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PTI Election Campaign: News & Updates.

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Hi, i just returned for Islamabad jalsa. It was huge huge crowd. Even it took me 2.5 hours to reach at home while normally it takes 45 minutes. Even Rawalpindi roads were filled with PTI cars, it was huge huge show,it is easily million march. I think This is greatest jalsa in the history of Islamabad. Still cars are coming, i was on bike, and it took me 2.5 hours. Crowd was totally charged. Really enjoyed there.
PTI zindabad!!
Having a leader with integrity is only the start.

What attracts business in the billions is much more than a pretty face and wonderful speeches, things like electricity and gas for industry, law and order, trained and educated manpower, stable markets and policies, sensible import and export policies and so on.

When a leader delivers on these things, only then will business follow, Sir. Not before.

Both are equally as important. For example look at Iran, great governance model so internally well run. But the world do not like how they project themselves to others. I know this is a simplistic view but I hope you get the jist.

PPP and PMLN have no delivered on these issues otherwise we would not be having this conversation.

They have brought the country on their knees because they cannot influence Pakistanis nor the international community. They have failed.

Now what sense does it make to bring them back in? If my employee performed poorly and I gave him multiple opportunities to correct his performance and he does not then I will sack him won't I?

The people in Pakistan have zero faith in the government, that's why no one pays taxes because they don't trust them with their hard earned money. Different groups want separation because they have lost confidence in their ability to govern.

It is basic logic to try someone who has not failed before.

For me, the only people who will be voting for PMLN and PPP are the ones who do not care about Pakistan, only for their own well being. They might as well be traitors. These people will be the first to leave the country when it dies and live like dogs somewhere else. People like that are very difficult to convince because it is in their psyche to be like that, you can't change that unfortunately. Perhaps a lack of awareness of macro factors when picking a political party, I do not know.

What I do know is this country is dieing and very rapidly too.
Turnout in the cities may not be enough, given the number of seats and votes out in the rural areas.

Please clarify what do you mean by "win"? PTI has said that it will not form a coalition government, so what are the chances of it winning an outright majority in the center, no matter how high the turnout?

You didn't get...

Moving people in rural areas (here means people living in villages/small cities in the vicinity of a main city, regardless of urban status) is an uphill task. They don't go to polling stations themselves, candidate has to arrange vehicles for them, turnout in villages/small cities remains very low.

Outright majority is impossible for any party, without collation government cannot be formed. IK made a statement lately, he said he would think about coalition after final results.
Who is this moti?? @Marshmallow is that you?? :rofl:
Joke aside...She is Dr.shireen Mazari BTW


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yahi mummy daddy log :lol:

the burgers may be with PTI but the reality is middle class areas like dehli coloney, burns road, etc etc who constitute majority of NA250 and not defense and clifton so burgers will only eat burgers in mcdonalds when its all over :lol:

I agree. They are mummy daddy / burger class.
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