha".

Which rule of law you're talking about? I personally not accept this so called RULE OF LAW, who only help elite and powerful. Blaming military for every mess but never go-through their own performance when they're in power. Doing amendments for their own personal agendas/objectives. Their wealth increasing day by day never go for audits and for their own defence using NRO's and backdoor agreements.

Which parliament you're talking about?? a parliament who only defend LOOT MAAR??? this rubber stamp Parliament.

Their voters talking about the hold USD$ @ 100. That is not a rocket science if anyone know-how about how to hold money, getting loan from different countries. Fabricated hold $. Killing innocents and when Judiciary court passed orders against them. First hide the report from 7 days and now their ministers running abroad. Half of their family already shifted. Supporting Gullu Buttz time criminals. Using police and tax payer money for their own objectives. Spends millions, billions of $$ of tax payer money on promotion of their own party advertisements. Helping and supporting Media group against the main institution of the state known as Military. 100% of appointments by this government challenged by Supreme Court. All the appointees rejected by the SC.

Went Bannu, Quetta with COAS and showing Military hamaray saath hey tumharay BAAP ke Military nahe hey... achi tarhan apnay bhejay may bheta loo... This Military especially under Raheel Sharif is seriously .... cannot explain the mind-set of current Military. They will seriously ***** PML-N go for bloodshed against Marches....

Trust me this nation is full of ********** voters. They are just talk talk talk... when someone initiate something start bashing... because of this dependent mind-set TODAY PAKISTAN STANDING @ THIS POINT!

sara din bhaeet kar batian kartay hain kise cheze ke depth discussion may jaoo tu KUCH NAHE PATA INKO the don't even shit knw anything about technology, finance, military, education etc .. bas apnay leader ko defend karna hey bayshak woh jitna bara corrupt badmaash loteera hoo.

Once for all... Jawab hey tu doo in batoon ka nahe hey tu moo band rakho!
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Can someone give EXACT location of stage? Intersection?
Just want to see satellite image of that location.

In another video Moeed PirZada said it's 100K+ ppl combined of both gatherings.

Video #4 Aerial View

Aerial View Mall Road.

Dr.Shahid Masood Analysis (Link).

Mediator for Govt, Sirajul Haq has said "Govt should give some sacrifice"
Governor Punjab said "Mulk Key Mafad Mai Faisalay Kerain" (Govt Key Mafad Mai Nahi)

... @Jungibaaz , care to advise our uncouth friend here about online mannerisms?
You are a MOD. Would you care to teach following Nawaz supporter not to throw stones or he might get a bullet in reply???
Imran khan laanti come out from Bani Gala and control your people.


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"IK is in aggressive mode and soon threatened GOVT about to attack on parliament if NS not step-down" (speculation my analysis)... LET SEE... I said this to friends in some platform and here as well today. Now I've recieved messages from them. They all are asking me just few mins ago IK said (finger point out towards parliament) - "Myaan sahab may apnay loogon ko aur unkay junonn ko ziada daeer control nahe karsakoonga" something like that.

I've the same thinking/feeling about IK. He will give time frame to government, if NS will not step-down he will strike on the Parliament, Assembly etc like NS did over Supreme Court in 90s. In that case Military direct intervene.
Imran is an emotional person and cannot hold his cards to the chest. He delayed where he should have hurried and is hurrying up where he needs to exercise patience. On the otherhand TuQ is playing his cards very well. He has a disciplined crowd. Well planned logistics and commitment of his people. He talks well and inspires his crowd. In my opinion. He is a bigger threat to MNS and party. IK is a sideline entertainment going on to keep attention off the main threat.

Mediator for Govt said:
"Govt should give some sacrifice"[/B]
Governor Punjab said "Mulk Key Mafad Mai Faisalay Kerain" (Govt Key Mafad Mai Nahi)

All the parties are giving such statements. Which has something else in between the lines. It is time for MNS to realise that he has been abandoned. Those who are giving diplomatic statements are waiting for right moment to join IK and TuQ
Here you go. something from the ranks within PNML.

The Civilian - Military Relationship in the Past & There's something about TahirulQadri
Zafar HilalyWednesday, August 13, 2014
From Print Edition

Come August 14, and many are wondering how it will all end. Will Imran Khan stoop? Will Nawaz conquer? Or will the military say ‘a plague on both your houses’ and seize power? Answers to the first two questions are anybody’s guess; and the third does not really require an answer because having re-established itself as the central power in policy making, the army can hardly seize what it already possesses.

The emasculation of civilian authority began almost as soon as Musharraf left office and handed over power to his civilian successor; and it continued apace during Kayani’s long tenure as army chief. It was a gradual process. Not one to show off, or strike poses, Kayani preferred to garner power patiently in small accumulations; and that also suited Zardari’s temperament.

Not really knowing what to do with power, unlike money, Zardari did not mind losing some of it to stay in office. Anyway, it was not so much the power of office that Zardari craved as the trappings. A savvy politician, he understood that power in Pakistan must return eventually to where it traditionally resides – in the bosom of the military. Zardari has always focused on the real world in which he lived and not – unlike some politicians, including his wife – in the world they want to bring into being. He thought it best that the process of returning power be undertaken in a cooperative spirit and not as the result of a falling out with the military because that would have only attenuated the civil-military divide and imperilled civilian rule. It stands to his credit, and that of Kayani, that they accomplished the task without overly ruffling feathers.

But even the modest and publicity shy Kayani could not hide his increasing clout once it became known he had summoned four (or was it six?) federal secretaries to the GHQ to vet and approve their briefs for Zardari’s impending visit to Washington in early 2010. An army chief summoning federal secretaries en masse to vet, amend and approve their briefs is unheard of during civilian rule and conveyed the unmistakable message that the army had re-assumed not merely oversight but also control of public policy.

And that’s precisely the message Obama got, which is why during the Zardari visit Obama dropped by on Kayani’s White House meeting with the US national security adviser. Obama’s was a calculated move to convey US recognition that henceforth Kayani, and not Zardari, was the key player on the Pakistani side.

During their brief meeting in the White House Kayani handed over to Obama a brief he had prepared outlining Pakistan’s views on key issues. Ordinarily such a brief should have been a government effort to be conveyed by Gilani or Zardari rather than the army chief. This was another sign of how far the transfer of real power had progressed by early 2010.

So, speculation about a military take over on August 14, when the military is already in the driving seat, is really quite unnecessary. Why should the fauj take on the thankless job of running the country when the national coffers are empty; the war in Fata is in full swing and both the eastern and western fronts are alive with danger? With Afghanistan and India getting together, it’s doubtful whether the army chief has the time to do anything else but plan how to save our hide.

Besides, it suits the fauj to have a chastened and weakened Nawaz Sharif, rather than a prime minister brimming with self love and a grossly exaggerated idea of his popularity. The only obstacle Nawaz Sharif recognises to his designs is the resistance of a superior power and not good sense or moral scruples. And if things don’t work out for Imran Khan so much the better. The ‘Kaptaan’ too needed to have some of the stuffing knocked out of him to curb his insufferable vanity and his tendency of believing his own press.

That said, who will swear that the ‘multitude’ gathering on August 14 in Islamabad – the ultimate beneficiaries of democracy – will not feel sufficiently dissatisfied to want someone other than the Sharif dynasty to look after their interests and refuse to budge from Islamabad? And faced with such a situation what will the army do? Risk a blood bath or ask Nawaz Sharif to pack his bags – once again? Reluctant as the army is to intervene, the fact remains that circumstances can force its hand.

At this juncture two thoughts come to mind. In Iran (1978), faced with the unpleasant task of suppressing the people the army sat on its hands, smoothing the way for the Iranian revolution. Similarly, the most critical factor behind Mubarak’s defeat was the decision by Egypt’s top generals to allow demonstrators to take to the streets without fear of military suppression. And that, wittingly or not, is the message the fauj is sending to all concerned which is also the reason why panic has gripped the government to take the myriad illegal steps it has taken to reduce the number of PTI supporters turning up in Islamabad.

It’s unrealistic to write about what may happen in the coming days and weeks without speculating on the role of Tahirul Qadri. It’s easy to dismiss Qadri by depicting him as the proverbial ‘Mad Hatter’ and a mixture of the ‘knave, adventurer and a troublemaker’. ‘Mad hatters’ abound at all times in all countries but a few have also managed to leave their imprint on history. To do that they have to be more than mere mad hatters, adventurers and opportunists – though sometimes they must be that too.

Actually, men like Tahirul Qadri are unconscious interpreters of their times and have an intuitive understanding of what their countrymen long for. Listen to Qadri speak to the crowd. He speaks as if he is giving words to the crowds own dumb sentiments. He awakens an echo in men’s hearts. He suggests he can drive them to great deeds. And indeed he can. As his control over his followers shows, his people will willingly die for him. And many of these people are good people and good people do not die readily for knaves and madmen.

Men like Qadri somehow identify the themes history is going to propose, like dowsers feeling secret veins of water underground. His ideas may seem disorderly and hodgepodge but he has put his finger on most of the great motifs that dominate our troubled history, namely, the necessity for justice or at least the same law for every man, good governance, order and the end of feudalism, and corruption, ignorance, superstition and prejudice.

He has understood that Pakistan has to stand unified and united and strong in order to fight a battle on three fronts – against India, against Karzai and his corrupt coterie in Afghanistan and against extremism at home. Of course, his capacity to over simplify and dramatise offends many and so too his strictly partisan views. But people also envy his instinctive ability to ride the emotional wave of the day and admire the fact that he goes about his preaching undisturbed by scruples, doubts or criticisms. `

There is something about Qadri that startles and fascinates almost everybody including his enemies. I have no idea how his contribution to our politics will look like years hence. It may be seen as desultory and amateurish and because it has a practical flimsiness will evaporate as soon as the current crisis is over. But I sense not. The energy this single man has imparted to the politics of Pakistan is huge. His desire to avenge his people’s ruin and humiliation which he attributes to the wickedness of others may well have awakened some of his countrymen to a new sense of mission. If that is the case then ‘Welcome on board Mr Qadri’.
The writer is a former ambassador. Email:charles123it@hotmail.com

@BATMAN @Aeronaut @Spring Onion @batmannow @Azlan Haider @Secur @Fatman @Armstrong
@Jazzbot @IceCold @Stealth
A Truck's back in Azadi March telling the exact story...:lol:



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Aap ki baato se lagta ha aap ko boht pata ha next PM tujha bana dety hain, wyse kuch logo ko adat hoti ha KOOOOL bany ki.
Technology, finance, education nazar aa raha ha, KPK ab PARIS aur New York ban gya ha.

masla he yehi hey jab kudh khokhalay hotay han tu kise baat ka jawab na ho tu asi he batain kartay hain..

Prime minister tumko bana detay hain.. flaan kardetay hian aur flaan kardetay ahin.. kid comeup with something better not bullshits!

Jab ghaeer ayeeni tarekay say hakomat bana kar chalaye ja sakhti hey tu ghaeer ayeeni tareki say ultayee bhi jasakhti hey... Khaan Thunnn kay rakho inko! ISI peechay hey Military peechay tu hey phir ??? RAW MOSSAD tu nahe haina... Thunn kay rakhoo agar yehi inkay zehan may hey...
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Hakomat girany ki zarorat kia ha? If you promise Qadri, Sheikh rasheed, Chaudhris aur Imran khan Pakistan k sab masly har dein gy to i will also support fall of current Govt but dil main pata tumhy be ha yeh sab khusray hain aur Pakistan main kuch better nahi kar sakty.

I live in develop and highly democratic society and i know which party can bring similar type of development and economic revolution in Pakistan, i did support PTI but they turned out to be a complete BS.

Establishment ki baat na he karo to better ha because Pakistan ki naak hamesha in logo ki katwaye ha.

She did the right thing involving civil society against PAT and PTI.

She should go and live in india
Hakomat girany ki zarorat kia ha? If you promise Qadri, Sheikh rasheed, Chaudhris aur Imran khan Pakistan k sab masly har dein gy to i will also support fall of current Govt but dil main pata tumhy be ha yeh sab khusray hain aur Pakistan main kuch better nahi kar sakty.

I live in develop and highly democratic society and i know which party can bring similar type of development and economic revolution in Pakistan, i did support PTI but they turned out to be a complete BS.

Establishment ki baat na he karo to better ha because Pakistan ki naak hamesha in logo ki katwaye ha.

She did the right thing involving civil society against PAT and PTI.
don't tell me your one of those guys
(najam sethi, asma janghir, hamid mir, tarek fatah)

Imran khan again ran away to Bani gala :D
What a slap on the face of PTI supporters.
do you "nut" because of this stuff?
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