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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

September 12, 6:01pm
Arshad Shah, a protester, feels trapped: worn out after weeks of street demonstrations against the government, he wants to go home but protest organisers will not let him.

Like many other protesters led by cleric Tahir ul-Qadri, Shah said organisers had taken away his national identification card to prevent him from leaving the protest site outside government offices in Islamabad. Read the full story

Exhausted and frustrated, protesters want to go home – The Express Tribune
Great proganda done by paid reporters?
Even if they have taken his id card, he still can go back when ever he wants!
Lies bits dust!
But the womens, & the kids still with TUQ is a shamefull slap to these reports!
Great proganda done by paid reporters?
Even if they have taken his id card, he still can go back when ever he wants!
Lies bits dust!
But the womens, & the kids still with TUQ is a shamefull slap to these reports!

The same problems I have with PMLN. they too say the same what you said nay accused as "paid reporters".

Any news that goes against the perception, must be the handiwork of a paid reporter
The same problems I have with PMLN. they too say the same what you said nay accused as "paid reporters".

Any news that goes against the perception, must be the handiwork of a paid reporter

Yep way too many sellouts, thanks to PMLN.
The same problems I have with PMLN. they too say the same what you said nay accused as "paid reporters".

Any news that goes against the perception, must be the handiwork of a paid reporter
Sure they too say the same, but never no body went chanting towards ik or TUQ & said go?
But print media of pakistan is trying to survive itself, the way they found is to take money from the govt & print the policy of the govt?
Which is to crash all the voices against it?
Last night police arrest younger from bike to violation of law, dual person on bike, :undecided:
Indeed many peoples of normal citizen what are not part of Dharna effect due to this, all of this is for stopping any terrorism.
But installation of Containors is out of mind.
Same DJ butt is also out of mind, for what he captured.
Beside these situation police not take law into their own hands.
Police can't exempt from law, as peoples are peaceful they can moving from any side. 8-)8-)
Last night police arrest younger from bike to violation of law, dual person on bike, :undecided:
Indeed many peoples of normal citizen what are not part of Dharna effect due to this, all of this is for stopping any terrorism.
But installation of Containors is out of mind.
Same DJ butt is also out of mind, for what he captured.
Beside these situation police not take law into their own hands.
Police can't exempt from law, as peoples are peaceful they can moving from any side. 8-)8-)
Dafuq did I just read?
. . .
Elements of anti Pakistan anger due to peaceful Dharna, they still finding ways,
Mostly they engage time to pass but they no way escape. :pakistan:
Their educaed master mind:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: still found help from suicide elements but failed.
So they beat their heads , soon they run & change will come.
God help PTI & PAT.
You are educated peoples stay peaceful.
Mind , mind,
Government also fix bomb jammer near Dharna site,
It is constitutional right that government fulfill security of peoples.Now this time come to fix this early warning measure for public safety to secure mob.
Last edited:
. . .
As a student i share some of my work for the elimination of poverty in pakistan, i also post it in my university group and after very attention i develop this kind of work some months ago when i preparing for exams.
hope it will be very positive for Pakistan.
i also develop other papers when required i share...........

Poverty in Pakistan
Pakistan is developing country in south Asia & face inborn problem of poverty, resources, structure international & territorial wars, political crisis & military corruption in politics, worse condition in industrial & education, rise of corruption in almost every department can destabilizing and weakening country to push back at the survival level.
M Definition and Measurement of Poverty
The World Bank’s 2000 World Development Report defines poverty as an unacceptable deprivation in human well being that can comprise both physiological and social deprivation. Physiological deprivation involves the non-fulfillment of basic material or biological needs, including inadequate nutrition, health, education, and shelter. A person can be considered poor if he or she is unable to secure the goods and services to meet these basic material needs. The concept of physiological deprivation is thus closely related to, but can extend beyond, low monetary income and consumption levels. Social deprivation widens the concept of deprivation to include risk, vulnerability, lack of autonomy, powerlessness, and lack of self-respect. Given that countries’ definitions of deprivation often go beyond physiological deprivation and sometimes give greater weight to social deprivation, local populations (including poor communities) should be engaged in the dialogue that leads to the most appropriate definition of poverty in a country.
M The dilemma of poverty in Pakistan
Poverty in Pakistan now becoming the key channel for think tanks for to survive in every phase of life. It has been estimated that Pakistan is the country which have the proximate population round about 50% of Pakistan have hold living in poverty which less than 2$ per day.
Where the poverty think as the unmeet by solution on one side of think thanks where on the other side it more than numerous way to solving the problem.
Poverty in Pakistan itself not defined as lack of resources but keeping in view the Pakistan society it is also be estimated that Pakistan have enough resources to create an atmosphere have of decent live according to human’s capacities.
According to government 24% population live under poverty line.
In the post some time poverty facing some improved situation around at 1970.
Pakistan in agrarian society & almost 60% of population live in rural areas of the country. The entire living species rely on agro field. Very little population migrating toward cities for there desired life. So normally population divided into two parts.

M Rural population
M Urban or cities
M Rural & Urban population at working side
Rural population showing the high rate of population in Pakistan. The population in cities relies on the industries, government, private service, public business & the local private institutes. Compare to rural population the cities have more literacy rate. As the countries rely on traditional system, so the country has its specification for both gender as male & females. Normally the male role is breadwinner where the women’s adopt the domestic role at home. So the structure defines the male domain role on occupation. Very limited families in cities allow women to play their role in occupation.
M Potential Causes Behind Poverty In Pakistan
Pakistan by structural have two parts rural to urban integrative society network. Majority of Pakistan population signatory to say live in rural areas. Where every thing in urban or cities finds good facilities from A to Z categories.
It is universally accepted role that every segment of the world relies on economical system. Which is functional arrange the exchange & dealing system to achieve the economical end.
Pakistan by its differ economical situations has differ causes behind the poverty in masses. There are some Mega levels of causes, which are countries as the real factor behind poverty.
Poverty in society existing through the ways peoples adopting & do not adopting the methods to achieve the economical ends. Poverty is not the fate of life & also concerned with the movements of life. Virtually poverty by its potential increasing & decreasing through the timeline of individual and collective.
As the country is underdevelopment process there are numerous problem existing behind the poverty. First of all at, national level Pakistan facing several insurgencies at the birth. After this Pakistan also facing the internal insurgencies & conflicts, destabilize governments, military system & the poor policies in the institutional system & the poor policies in national development. So poverty is the biggest causes of inflation in Pakistan. So poverty is the neglecting of many basic facilities on the human life dependent.
Before to justifying the super causes behind the poverty in Pakistan, it is needed to explore the leading types of elemental causes existing around the world.

M Universally accepted from of poverty
At the 1601 Elizabethan Law distinguishing three classes of the poor that are nominating to call as,
· The impotent poor could not look after themselves or go to work. They included the ill, the infirm, the elderly, and children with no one to properly care for them. It was generally held that they should be looked after.
· The able-bodied poor normally referred to those who were unable to find work – either due to cyclical or long-term unemployment in the area, or a lack of skills. Attempts to assist these people, and move them out of this category, varied over the centuries, but usually consisted of relief either in the form of work or money.
· The idle poor were of able body but were unwilling to work. They were not considered deserving of poor relief.

M Super foundational factors behind poverty in Pakistan
M Inborn situation
Pakistan has some macro segmental proportion of population to examining the poverty. Poverty no matter is the consequence of multiply casual factor from human to geo-ecological environment in economical development. All these factors are the base of rising & existing the poverty in Pakistan. National policies are the matter of masses survival in Pakistan. Pakistan facing high level of internal & external insurgencies for to fulfillment of strategic ends in defense. Pakistan fought four fights behind Kashmir & Bangladesh issue.
Pakistan was found in critical condition in which ill equipment in survival creating massive problems.

M Poor policy
Policy is the ultimate foundation for national development. Any policy playing vital role in creating, Broadening & making future oriented foundation & structural establishment.
Pakistan truly to say always surviving in military environment but ironical to say facing lack of neutral policy making, so always gained specific task, on the other hand China & India found neutral environment, so they peaking the climax of economical development. Policy not only direct creating environment & destabilizing structure & future survival but through its vast scope & influence working in development as well as incline as hindrance of country development.
Pakistan by situational & studying analysis to say was in depth under the policies for participation in different development procedures. But due to neglection in foreign policy Pakistan found rapid & high insurgency at national development. Some environment destabilizing the government bureaucracies than the peace political & social environment.

M Internal Insurgencies & Poor Structure Of FDI
Due to recent destabilization almost every activity in FDI was affected, so entirely the international vanished beside some telecom & services, which are not utilization Pakistani land for developing their programs. In new ere of globalization almost every country at minimum level relies on the international economical & trade network to fulfill their mutual needs. Increasing insurgency can sabotage the FDI by creating massive terror environment. Security concerns stemming from the nation's role in the War on Terror have created great instability and led to a decline in Foreign Direct Investment from a height of approximately $8 bn to $3.5bn for the current fiscal year. So these all circumstances tacitly erasing the occupational opportunities from Pakistan.
One point here is sort out the government military establishment to not allow foreign investors to work in Pakistan in their mutual interests. But at the end Pakistan deprived from various development issues. So it the failure of policy to not allow foreign investors while sanctions & restriction policy existing.

M Utilizations of inland working able resources
Pakistan is the country always deprived by the future oriented policies in country interests through the mutual conflicts of army & politicians as well as between civilians itself. As the consequence of their problem most of Mega Level project do not fulfilled like most of Dam’s pending due to provincial controversial environment the policy maker are afraid to achieve their desired goal & some time neglecting the territorial resources & their utilization in the development of country.
Pakistan has vast scope of to utilize its natural tendencies to benefiting the masses. Pakistan by its territorial segment have differ resources, the most potential full areas are Balochistan, Punjab & KPK where others areas providing the lower services.
Keeping in view the Balochistan have natural in build mega resources in kind of mines, coal, gas, petroleum, gold, stone etc. But neutral leadership always deprived in province as well as facing insurgencies that are self-made work of Balochistan leadership & Armed Forces.
Same like KPK providing big supply in dairy, fruit farming, and sufficient space for dams, material for constructions etc. Punjab playing vital specific soil. Hence providing rice, flour, dairy, industry & mega level public services. Sindh provide industries & business environment for entire Pakistan.
Finely the new province of Gilgit-Batlistan providing the wood, fruit, tourism, dairy farming and other means to achieving the economical ends.
Hence every thing is going pretty well after the independence of Pakistan, but later lack of advance attention, which is paid, on the policy measures for the development of these areas. Non-sufficient attention had paid on the policy for sustainable development in specific territories.

M Adjustment & placement of population
Pakistan is one of famous country to providing variety of goods by its unique nature of location, facilities, capacities, ecological environment etc.
Density its self-creating various problem. When ever the population increasing than it also maximizing the issues behind it. Where other problem existing, at the spot delighting future & attractive environment catching the heat and minds of peoples, so they tend to move toward that area’s. So the existing population facing the problem of adjustment & placement hence, this specific area under invades of unemployment in Pakistan. This problem exists in Pakistan whenever the rapid urbanization and its attraction catch peoples toward migrating toward these areas & at the spot the population find no occupation.

M Gender poverty
Pakistan found as traditional country in south Asia on its provincial based environment. Every province has its own living standards so the working environment suiting the males as bread earner. Pakistan's population is 47.5% female and 52.5% male. The entire environment is very rare for males. UNIFEM describes it as "the burden of poverty borne by women, especially in developing countries". This concept is not only a consequence of lack of income, but is also the result of the deprivation of capabilities and gender biases present in both societies and governments. This includes the poverty of choices and opportunities, such as the ability to lead a long, healthy, and creative life, and enjoy basic rights like freedom, respect, and dignity.
The feminization of poverty
Women’s increasing share of poverty is related to the rising incidence of lone mother households. The term feminization of poverty itself is controversial and has been defined in many different ways. In 1978, Diana Pearce coined the term, “the feminization of poverty” after doing much research and seeing how many women struggled with poverty within the United States, as well as globally. Compare to male the female’s empowerment give them chance to put them selves in working side. As the country has no atmosphere for women to enjoy their occupational role due to their future life depends on the role they have take. Very limited fields the society allows them to join as occupation by keep their family life. It has been seen in the pre American history where the women think best in house hold service, the same environment Pakistan has found. The women has limited environment which are suiting their gender existing so those women has no earning resources push them selves to join any occupation. Due to male domain society women are not allow to join any extra liberal environment and those do this deprived from their family life equal to waste of life. This phenomenon existing in most educated classes too. It is big failures of pre policy makers which are not open the reliable door to occupation for women’s.
Especially the future able environment, due to these issue most of wise families don’t allow women in open occupational environment & prefer to join the household job. The female environment, which are most suiting and give family future life found in the fields of teaching, medical, house based crafts & works, army services. In these fields the limited scope found which allow reaccepting women as family services.
According to feminization of poverty Pakistan too found very critical situation for women.

1) Disparate Income
Pakistan is the country that has almost 47.5% women population. As women average role is domestic, female are not allow, even women does not like to work at outside of home. If they have any trend have to take occupation then it is due to financial problem they have. So a woman beside Gov & some intergovernmental organization does not find an environment of well paid, some future acceptance & to find the desire ends. If women don’t find an appropriate environment in economical earning, it is rationally to say they can’t achieve the decent standard of life. Other means to say just survival. Pakistani environment doesn’t able to provide this standard of women empowerment.
In disparate income women in Pakistan doesn’t provide broad environment to present their qualities in order to enhancement of creative task & self-capabilities. If women does not take a good opportunity of work she does not take a good opportunity of work she does not able to attend vital achievement, resultantly deprived from to taking effective socio-developmental capabilities, hence deprived to attend any kind of future development. Pakistan does not have this kind of rational environment for the life of women’s.

2) Lone Mother Household
In this kind of feminization poverty women fatally, accidentally deprived from male support in family. According to this feminization poverty, lack of male put women’s in huge trouble. One independent woman doesn’t find enough potential to counter social problem. The massive burden of economical bread earner, house holding, and child raring put women in lifelong outcry. Pakistan does not have any mechanism to maintain & balancing women life. Too much preach & wrong side of women empowerment depriving women’s from vital family life. Same situation exist due to ill institutes in women development.
One-woman find & get in this environment, women do not get out easily. Resultantly deprived from vitality nature of life.
Virtually women nationally to say find the time exhausting alone with losing decent life. Lonely women most of time also facing social, economical, mental, developmental, disorder. In all these matters Pakistan also have very limited environment & reacceptance in social setting.

3) Social & Cultural Exclusion
Pakistan is developing country in central Asia. As a male domain society, the environment, culture & religion provide limited areas for women to encouraging the occupational role. Women resultantly found very limited environment to enjoy occupational role, hence most of time remind high in poverty.

M Energy crisis in Pakistan
Energy crisis is not an old phenomenon for triggering poverty in Pakistan by its vast influence on the economic engine via effecting industries, production, and private marketing as well as more operational in the kind of rising prices of products. But after all this creating the massive level of poverty procedures by spreading the high prices of products in very little time. This rise effecting almost every segment of society.
M MOD in industry & its neglection in roadmap for economic development
Ministry of defense is one of sector, which is said to participating in defense measures.
Pakistan is the country that creating the WMD and Advance Arsenal for defense. One neglected field is to providing assistance on the producing the human used things. As government do not creating the massive level opportunities in Pakistan.

M Lack of policy initiatives in tribal & Backward areas
To unearthing the responsible road map for poverty in Pakistan it is pretty good to say the lack of valid initiatives are always absence in tribal areas where the lack resources found. The mature government always under considering all types of active initiatives to promote the tribal areas by involving them into national basic necessity fulfillments. Resultantly these areas find the leading poverty in deprived areas.
M Lack of rural infrastructure for rural population and its development
Rural areas are big part of Pakistan and deprived by the initiatives of government for the development of Pakistan. The population of rural areas relies on two kinds of economical measures. These are cultivation and looking the urban areas for jobs. No perfect structure gives to rural areas to improve their economical engine. The landlords are finely getting enough benefit through cultivation unlike the other key worker in rural areas. This capitalist system also generating level of polarization in rural areas.
M Political destabilization and unrest in country
Pakistan still facing the instability on its timeline after the independence. The all think tanks are fully active in providing planning and programs for warfare in inland and foreign countries. The Spy wars resultantly put Pakistan in massive insurgencies and there is great effect put on the national growth of Pakistan as well as on peoples of Pakistan. As far as the development is concerned Pakistan is full time affected by the GWOT and fighting with this issue waste most of wealth and health of country, as the result country do not take sustainable growth.
M Rapid population growth
Pakistan facing rapid population growth after 1970 to 2000.This active problem create massive growth compare to the resources, which are created for countering the population. This all done after the failure policy for the use of contraceptive in birth control. The policy was clearly rejected by peoples, so the result is unwanted as the government expecting from peoples. Hence the massive growth rate recorded.
M Relative causes
Some more potential causes in poverty found in the bodies in which any one want to participating. Every opportunity needs some fundamental requirements so, the one who match with the relevant position only find him self suited with the opportunity and take a job. In Pakistan due to non-relevant experience in specific position was a big challenge for the elimination of poverty. Poverty is one mega problem find in masses mostly in young generation when they are unable to match themselves with the relevant opportunities. Most influential causes are lack of technical training and non-relevant theoretical education.
The bonded labors in child do not let them free to take more education so the relatively deprived by enjoy good job or opportunities.
Finely the good title job need minimum bachelor level or high to attend desired opportunities. So most of time peoples deprived from opportunity when ever they unmatched with requirements and find relevant poverty measures.

Current situation an analysis

Pakistan country still proceeding from underdevelopment. Poverty always debated at national level but the core initiatives only taken by few state parties. Country found neglected thinking in process development to eliminating the poverty. The rational procedure is the one of neglected phenomenon. The most working field to eliminating the poverty only concentrating on to generating the government lone, government jobs & private works. Most of peoples looking abroad for enjoy well pay service. Alternative jobs provide by the multinational companies & the telecom sector. The government in different era takes several initiatives to eliminating the poverty by give emergency relief to the peoples. Most note able services, which were provided by government, are the vehicles service in transportation such as the Yellow Cab & other kind of vehicles program for educated persons. More programs
Government is not having sufficient revenue to run the gov system hence gov take lone from IMF. To fulfill its back delivery to IMF the government take more lone to sustain. So the government trapped into this foreign web.
In past histories Pakistan looks pretty well in promoting the economical services by export its products and generating the revenue.

The inflation rate in Pakistan was recorded at 8.30 percent in July of 2013. The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics reports Inflation Rate in Pakistan
Pakistan Inflation Rate averaged 8.03 Percent from 1957 until 2013, reaching an all time high of 37.81 Percent in December of 1973 and a record low of -10.32 Percent in February of 1959. In Pakistan, most important categories in the consumer price index are food and non-alcoholic beverages (35 percent of total weight); housing, water, electricity, gas and fuels (29 percent); clothing and footwear (8 percent) and transport (7 percent). The index also includes furnishings and household equipment (4 percent), education (4 percent), communication (3 percent) and health (2 percent). The remaining 8 percent is composed by: recreation and culture, restaurants and hotels, alcoholic beverages and tobacco and other goods and services.
According to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics 2013 the per capita income in Pakistan rise by $2.8 approximately 280 per head. Which is still considering as he low to take the human developmental process.
Inside country the poverty also effected by the lack of economical functionalism. Most of wealthy parties investing foreign countries or save in international saving and seal banks. Despite this the circle of economical is providing enough survival capacities in country.
Pakistan the country facing the high scarcity in national industry.
Pakistan still missing mega multi facilitating industry in Pakistan to generating the average use of products by its own and for exporting to other countries to earn the revenues.
Pakistan was several time spittle by the corruption as foundational element. The eliminating this issue no hard and medium way was developing. Placement of population is another problem to define the poverty in Pakistan. The enlightening scope of well pay and high facilitation of cities attracting peoples to come in cities and employing themselves there. Resultantly they do not find expected environment. Pakistan has no environment to give rapid opportunities in preexisting economical contexts.
High level of economical destabilization occur due to high level of terrorism in Pakistan. Resultantly Pakistani population and think tanks does not pay their attention on economical generation, hence peoples are still suffering from economical problems.


According to recent pyramid Pakistan still lined in high rate of young population (10 to 19) year old are ready after one decade for joining formally the occupations. The existing structure is non sufficient for dealing with the high proportion of population. Pakistan still facing huge level of occupational problem as most of population living in rural areas. The entire think tanks formally working on to developing the infrastructure unlike to developing the economical resources, which are maturing after dual time.
Pakistani economical environment also nourished by the limited lone service provided via national policy matters.
These all schemes only providing the benefits to the population that have enough resources after all duties.
The GDP increasing in some time but that was the matter to supporting only the upper upper class, over and over no benefit trend for the poorer classes. So the increasing GDP in past do not accelerating the per capita income & have no relation to benefiting the society.
Every province has its own economical beauty but in past no intellectual steps take place by the executive authorities to utilize & to arrange them in appropriate way to attend the maximum revenue for local population. Due to unpaid attention the provincial population tend to see other provinces and federal to get the job and occupational achievements.
In economical development the economical system also participating in the population development. Pakistan has capitalist system for running the social and economical order, so the economical problem face by the poor population at all. No measure had been taking by governments to maintain and providing the facilities to poor and middle classes. Most of job taker and business classes belong to middle where the poor have criteria to living in society. Poor always remind in the dogmatic funding and own economical achievements to survive.

Environmental Hurdles
The state Pakistan have good environment for its economical boom. Until good authorities and peoples use the environment itself are not well providing surplus and revenues.
Pakistan was neglected in the position to utilize its environment in righteous ways.

Types of initiatives taken by legal bodies
Wisely to say government had not paid it best of the best attention to eliminating the poverty in Pakistan have many-valued cause. Most notable causes are GWOT, War’s, destabilization and lack of creative manpower and potential. Same likely to this the government and the bodies of economical boom does not attend the millennium developmental goals hence resultantly deprive to provide and creating the beneficial environment for the masses.
The state government provides some basic ways to attend the goals and empowering poor peoples through short hand lone and grants. Similarly BAINZER INCOME SUPPORT PROGRAM also empowering the poor population. The (PMLn) government also starts some relief package for the educated youth by Cub Services & youth lone schemes. Despite the poverty also existing. The gap between poor and rich is getting wider day to day via issue of human survival and rights. The polarization of poverty also increasing day to day.

Paw way of poverty in Pakistan

Poverty in Pakistan is very significant phenomenon for the procedure of development. Poverty & its causes are widespread; consist on decades along neglecting & ill procedure in economical policies & intentional efforts to eliminating the poverty.
Pakistan needs one mega special department to eliminating the poverty. All national level poverty measures are taken into account to attend the poverty elimination & to build strong block to achieve the desired goals & to countering the poverty.
To attend the essential goals the poverty & its structure in very important.
According to “The Elizbethan Poor Law” 1601 distinguish three classes of the poor.
Able-Bodied Poor: According to this condition the people who have no work ultimate rely on begging. Other way to say professional beggars.
Impotent Poor: Unable to work due sick, disable, old & other kind of problem which are not support to take step toward join any kind of occupation.
Dependent Children:
Pakistan has massive environment of orphans, poor & special child & underage child.
Ideal Poor: In this way ideal poor nominating to those who get good environment of work along ability but do not working al all.
After examining the classes Pakistan have some cultural, structural, household, Religious & environment which playing potential role in poverty development.

Management of poverty in Pakistan
In ongoing situation Pakistan need one super management level of structure to eliminating the poverty & its elements in Pakistan.
To extend the strategy to eliminate poverty in Pakistan all types of geo-strategic check should be make in order to provide the necessary structure regarding issue.

Solution & Recommendation
Pakistan need one mega level policy to pursue, counter & eliminating poverty at macro to microstructure. Previous policies are not supporting poverty at all levels. But some segments are absence in due work. As poverty it self-creating poverty for further development.
This policy provides all necessary support for the programs & systems, which are functional in poverty issue. Implementation of this grand policy turn into function with federal organization or institute. Core ideology & premises will be.
The national level policy shall be build on the ideology and Idea “ To create advance opportunities and to functionally economical circle in masses, unlike to found the unemployment and than creating opportunities. This phenomenon unearthing in the most developing countries strategies.
Policy makes assure no leg remind between peoples & economical bread.
To end social poverty first in first phase than to eliminating physiological poverty in 2nd phase.
All basic human survival things are in the access of average working population.
The policy directs utilizing the resources found in material, natural or other kind of reserved & rust area of national treasures.
Policy make measures to eliminate gender poverty according to household situation by attend the religious and traditional aspects.
Policy takes intellectual step to reshape, eliminating, facilitating or correcting the Able-Bodied, Impotent Poor, Ideal Poor, and Dependent.
Important working areas of policy programs
Pakistan has its dual and multi environment for development and future oriented on structured strategic ideology.
After examining the socio-economical status of average population as well as the geo-ecological environment the future policies rely on the basis of following measures.
Pakistan foundry have good territorial environment but neglected by the goodness of policies. Most of poverty line attaches with the tribal and rural areas where majority of population is illiterate & non have technical support and facilities. Strong programs should be needed according to the tribal and rural environment & unique atmosphere of population. The best of the best resources for those areas are, Dairy, Ranching, Mines, Fruiting gardening, Tourism etc. Country has good demand of these sectors for inland & for foreign environment to attend the strong revenues. But the areas are neglected to arrange on well-structured & broad areas to attend the good population consumption.
After the scientific & planed policies on these areas can make almost average population to attend their economical setup along the supply of low cost items to average population. By arranging these sectors the poverty of tribal and specific provinces will be eliminated with in 1 decade with out jumping population on high qualification. This system provides instant relief to specific areas than led toward unique development that is not possible in long decades of existing system.

2) Pakistan needs one mega level Defense industry under legal body of MOD (Ministry of Defense). This mega project establish under MOD assistance, equipment, and technological & technical stuff. Industry can build on small working position and by the passage of time it can increase its products on demand of A to Z items. Future oriented vision of this company relies on following terms and legal conditions.
All recruitment’s consist on public levels.
Industry working at shares base, include unfixed share of government.
Government can increase and decreasing share quota of company.
There is fix limited of share investment of private investors.
All financial and security checks and company establishment work under MOD & Federal Mohtasib.
No FDI allow investing in company.

3) High rate of population increase is one of legendary issue in Pakistan. Pakistan had high birthrate compare to the opportunities the time line had created. Policy also creating the real environment of balance between the two sides. Major instruments are to propagating the family control programs on pills or family planning for long times in reproductive systems. Keenly to say if these programs are successfully enter into the lives of peoples than it can make massive benefits for population & country by doing not extraordinary work. It can also not effecting the growing marriages between couples.
4) The policy takes some intellectual steps to re-operate the rust areas of country. On the other hand policy make sure to create an environment of barter trade of country surplus by tactical strategy in exchange of country needs.
5) The policy takes one national strategy to investing with government by creating government public investment scheme. Through this scheme Pakistan take internal economical power to functioning its programs & via this channel Pakistan creating good environment for saving public economy by safe way & give them an appropriate reward.
6) Policy makes sure the strength of microeconomics via strengthen the individual on their sectors. Special initiatives are financial than to eliminating physical support. Pakistan is developing country & its peoples need good supportive program to regenerating their economical circle with good investment areas to earn. Government in history provides good support to the lower peoples but it is merely rely on transportation and some small business. New policy directly linked with the new mega industrial unit to promote its product in market and earning renews with new peoples. Hence the rust areas rebuild and providing the good support to countries programs.
7) New policy will establish new areas Pakistan has technological lankness than to eliminating this by own generating. All FDI should be allow on some sanction include the matter of religion, culture, and country massive interests.
8) Placement and adjustment of population creating massive burden on specific area to arrange its strategy to fulfill the population socio-economical needs. Pakistan have face most dense population in its industrial cities. So keep in view more peoples migrated toward these areas, hence creating more problems for pre population.
9) According to population pyramid Pakistan have dense population in young generation, have only literature education find very limited scope in economical system. Ironically to say Pakistan did not produce enough opportunities & foundational work for upcoming high rate of population. So policy needs to take high measure to fulfill this future gape.
10) Policy introducing new vision oriented gov lone for specific areas to investment which are keenly think is necessary in market as well as best to earn and feed back to gov. For young peoples this system has good effort to provide the basic necessities in economical generation.
11) Gov introducing new oriented industrial relation with abroad countries. By mutual agreement country surplus man power provided to economist countries that are participating to generating revenue.

*(There are some additional approaches are not mentioned)
*Spell problem also Added into mistakes.

As a student i share some of my work for the elimination of poverty in pakistan, i also post it in my university group and after very attention i develop this kind of work some months ago when i preparing for exams.
hope it will be very positive for Pakistan.
i also develop other papers when required i share...........

Poverty in Pakistan
Pakistan is developing country in south Asia & face inborn problem of poverty, resources, structure international & territorial wars, political crisis & military corruption in politics, worse condition in industrial & education, rise of corruption in almost every department can destabilizing and weakening country to push back at the survival level.
M Definition and Measurement of Poverty
The World Bank’s 2000 World Development Report defines poverty as an unacceptable deprivation in human well being that can comprise both physiological and social deprivation. Physiological deprivation involves the non-fulfillment of basic material or biological needs, including inadequate nutrition, health, education, and shelter. A person can be considered poor if he or she is unable to secure the goods and services to meet these basic material needs. The concept of physiological deprivation is thus closely related to, but can extend beyond, low monetary income and consumption levels. Social deprivation widens the concept of deprivation to include risk, vulnerability, lack of autonomy, powerlessness, and lack of self-respect. Given that countries’ definitions of deprivation often go beyond physiological deprivation and sometimes give greater weight to social deprivation, local populations (including poor communities) should be engaged in the dialogue that leads to the most appropriate definition of poverty in a country.
M The dilemma of poverty in Pakistan
Poverty in Pakistan now becoming the key channel for think tanks for to survive in every phase of life. It has been estimated that Pakistan is the country which have the proximate population round about 50% of Pakistan have hold living in poverty which less than 2$ per day.
Where the poverty think as the unmeet by solution on one side of think thanks where on the other side it more than numerous way to solving the problem.
Poverty in Pakistan itself not defined as lack of resources but keeping in view the Pakistan society it is also be estimated that Pakistan have enough resources to create an atmosphere have of decent live according to human’s capacities.
According to government 24% population live under poverty line.
In the post some time poverty facing some improved situation around at 1970.
Pakistan in agrarian society & almost 60% of population live in rural areas of the country. The entire living species rely on agro field. Very little population migrating toward cities for there desired life. So normally population divided into two parts.

M Rural population
M Urban or cities
M Rural & Urban population at working side
Rural population showing the high rate of population in Pakistan. The population in cities relies on the industries, government, private service, public business & the local private institutes. Compare to rural population the cities have more literacy rate. As the countries rely on traditional system, so the country has its specification for both gender as male & females. Normally the male role is breadwinner where the women’s adopt the domestic role at home. So the structure defines the male domain role on occupation. Very limited families in cities allow women to play their role in occupation.
M Potential Causes Behind Poverty In Pakistan
Pakistan by structural have two parts rural to urban integrative society network. Majority of Pakistan population signatory to say live in rural areas. Where every thing in urban or cities finds good facilities from A to Z categories.
It is universally accepted role that every segment of the world relies on economical system. Which is functional arrange the exchange & dealing system to achieve the economical end.
Pakistan by its differ economical situations has differ causes behind the poverty in masses. There are some Mega levels of causes, which are countries as the real factor behind poverty.
Poverty in society existing through the ways peoples adopting & do not adopting the methods to achieve the economical ends. Poverty is not the fate of life & also concerned with the movements of life. Virtually poverty by its potential increasing & decreasing through the timeline of individual and collective.
As the country is underdevelopment process there are numerous problem existing behind the poverty. First of all at, national level Pakistan facing several insurgencies at the birth. After this Pakistan also facing the internal insurgencies & conflicts, destabilize governments, military system & the poor policies in the institutional system & the poor policies in national development. So poverty is the biggest causes of inflation in Pakistan. So poverty is the neglecting of many basic facilities on the human life dependent.
Before to justifying the super causes behind the poverty in Pakistan, it is needed to explore the leading types of elemental causes existing around the world.

M Universally accepted from of poverty
At the 1601 Elizabethan Law distinguishing three classes of the poor that are nominating to call as,
· The impotent poor could not look after themselves or go to work. They included the ill, the infirm, the elderly, and children with no one to properly care for them. It was generally held that they should be looked after.
· The able-bodied poor normally referred to those who were unable to find work – either due to cyclical or long-term unemployment in the area, or a lack of skills. Attempts to assist these people, and move them out of this category, varied over the centuries, but usually consisted of relief either in the form of work or money.
· The idle poor were of able body but were unwilling to work. They were not considered deserving of poor relief.

M Super foundational factors behind poverty in Pakistan
M Inborn situation
Pakistan has some macro segmental proportion of population to examining the poverty. Poverty no matter is the consequence of multiply casual factor from human to geo-ecological environment in economical development. All these factors are the base of rising & existing the poverty in Pakistan. National policies are the matter of masses survival in Pakistan. Pakistan facing high level of internal & external insurgencies for to fulfillment of strategic ends in defense. Pakistan fought four fights behind Kashmir & Bangladesh issue.
Pakistan was found in critical condition in which ill equipment in survival creating massive problems.

M Poor policy
Policy is the ultimate foundation for national development. Any policy playing vital role in creating, Broadening & making future oriented foundation & structural establishment.
Pakistan truly to say always surviving in military environment but ironical to say facing lack of neutral policy making, so always gained specific task, on the other hand China & India found neutral environment, so they peaking the climax of economical development. Policy not only direct creating environment & destabilizing structure & future survival but through its vast scope & influence working in development as well as incline as hindrance of country development.
Pakistan by situational & studying analysis to say was in depth under the policies for participation in different development procedures. But due to neglection in foreign policy Pakistan found rapid & high insurgency at national development. Some environment destabilizing the government bureaucracies than the peace political & social environment.

M Internal Insurgencies & Poor Structure Of FDI
Due to recent destabilization almost every activity in FDI was affected, so entirely the international vanished beside some telecom & services, which are not utilization Pakistani land for developing their programs. In new ere of globalization almost every country at minimum level relies on the international economical & trade network to fulfill their mutual needs. Increasing insurgency can sabotage the FDI by creating massive terror environment. Security concerns stemming from the nation's role in the War on Terror have created great instability and led to a decline in Foreign Direct Investment from a height of approximately $8 bn to $3.5bn for the current fiscal year. So these all circumstances tacitly erasing the occupational opportunities from Pakistan.
One point here is sort out the government military establishment to not allow foreign investors to work in Pakistan in their mutual interests. But at the end Pakistan deprived from various development issues. So it the failure of policy to not allow foreign investors while sanctions & restriction policy existing.

M Utilizations of inland working able resources
Pakistan is the country always deprived by the future oriented policies in country interests through the mutual conflicts of army & politicians as well as between civilians itself. As the consequence of their problem most of Mega Level project do not fulfilled like most of Dam’s pending due to provincial controversial environment the policy maker are afraid to achieve their desired goal & some time neglecting the territorial resources & their utilization in the development of country.
Pakistan has vast scope of to utilize its natural tendencies to benefiting the masses. Pakistan by its territorial segment have differ resources, the most potential full areas are Balochistan, Punjab & KPK where others areas providing the lower services.
Keeping in view the Balochistan have natural in build mega resources in kind of mines, coal, gas, petroleum, gold, stone etc. But neutral leadership always deprived in province as well as facing insurgencies that are self-made work of Balochistan leadership & Armed Forces.
Same like KPK providing big supply in dairy, fruit farming, and sufficient space for dams, material for constructions etc. Punjab playing vital specific soil. Hence providing rice, flour, dairy, industry & mega level public services. Sindh provide industries & business environment for entire Pakistan.
Finely the new province of Gilgit-Batlistan providing the wood, fruit, tourism, dairy farming and other means to achieving the economical ends.
Hence every thing is going pretty well after the independence of Pakistan, but later lack of advance attention, which is paid, on the policy measures for the development of these areas. Non-sufficient attention had paid on the policy for sustainable development in specific territories.

M Adjustment & placement of population
Pakistan is one of famous country to providing variety of goods by its unique nature of location, facilities, capacities, ecological environment etc.
Density its self-creating various problem. When ever the population increasing than it also maximizing the issues behind it. Where other problem existing, at the spot delighting future & attractive environment catching the heat and minds of peoples, so they tend to move toward that area’s. So the existing population facing the problem of adjustment & placement hence, this specific area under invades of unemployment in Pakistan. This problem exists in Pakistan whenever the rapid urbanization and its attraction catch peoples toward migrating toward these areas & at the spot the population find no occupation.

M Gender poverty
Pakistan found as traditional country in south Asia on its provincial based environment. Every province has its own living standards so the working environment suiting the males as bread earner. Pakistan's population is 47.5% female and 52.5% male. The entire environment is very rare for males. UNIFEM describes it as "the burden of poverty borne by women, especially in developing countries". This concept is not only a consequence of lack of income, but is also the result of the deprivation of capabilities and gender biases present in both societies and governments. This includes the poverty of choices and opportunities, such as the ability to lead a long, healthy, and creative life, and enjoy basic rights like freedom, respect, and dignity.
The feminization of poverty
Women’s increasing share of poverty is related to the rising incidence of lone mother households. The term feminization of poverty itself is controversial and has been defined in many different ways. In 1978, Diana Pearce coined the term, “the feminization of poverty” after doing much research and seeing how many women struggled with poverty within the United States, as well as globally. Compare to male the female’s empowerment give them chance to put them selves in working side. As the country has no atmosphere for women to enjoy their occupational role due to their future life depends on the role they have take. Very limited fields the society allows them to join as occupation by keep their family life. It has been seen in the pre American history where the women think best in house hold service, the same environment Pakistan has found. The women has limited environment which are suiting their gender existing so those women has no earning resources push them selves to join any occupation. Due to male domain society women are not allow to join any extra liberal environment and those do this deprived from their family life equal to waste of life. This phenomenon existing in most educated classes too. It is big failures of pre policy makers which are not open the reliable door to occupation for women’s.
Especially the future able environment, due to these issue most of wise families don’t allow women in open occupational environment & prefer to join the household job. The female environment, which are most suiting and give family future life found in the fields of teaching, medical, house based crafts & works, army services. In these fields the limited scope found which allow reaccepting women as family services.
According to feminization of poverty Pakistan too found very critical situation for women.

1) Disparate Income
Pakistan is the country that has almost 47.5% women population. As women average role is domestic, female are not allow, even women does not like to work at outside of home. If they have any trend have to take occupation then it is due to financial problem they have. So a woman beside Gov & some intergovernmental organization does not find an environment of well paid, some future acceptance & to find the desire ends. If women don’t find an appropriate environment in economical earning, it is rationally to say they can’t achieve the decent standard of life. Other means to say just survival. Pakistani environment doesn’t able to provide this standard of women empowerment.
In disparate income women in Pakistan doesn’t provide broad environment to present their qualities in order to enhancement of creative task & self-capabilities. If women does not take a good opportunity of work she does not take a good opportunity of work she does not able to attend vital achievement, resultantly deprived from to taking effective socio-developmental capabilities, hence deprived to attend any kind of future development. Pakistan does not have this kind of rational environment for the life of women’s.

2) Lone Mother Household
In this kind of feminization poverty women fatally, accidentally deprived from male support in family. According to this feminization poverty, lack of male put women’s in huge trouble. One independent woman doesn’t find enough potential to counter social problem. The massive burden of economical bread earner, house holding, and child raring put women in lifelong outcry. Pakistan does not have any mechanism to maintain & balancing women life. Too much preach & wrong side of women empowerment depriving women’s from vital family life. Same situation exist due to ill institutes in women development.
One-woman find & get in this environment, women do not get out easily. Resultantly deprived from vitality nature of life.
Virtually women nationally to say find the time exhausting alone with losing decent life. Lonely women most of time also facing social, economical, mental, developmental, disorder. In all these matters Pakistan also have very limited environment & reacceptance in social setting.

3) Social & Cultural Exclusion
Pakistan is developing country in central Asia. As a male domain society, the environment, culture & religion provide limited areas for women to encouraging the occupational role. Women resultantly found very limited environment to enjoy occupational role, hence most of time remind high in poverty.

M Energy crisis in Pakistan
Energy crisis is not an old phenomenon for triggering poverty in Pakistan by its vast influence on the economic engine via effecting industries, production, and private marketing as well as more operational in the kind of rising prices of products. But after all this creating the massive level of poverty procedures by spreading the high prices of products in very little time. This rise effecting almost every segment of society.
M MOD in industry & its neglection in roadmap for economic development
Ministry of defense is one of sector, which is said to participating in defense measures.
Pakistan is the country that creating the WMD and Advance Arsenal for defense. One neglected field is to providing assistance on the producing the human used things. As government do not creating the massive level opportunities in Pakistan.

M Lack of policy initiatives in tribal & Backward areas
To unearthing the responsible road map for poverty in Pakistan it is pretty good to say the lack of valid initiatives are always absence in tribal areas where the lack resources found. The mature government always under considering all types of active initiatives to promote the tribal areas by involving them into national basic necessity fulfillments. Resultantly these areas find the leading poverty in deprived areas.
M Lack of rural infrastructure for rural population and its development
Rural areas are big part of Pakistan and deprived by the initiatives of government for the development of Pakistan. The population of rural areas relies on two kinds of economical measures. These are cultivation and looking the urban areas for jobs. No perfect structure gives to rural areas to improve their economical engine. The landlords are finely getting enough benefit through cultivation unlike the other key worker in rural areas. This capitalist system also generating level of polarization in rural areas.
M Political destabilization and unrest in country
Pakistan still facing the instability on its timeline after the independence. The all think tanks are fully active in providing planning and programs for warfare in inland and foreign countries. The Spy wars resultantly put Pakistan in massive insurgencies and there is great effect put on the national growth of Pakistan as well as on peoples of Pakistan. As far as the development is concerned Pakistan is full time affected by the GWOT and fighting with this issue waste most of wealth and health of country, as the result country do not take sustainable growth.
M Rapid population growth
Pakistan facing rapid population growth after 1970 to 2000.This active problem create massive growth compare to the resources, which are created for countering the population. This all done after the failure policy for the use of contraceptive in birth control. The policy was clearly rejected by peoples, so the result is unwanted as the government expecting from peoples. Hence the massive growth rate recorded.
M Relative causes
Some more potential causes in poverty found in the bodies in which any one want to participating. Every opportunity needs some fundamental requirements so, the one who match with the relevant position only find him self suited with the opportunity and take a job. In Pakistan due to non-relevant experience in specific position was a big challenge for the elimination of poverty. Poverty is one mega problem find in masses mostly in young generation when they are unable to match themselves with the relevant opportunities. Most influential causes are lack of technical training and non-relevant theoretical education.
The bonded labors in child do not let them free to take more education so the relatively deprived by enjoy good job or opportunities.
Finely the good title job need minimum bachelor level or high to attend desired opportunities. So most of time peoples deprived from opportunity when ever they unmatched with requirements and find relevant poverty measures.

Current situation an analysis

Pakistan country still proceeding from underdevelopment. Poverty always debated at national level but the core initiatives only taken by few state parties. Country found neglected thinking in process development to eliminating the poverty. The rational procedure is the one of neglected phenomenon. The most working field to eliminating the poverty only concentrating on to generating the government lone, government jobs & private works. Most of peoples looking abroad for enjoy well pay service. Alternative jobs provide by the multinational companies & the telecom sector. The government in different era takes several initiatives to eliminating the poverty by give emergency relief to the peoples. Most note able services, which were provided by government, are the vehicles service in transportation such as the Yellow Cab & other kind of vehicles program for educated persons. More programs
Government is not having sufficient revenue to run the gov system hence gov take lone from IMF. To fulfill its back delivery to IMF the government take more lone to sustain. So the government trapped into this foreign web.
In past histories Pakistan looks pretty well in promoting the economical services by export its products and generating the revenue.

The inflation rate in Pakistan was recorded at 8.30 percent in July of 2013. The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics reports Inflation Rate in Pakistan
Pakistan Inflation Rate averaged 8.03 Percent from 1957 until 2013, reaching an all time high of 37.81 Percent in December of 1973 and a record low of -10.32 Percent in February of 1959. In Pakistan, most important categories in the consumer price index are food and non-alcoholic beverages (35 percent of total weight); housing, water, electricity, gas and fuels (29 percent); clothing and footwear (8 percent) and transport (7 percent). The index also includes furnishings and household equipment (4 percent), education (4 percent), communication (3 percent) and health (2 percent). The remaining 8 percent is composed by: recreation and culture, restaurants and hotels, alcoholic beverages and tobacco and other goods and services.
According to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics 2013 the per capita income in Pakistan rise by $2.8 approximately 280 per head. Which is still considering as he low to take the human developmental process.
Inside country the poverty also effected by the lack of economical functionalism. Most of wealthy parties investing foreign countries or save in international saving and seal banks. Despite this the circle of economical is providing enough survival capacities in country.
Pakistan the country facing the high scarcity in national industry.
Pakistan still missing mega multi facilitating industry in Pakistan to generating the average use of products by its own and for exporting to other countries to earn the revenues.
Pakistan was several time spittle by the corruption as foundational element. The eliminating this issue no hard and medium way was developing. Placement of population is another problem to define the poverty in Pakistan. The enlightening scope of well pay and high facilitation of cities attracting peoples to come in cities and employing themselves there. Resultantly they do not find expected environment. Pakistan has no environment to give rapid opportunities in preexisting economical contexts.
High level of economical destabilization occur due to high level of terrorism in Pakistan. Resultantly Pakistani population and think tanks does not pay their attention on economical generation, hence peoples are still suffering from economical problems.


According to recent pyramid Pakistan still lined in high rate of young population (10 to 19) year old are ready after one decade for joining formally the occupations. The existing structure is non sufficient for dealing with the high proportion of population. Pakistan still facing huge level of occupational problem as most of population living in rural areas. The entire think tanks formally working on to developing the infrastructure unlike to developing the economical resources, which are maturing after dual time.
Pakistani economical environment also nourished by the limited lone service provided via national policy matters.
These all schemes only providing the benefits to the population that have enough resources after all duties.
The GDP increasing in some time but that was the matter to supporting only the upper upper class, over and over no benefit trend for the poorer classes. So the increasing GDP in past do not accelerating the per capita income & have no relation to benefiting the society.
Every province has its own economical beauty but in past no intellectual steps take place by the executive authorities to utilize & to arrange them in appropriate way to attend the maximum revenue for local population. Due to unpaid attention the provincial population tend to see other provinces and federal to get the job and occupational achievements.
In economical development the economical system also participating in the population development. Pakistan has capitalist system for running the social and economical order, so the economical problem face by the poor population at all. No measure had been taking by governments to maintain and providing the facilities to poor and middle classes. Most of job taker and business classes belong to middle where the poor have criteria to living in society. Poor always remind in the dogmatic funding and own economical achievements to survive.

Environmental Hurdles
The state Pakistan have good environment for its economical boom. Until good authorities and peoples use the environment itself are not well providing surplus and revenues.
Pakistan was neglected in the position to utilize its environment in righteous ways.

Types of initiatives taken by legal bodies
Wisely to say government had not paid it best of the best attention to eliminating the poverty in Pakistan have many-valued cause. Most notable causes are GWOT, War’s, destabilization and lack of creative manpower and potential. Same likely to this the government and the bodies of economical boom does not attend the millennium developmental goals hence resultantly deprive to provide and creating the beneficial environment for the masses.
The state government provides some basic ways to attend the goals and empowering poor peoples through short hand lone and grants. Similarly BAINZER INCOME SUPPORT PROGRAM also empowering the poor population. The (PMLn) government also starts some relief package for the educated youth by Cub Services & youth lone schemes. Despite the poverty also existing. The gap between poor and rich is getting wider day to day via issue of human survival and rights. The polarization of poverty also increasing day to day.

Paw way of poverty in Pakistan

Poverty in Pakistan is very significant phenomenon for the procedure of development. Poverty & its causes are widespread; consist on decades along neglecting & ill procedure in economical policies & intentional efforts to eliminating the poverty.
Pakistan needs one mega special department to eliminating the poverty. All national level poverty measures are taken into account to attend the poverty elimination & to build strong block to achieve the desired goals & to countering the poverty.
To attend the essential goals the poverty & its structure in very important.
According to “The Elizbethan Poor Law” 1601 distinguish three classes of the poor.
Able-Bodied Poor: According to this condition the people who have no work ultimate rely on begging. Other way to say professional beggars.
Impotent Poor: Unable to work due sick, disable, old & other kind of problem which are not support to take step toward join any kind of occupation.
Dependent Children:
Pakistan has massive environment of orphans, poor & special child & underage child.
Ideal Poor: In this way ideal poor nominating to those who get good environment of work along ability but do not working al all.
After examining the classes Pakistan have some cultural, structural, household, Religious & environment which playing potential role in poverty development.

Management of poverty in Pakistan
In ongoing situation Pakistan need one super management level of structure to eliminating the poverty & its elements in Pakistan.
To extend the strategy to eliminate poverty in Pakistan all types of geo-strategic check should be make in order to provide the necessary structure regarding issue.

Solution & Recommendation
Pakistan need one mega level policy to pursue, counter & eliminating poverty at macro to microstructure. Previous policies are not supporting poverty at all levels. But some segments are absence in due work. As poverty it self-creating poverty for further development.
This policy provides all necessary support for the programs & systems, which are functional in poverty issue. Implementation of this grand policy turn into function with federal organization or institute. Core ideology & premises will be.
The national level policy shall be build on the ideology and Idea “ To create advance opportunities and to functionally economical circle in masses, unlike to found the unemployment and than creating opportunities. This phenomenon unearthing in the most developing countries strategies.
Policy makes assure no leg remind between peoples & economical bread.
To end social poverty first in first phase than to eliminating physiological poverty in 2nd phase.
All basic human survival things are in the access of average working population.
The policy directs utilizing the resources found in material, natural or other kind of reserved & rust area of national treasures.
Policy make measures to eliminate gender poverty according to household situation by attend the religious and traditional aspects.
Policy takes intellectual step to reshape, eliminating, facilitating or correcting the Able-Bodied, Impotent Poor, Ideal Poor, and Dependent.
Important working areas of policy programs
Pakistan has its dual and multi environment for development and future oriented on structured strategic ideology.
After examining the socio-economical status of average population as well as the geo-ecological environment the future policies rely on the basis of following measures.
Pakistan foundry have good territorial environment but neglected by the goodness of policies. Most of poverty line attaches with the tribal and rural areas where majority of population is illiterate & non have technical support and facilities. Strong programs should be needed according to the tribal and rural environment & unique atmosphere of population. The best of the best resources for those areas are, Dairy, Ranching, Mines, Fruiting gardening, Tourism etc. Country has good demand of these sectors for inland & for foreign environment to attend the strong revenues. But the areas are neglected to arrange on well-structured & broad areas to attend the good population consumption.
After the scientific & planed policies on these areas can make almost average population to attend their economical setup along the supply of low cost items to average population. By arranging these sectors the poverty of tribal and specific provinces will be eliminated with in 1 decade with out jumping population on high qualification. This system provides instant relief to specific areas than led toward unique development that is not possible in long decades of existing system.

2) Pakistan needs one mega level Defense industry under legal body of MOD (Ministry of Defense). This mega project establish under MOD assistance, equipment, and technological & technical stuff. Industry can build on small working position and by the passage of time it can increase its products on demand of A to Z items. Future oriented vision of this company relies on following terms and legal conditions.
All recruitment’s consist on public levels.
Industry working at shares base, include unfixed share of government.
Government can increase and decreasing share quota of company.
There is fix limited of share investment of private investors.
All financial and security checks and company establishment work under MOD & Federal Mohtasib.
No FDI allow investing in company.

3) High rate of population increase is one of legendary issue in Pakistan. Pakistan had high birthrate compare to the opportunities the time line had created. Policy also creating the real environment of balance between the two sides. Major instruments are to propagating the family control programs on pills or family planning for long times in reproductive systems. Keenly to say if these programs are successfully enter into the lives of peoples than it can make massive benefits for population & country by doing not extraordinary work. It can also not effecting the growing marriages between couples.
4) The policy takes some intellectual steps to re-operate the rust areas of country. On the other hand policy make sure to create an environment of barter trade of country surplus by tactical strategy in exchange of country needs.
5) The policy takes one national strategy to investing with government by creating government public investment scheme. Through this scheme Pakistan take internal economical power to functioning its programs & via this channel Pakistan creating good environment for saving public economy by safe way & give them an appropriate reward.
6) Policy makes sure the strength of microeconomics via strengthen the individual on their sectors. Special initiatives are financial than to eliminating physical support. Pakistan is developing country & its peoples need good supportive program to regenerating their economical circle with good investment areas to earn. Government in history provides good support to the lower peoples but it is merely rely on transportation and some small business. New policy directly linked with the new mega industrial unit to promote its product in market and earning renews with new peoples. Hence the rust areas rebuild and providing the good support to countries programs.
7) New policy will establish new areas Pakistan has technological lankness than to eliminating this by own generating. All FDI should be allow on some sanction include the matter of religion, culture, and country massive interests.
8) Placement and adjustment of population creating massive burden on specific area to arrange its strategy to fulfill the population socio-economical needs. Pakistan have face most dense population in its industrial cities. So keep in view more peoples migrated toward these areas, hence creating more problems for pre population.
9) According to population pyramid Pakistan have dense population in young generation, have only literature education find very limited scope in economical system. Ironically to say Pakistan did not produce enough opportunities & foundational work for upcoming high rate of population. So policy needs to take high measure to fulfill this future gape.
10) Policy introducing new vision oriented gov lone for specific areas to investment which are keenly think is necessary in market as well as best to earn and feed back to gov. For young peoples this system has good effort to provide the basic necessities in economical generation.
11) Gov introducing new oriented industrial relation with abroad countries. By mutual agreement country surplus man power provided to economist countries that are participating to generating revenue.

*(There are some additional approaches are not mentioned)
*Spell problem also Added into mistakes.

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