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PTI | Imran Khan's Political Desk.

If I dont know his party after meeting twenty party members..
Then his party members need to learn PR.

... and honestly speaking you people should wait for someone from Mars then OR should have the guts to challenge the present political ******** on a larger scale just like IK is doing, then I and many others will definitely support you. Since you can't do much like IK is doing for people of Pakistan and Pakistan itself, you and the likes are only good at typing trash about him and his party.

It's a fashion and a sort of norm nowadays, to defame and criticize PTI for nothing.
I heard the crowd was massive? Leader any info on figures?





need not to mention, how massive it was,

but most point out a mismanaged, IK didnot stop at Kamoki, although a massive crowed welcomed him... later Sialkot leadership reached late, Ijaz Ch and others were discriminated by the gujralwala leadership, Liaqat Bagh was full, people remained outside as well...

there is a dire need of party discipline in PTI.


oh she is Dr. Yasmeen sarmad (if not mistaken), Principle of FJ college, and whole heartedly participated in the Lawyers movement.


.still young !!
Imran Khan was on BBC hard talk today, just saw the last part of the show when Khan was being grilled by the host on the issue of Haqqanis and why pakistan is not taking them out. Have to say i expected better response from IK. Any how is the whole show on the net yet?
Imran Khan was on BBC hard talk today, just saw the last part of the show when Khan was being grilled by the host on the issue of Haqqanis and why pakistan is not taking them out. Have to say i expected better response from IK. Any how is the whole show on the net yet?

I will watch tomm
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Thank you Leader for posting the video.
After watching the whole show again i will take back what i said earlier about IK not living up to my expectation. I think it was a decent interview. What i would have liked to see is a better response on Haqqani question. Some thing along the following lines.

a) If we conduct military operation against them it will have devastating effect on our country in terms of suicide attacks and more anti-american sentiments, it is a trickle down effect which hits our economy and the country's stability etc etc. Since we have to face the fall out of that operation we should also have the choice to do it our way i.e through a dialogue.

b) Most of the network is now based in Afghanistan as per their leader, the NATO themselves admit that over 50% of Afg is outside their control so it obviously gives the Haqqanis more room to operate from with in Afg.

c)On one hand the US is talking to the Taliban to get to a political solution and on the other they are pushing us to fight them !! what hypocrisy !!

d) it is in Pakistan's interest to stay neutral in the war in Afgh because we dont want to be in a mess once the US leaves, like it happened in the 90s.
Raising a million: Imran Khan
By Natalie Graham

Imran Khan, 58, who grew up playing cricket in Lahore, Pakistan, played his first international match in 1971. In 1972, he studied at Oxford university, where he was a contemporary of Benazir Bhutto.
He went on to play cricket for Pakistan until 1992, captaining the team to World Cup victory in that year.

My first million More columns about how the wealthy manage their money
In 1994, he established the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre in Lahore.
Khan founded his own political party, the Tehreek-e-Insaf, (Movement for Justice), in April 1996. Just published is his new memoir, Pakistan: a Personal History.
He has a family home in Lahore but lives in a farmhouse in Islamabad. Khan was formerly married to Jemima Goldsmith, and has two sons, aged 12 and 14.

Did you think you would get to where you are?

I always had these huge dreams, bigger than anyone else’s. When I was nine I watched my first cousin score 100 runs against England in Lahore, and I decided to become a Test cricketer. It was never a question of “if”. I never entertained the thought that I would not succeed.
I was 33 when my mother died. That is when I decided to build a hospital. I never realised how difficult this task would be until I got into it, but cricket had taught me one thing: to never give up.

When you realised that you had raised your first 10 million rupees were you tempted to slow down?

It took me one year to raise 10 million rupees, when I was about 38. How could I slow down? I had to raise 700 million rupees to build the hospital. This I achieved by having charity shows and events all over Pakistan and across the world. The hardest sum to raise was the first 10 million rupees, and the easiest was raising the last 10 million.
As I was at the peak of my cricket career, I had a lot of pulling power in terms of events such as celebrity dinners. I donated as much as I could personally. My biggest prize money from cricket was winning the World Cup in 1992. The total amount was £90,000. I gave all of that to the hospital, and 15-20 per cent of my subsequent earnings.
Seventy-five per cent of the patients are treated for free. We were able to raise money towards these treatments by receiving zakat. This is when ******* donate two-and-a-half per cent of their annual wealth to the poor. It is a religious duty, but only for those who can afford it.

Is it easier to attract funding today?

Now the hospital is so well established it is the most respected blue-chip charity. The credibility and the many achievements of the hospital attract money. A few weeks back in the month of Ramadan, at an Iftar (breaking the fast) dinner in Lahore, people donated 80 million rupees in zakat in one hour.
The annual cost of running the hospital is 3.6 billion rupees, of which half comes from donations and zakat to the hospital. The rest is raised from the hospital selling its services and the 25 per cent of paying patients. We have no government subsidy.

What are your fundraising techniques?

We invented new ways of raising money because the amounts required were so huge. We got children involved by appealing to schools who began to fundraise on my behalf. The children who became my fundraisers were called Imran’s Tigers. By focusing on the children, I had hit on the jackpot because children were my greatest cricket fans. They created a revolution.

What is your biggest financial regret?

When I was 34, a friend of mine told me to put my savings into stocks just a few months before the 1987 crash. I was only left with about 25 per cent of what I had invested. I realised you should only put money where you have control over it. I always felt a lot of it went because I should have “cleansed” it by giving some to the poor. I wasn’t shattered, just annoyed.

How have cricket salaries changed since you were captain?

What I earned in 21 years of cricket, from 1971 to 1992, today an ordinary cricketer in the Indian Premier League (IPL) can earn in one month: $2m or $3m.
The Kerry Packer World Series in 1978 and 1979 changed cricket because, for the first time, players got a decent salary. But, with the IPL, there was no perspective left. Cricketers are becoming only good at the shorter version of the game, and eventually they will lose the skill needed for the ultimate test, which is Test cricket. So money has come but at a cost.

Have you made any pension provision?

No, but I live according to my needs, which is the secret of contentment. Since 1992, I have never had a profession, but I have worked full-time as a volunteer for the hospital, my political party and founding my university. When I have run short of money in the past, I have done cricket analysis as an expert on television in the cricketing world, and have always made enough to live comfortably.

What was your most prudent investment?

It would be buying my two-bedroom penthouse flat in 1983 on Draycott Avenue in South Kensington. I was 30 years old and I lived there when I was playing cricket. It cost £110,000 then. I kept it for 20 years then sold it in 2003 to buy almost 35 acres of land and build a farmhouse in Islamabad. I grow my own food and everything is organic. It is my idea of paradise.

What is your commitment to charity?

It was creating a university in 2007. I am chancellor of Bradford University, which helped me set up the first private-sector university, Namal College in Mianwali, a wild part of Pakistan. Seventy per cent of our population live in rural areas. My ambition is to make Namal Collage the Oxford university of Pakistan. It is a beautiful location, on a lake with mountains behind it.

When the floods came in Pakistan last year, at the end of July, I set up a special charity. I raised 2 billion rupees in one month, which is a record. I was forced to do this. People would not trust the government. They insisted on giving me money to help flood victims.

Do you allow yourself the odd indulgence?

My real passion is trekking, which I do when my children come to Pakistan and we go into the mountains.

Have you taken steps to pass on your wealth?

No, but I am in politics in Pakistan. I guess right now I should be sensible and make a will.
Usama @
Yes, it was not the usual Imran khan, he had a tiring tour, maybe one of the reasons in the end he couldnot produce point as you have mentioned...
Imran Khan visits Dengue affected patients in Services Hospital Lahore


LAHORE: Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan Tuesday urged Pakistan government to use its 'influence on Haqqani Network and peace talks' to help the US pack up in Afghanistan, Geo News reported.

During his visit to the dengue ward in Services Hospital Lahore, Imran Khan also offered to play his role for holding peace talks with Haqqani Network.

"All the political parties must wake up to the reality that the success of All Parties Conference hinges directly on the fact that lasting solution to the war on terror will come about politically and not militarily," he asserted.

He said in order to come out successfully from the mire of existing problems, Pakistan would have to pull out its forces from tribal areas. He declared escalation in North Waziristan as an act of committing a suicide.

"The US itself is trying to seek a political solution to the US pull out from Afghanistan but at the same time exerting pressure on Pakistan to launch an offensive in North Waziristan," Imran Khan observed.

Chairman PTI Imran Khan will attend APC

Islamabad, September 27:
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, has decided to participate in the purposed all parties conference. The chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan, along with Secretary General Dr. Arif Alvi and Vice President for National Security and foreign affairs Dr Shireen Mazari will participate in the APC.

We must rise above political partisan to safeguard country’s security and integrity as Pakistan is facing serious external security threats, said Omer Sarfraz Cheema Centeral Information Secretary while urging the government to show seriousness on the issue. He also called for formulating the foreign policy with national interests as a top priority.

Central Media Cell
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf

---------- Post added at 12:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 AM ----------

Imran Khan only attending APC in national interest; No support for current US policy of government: Shireen Mazari


“Give peace a chance” – Imran Khan

Dr Shireen Mazari, Vice President in-charge of Foreign and Security Policy, PTI, stated that, while accepting the Prime Minister’s invitation to participate in the APC on September 29 Imran Khan, Chairman, Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf has done so in the national interest and in no way this should be taken to imply any support for the present US policy of the government.

In fact, the PTI wishes to make it clear that the Party and its Chairman Imran Khan, for the last seven years, have been calling upon the Pakistan government to withdraw from fighting the US’s so-called ‘war on terror’ that has destroyed the social, political and economic fabric of Pakistan. The fallout of this misplaced alliance has resulted in the Pakistan economy suffering over $70 billion in losses; while almost 40,000 Pakistanis have died, over 3.5 million displaced and 140,000 soldiers have been stuck in the FATA quagmire that has been a direct result of the US “war on terror”. For the sake of dollars, the Pakistani leaders have shown themselves willing to suffer humiliation and abuse at the hands of the US even as they have been unable to deal with its own myriad of social, economic and security problems. Ironically, even the much-touted Coalition Support Fund for providing services in the US cause stands $3 billion short – valuable expenditure that was wasted by Pakistan in doing the US bidding and which the US has yet to refund. Now the cost of subjugating themselves and the country to US diktat has come home to roost and all that PTI had been warning against has come true.

Since the PM has called an APC, the PTI Chairman is clear that peace must be given a chance. There is no military solution to the Afghan mess and for its repercussions in Pakistan – as the US military has discovered over the last 10 years and the Pakistan military for the past 7 years. In fact, the US-NATO occupation of Afghanistan is now part of the problem that has to be resolved. That is why PTI is, through its Chairman, putting forward the following demands:

1. The government must completely reassess its US policy and prevailing cooperation and evolve a comprehensive nationalist policy towards the US which allows it to extricate itself from the clutches of the US war and instead formulate its own national strategy to combat militancy and extremism. All cooperation with the US should henceforth be in written institutionalized agreements, including military and intelligence cooperation and that should be made public.

2. An end to all military operations so that peace can be given a real chance. Pakistan should help the US politically by using any influence it may have with the Haqqani network to bring them to the negotiating table for a peace settlement. If the US wants to talk to the Taliban including the Haqqani network, then why should Pakistan continue to be pushed into going for military action against this network? Instead Pakistan should assist the US towards a meaningful political solution.

3. An end to all US aid. Aid is a curse for Pakistan and prevents internal reform. The US aid, what has actually flowed to Pakistan, has come at a heavy cost to the nation and only served to bolster corruption and vested interests.

4. The government must come clean on its complicity or otherwise on the drone attacks. The government must explain the extent to which permission to operate in Pakistan has been given to US military, intelligence, private security contractors and other non-specific non-diplomats. Also, it must inform as to who has authorized this permission and under what agreements and/or understandings.

5. Finally, to ensure that all decisions taken at the APC are enforced, a committee must be formed to oversee the same.

The PTI is prepared to extend full support to the government within the framework of these demands at a time when national unity and a nationalist approach to confronting threats is essential.

now thats more like it !!
Imran Khan calls Sardar Akhter Meingal and Dr. Malik to discuss Balochistan issues

Chairman Imran Khan called BNP and National party leaders Akhter Meingal and Dr. Malik who abstained from the recently held APC. Chairman expressed solidarity with their valid concerns.
"Khawaja Asif murdabad" in his OWN consituency... :)
Nawaz Sharif "LOaTAaa" in N-League's own rally...
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I was shocked at how he was lying, but then again he was N leaguer, None can challenge the credibility of IK, people trust him so much that they dont even take receipts from him for their donations... anyway, this is yet again the cheapest from these N leaguers...

I think they gonna attack on his charity work in this elections...
Faisalabad Jalsa 7-Oct-11:-
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