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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.


Just curious, who do you support?

If you are neutral, then why are you not bashing N and PPP and others (Diesel etc) as you are bashing PTI and PAT?
any update today?

did not watch any news or talk shows as getting fed up with same boring speeches and big talks every day

I don't mean to be rude, but leaving Pakistani matters for Pakistanis to discuss would be a reasonable thing to do. Your understanding of our issues is primitive and that of an outsider. We are already outraged at your country's blatent interference in our internal matters, nor we appreciate Americans telling us what to do.

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IDPs protest PTI, PAT indifference to their plight in Bannu
By Our Correspondent / Web Desk
Published: August 22, 2014
BANNU: Internally displaced persons of North Waziristan staged a protest in Bannu on Friday against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan and Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) chief Dr Tahirul Qadri for hijacking media attention towards their protests in Islamabad.

IDPs in Bannu took out a protest rally from Milad Park, Bannu City and marched through various districts to the Bannu Press Club. The protesters held placards which were inscribed with slogans against K-P government, Imran Khan and Dr Tahirul Qadri.

Led by North Wazirstan Affected People Committee president Nisar Ali Khan, the protesters said that PTI and PAT had occupied Islamabad and started a sit-in for an indefinite time and that the move was hiding problems of the IDPs from the world. They termed sit-ins by both leaders as a drama.

The protesters demanded that the PTI chairman should remove ‘Khan’ from his name because he was not representing their interests. They argued that if he was a leader representing them, he would have been there with the IDPs rather than dancing and singing with a mob in Islamabad.
The speakers further claimed that relief items that were dispatched for the IDPs were being sold in the market openly.

Further, the IDPs claimed that they were being evicted from government schools without providing an alternate residence, and that they were being provided substandard food items. They claimed they were being fleeced for their domiciles and identity cards.

PM asks K-P governor to provide every possible facility to IDPs

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Friday asked Governor Khyber-Pakhtunkhawa (K-P) to provide every possible facility to the internally displaced persons (IDPs), Radio Pakistanreported.

Chairing a high level meeting with Governor House in Peshawar regarding the Lowari Tunnel and situation of IDPs, the prime minister was briefed about the facilities being provided to the IDPs.

The premier said that rehabilitation of IDPs was their top priority.
jasmeen manzoor ‏@jasmeenmanzoor 2m
DG ISI Gen Zaheer will be removed close
jasmeen manzoor ‏@jasmeenmanzoor 2m
That was asked by the govt but won't be happening

@Oscar @Aeronaut @Chak Bamu @Emmie @Irfan Baloch
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@Chak Bamu

1: Why can't State Department STFU and leave our matters to us?

2: The people rallying for Nawaz Sharif today are Pakistan's ISIS. Go to their official facebook page and see it for yourself. Guys who waged a war on the Pakistani state, killed our soldiers, and named a 'liabrary' after Bin Laden are supporting the PM America is also supporting.

If anyone gets killed in Jhang by Nawaz Sharif's Salfi dogs, the responsibility will lie with him.

As per my news, his paltoo dogs are getting reorganized in the town. If it hits the fan in Jhang, it will make Quetta look like Zurich.
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IDPs protest PTI, PAT indifference to their plight in Bannu
By Our Correspondent / Web Desk
Published: August 22, 2014
BANNU: Internally displaced persons of North Waziristan staged a protest in Bannu on Friday against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan and Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) chief Dr Tahirul Qadri for hijacking media attention towards their protests in Islamabad.

IDPs in Bannu took out a protest rally from Milad Park, Bannu City and marched through various districts to the Bannu Press Club. The protesters held placards which were inscribed with slogans against K-P government, Imran Khan and Dr Tahirul Qadri.

Led by North Wazirstan Affected People Committee president Nisar Ali Khan, the protesters said that PTI and PAT had occupied Islamabad and started a sit-in for an indefinite time and that the move was hiding problems of the IDPs from the world. They termed sit-ins by both leaders as a drama.

The protesters demanded that the PTI chairman should remove ‘Khan’ from his name because he was not representing their interests. They argued that if he was a leader representing them, he would have been there with the IDPs rather than dancing and singing with a mob in Islamabad.
The speakers further claimed that relief items that were dispatched for the IDPs were being sold in the market openly.

Further, the IDPs claimed that they were being evicted from government schools without providing an alternate residence, and that they were being provided substandard food items. They claimed they were being fleeced for their domiciles and identity cards.

PM asks K-P governor to provide every possible facility to IDPs

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Friday asked Governor Khyber-Pakhtunkhawa (K-P) to provide every possible facility to the internally displaced persons (IDPs), Radio Pakistanreported.

Chairing a high level meeting with Governor House in Peshawar regarding the Lowari Tunnel and situation of IDPs, the prime minister was briefed about the facilities being provided to the IDPs.

The premier said that rehabilitation of IDPs was their top priority.
jasmeen manzoor ‏@jasmeenmanzoor 2m
DG ISI Gen Zaheer will be removed close
jasmeen manzoor ‏@jasmeenmanzoor 2m
That was asked by the govt but won't be happening

@Oscar @Aeronaut @Chak Bamu @Emmie @Irfan Baloch

This can really hurt imran khan. Its govt responsibility too but also KPK whose very CM is not present there. Imran must tell khattak to cut the crap and go to KPK and run the province. It needs their attention now more then ever with rains,opposition and the plight of the IDPs. Imran is making a mistake by not playing two hand. One the dharna and the other running KPK. It wont be long before his naysayers will use this as an ammunition to attack him. He is making it too easy.
If any coup is about to happen then, this constitution will be gone!
& then we will get a new constitution!

The "COUPE" you, your leader and the 20K clowns on the street are waiting for....ain't coming. The direction of the wind is entirely different compared to the direction of the little Cesna the IK is flying.
Plus, the constitution will not be "gone", every party agrees with it besides the 20K clowns dancing on the street so that's what people will reinstate if there was to be a coupe. But when the constitution gets reinstated......another COAS will then be tried for TREASON. I don't think your military is exactly ready for it. I've heard from a few birdies
Anybody watch ch. Nisar's press conference earlier?
@Chak Bamu

1: Why can't State Department STFU and leave our matters to us?

2: The people rallying for Nawaz Sharif today are Pakistan's ISIS. Go to their official facebook page and see it for yourself. Guys who waged a war on the Pakistani state, killed our soldiers, and named a 'liabrary' after Bin Laden are supporting the PM America is also supporting.

If anyone gets killed in Jhang by Nawaz Sharif's Salfi dogs, the responsibility will lie with him.

As per my news, his paltoo dogs are getting reorganized in the town. If it hits the fan in Jhang, it will make Quetta look like Zurich.

I have to admit, never seen your post coming across this angry.
1) The State Dept and every other government is concerned about a nuclear armed country potentially having a vaccum of power and Civil Unrest. Let's see....IK brought 20K people....what if everyone else gets piss*ed off and starts to bring their 20K or 100K to Islamabad? They have a right too RIGHT? So....Civil War and in a fragile nuclear country....imagine a leader like IK who can't make ONE statement for more than an hour, then entirely takes a U turn.....so how do you trust someone who's like a pendulum , moving one side to the entirely opposite side all the times?
Plus, the same State Department is the donor of the most expensive military equipment to the Pak Military. They have a right. At the end of the day, it is THEIR JOB to go tell Congress and the American tax payers as to why they want to issue more weapons to Pakistan. Sooner or later, they won't be able to if your country keeps going towards radicalization and that's ALL happened in Military regime's times or under Mullah's running maddrassas.
If Pakistan was to be like Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Dubai, etc....I don't think the State Department has to get into it as you guys are managing your business. But if you don't and things become threatening to many others....the Stake Holders will speak up and say something.
2) Everyone's dogs are getting re-organized Aero. That's the issue here. If IK thinks he can topple the government, then there are much bigger alligators in the ocean called Pakstan. What stops them to bring their dogs in the fight? It'll just turn into a Civil War.
The military may use behind the scene force. But it will NEVER do coupe, as you do that, another crazy politician will actually bring a million people to Islamabad and attack the military. The military can NEVER fight a million or more of its own citizens. It'll be over.
So respectfully, IK and the clowns dancing, need to stop the concert and the musicals and pack up and go back with some face saving negotiations so that the life can go back to normal. Otherwise, it'll be A LOT of dogs in ONE fight and the fight will break, resulting in breaking Pakistan. This is for real. You can't bring your dogs out to bite others but complain about it when their dogs are getting ready for it. This needs to end peacefully and rather quickly. IK and his team has the entire responsibility to end it as the other party's been reaching out.
@Chak Bamu

1: Why can't State Department STFU and leave our matters to us?

2: The people rallying for Nawaz Sharif today are Pakistan's ISIS. Go to their official facebook page and see it for yourself. Guys who waged a war on the Pakistani state, killed our soldiers, and named a 'liabrary' after Bin Laden are supporting the PM America is also supporting.

First, State Department has an opinion about EVERY place under the sun. They are not expected to just say that they do not know or do not care or do not wish to comment. That would be a negation of USA's hegemonic status. USA even sometimes says a word or two about Kashmir. Do be consistent and condemn that too.

Second, I know that you are talking about ASWJ people. Their opposition to dharna politics has more to do with opposition to participants, not any ideological alignment with PML-N. I can quote more of Ludhianvi's tweets that condemn government for allowing PAT and MWM to continue with their antics, if you wish.

If anyone from Lal Masjid condemns TuQ or MWM, would that make NS a supporter of Lal Masjid? Where would be any sense in that? Similarly, if ASWJ comes out against Tuq & MWM, that does not make them a supporter of NS. And even if I were to lean upon my imagination and allow that ASWJ is indeed supporting PML-N, how does that make PML-N complicit?

It would be pertinent to note that PTI's performance in KPK had something to do with Taliban's terror campaign against PPP and ANP, who lost 100+ political workers before elections. If I were to make an issue out of it, I would be justified in saying that TTP was involved in PRE-poll rigging on behalf of PTI. Now before you decide to blame me, I would like to point out that my case is much stronger than yours, and yet I know better than to say this about PTI. But you and Hyperion have no compunction in making allegations against PML-N based on absolutely no evidence.

I do wish you would drop this. You made a non-existent connection to support PTI, and you should realize that it is not tenable. It is in fact counter-productive because PTI has to answer such allegations itself, based on actual evidence. They did receive support from TTP which killed their political opponents who could not conduct an effective campaign. Would you say that IK & PTI were complicit with TTP. This is what you are saying about PML-N, is it not?

People abuse IK by pointing out his lack of criticism of TTP and speculate about his reasons. You & I do not like this. You have banned people because they used the 'T' word for IK. Now just turn this around and apply the same principles to yourself.

Please do say why i shouldn't be outraged over a neocolonialist stance on the behalf of the US?

I, understand your views are motivated by your own country's foreign interests, which is imagineable, since i would be defending a puppet, if we had one in lets say India.

Today he brought out his final dagger on the street. The Pakistani ISIS of lal masjid. Islamofascist terrorists who have the blood of my brothers in uniform on their hands.

When both America and Al-Qaeda are supporting the same prime minister, something is clearly wrong.

I swear by the God Almighty, if i had the reigns of power today, these terrorist traitors of lal masjid would be marching in gas chambers.

@Chak Bamu

I fare from Jhang, therefore i know much more about ASWJ aka Sipah e Sahaba, aka Lashkar e Jhangvi, aka Azam Tariq group, aka Harkat-ul-Jihad than all of this forum COMBINED!

The very fact that your are presenting Ludhiyanvi (who is my dad's classmate friend'n therefore ive met him) as a reasonable commentator, says how primitive your undestanding is about these people marching for Nawaz while chanting Shia kafir, Shia kafir along the way.

If you being a seemingly educated guy wants a Pakistan of this sort than i have no hope for optimism.
@Chak Bamu

I fare from Jhang, therefore i know much more about ASWJ aka Sipah e Sahaba, aka Lashkar e Jhangvi, aka Azam Tariq group, aka Harkat-ul-Jihad than all of this forum COMBINED!

The very fact that your are presenting Ludhiyanvi (who is my dad's classmate friend'n therefore ive met him) as a reasonable commentator, says how primitive your undestanding is about these people marching for Nawaz while chanting Shia kafir, Shia kafir along the way.

If you being a seemingly educated guy wants a Pakistan of this sort than i have no hope for optimism.

Aeronaut, I am most certainly, most definitely, NOT making Ludhianavi out to be a reasonable person. Do not put words of your choice in my mouth. You should know better than to do that.

I mentioned his tweets to make a point which you have not addressed. You instead have chosen to shoot the messenger in an indirect way.

@WebMaster, @Oscar , @Emmie , @fulcrum

If anyone taking a stand against this civil fascist system where a suo moto is taken against two whores, one for carrying alcohol through an airport and second for videographing herself while she was getting drilled which later ended up on the internet, but no suo moto is taken against 14 unarmed Pakistani civilians butchered by the state in cold blood, at point blank range, including pregnant women, is too much for you to comprehend than Stop reading my posts and stop asking silly questions. Its that simple.
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