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Protest against Indian atrocities against Kashmiris held in AJK


Apr 1, 2015
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I am glad that AJK ppl are raising voice on that. Allah plz bring this dark night to an end. Its been too long now.

Protest against Indian atrocities against Kashmiris held in AJK - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
MUZAFFARABAD: A demonstration was held here on Sunday in protest against the fresh spate of atrocities by Indian forces in held Kashmir and the arrest of Kashmiri leaders.

The demonstration was organised by Pasban-i-Hurriyat, an organisation of post-1990 Kashmiri migrants, but representatives and leaders of some other groups also took part in it.

Read: Pakistan condemns use of force against Kashmiris by India

The protesters raised slogans against the Indian government and condemned violation of human rights violations by Indian troops.

Holding placards and banners, they marched from the press club to Garhi Pan Chowk where they were addressed by Pasban-i-Hurriyat’s chief organiser Uzair Ahmed Ghazali and other leaders.

Also read: Two Indian policemen arrested in killing of Kashmiri youth

Mr Ghazali said the fresh crackdown by Indian army had aggravated the situation in the Valley.

“We call upon the international community to pay attention to the lingering Kashmir dispute with a view to resolving it and letting the Kashmiris breathe in free air,” he said.
so???? such protest occur on indian side too against pakistan.... does it matter..???? neither protest, nor armed conflict can dislodge india from kashmir,,.....neither international community cares for it..... the faster you understand...better it is...
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