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PTI Comprehensively Humiliated in Karachi

peshawar is more multicultral with several langauages and far more tolerant then punjab
Yeah a scared greedy and gutless niazi arranged a safe exit for a convict daaaku , now blame kp for what ever filth anp been saying against the very state long beifre navaz was even born
Lol haha
Again blah blah..like niazi had lahore high court running as well
The chief justice started to piss when establishment flexed their hands..may be even IK..proves my point doesnt it
What irk people of small provinces is this yard stick being different
Why are PMLN leaders being given NRO and why is convicted criminal moving outside..

Please explain..

Hahaha..this must be joke
Put a accent and wear shalwar kameez see what happens in lahore
When someone points out how the yard stick is different they become ethno fasicts
ANP is ethno fasict but PMLN isnt? Please explain? How is ANP different the PMLN(jag punjab/punjab begharat nahi agar imran khan ko vote deygey) i am waiting for your answer rather then blah blah

ANP doesnt exist anymore but lets have a hx lesson

As i said the gutless imran khan niazi gave a safe exit to a daaku to save his chair and people of kp gonna vote for him for all his screw ups .
Still why dont you admit PMLN is also ethno fascit aprty
As i said the gutless imran khan niazi gave a safe exit to a daaku to save his chair and people of kp gonna vote for him for all his screw ups .
So i ask why dont central punjab people reject ethno fascim as KPK people did(multiple times)
Bottom line
many JUI and PTI arent
peshawar is more multicultral with several langauages and far more tolerant then punjab

Yeah political correctness dictates all is well in Peshawar while ground reality is pretty different . Punjabi trade class flourishes coz they are accommodating welcoming and don't perceive you as an existentialist threat , enough said!

Can a punjabi constitute a political party anywhere in other provinces and rally the whole province ? Its only in punjab that any kutta billa like bhutto and tabdeeli mafia can not only dictate a good chunk of people but can also form a govt of their own
3 polls by different companies were made april 10-20, except gallop which predicted nawaz sharif, the other 2 polls showed imran khan win. Zardari was at a miserly 1% poised to win, TTP not far behind.
I guess ppp were able to revive zulfiqar & TTP revived khadim rizvi.
Yeah political correctness dictates all is well in Peshawar while ground reality is pretty different . Punjabi trade class flourishes coz they are accommodating welcoming and don't perceive you as an existentialist threat , enough said!

Can a punjabi constitute a political party anywhere in other provinces and rally the whole province ? Its only in punjab that any kutta billa like bhutto and tabdeeli mafia can not only dictate a good chunk of people but can also form a govt of their own
Yes PMLN formed govt in KPK
south punjab and central punjab are as similr as KPK & punjab
So you are talking shit again ignoring facts & figures
Punjab only voted for PPPP in 1970s..i would say punjab of 1970s was much more liberal then today
But PMLN lost it when it banned wheat export in 1990s to KPK resulting in PMLN losing all its support imagine having no wheat or food...it was like apocalypse

3 polls by different companies were made april 10-20, except gallop which predicted nawaz sharif, the other 2 polls showed imran khan win. Zardari was at a miserly 1% poised to win, TTP not far behind.
I guess ppp were able to revive zulfiqar & TTP revived khadim rizvi.
Turn out caused this discrimpancy
Punjab only voted for PPPP in 1970s..i would say punjab of 1970s was much more liberal then today

Enough of that liberalism which comes at the cost of a perpetual matam of others against the very same people who got them elected in the first place . I.k has failed so has the pti.
I hope the PTI supporters wake up now. They used to mind any criticism, even by PTI voters like me. Now they should see the writing on the wall and judge what will happen in next election.
This is why i am against those lotas in PTI, it turned PTI into another ppp and pmln. These stupid evil elites took over PTI as well and ideological workers left, the PTI blind followers even abused these ideological supporters and workers and hence made more enemies.
When i watch a tv talk show nowadays, i feel like vomiting. The same pig humayun akhtar who used to be chamcha of musharaf and others now defends PTI, the same ugly azam swati who defended molana diesel now defends imran khan. The same omar ayub donkey who was minister with musharaf and nawaz is also a minister now. The list is long and makes me want to slap imran khan's face, did we do all this just so he can be PM while the same corrupt elites then sit around him??? Where is status quo change???
I am happy that PTI lost and i wish they lose miserably and embarrassingly in the next election.
Humiliation was long over due bcz KHAN basically failed to deliver on all his promises. PTI govt was literally sleeping before PDM became active. KHan for some reason is playing musical chairs with his ministers replacing one useless minister with another. It is shameful that Khan couldn't bring new blood like Murad Saeed and Hammad Azhar. Why these rotten apples are being circulated through ministries? Minister who dont perform should be replaced rather than given other ministries. A lot of wrong is happening here which is making people angry. If this is how Khan wants to run his govt then by 2023 he will have tough time even getting his own seat let alone being a major opposition party.
Enough of that liberalism which comes at the cost of a perpetual matam of others against the very same people who got them elected in the first place . I.k has failed so has the pti.
You mixing PTI in your etho fasicm rent

I ask you if ANP is etho fasict why isnt PMLN
i ask you why is different yard stick used for PMLN and rest of ethnic parties

And what i get is PTI this and PTI that
I hope the PTI supporters wake up now. They used to mind any criticism, even by PTI voters like me. Now they should see the writing on the wall and judge what will happen in next election.
This is why i am against those lotas in PTI, it turned PTI into another ppp and pmln. These stupid evil elites took over PTI as well and ideological workers left, the PTI blind followers even abused these ideological supporters and workers and hence made more enemies.
When i watch a tv talk show nowadays, i feel like vomiting. The same pig humayun akhtar who used to be chamcha of musharaf and others now defends PTI, the same ugly azam swati who defended molana diesel now defends imran khan. The same omar ayub donkey who was minister with musharaf and nawaz is also a minister now. The list is long and makes me want to slap imran khan's face, did we do all this just so he can be PM while the same corrupt elites then sit around him??? Where is status quo change???
I am happy that PTI lost and i wish they lose miserably and embarrassingly in the next election.
I object
Pakistanis like lotas
If PTI won in 2018 it was due to lotas
It lost in karachi because there was haqeeqi leader rather then a lota
Now if law is against tareen people are saying why is innocent man being poltical punished when sam law release him.people will say why is mafia being releases
Yeah a scared greedy and gutless niazi ie kp for what ever filth anp been saying against the very state long beifre navaz was even bo
same daku ppl of punjab have sold their soul and will do anything to bring him back to loot whole country and give them some perks. same goes for sindhi
we see the justice of the court. you yourself will vote for nawaz or zardari and blame others like doing for your past life.
Coz central punjab urban centres are largely inhabited and controlled by butt biradri so whenever navaz gets in the good books of ghq through evangelicals and arabs and win 80 or 90 seats from central rest of the rural population who's wealth is centered around cattkes and farming in the villages have no choice but to cave in like the rest of the country.

However for ladla i.k , the whole election process seemed to be re engineered as butt biradri controlling central punjab urban centres gonna overhwelmingly still vote for their biradri guy . This is the level of Punjabi accommodation of non ethnic punjabis
Central punjab voted for PMLN by enlarge in 2018
PTI only formed govt in punajb through south punjab some rural punjab ans through POST ELECTION ENGNR by tareen..otherwise PMLN was majority party in punjab after election
Turns out PMLN is the most ethnic party in the country AFTERALL
Time to stop blaming ANP for ethnic poltics
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