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Will Veena Malik be joining PTI now that she has exposed her assets?

---------- Post added at 09:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 PM ----------

^^ o ji oye meray Shera !! you sounded like a rebel indeed.

to the poster Sur, kindly put Nawaz stuff in some other or new thread.

keep this PTI only.
Ahmad Faraz’s son Shibli Faraz joins PTI



Islamabad: Famous poet Ahmad Faraz’s son Shibli Faraz has joined Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf after meeting with chairman Imran Khan.

He announced his decision during a meeting with Imran Khan on Saturday.

Khan said on the occasion that the PTI was an ideological party. He said that during the last three and a half years, rulers failed to resolve the problems faced by the people of the country.

He said that the government continuously violated the orders of Supreme Court.

Meanwhile, Maj Gen (R) Shahid Shuja Qazi also joined the PTI after meeting with Imran Khan at central secretariat office in Islamabad.

Ahmad Faraz
Cycling for a Cause - “Tabdeeli Ka Safar”


“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. Great things in life can never be achieved without enthusiasm; enthusiasm to bring change, which is frantically needed in Pakistan and is something that the whole nation is waiting for.

It’s important to realize that nothing can reduce our concerns and distress faster than our own actions, nothing can be changed from the past but anyone can begin today for a better future.

Here I share with you a story of a PTI enthusiast Mr. Muhammad Rafiq from Quetta, Balochistan, who took that one important step to make his contribution towards that change. His courage and confidence is an example for all of those who think resources are an issue to bring change. Mr. Muhammad Rafiq declares his cycling initiative as an important tool for public awareness about PTI and its agenda, all over Pakistan.

On 12th November 2011, he started his journey of change from Quetta Press Club, on a bicycle, with a motive to spread the message of PTI to all corners of Pakistan. Many other PTI workers were also present with Mr. Muhammad Rafiq to show their support and solidarity for his courageous journey of change, (Reported by Daily Express Century, Quetta on 14th November 2011).

Mr. Muhammad Rafiq planned his journey from Quetta, Balochistan to Peshawar, KPK and then Punjab, where he wishes to end his journey at Minar-e-Pakistan, Lahore. He reached Central Secretariat Islamabad on 22nd November, 2011 where he was welcomed by other PTI members. Currently, he continues his journey of change to other areas of Pakistan.

We will provide further updates of his journey on this blog and we wish him all the best for his journey of change.
PTI sources say: Justice Wajihudeen would be heading the Parliamentary board that would scrutinize candidates applying for party tickets

oh boy !! you better have a good resume to get PTI ticket !!


---------- Post added at 12:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 PM ----------

my leader :pakistan:
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try answering this...(quoting mariam here)

I consider him a good player, a good social worker, and as i said so is Edhi who spend his whole life for social work.... i critized him on his policies because i with whole heartdly trusted him when he said that he will bring back Altaf hussain handcuffed, he wanted to form a democratic govt but how can we have a democracy with the presence of establishment,he was with Musharaf then left him and then again thinking of forming an alliance with him, he kept himself low profile on OBL issue, on Raymond davis on Mehran base attack, on Karachi rangers issue, on Nato issue,all these are national issues, related to the soverignty of our country why leader like him doesnt come up with something concrete??why not any dharnas on these issues??why only on drones?? why didnt he visit for condolence to the aggrieved families??for visiting them is it necessary to be in power??? is he an awami leader...does a man on street find any proximity with him???unanswered questions.

He called himself awami leader when whole awam was unaware of Haqqani's name in memo how come he knows Haqqani's name before time??who told him?he always critized foreign policy of pakistan n now he has SMQ into his league? and Main Azhar?? he was with Nawaz sharif at one time and now he bash them on every single act...even on dengue ..cmon dengue was a natural calamity n epidemic and making mockery of it, is highly unethical to me... all these things ponders me to think am i relying on wrong person for a "change" is he the same who comes up with huge ideological speeches...or his speeches were mere speeches nothing solid or practical to act upon....as he is going against his own stance even without coming in power...so i tried him before coming in power...and that is why i said i would give a chance to the tried one because i vsisbly see the difference between tried n the untried...
try answering this...(quoting mariam here)

How he knew haqqani name?

bcoz a pakistani journalist openly told him and that journalist admitted.

Foreign policy criticism and SMQ in..??

SMQ also resigned bcoz he differed on an issue of foreign policy

he was with nawaz sharif and now he bash them on every issue?

you are wrong. He is again appreciating nwz on the issue of going sc on memogate.

dangue and dangue brothers...??

bcoz these brothers are fighting with these dangues in election style ... whole city lahore is filled by banners with names of both dangue mucher and shehbaz shareef. perhaps these dangue brothers think that mucher will read those banners and them cast vote to dangue brothers.

He is coming against his stance?

No... his stance is getting maturity ... this is positive evolution.

Musharraf ... ??

yes musharraf did good when he kicked off ganjas ... so that was good act. afterwards ik did left musharraf so whats the issue.?

Raymond devis...??

IK cannot be blamed. only ppl in power at that time can be blamed.

For rest of why y ys?

He is good leader but he is not jin. he is also not in power. he needs our support to actually do all why y ys.
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