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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

And once and if things get better under IK, he might even snag most of the nawaz/ppp supporters. Though the people who love living in hunger, loadshedding, bribery , and sub human conditions might be very angry...
and IK will bring allahdin lamp and all these problems mentioned above will disappeared over night lol what happened to his promises in KPK? Has it became any better than other provinces under imran leadership? People look for practical work more than making fake and unrealistic promises
With this action govt is looking for th army- protesters clash & then to put the blame of its political failure on both?
It won't happen, people's of pakistan love Thier army, they will never clash with it?
& pakarmy is just there to save , the embassies nothing to do with the protestor!

Islamabad march: PTI, PAT successfully enter Red Zone
By Dawn.com
Updated 7 minutes ago

PTI chief Imran Khan speaks to his party supporters in Islamabad. – Photo by Reuters
The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf's Azadi March is headed into Islamabad's Red Zone in protest. Follow live updates below.

DawnNews footage shows an injured policeman inside the Red Zone, who appears to be bleeding from the nose. His comrade takes a cloth to clean up the wound. It is not clear how this policeman sustained this injury.



Watch a short clip here:


Police personnel deployed inside the Red Zone look on as PAT and PTI workers march towards Parliament House. So far, the entry to the sensitive area has been largely peaceful.




Federal Information Minister Pervaiz Rashid said that both the PTI and PAT want to achieve their objectives,"over dead bodies".

"We are still trying to resolve the situation through dialogue," he said.

"Our policy from the start has been not to use any force," said the information minister.


"What we are seeing today is a repeat telecast of what was tried [by Qadri] in the past," Ancherperson Asma Sherazi claims, hinting at an ulterior motive for the ongoing protests.

More reports are emerging of skirmishes between security forces and protesters.


DawnNews is reporting that police has baton-charged PAT protesters near Nadra Chowk.

Police deputed in Islamabad's Red Zone area were authorised to use force against protesters staging their Azadi March in the federal capital, according to the copy of a document available with Dawn.


Most women in the protest appear to belong to the PAT. Police and journalists have estimated that Dr Qadri has amassed a larger crowd as compared with Imran Khan.


Speaking to DawnNews, Majlis Wahdatul Muslameen (MWM) general secretary — a party that has allied itself with Dr Tahirul Qadri — Ameen Shahidi said that the only solution to the prevailing political crisis was resignation from Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

A screengrab shows a mother carrying her baby into the Red Zone



Television footage of the rallies in Islamabad so far show supporters of both PTI and PAT camps entering the Red Zone with ease. Police forces deployed for security have offered no resistance.


Participants of the PTI and PAT rallies have entered the Red Zone and appear to be walking towards Parliament. Imran Khan earlier appealed to workers to stay peaceful and not enter any buildings. However, he directed his supporters to "take revenge" if something happens to him.


Female party workers shower policemen with rose petals and flash the victory sign, while some male workers hold up sticks and glass bottles to prepare for an impending clash with security forces.


PAT workers are forming horizontal lines as they inch towards the barricaded Red Zone. About a dozen or so workers hold sticks are walking in sync towards the police.


The 'Azadi' and Inquilab march participants have reached the precincts of the Red Zone. Imran Khan is flanked by senior PTI leaders Javed Hashmi, Shah Mehmood Qureshi and Pervez Khattak.


Some perspective from Dawn's editorial

Perhaps what Mr Khan is seeking is to be temporarily detained in front of cameras by the capital’s law-enforcement agencies and for the PTI activists to engage in some televised skirmishes as a way of ending the PTI rally on Mr Khan’s version of a high note.

Deplorable as Mr Khan’s tactics are, there is an immediate challenge for the law-enforcement apparatus of Islamabad to calmly and firmly but without the excessive use of force prevent the marchers from laying siege to state institutions.


DawnNews footage shows policemen laughing as they await the march advance. Drone footage shows hundreds of security forces standing ready.


Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said he will not resign under any circumstance, sources say.

Workers wearing hard hats are taking pliers and clipping the heavy chains that have bound containers. It is clearly visible that Imran Khan is not at the front of the crowd.

Drones continue to cover the march as it advances.

Policemen in riot gear -- helmets, shields, batons, knee pads, bulletproof vests -- are seen patrolling the entrance of the Red Zone. A violent clash seems moments away.

"Oye Nawaz Sharif! I am coming! Resign now or you will pay a heavy price," a jubilant Imran cries out.


The PTI and PAT rallies have merged to advance as one.


"I'm coming! I'm coming to hold you accountable!" Imran says, as his mobile-container progresses forward.

Banega Naya Pakistan by Attaullah Khan Essakhelvi is played at the PTI venue, Imran and supporters sway to the music

On the other side of the containers, a massive contingent of security forces await the marchers.


In his black shalwar kameez and PTI sash, Imran Khan is on stage, pumping his fist and clearly in high spirits.

Imran addresses the crowd again:

"We are coming...take a right!"

"Guys we won't respond in the same language. Our brought up is different and our leaders legacy is of culture & civility. Patience pls" Maryam Nawaz says on Twitter.


"Every martial law has been imposed on a Tuesday – I hope today is not that Tuesday" Anchorperson Meher Bokhari says on DawnNews.

Charged supporters are moving forward - many are brandishing sticks. Some youth wielding sticks are seen surrounding one container. A few attempt to make an effort to push it.


The PTI crane is successfully lifting a container out of the way.



A large number of workers have climbed onto the PTI crane as it moves through the crowd, with one standing atop waving a party flag. The march is now inching forward.

Imran Khan's mobile stage has begun moving as well.


PTI supporters are pushing over containers, with the help of a crane. Visuals show security personnel asking the crowd to stop.



TV channels are reporting that some participants are moving towards the Red Zone (Aabpara) in a bid to push containers out of the way.

Participants wave national and party flags, with some cheering and dancing to express their jubilation that this five-day protest will proceed to Parliament.


It has been nearly one hour since Imran Khan announced he would head towards the Red Zone but there has been no movement yet.


The PTI march into the Red Zone has yet to kick off. Thousands stand ready waiting for a signal from Imran Khan, who remains on-stage.

Separately, large contingents of security personnel are moving into position behind the containers through which the PTI will have to march. The likelihood of a clash is high.

TV channels are reporting that security forces guarding the Red Zone have batons and shields, but no arms.


MQM Chief Altaf Hussain speaks on TV, expresses his dismay at how the political crisis has panned out.

"I appeal to these parties to give this government one chance to negotiate before they enter the Red Zone" Hussain says.

"I appeal to Shahbaz and Nawaz Sharif to have a heart, approach Imran Khan and Qadri."

Read his full speech on the MQM website.


With PTI supporters set to march forward, the 111 Brigade is in position for any security breach.

Dawn has learnt that police deputed in the Red zone area have been authorised to use force, including rubber bullets, tear gas and lathi (baton) charge.

The situation is especially dangerous as women and children are expected to march in the second row.


Imran moves towards the Red Zone with a prayer. Other leaders say a dua with him.

The PTI crane has begun to move forward, assumedly to remove the containers in the way.


Imran continues to stir up the crowd, directing them to move through Aabpara.

"Those youth in the back, come up front - come back! Don't go to the Diplomatic Enclave!" Imran pleads.


The crowd is highly charged, ready to march into the Red Zone.

PML-N leader Khurram Dastgir Khan, speaking on DawnNews, says "Even if there were a hundred times more people, they cannot dictate democracy with sticks."


Chaudhry Nisar, history will decide whether you stood with the downtrodden or the corrupt, Imran Khan says.


Imran Khan tells his supporters they will enter the Red Zone in 10 minutes.

"Don't enter any buildings" the PTI Chairman reiterates.

Hours after the deadline given to the government by the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) expired, PTI Chairman Imran Khan on Tuesday evening urged his followers and supporters to march into the federal capital’s Red Zone.

Speaking to his supporters near the most sensitive area of the country, Imran called on his supporters to follow him up to Parliament and surround the building. He asked his supporters to remain peaceful and not enter the building itself.

Reiterating that he would lead the march forward himself, the PTI Chairman thanked God for "fulfilling his desire of waking up the nation."

“We are not Pashtuns, Sindhis, Balochs or Punjabis, but only Pakistanis today.”

He asked his protesters whether they were ready to march into the Red Zone, receiving an emphatic "Yes!" in response. Imran urged party workers to remain peaceful and avoid confrontation with security forces.

He also warned Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif against using force against the ‘peaceful’ protesters.

“I will never forgive you Nawaz and I will follow you to London if you attempt to escape.”

Taking pot shots at the prime minister, Imran dared Nawaz to "try collecting 500 people without the help of patwaris".

Addressing police and security officials guarding the Red Zone, he urged them not to use force against his supporters.
and IK will bring allahdin lamp and all these problems mentioned above will disappeared over night lol what happened to his promises in KPK? Has it became any better than other provinces under imran leadership? People look for practical work more than making fake and unrealistic promises

At this point, if NS calls snap elections (which is the last resort according to constitution), he will likely win a majority once again.
Just like i stated days ago, both of these lunactics want dead bodies in the street and the only way to do that is by marching into the red zone.

agar khon nahi nikala to kursi kaise milay gi?
Thats why they have used qadri so that they can later put all blame on him and hsi supporters lol

At this point, if NS calls snap elections (which is the last resort according to constitution), he will likely win a majority once again.
True even Imran could not bring as much people as he promised or we expected considering his party was second major party in 2013 election..
Diplomatic enclave + Supreme Court + Presidency + etc etc.............. I think Serena and few other hotels such as Marriott...... essentially one whole road.............

Somebody tell me what the Red Zone is about? Its significance?
But we are not an established democracy. We will never get there unless there is *some* attempt at maturity and *some* effort for maintaining the sanctity of system.

What established democracy? We are hybrid regime or elected dictatorship.

Unfortunately in Pakistan our so called Democratic govts have ridiculed democracy due to their majoritarian way of governance.

Tyranny of majority.
Yes you do. But not Nawaz and Shahbaz who were involved in killings of PAT workers, but never got arrested. You also blame Imran for worsening energy crisis, inflation and all other ills in Pakistan since Nawaz takeover. Baaaah!

There are people there from all over the country. Its true revolution happening.

Better than Gullu Buttcracy.

We will wait & you will wait, time will tell what will outcome from this BS military boot licking revolution brings to our nation. I am assuring you next time in case PMLN government supplanted,next protest will not forgive Chaudry idiots, Qadri & Imran.
And the mobcracy starts.....

Yeah that is mob alright.

Worse comes to worst, if there are elections again, IK will still not get his wish. For that something unconstitutional has to happen. People like me will not tolerate that.

What established democracy? We are hybrid regime or elected dictatorship.

Tyranny of majority.

Listen kid. In case you have not noticed, I am ignoring you. Please do not quote me.
At this point, if NS calls snap elections (which is the last resort according to constitution), he will likely win a majority once again.

I will be surprised if he losses from lahore,rawalpinid and islamabad again and may even gain a good force in KPK.
At this point, if NS calls snap elections (which is the last resort according to constitution), he will likely win a majority once again.
Not anymore, cause this time won't be any setting doing dirty tricks?
& mood in punjab is not with nooracracy any more, so you may thinking one sided, cause you like nooracracy to its core?

I will be surprised if he losses from lahore,rawalpinid and islamabad again and may even gain a good force in KPK.
Ohh really?
Voice of nooristan?:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
We will wait & you will wait, time will tell what will outcome from this BS military boot licking revolution brings to our nation. I am assuring you next time in case PMLN government supplanted,next protest will not forgive Chaudry idiots, Qadri & Imran.

Military incited revolution? LOL. Where is martial law?
Diplomatic enclave + Supreme Court + Presidency + etc etc.............. I think Serena and few other hotels such as Marriott...... essentially one whole road.............

Army didn't learn from his past and they are going to make another adventure for them.
I still dont get who will do those elections. There will be an interim govt and if imran losses the guy will once more scream rigging and take u-turns on the very people he will once agree upon. What then?
Yeah that is mob alright.

Worse comes to worst, if there are elections again, IK will still not get his wish. For that something unconstitutional has to happen. People like me will not tolerate that.

Listen kid. In case you have not noticed, I am ignoring you. Please do not quote me.

Imran Khan and Tahirul Qadri wish a Pakistan where justice, check and balance prevails over corruption, oligarchy, violence. Btw, I am no kid. I am 29.
Not anymore, cause this time won't be any setting doing dirty tricks?
& mood in punjab is not with nooracracy any more, so you may thinking one sided, cause you like nooracracy to its core?

:omghaha:Ohh really?
Voice of nooristan?:omghaha:

Yes pakistan is divided into nooras and pti fanboys. black and white. no other colour right? This is your ability to see things. such a bad approach to divide an entire nation of 20 million people into two groups. Sorry i am neither with nooras nor am i with PTI. I am a neutral who is judging both parties for next elections and seeing how both of them act in such events.

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