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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

"Titanic" just before sinking: 'Women and Children First!'. :)

On a serious note: Forget about any revolution or resignation of NS. Imran Khan has already lost the battle. I hope for his and Pakistan's sake some kind of non-violent, face-saving way is found for him. Heck, even his KPK govt. is in danger. The idiot forgot to put his own house in order if the rumors of up to 15 of his KPK assembly members' revolt is true. Pathetic!
When the threat of violence boiled down to a simmer because PML-N allowed IK to march on and TuQ too after Altaf bhai gave his guarantee...I became skeptical once again. No threat of violence, no military coup - what then would be IK's end-game? Pressure on the government with a million strong, seeking their resignation and mid-terms - would that really work?

It got worse just last night when instead of keeping his composure, IK ruined his political credibility further by ranting against NS and calling for civil disorder. It was easy to see that the man who I'd assumed was being driven by ungodly intuition was actually a man spiteful and driven by blind hate, a man who's honesty and good-intentions had been stubbed by his insular lack of appreciation for diplomacy and patience.

The leader who spurred me to my to cast my first ever vote left me dismayed and aghast and had fallen from grace without so much as having had a moment of glory. Electoral reforms, yes please. Vote for PTI again, no thank you.

I honestly appreciate you writing this. Tells me people do care about Pakistan more than IK (although that hasn't been my experience about him). I have been writing about this guys for SO LONG. He's doing all this out of blind hate. NOTHING he has been up to makes sense. Not sure what took you guys so long.
I called out right here, that both Mullah Greedy and Taliban Khan have a talibanic agenda, which is violence and body bags to cry victim. Take a look at where they are headed to???? They are SO blind in hate supported by some stealthy humans from the establishment that they are about to cause severe unrest, people killed and may be a destroyed Pakistan.
What are you leaving behind as legacy? A moronic agenda that whoever can gather 30K people in Islamabad and can resort to violence by attacking institutions, he can topple the system down and damage 200 MILLION people's future? This is playing with fire that will burn the entire country and will cut the country in pieces. This isn't a Pakistani's agenda. I wonder where he is getting the instructions from.
So I or you or anyone can take 30K people with us and take over an entire country and announce Civil Unrest for whatever reason I or YOU believe in?
Sad part is, people are still not following it. They need to LEAVE him and say that we don't want our country to be broken and our system to be destroyed. Take your issues to the court or to the Parliament.
Now he says ....he'll walk through the Red Zone "PEACEFULLY" when he's announced Civil Unrest and he says I'll take the first bullet. Does anyone believe that it will be PEACEFUL?
This guy has some serious psychological issues. I told you guys (and I wish there was a Psychiatrist here to verify what I am saying), people's behaviors and dealings in their family represent EVERYTHING about them. If you've maintained a marriage and a family (a very difficult thing to do in today's world), you understand the value of a system, peace and stability and negotiations.
Here's an ego-centric guy who's kids no matter what happened, will be big deals in the UK. He's go nothing to lose and his ego is writing checks he can't cash. The only thing he can give Pakistan is violence, destruction and dead bodies.

I know its hurting to see a leader you believed in go nuts. But you all also have a responsibility to your country, its people to each other and everyone. Do the right thing and denounce destruction of Pakistan and killing of innocent. Both of these lunatics referred to you guys as "the leaders" need medical help. There is nothing "leadership material" in these two. Very emotional, angry and just liars.

"Titanic" just before sinking: 'Women and Children First!'. :)

On a serious note: Forget about any revolution or resignation of NS. Imran Khan has already lost the battle. I hope for his and Pakistan's sake some kind of non-violent, face-saving way is found for him. Heck, even his KPK govt. is in danger. The idiot forgot to put his own house in order if the rumors of up to 15 of his KPK assembly members' revolt is true. Pathetic!

Isn't that sad? How an egoistic dumb yet charming individual can make hundreds of thousands people feel that they are idiots? What they thought this guy was, nothing was REALLY like that in him? And the GREAT agenda was just personal selfish ego that was riding people's brains the entire time??
I have been telling you guys for many, many MONTHS now, Taliban Khan and Mullah Greed want violence and body bags. That's it. There is no politics and all. They want to be remembered like heroes but WITHOUT doing anything great for the people of Pakistan. Their legacy after this stunt is what? Criminals who tried to break the country and the constitution??? People need to be smarter than this. He's charming, elfish and egoistic. A man's family situation tells you all about him. There is a reason his wife who had everything in the UK, left it, came to Pakistan for him, had kids with him and eventually ended up divorcing him. This is EXACTLY what she dealt with, this time, only an ENTIRE nation is dealing with it and it could destroy the country and get innocent people killed. DON'T derail the system again please!
@orangzaib ,
Great posts! I too was late in waking up to Imran Khan's destructive ways. The red flag was his blockade of the NATO supplies by defying the Federal govt's writ. At that point I realized this guy is dangerous for Pakistan! And that's precisely because, as you put it: He doesn't have anything to lose!
So, fellow Pakistanis who still support Imran Khan: There is no harm in changing your course. I was once a passionate supporter of MQM in the 80's but I saw their fascist ways early on. I was once a very good supporter of Imran Khan until I saw his dangerous behavior. I changed course. I am not ashamed of that. And neither should YOU be if you change the course now.
tomorrow is the final day ... many thing will come clear before the End of the Day ...
I hope for sake of Demo.....y NS will step down ..
tomorrow is the final day ... many thing will come clear before the End of the Day ...
I hope for sake of Demo.....y NS will step down ..

Maybe Imran Khan should consult a competent psychiatrist instead? As @orangzaib said above, broken families have broken people. Add in some back-to-the-religion like a Billi which goes for Hajj after eating 900 rats. Garnish with some Midlife Crisis. The psychiatrist will figure out! This is essentially a simpleton to figure out.
They will make him a martyr and that is exactly what he wants. That is infact exactly what he needs. What his party needs.

He said that he will lead the march. He will be infront and then behind him will be women and behind will be the young men who we must protect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has lost his freaking mind.

In what world do you put women in from when walking in a restricted zone. you protect them and keep them behind and you put in front those jannoni youngsters who can stand up to the police. So he will use women and their children as his shield!!!

Looks like he wants martial law. :hitwall: he should have said no matter what happens the army should stay away as this is a matter between democratic parties. :facepalm:

Way to go, you must have a degree in twisting statements.

Let's just start taking everything anyone says exactly word by word from now on.
Way to go, you must have a degree in twisting statements.

Let's just start taking everything anyone says exactly word by word from now on.

Ok so we are supposed to find hidden meanings in his speeches now and hey if it still doesnt make sense lets just say he was joking right? He himself is giving ammunition to his opponents and you want to say that he had hidden meanings behind his words. Tell me what is their to twist about when a man says that i will stand in front and behind me will be women and behind me will be the young youth and we will walk in a straight line.
I am not the only one. women like fauzia kasuri are announcing that they will stand in front as he has asked and take the first bullet so perhaps they didnt get the hidden msg too.

when you stand on that stage and give a speech. You dont say words with different meanings. you stick to a script and speech bcz at that moment every word you say will be scrutinized, every word you speak will be taken by your opponents and every word you say will be taken word to word by the people who are standing there. If he has no sense of his position, or where he is or what he is saying then perhaps its best that he truly resigns from the parliament and sits at home and writes books about cricket.
Ok so we are supposed to find hidden meanings in his speeches now and hey if it still doesnt make sense lets just say he was joking right? He himself is giving ammunition to his opponents and you want to say that he had hidden meanings behind his words. .

Correct. At this time, when stakes are so high for not only Imran Khan but also for Pakistan, Imran Khan could use some clarity. Leave the rhetoric for some other time because IF a lot of people die then his words would be held under a microscope. Don't forget Zulfi Bhutto's 'Idhr Hum, udhar Tum' speech! I, for one, think it was not as it is portrayed now but that's what got stuck with him to a point that a lot of Pakistanis think that those words caused the breakup of Pakistan--or at least his true intentions. But I digress.

ps. Imran Khan is splashing around desperately. IF he had some 'establishment' backing then they must be wondering now what to do with the situation. Yesterday, @Proudpakistaniguy posted a video of Zaid Hamid and that video is eerily suggestive that Z. Hamid and many others want Imran to follow a script--but think he is too dumb to follow that script!
Correct. At this time, when stakes are so high for not only Imran Khan but also for Pakistan, Imran Khan could use some clarity. Leave the rhetoric for some other time because IF a lot of people die then his words would be held under a microscope. Don't forget Zulfi Bhutto's 'Idhr Hum, udhar Tum' speech! I, for one, think it was not as it is portrayed now but that's what got stuck with him to a point that a lot of Pakistanis think that those words caused the breakup of Pakistan--or at least his true intentions. But I digress.

ps. Imran Khan is splashing around desperately. IF he had some 'establishment' backing then they must be wondering now what to do with the situation. Yesterday, @Proudpakistaniguy posted a video of Zaid Hamid and that video is eerily suggestive that Z. Hamid and many others want Imran to follow a script--but think he is too dumb to follow that script!

This tomorrow if any negative event happens then it would be blamed in imran khan and if he actually pulls this women first crap and they end up getting hurt ( bcz if they are going towards the red zone then the police will have no option but to retaliate.not to mention with the article 245 in place where the army has soldiers ready to quell any violence in case it happens. If such an eevnt happens then he will be shown as the antagonizer of this event and in case martial law comes he will be seen as an enemy of democracy.
when one goes to make a speech he sees each word to make sure what implications it will have in different scenarios. What effects it can have and should i use this word or should i say it like that. When you are a politician who is challenging a 2/3 majority in front of thousands of people and you still cant speak clearly and seriously then without a doubt you have no knowledge of politics.

I am going to sleep. tomorrow lets see what happens. I am curious as the deadlines of both rallies are ending. :D
Way to go, you must have a degree in twisting statements.

Let's just start taking everything anyone says exactly word by word from now on.
His logic is that if emotional youth will be behind women then crowd will stay peaceful but at the same time he claim that he cannot control his supporters so who will be responsible if he take them into red zone and crowrds get violent in there




PTI set to enter Red Zone today; quits all assemblies, except KP
* Imran to lead march today if demands not met * Invites people from all walks of life to join him in demonstrations outside Parliament House

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan called on his supporters to march on a the heavily fortified Red Zone of the capital on Tuesday (today) after his party announced it would resign from national and provincial assemblies except Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly, to try to force the government to hold new elections.

The moves are part of a high-stakes showdown following four days of protests in the capital led by Imran and cleric Tahirul Qadri. The government has said Imran and Qadri are free to demonstrate peacefully but will not be permitted to enter Islamabad’s Red Zone, which is home to many Western embassies, the Supreme Court and government ministries.

Any attempt by protesters to force their way into the Red Zone could lead to a violent confrontation. The area has been sealed off with shipping containers and barbed wire, and is guarded by thousands of riot police, the army and the paramilitary Rangers. Imran appealed to police not to oppose the march. “I will lead you and you will follow me,” he told thousands of supporters at a rally on Monday in Islamabad. “I am inviting all families ... there will be women and children with us.”

Broadening the action, Imran PTI said on Monday it would resign form the National Assembly, where it is the third largest party with 34 out of 342 seats. PTI will also withdraw from two out of four provincial assemblies, senior party official Shah Mehmood Qureshi said. It has no seats in the third province and Imran’s party rules Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Officials there will not resign, he said. Qureshi said the party was just waiting for three more lawmakers to hand their resignations to him and then he would deliver them to parliament as a group.

Qureshi said he hoped the resignations would force Nawaz Sharif to step down, but so far there have been no indications that the pressure tactics are working. Some commentators think Imran is running out of ideas after his march attracted fewer followers than he hoped and a call for civil disobedience met widespread ridicule. Imran told supporters not to pay tax or electricity bills. But only 0.5 percent of Pakistanis pay income tax and the powerful also refuse to pay for utilities, worsening deeply entrenched economic problems.

Imran Khan said that PTI want real democracy in the country and invited Pakistanis from all walks of life to participate in the “decisive final march to topple the corrupt rulers and overhaul the system”. Imran said that civil disobedience is the best weapon for achieving real independence from autocratic rulers and the system they have devised for themselves. “I promise civil disobedience will bring Sharif brothers to their knees and you all will see it,” he said amid applause from the crowd.

He reiterated that Sharif family has its assets outside the country. “They run the country as a personal fiefdom and family members have been tasked with important assignments. Is this democracy?” the PTI chief questioned. Those who stormed the apex court, Imran said, claim to be the champions of democracy. Addressing the police personnel on duty, Imran told them to avoid becoming Gullu Butt, referring to a hooligan who is said to be a worker of the ruling PML-N and who resorted to vandalism and looting during the clash between Minhajul Quran activists and police in Lahore. “Your duty is to give protection to people, not to serve as personal servants of Sharifs,” he said. He also instructed his supporters to remain peaceful.

PTI Girls Getting Teased During Azadi March

Ladies present in the Azadi March and sit-in of Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf are ill at ease and dreading for their esteem as they are being harassed by no other than PTI male workers present in the gathering. Things are already very difficult for everyone as there are no toilets, no washrooms, no camping and no shelter, and people are laying down under open skies.

One girl told the media that she had to sit close to the stage and she couldn’t get away for more than few minutes. She said that even near stage boys circle her and start singing songs and make strange gestures. She says that she has told that to Saif Ullah Naizi, the chief organizer of the sit-in, and he only shrugged and went away. She said that almost all the ladies were facing same problems and many got pinched too. Some approached Shireen Mazari who promised to talk with the male organizers, but nothing happened.

Girls said that PTI member of assembly Murad Saeed was also involved in harassing the ladies and made inappropriate advances. Especially few of the modern girls from Lahore DHA who were wearing jeans told that as majority of PTI workers were from KPK and they did nothing but gawked unblinkingly at the jeans-clad girls in the Islamabad sit-in. PTI girls also complaining that boys are asking for their mobile numbers and email addresses. They are coming to girls with different excuses like asking for mobile phone charger or some even asking for money.

Ladies have left the sit-in big numbers and have vowed never to attend any such thing in the future. The way their chairman left them at the mercy of weather and PTI male workers is an eye opener for everyone out there. They say that if this is change, they are better off without it. The problem is that nobody is caring, and PTI leadership is in the denial mode.

PTI Girls Getting Teased During Azadi March | The Pakistani Spectator

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