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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

You are partially right. There are more terms being used for IK. But the volume of abuse is more for PML-N.

Problem is that when someone from one side is censured, they cry foul and say that the forum mods are biased. The problem is compounded when one sees how the ratings system is used in a biased fashion. Among the title-bearers hardly anyone is PML-N supporter, but there are committed PTI supporters. One sees a reflection of that in -ve ratings being given. Suppose a -ve rating is given for language. The recipient of such rating will account it as being biased. There IS some bias though and that is why we have: Wrong Post Ratings . If people do not take rating system seriously, then one sees a degradation of the forum atmosphere.

It is about taking ownership of the forum and upholding certain standards. Mods can try to enforce discipline, but it is actually up to the forum-members.

Let me tell you one thing sir, one N-League supporter at this forum once posted that: Look at Jazzbot's negative ratings, he hasn't got any till date despite arguing with every N-League guy regularly. It shows how biased this forum is towards PTI.. :lol:

He was damn sure that I use abusive language for every N-league guy and still get away without having any negative rating. I suggested him to use report button when he'll find my violating forum rules, it will help increase my -ve ratings.. :D

Every sane and neutral observer states that people in Qadri's March are almost Double what Ik bringing in towards Islamabad.....whats your take on it.

You are right.
Why is #IK taking the aabpara route and following #TUQ? He should take the Serena route and lead! No? Cowardice Imran Khan asking women & ISF to come forward..

Beat them crap out of these failures..
Why is taking the aabpara route and following? He should take the Serena route and lead! No? Cowardice Imran Khan asking women & ISF to come forward..

Beat them crap out of these failures..

They should work together from day one. Better late than never.
I sincerely hope there is no violence, otherwise only Allah can save us.....
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