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PTI Azaadi March 2022: Updates and Discussion

Punjabi as usual betrayed.
When was the last time they betrayed? And no it did not betray this time either.

Countless people came out and it seemed like a battleground between people and the police, so they did whatever they could. Most of the people arrested for yesterday's jalsa are Punjabis.
You know what if in kpk Imran have no government than I see how pathans behave different than Punjab,who faces brutal government actions since one week.

I do agree, PTI is still one man party that's why I am asking for establishing proper structure based on genuine political workers not "electables"
Me and many like me are disappointed with IK. People from far flung mountains came, they faced hardships and police brutality and didn't back off, people were ready to die.
Pashtuns rarely unite, they always fight among themselves, the last time someone united pashtuns, it was ahmad shah abdali and he took half of Hindustan with it. Imran khan had a once in a century chance, all pashtuns were united behind him, he could have taken india with this lashkar but he even failed to conquer Islamabad. Im sorry but imran khan is a Uturner. He should not have called for long march and if he did, then no backing off. The people were even ready to raid GHQ and parliament and even burn everything to the ground if IK ordered. If he was willing to talk and compromise then why the march? He had a chance to weaken and destroy this corrupt establishment forever.
When I read the news in the morning I myself for a moment got disappointed however at the same time I believe If we follow him then we should also give him the courtesy of making a decision as a leader and then waiting for the outcome. We should all understand that what he knows is definitely more than an average joe like us.
IK has never ever said to destroy GHQ or burn SC or anything like that. He has always maintained that we will protest peacefully and despite all brutality of the police force, PTI remained peaceful. Many wanted to see a blood bath between PTI and the army while they add fuel to the fire and enjoy it from afar.
Me and many like me are disappointed with IK. People from far flung mountains came, they faced hardships and police brutality and didn't back off, people were ready to die.
Pashtuns rarely unite, they always fight among themselves, the last time someone united pashtuns, it was ahmad shah abdali and he took half of Hindustan with it. Imran khan had a once in a century chance, all pashtuns were united behind him, he could have taken india with this lashkar but he even failed to conquer Islamabad. Im sorry but imran khan is a Uturner. He should not have called for long march and if he did, then no backing off. The people were even ready to raid GHQ and parliament and even burn everything to the ground if IK ordered. If he was willing to talk and compromise then why the march? He had a chance to weaken and destroy this corrupt establishment forever.
No and big NO, you dont want ppl vs army fight will result just like bangladesh in the end.

You think attackig. by public and then if army start their movement no knows what would be the result.
@RescueRanger and other respected members

Much appreciated your attention to this thread and the information you have provided. Thank you sir.

Something that one can conclude.

The army - the one that i have admired trusted and saluted has been surprisingly silent. They sit at the sideline observing and allow these misdemeanors to occur - resulting in unnecessary deaths hardship and arrests. If their voices or heads surfaced - do you think the Sharifs would have had the balls to do this?

Notice the absence from public show of Zardari?
Notice Diesel subtly dispersed otherwise in Saudi?
Notice gay boy Bilwal embarrassing himself in Switzerland?

One thing IK should be advised - once he comes back into power - these vermin must be once and for all quashed. Dont let them escape to foreign land to gather the troops. Let the Punjab flow with the blood of these treacherous rebels and allow the nation to be freed from the shackles.

IK is very idealist and stubborn at same time. He believed that letting these rotten institutions do their work independently was only thing required to fix system, I hope now he have understood that chemotherapy is must to treat cancer - but if he still stand on his idiotic belief and don't have any plan for clean up then we are screwed.
Me and many like me are disappointed with IK. People from far flung mountains came, they faced hardships and police brutality and didn't back off, people were ready to die.
Pashtuns rarely unite, they always fight among themselves, the last time someone united pashtuns, it was ahmad shah abdali and he took half of Hindustan with it. Imran khan had a once in a century chance, all pashtuns were united behind him, he could have taken india with this lashkar but he even failed to conquer Islamabad. Im sorry but imran khan is a Uturner. He should not have called for long march and if he did, then no backing off. The people were even ready to raid GHQ and parliament and even burn everything to the ground if IK ordered. If he was willing to talk and compromise then why the march? He had a chance to weaken and destroy this corrupt establishment forever.
so Pashtuns will only unite to burn down Parliament buildings, GHQ, and state institutions in turn taking down everything with em leading to perpetual chaos in our entire country of 20-30 different ethnic groups? you are doing a great disservice by painting entire people groups in such light

thanks but no thanks, Ill pass and agree with IK, we are a nuclear-armed country of 220 million people with great potential, the most urbanized country of south asia, biggest % middle class of south asia- that's great power/potential to work with
not a f-ing horde of mongols
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No and big NO, you dont want ppl vs army fight will result just like bangladesh in the end.

You think attackig. by public and then if army start their movement no knows what would be the result.

But see the establishment's neck was broken in Bangladesh and now see how developed Bangladesh is and we still beg IMF and saudis for few billion. This will keep going on, untill we put chowkidar in his place and tell him to do his duty of security only. If awam is ready to die to change the system then why back off?? The whole of Pakistan was united and wanted to abolish the old thugs but IK as usual took a u turn.
I do agree, PTI is still one man party that's why I am asking for establishing proper structure based on genuine political workers not "electables"
You should Know in Punjab especially electable are their before creation of Pakistan,may be in cities political workers in but in rural Punjab most of time electables win. I do agree with ur analysis
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