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PSLV C22 blasts off with IRNSS-1A

then you guys should edit wiki page...
it says N2O4/UDMH as fuel which isnt cryogenic

India has developed two cryogenic engines until now

CE-15 and CE-20



Propellant Combination - LOX / LH2

Regarding GSLV:

Liquid boosters
The GSLV uses four L40 liquid strap-on boosters derived from the L37.5 second stage, which are loaded with 40 tons of hypergolic propellants (UDMH & N2O4). The propellants are stored in tandem in two independent tanks 2.1 m diameter. The engine is pump-fed and generates 680 kN (150,000 lbf) of thrust.with burn time of 149sec.
First stage
S139 stage is 2.8 m in diameter and has a nominal burn time of 109sec.

Second stage
The second stage is powered by the Vikas engine. It has 2.8 m diameter.[2]
Third stage[edit]

CUS third stage of GSLV Mk.II D3
The third stage is propelled by a cryogenic rocket engine, 2.8 m in diameter and uses liquid hydrogen (LH2) and liquid oxygen (LOX) in two separate tanks of aluminium alloy interconnected by an inter-stage.[citation needed]
The indigenous cryogenic engine was built in Tamil Nadu, at the Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre at Mahendragiri near Nagercoil.

So cryogenic engine comes into picture at Third stage, The main obstacle in developing the Cryogenic engine is to simulate the space and low temperatures on earth.
then you guys should edit wiki page...
it says N2O4/UDMH as fuel which isnt cryogenic
3rd stage of both GSLV-mk2 and GSLV-mk3 will be powered by cryogenic engines (CE-7.5 for first and CE-20 for latter).
Corestages will eventually replaced by two SCE-2000KN engines by the end of this decade.
PSLV is an extension of Indian Missile technology being a solid Fuel rocket..

GSLV is liquid fueled ...and India is struggling with it...

Get hold on urself n stop making stupid claims. Do u have any valid source for ur claim(n don't come up with some blog).

PSLV has four stages using solid and liquid propulsion systems alternately.

Plz do some basic research before u start ur dream fantasies again.

Even GSLV uses Solid booster at initial stage so what???
PSLV is an extension of Indian Missile technology being a solid Fuel rocket..

GSLV is liquid fueled ...and India is struggling with it...

PSLV came much before Major Indian missiles. Its much much more powerful than any Indian missile.

GSLV is not liquid fuelled, just like PSLV it has both liquid and solid fuelled stages.
Get hold on urself n stop making stupid claims. Do u have any valid source for ur claim(n don't come up with some blog).

Not even Ajay Shukla? ;)

PSLV has four stages using solid and liquid propulsion systems alternately.
Elaborate more....
Btw,the most powerful stage has to be the first stage and isn't that solid fuelled on PSLV?

Plz do some basic research before u start ur dream fantasies again.

Even GSLV uses Solid booster at initial stage so what???

Only Russians don't use solid booster..everybody else does...
PSLV is an extension of Indian Missile technology being a solid Fuel rocket..

GSLV is liquid fueled ...and India is struggling with it...

PSLV is a four-stage launch vehicle with the first and third stages being solid-propelled, the second and fourth stage using liquid fuels.

GSLV is a three-stage launch vehicle with the first stage being solid-propelled, the second liquid-propelled and the final stage uses cryogenic engine .

then you guys should edit wiki page...
it says N2O4/UDMH as fuel which isnt cryogenic

The N2O4/UDMH fuel is used in the second stage while Cryogenic Engine is used in the third stage of GSLV .

Third orbit-raising completed on navigation satellite: ISRO

The Indian space agency on Thursday afternoon successfully completed its third orbit-raising
manoeuvres of its first navigation satellite - the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System-1A
(IRNSS-1A), said officials.

The orbit-raising activity is done by firing the satellite's on-board motors towards its geo-synchronous
orbit at 36,000km.

The IRNSS-1A was launched on July 1 from Indian Space Research Organisation's (Isro) spaceport
in Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh, around 80km from Chennai.

According to ISRO officials, the satellite's onboard motor was fired for around 35 minutes and the
result was as per the original plan.

Two more such orbit-raising activities will be made on Friday and Saturday from Isro's mission
control facility at Hassan in Karnataka.

Third orbit-raising completed on navigation satellite: Isro - Hindustan Times

This will hopefully put any ill-wisher from Pakistan who may still be hoping that IRNSS-1A falls
off it's orbit, to a good, long sleep
PSLV is an extension of Indian Missile technology being a solid Fuel rocket..

GSLV is liquid fueled ...and India is struggling with it...

Indian solid fueled missile program is derived from the First stage of SLV-3,and Indian solid fuel space program is as old as 1960s,with Rohini sounding rockets.

India is struggling with liquid fuel??:omghaha: just google Vikas L 110
Just asking, I am not a rocket scientist. Other rocket boasters are ignited and jettison together. India also should have attached a video on the rocket to record the separation of each stage. There was nothing much to see in the launch.

Wow that is 4 launches in one year. India usually launches only 2 rockets a year. Are they sure about it ?

that depend upon our needs,and where did you get the 2 launches figure :what:
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