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PTI opposes NOC for Raheel to head Saudi-led military alliance

I don't think some people here don't understand the democratic procedures here or only want half a democracy the way they are commenting and saying it is wrong what pti has said how is it wrong it should be discussed in parliament end of story that's what democracy is.....
not support their opposition on Islamic alliance, shah Mahmood is playing with PTI's popularity as usual..
Raheel Sharif said he'll lead the alliance under three conditions:
1.To include Iran in the military alliance so that the organization doesn’t look sectarian in nature.
2. He'll have the mandate to act as an arbitrator if there is a need to promote harmony among Muslim countries
3. He'll not work under anyone’s command.

if these conditions are met I don't see why it will be a problem. A Pakistani will have full authority and Iran will be on board as well. Why does everything, literally everything, have to become controversial in Pakistan?
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Aziz Arkadashim!! The ultimate objective is to put the fight into the streets of the Haremain!!! Other places are working as training centers!!!!
Whose objective is to put the fight into the streets of the Haremain!!! ??? Where do you see that scenario. I am not sure i am getting you!
If true, any chance PTI is taking revenge for the dharna year where General Raheel compromised with Nawaz Sharif for the sake of stability against anarchism of PTI?
If this is considered to be true news, this will be a bad decision in any case. This can bring the entire ME strife inside pakistan. Major international powers are playing nasty double-triple games, US is sponsoring IS to destabilize small nation states which will eventually also include the nation states of saudi arabia, iran, egypt. Commanding the islamic military alliance at this sensitive stage, we face the danger of pitting ourselves against the NATO sponsored and financed IS which has long-term ambitions and stakes in ME.

This is a disastrous recipe.

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) has opposed the government’s decision to allow former chief of army staff (COAS) retd Gen Raheel Sharif to assume the command of a yet-to-be-formed, Saudi-led 39-nation military alliance of Muslim states.

“We strongly oppose this decision and will soon raise the issue in the parliament,” PTI spokesman Fawwad Chaudhry told Dawn.

He said PTI Chairman Imran Khan had tasked three parliamentarians of the party — Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Shireen Mazari and Shafqat Mehmood — with preparing a strategy under which a privilege motion and a calling attention notice would be moved in the National Assembly so that a threadbare discussion could take place there on the issue.

The PTI’s reaction came after an interview of Defence Minister Khawaja Asif was published in some newspapers on Sunday in which he revealed that the government had issued issue a no objection certificate (NOC) to the former army chief to lead the military alliance.

The PTI spokesman said his party was of the view that all parliamentary parties had decided in the parliament that Pakistan would remain neutral in the Middle East crisis. But the decision to issue the NOC to Gen Sharif is contrary to the parliament’s decision. “Even if the government had decided to issue the NOC to the former army chief, it should have come again to the parliament to give reasons why it wanted to do so,” he said.

The PTI spokesman said the 39-nation military alliance of Muslim states was apparently being formed against Iran and, therefore, the appointment of Pakistan’s former army chief as its commander would send a negative message that the country was also against Iran.

Read: Pakistan will not participate in conflict that divides Muslim Ummah: Khawaja Asif

Mr Chaudhry said the government’s decision could further expand the already existing divide between Sunni and Shia communities in Pakistan. “Our Shia brothers have already been targeted in the country and this decision will intensify sense of insecurity prevailing among them,” he added.

The proposed military coalition has reportedly been envisaged to serve as a platform for security cooperation, including provision of training, equipment and troops.

The PTI spokesman said the Middle East crisis was not confined to the Muslim states but super power Russia and Turkey had also been involved in the bloody war in Syria. “Raheel Sharif’s actions can also affect Pakistan’s relations with Iran, Russia and Turkey,” he expressed the fear.

He said under the country’s laws it was mandatory for all government officials not to take up a new job until two years after their retirement. And therefore Defence Minister Asif had told the Senate on Jan 11 that retd Gen Sharif would be required to seek NOC from the government before accepting the Saudi offer to assume command of the military coalition.

Mr Chaudhry said a statement of Federal Minister for Safron retired Lt Gen Abdul Qadir Baloch against issuance of the NOC to retd Gen Sharif was evident of the fact that the government had not taken even its cabinet members in confidence on the decision. “Neither the parliament nor the cabinet has been taken into confidence,” he said.

Published in Dawn, March 27th, 2017
"A man with lean and hungry look people should fear" - William Shakespeare (Julius Caesar)

How can Pak lose this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity served on a golden platter???? IMO, it's nothing less than a Divine provision of a level only seen in a few decades for each nation!!!! It's not a fighting machine against any Mezhep, but against Haijis and their supporters!!! After so much bloodshed within Pak don't the folks understand how much death and destructions these Hashashi Assaisins, coming out of their dens, can wreck, on behalf of their masters, on the innocent folks???? First rule of engagement dictates that you take the fight to the enemies outside your borders, and Pak has got this perfect opportunity. At the least, it's a huge counter-punch against the Indian "isolation" Mantra, whose primary objective is to make a villain out of Pak in the Muslim world!!! As for the other benefits, counting hasn't started yet!!!!

I agree but the Government needs to come clean on the T&C's and at least assure the public with the message you've put very well.

IK is not unreasonable but the PMLN Government is habitual in messing even good things up. It is basically a nonfunctional setup.

If IK can agree to military courts, he can agree to this as well. Things go wrong without taking people in confidence.

Imran is right but at the same time it is right of RS to join the position in his personal capacity so does he need an NOC from the GoP while he is retired and this is his personal life

Isn't GRS constitutionally bound for 2 years (or a certain duration) to get clearance before taking on any such role? I believe he can't enter politics either for 2 years.
Imi bhai needs to understand politics if he seriously wants to be in power, he needs to learn that there are not many people in pakistan who can understand his "asooli" stances, most are driven by emotion here and pti opposing an islamic alliance headed by a pakistani is giving major ammunation to pmln's propoganda howitzers, he must learn the art to drive masses, he can play bieng an uncompromising idealist all he wants when he's in power, strategy is something that still lacks in pti's stable..
It is better for Pakistan to stay away from middle-east drama.
  1. Inviting other's war mean we will have another border insecure.
  2. More hostilities for Pakistan and terrorism (if they even fought against salafi terrorists like ISIS).
  3. Pakistan will need Russia for military, economic and political reasons.
  4. Not to forget China is close ally to Russia, friend of a friend.
  5. Iran can be misused by India, therefore we need to be close to Iran
  6. As I mentioned, Pakistan just cleaned up mess, look forward and away from mess
  7. This 39 nation is like NATO, but it will have its own issues.
Imi bhai needs to understand politics if he seriously wants to be in power, he needs to learn that there are not many people in pakistan who can understand his "asooli" stances, most are driven by emotion here and pti opposing an islamic alliance headed by a pakistani is giving major ammunation to pmln's propoganda howitzers, he must learn the art to drive masses, he can play bieng an uncompromising idealist all he wants when he's in power, strategy is something that still lacks in pti's stable..

There is a wrong way to do the right thing and then there is a right way to do the right thing.

Which do you think Allah tells you to do: the wrong way or the right way?
I am with PTI on this issue. Middle east is in mess .We should not fight someone else proxy wars and should remain neutral . It seem we did not learned anything from past
There is a wrong way to do the right thing and then there is a right way to do the right thing.

Which do you think Allah tells you to do: the wrong way or the right way?
Allah teaches us to use our minds, there is no right way in politics when u are fixing to win, right or wrong comes when u are actually in custody of the govt, for a good cause u have to deploy multi strategims go defeat enemies, holy prophet(pbuh) was a master tactician and an exemplary politician, we are his(pbuh)'s followers, his legacy..
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