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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

Yes, several of you had mentioned behind the scene forces. I just could not believe those forces would be THAT dumb! Imran and his party have already lost on the streets and in the media and in this forum. The forces allied against him range from his own coalition partners to the combined parties of Pakistan which include PPP+PMLN. The superior judiciary--which Imran himself fought for the restoration--is simply not going to rule another 'Doctrine of Necessity'. And yet..and yet if the security establishment can't see the anarchy coming to Pakistan then, truly, Pakistan ka Khuda hi Hafiz! There has NEVER been as much consesus against a coup as now!

And as I said before, all claims of "new thinking" are simply hogwash, given that Einstein's definition of insanity applies to Pakistan more now than ever before.

And remember that "those whom the Gods wish to destroy, first they make mad". What is going on is nothing less than madness.
Haha. But honestly, the police is sick and tired of NS's attitude. It wasn't really a big surprise for me.
And as I said before, all claims of "new thinking" are simply hogwash, given that Einstein's definition of insanity applies to Pakistan more now than ever before.

And remember that "those whom the Gods wish to destroy, first they make mad". What is going on is nothing less than madness.

All of Pakistan's coups and even military backed transitions had significant number of people welcoming that. This one is unique in the sense that the lone coalition partner of PTI doesn't want a change through street protests. A coup--even an indirect one-- will not be tolerated by the media, the politicians, the judiciary and indeed the majority of the Awam.
This picture clearly reflects the level of Supreme Court
All of Pakistan's coups and even military backed transitions had significant number of people welcoming that. This one is unique in the sense that the lone coalition partner of PTI doesn't want a change through street protests. A coup--even an indirect one-- will not be tolerated by the media, the politicians, the judiciary and indeed the majority of the Awam.

It all depends on whether NS learns his place as dictated to him or not.
Imran khans dates are starting to really get on my nerves. 14 august azadi hogi,17 august azadi hogi,20 august we will celebrate azadi and then on 23rd umpire will give him out. Seriously either stick to the dates or just dont give them,.
Imran khans dates are starting to really get on my nerves. 14 august azadi hogi,17 august azadi hogi,20 august we will celebrate azadi and then on 23rd umpire will give him out. Seriously either stick to the dates or just dont give them,.

I am sure you have figured out that--just like his NS Heart Attack excuse yesterday--he is just making up as he goes. The ONLY path left for him is the path through the Khakhis; he is buying time. And his legislators in KP Assembly are also waiting out to see which way the wind blows.
I am sure you have figured out that--just like his NS Heart Attack excuse yesterday--he is just making up as he goes. The ONLY path left for him is the path through the Khakhis; he is buying time. And his legislators in KP Assembly are also waiting out to see which way the wind blows.

While today due to storm 5 more people died with 12 injuries in KPK. the province is left un-attended and i am starting to think that he will get violent if the situation doesnt pan out the way he wants it too.
While today due to storm 5 more people died with 12 injuries in KPK. the province is left un-attended and i am starting to think that he will get violent if the situation doesnt pan out the way he wants it too.

Read what @orangzaib and @iPhone have been saing about Imran Khan lately.
T Khan getting desperate, people are going back to their homes.
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