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Protests against army in peshawar

It can't be PA or PA is really really incompetent...
It is either his own job or rival political party without PA's consent. If it was PA, they will finish their job perfectly.

You perhaps don't fully understand the stupidity of the army.... Just think Bangladesh and beyond.

Beyond ISPR BS Dramas and songs these piglets are dumb as a door knob.
It can't be PA or PA is really really incompetent...
It is either his own job or rival political party without PA's consent. If it was PA, they will finish their job perfectly.
They did this messy job on purpose, had they sent an SSG commando with long range anti material sniper rifle to take out Imran Khan from 2000 meters everyone would have known who did it hence why they sent amateur to distract public from real culprits
It can't be PA or PA is really really incompetent...
It is either his own job or rival political party without PA's consent. If it was PA, they will finish their job perfectly.
So did they kill Arshad sharif as that was very clean? Is that what you are saying?

What's so unfortunate is that this will be permanent damage. If not now. This will kill in 5 yrs through mix of different things like physical health deterioration or non healing infection

Doubt a 70 yrs can run again with these kind of wounds.

It has acheived it's goal. Maryum will be glade. She has better chance in 2028 now

Anyway since Junaid saffder will be my next PM I am going to stay quiet 🤐
They did this messy job on purpose, had they sent an SSG commando with long range anti material sniper rifle to take out Imran Khan from 2000 meters everyone would have known who did it hence why they sent amateur to distract public from real culprits
Either way, Army gets the blame, so bullet isnt the way to go.
@HRK , @Maula Jatt , so far the focus has been on assassination, but can we rule out the "just injure him gravely enough to stop the march from reaching the capital till a certain time of the month" theory?

Let me guess, those regional powers that are involved now, were just minding their own business earlier?

Well, if you know Khan, you know you don't send Khan a message. One does not simple intimidate Imran Khan.

I was also slightly inclined towards the possibility of a "injure him enough to stop the march for some time" theory but it wasn't so masterful, no? It's backfired big time. He's back on his feet again and resuming the march today at 11AM.
March stopped for the time being....so one success for handlers and front men.
Container cannot be used, it is crime evidence and khan cannot travel with his leg in the support and in a fourwheel.

So handlers and combined mafia has succeeded till they get corrupt Gen Aamir as coas.
it wasn't so masterful, no?
Masterful in the sense of shooting someone in the leg with a gun just so delicately that he will be marching on the streets in 24 Hours. That puts even William Tell to shame.

There's a video of people crap talking Bajwa in recent protests - but we'll never disrespect the institution

It's way to important for that
I am with you brother, but inki gardan ka sarya bih nikalnay wala he. And no amount of social media trends will make a difference to bajwa. He's all set to fly out to his villa in brown people heaven, and that's the best case scenario.

PA regulars using BTRs, strange.
really? that's all you gathered from the entire situation? what about the videos or people chanting against soldiers and military pickups? let me guess, they are RAW agents? or misinformed youth?

ffs, man. wake up and smell the coffee. they are bringing the country down and the infallible generals are spending every single bit of goodwill the army ever built in the 75 years backing them.
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March stopped for the time being....so one success for handlers and front men.
Container cannot be used, it is crime evidence and khan cannot travel with his leg in the support and in a fourwheel.

So handlers and combined mafia has succeeded till they get corrupt Gen Aamir as coas.
I am inclined to agree with you. but ISF official twitter handle tweeted that march will resume at 11AM Friday. Ofc, it'll likely get delayed. and there's going to be a meeting of PTI leadership to chalk our the response.

I think country wide strike will compound, people's miseries. Just gather lots of people and Isl pe charh jao. Fck the supreme court and the guarantees they are seeking. They don't have time to take notice during the day, let alone at midnight.

Masterful in the sense of shooting someone in the leg with a gun just so delicately that he will be marching on the streets in 24 Hours. That puts even William Tell to shame.

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so what was this message they were delivering then? if they're only going to make him more aggressive?
@HRK , @Maula Jatt , so far the focus has been on assassination, but can we rule out the "just injure him gravely enough to stop the march from reaching the capital till a certain time of the month" theory?
2 or 3 attackers were not necessary to send a violent message to IK and PTI, only a trained sniper from any of the Institution under Ministry of Defence or Ministry of Interior could have injured IK more seriously (or even killed) without even get noticed by anyone.

For example We already have witnessed the video footage of Benazir Murder where exist of bullet from the backside of head of Benazir is visible, that shooter (probably a sniper) who actually fired that bullet which killed the BB was not traced by any agency ever.

So on the basis of the details now coming out it seems on paper there was a perfect plan with multiple options and attack possibilities; all the elements of success like surprise, deception, distraction, influence on Police and local handlers etc. etc. were there, but somehow they failed at the execution stage, because of failed execution IK survived this attempt on his life.

I am disappointed that people of Lahore and Islamabad didn’t follow the people of Peshawar.

Hopefully the courage of this lone women will wake others.

Institution is not the enemy but B@stard Bajwa & few of his uniformed cronies are.

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IK would never do that but he should really GTFO Pakistan, till we the people take care of situation Khomeini style

Not for his safety, that's secondary priority but for safety of our country - if he is dead it'll lead to chaos which is bad for 220 million people not just one man

He can return after a while when the people themselves do course correction, that's when people will need leadership
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