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PSLV C22 blasts off with IRNSS-1A

GSLV has a very high failure rate..PSLV has been more reliable and successful.

I think PSLV muct have injected the satellite at altitude of 200KM odd,in a highly eliptical orbit..
Then onboard motors will be used for the final Geo stationary orbit..


Initially PSLV too didnot do very well and there were failures. I guess this is how the Bath Tub Curve of reliability dictates things! GSLV is a very complicated technology and going by India's track record there is no reason to believe why it too can't be mastered in future!
Wow that is 4 launches in one year. India usually launches only 2 rockets a year. Are they sure about it ?
This year ISRO gonna launch 5 rockets,and has completed 2 launches succesfully.
Performed launches
February 25, 1231UTC - PSLV C20 FLP - SARAL + Sapphire + NEOSSat + BRITE + UniBRITE + AAUSAT3 + STRaND-1
July 1, 1811UTC - PSLV C22 (XL) FLP - IRNSS-R1A

Tentative launch schedule

July 2013 to March 2014

August 6 - GSLV-D5 (Mk II return to flight) SLP- GSAT-14
October 21 - PSLV C25(XL) - MangalYaan (Mars Orbiter)
December - PSLV C23 - SPOT-7 + NLS-7.1 (CanX-4) + NLS-7.2 (CanX-5) + AISSat
IRNSS-IA launch important milestone in space programme: PM


NEW DELHI: Hailing the successful launch of IRNSS-1A satellite, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday described it as an "important milestone in the development of India's space programme".

He congratulated the scientists responsible for the successful launch of the satellite.

"India's space programme is playing an increasingly important role in socio-economic development of the country," the Prime Minister said in a statement.

Joining a select group of nations, India entered a new era in space applications with its first dedicated navigation satellite being succesfully put into orbit by its polar rocket PSLV that will give the country an alternative to US' GPS.

In a midnight launch, India's workhorse 44-metres tall Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) blasted off in a perfect text book launch at 11.41pm on Monday night carrying the indigenous IRNSS-1A from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota.

The IRNSS-1A satellite is the first in a series which will give India its own space-based navigator system.

Consisting of a space segment and a ground segment, IRNSS has three satellites in geostationary orbit and four satellites in inclined geosynchronous orbit and is to be completed before 2015.

Link - IRNSS-IA launch important milestone in space programme: PM - The Times of India
Very good if 2nd IRNSS satellite is launched by end-2013.

After that we should launch atleast 3 new satellites in 2014, another 2 in early to mid-2015,
that will complete the presently planned constellation that covers India and 1,500km around

P.S. - Is there any info regarding how much area the satellite just launched covers?
Congratulation ISRO ......:cheers:

You have made every Indian proud again .

This year ISRO gonna launch 5 rockets,and has completed 2 launches succesfully.

So this year is going to see the highest number of space flight by ISRO ever .
The Night time is choosen because the scrapes of rockets and satellites does not came in way? told during launching.
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